4.7.1 Overview

25.2123GPPMultiplexing and channel coding (FDD)Release 17TS

Data arrives to the coding unit in form of indicators for measurement indication and HARQ acknowledgement.

The following coding/multiplexing steps can be identified:

– channel coding (see subclauses 4.7.2, 4.7.3, 4.7.3A, 4.7.3B, 4.7.3C, 4.7.3D and 4.7.3E);

– mapping to physical channels (see subclause 4.7.4).

The coding/multiplexing for HS-DPCCH is defined separately for the following cases:

– when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas in the serving HS-DSCH cell, and Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 0 or 1 and Secondary_Cell_Active is 0 (see subclause 4.7.2);

– when the UE is configured in MIMO mode in the serving HS-DSCH cell and Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 0 (see subclause 4.7.3);

– when the UE is configured in MIMO mode in at least the serving HS-DSCH cell, and Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 1 and Secondary_Cell_Active is 0 (see subclause 4.7.3B);

– when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode in any cell and Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 1 and Secondary_Cell_Active is 1 (see subclause 4.7.3A);

– when the UE is configured in MIMO mode in at least one cell and Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 1 and Secondary_Cell_Active is 1 (see subclause 4.7.3B);

– when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is equal to 2 or 3 (see applicable subclauses in Table 14C and 14D)

– when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is more than 3 (see applicable subclauses in Table 14C.1 and 14D.1)

– when the UE is configured in Multiflow mode, see subclause 4.7.3D

– when the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas at least in one cell, see subclause 4.7.3E

where Secondary_Cell_Enabled and Secondary_Cell_Active are defined in [4].

Table 14C: Coding for HARQ-ACK when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 or 3

Secondary Cell Enabled is 2 UE is configured with two secondary serving HS-DSCH cells



Serving HS-DSCH cell

1st Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

2nd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

3rd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

0, 1, 2

MIMO mode and MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is not configured in any cell

4.7.3C.1 (Note 1)



MIMO mode is configured in at least one cell

4.7.3B.1 (Note 3)



MIMO mode is configured in at least one cell

4.7.3B.1 (Note 2)



MIMO mode is configured in at least one cell


4.7.3B.1 (Note 4)


Secondary Cell Enabled is 3 UE is configured with three secondary serving HS-DSCH cells



Serving HS-DSCH cell

1st Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

2nd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

3rd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell


4.7.3B.1 (Note 3)


4.7.3B.1 (Note 2)

2, 3

4.7.3B.1 (Note 1)

4.7.3B.1 (Note 1)

Note 1: When a cell is deactivated, DTX message is indicated for that cell.

Note 2: HARQ-ACK information is jointly encoded for the pair of serving HS-DSCH cell and the active secondary serving HS-DSCH cell and repeated to fill the whole HARQ-ACK slot in the HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 3: HARQ-ACK information for the serving HS-DSCH cell is repeated to fill the whole HARQ-ACK slot in the HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 4: HARQ-ACK information for the 2nd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is jointly encoded with a DTX message in place of the 3rd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell as described in subclause 4.7.3B.1.

Table 14C.1: Coding for HARQ-ACK of HS-DPCCH when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is more than 3

Secondary Cell Enabled is more than 3 UE is configured with more than 3 secondary serving HS-DSCH cells

Number of active cells mapped to the HS-DPCCH

Serving HS-DSCH cell

1st Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

2nd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

3rd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell


4.7.3B.1 (Note 1)


4.7.3B.1 (Note 2)


4.7.3B.1 (Note 3)

4.7.3B.1 (Note 3)




Note 1: The HARQ-ACK information is repeated to the fill the whole HARQ-ACK slot of HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 2: HARQ-ACK information is jointly encoded for the pair of serving HS-DSCH cell and the active secondary serving HS-DSCH cell and repeated to fill the whole HARQ-ACK slot in the HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 3: If one of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd secondary serving HS-DSCH cells is deactivated a DTX message is indicated for the deactivated cell.

Table 14C.2: Coding for HARQ-ACK transmitted on HS-DPCCH2 when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is more than 3

Secondary Cell Enabled is more than 3 UE is configured with more than 3 secondary serving HS-DSCH cells

Number of active cells mapped to the HS-DPCCH2

4th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell

5th Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

6th Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

7th Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell


4.7.3B.1 (Note 1)


4.7.3B.1 (Note 2)


4.7.3B.1 (Note 3)

4.7.3B.1 (Note 3)




Note 1: The HARQ-ACK information is repeated to the fill the whole HARQ-ACK slot of HS-DPCCH2 sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 2: The HARQ-ACK information for the two activated secondary serving HS-DSCH cells are jointly encoded and repeated to fill the whole HARQ-ACK slot in the HS-DPCCH2 sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 3: If one of the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th secondary serving HS-DSCH cells is deactivated a DTX message is indicated for the deactivated cell.

The order of the cells in HARQ-ACK joint encoding is specified in detail in subclause

Table 14D: Coding for PCI/CQI when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 or 3

Secondary Cell Enabled is 2 UE is configured with two secondary serving HS-DSCH cells


Serving HS-DSCH cell

1st Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

2nd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

3rd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

0, 1

The CQI information for a cell not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is encoded according to subclause 1)The composite PCI/CQI information for a cell configured with MIMO mode is encoded according to subclause (Note 3)


2 MIMO is not configured in any cell

The CQI information for the serving HS-DSCH cell is encoded using subclause

The CQI information for the 1st secondary serving HS-DSCH cell and the 2nd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is encoded according to subclause 4.7.3A.2


2 (Otherwise) Note 4

The CQI information for a cell not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is encoded according to subclause The composite PCI/CQI information for a cell configured with MIMO mode is encoded according to subclause


Secondary Cell Enabled is 3 UE is configured with three secondary serving HS-DSCH cells


Serving HS-DSCH cell

1st Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

2nd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

3rd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

0, 1 Note 3

The CQI information for a cell not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is encoded according to subclause The composite PCI/CQI information for a cell configured with MIMO mode is encoded according to subclause

2, 3 Note 2

Note 1: If the UE is configured with MIMO mode in at least one cell, the CQI field for each active cell is repeated to fill the two slot CQI field in the HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 2: In the deactivated cell, the PCI/CQI field is DTXed.

Note 3: The CQI or PCI/CQI for each active cell is repeated to fill the two slot CQI or PCI/CQI field in the HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 4: The PCI/CQI field for the 3rd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is DTXed.

Table 14D.1: Coding for PCI/CQI transmitted on HS-DPCCH when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is more than 3

Secondary Cell Enabled more than 3 UE is configured with more than 3 secondary serving HS-DSCH cells

Number of active cells mapped to the HS-DPCCH

Serving HS-DSCH cell

1st Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

2nd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

3rd Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

1, 2

Note 1

The CQI information for a cell not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is encoded according to subclause The composite PCI/CQI information for a cell configured with MIMO mode is encoded according to subclause

3, 4

Note 2

Note 1: The CQI or PCI/CQI for each active cell is repeated to fill the two slot CQI or PCI/CQI field in the corresponding HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 2: In the deactivated cell, the PCI/CQI field is DTXed.

Table 14D.2: Coding for PCI/CQI transmitted on HS-DPCCH2 when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is more than 3

Secondary Cell Enabled more than 3 UE is configured with more than 3 secondary serving HS-DSCH cells

Number of active cells mapped to the HS-DPCCH2

4th Secondary serving HS-DSCH cell

5th Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

6th Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

7th Secondary Serving HS-DSCH cell

1, 2

Note 1

The CQI information for a cell not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is encoded according to subclause The composite PCI/CQI information for a cell configured with MIMO mode is encoded according to subclause

3, 4

Note 2

Note 1: The CQI or PCI/CQI for each active cell is repeated to fill the two slot CQI or PCI/CQI field in the corresponding HS-DPCCH sub-frame as described in subclause

Note 2: In the deactivated cell, the PCI/CQI field is DTXed.

For each HS-DPCCH the general coding flow when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is shown in the figure 20. This is done in parallel for the HARQ-ACK and CQI as the flows are not directly multiplexed but are transmitted at different times.

Figure 20: Coding for each HS-DPCCH when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas

In case the UE is configured in MIMO mode, the measurement indication consists of precoding control indication (PCI) and channel quality indication (CQI). For each HS-DPCCH the general coding flow when the UE is configured in MIMO mode is shown in the figure 20A. This is done in parallel for the flow of HARQ-ACK and for the flow of composite PCI/CQI reports as the two flows are not directly multiplexed but are transmitted at different times

Figure 20A: Coding for each HS-DPCCH when the UE is configured in MIMO mode

In case the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas, the measurement indication consists of number of transport blocks preferred (NTBP), precoding control indication (PCI) and channel quality indication (CQI). For each HS-DPCCH the general coding flow when the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is shown in the figure 20A.1. This is done in parallel for the flow of HARQ-ACK and for the flow of composite NTBP/PCI/CQI reports as the two flows are not directly multiplexed but are transmitted at different times

Figure 20A.1: Coding for each HS-DPCCH when the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas