4.2.13 Restrictions on different types of CCTrCHs

25.2123GPPMultiplexing and channel coding (FDD)Release 17TS

Restrictions on the different types of CCTrCHs are described in general terms in TS 25.302[11]. In this subclause those restrictions are given with layer 1 notation. Uplink Dedicated channel (DCH)

The maximum value of the number of TrCHs I in a CCTrCH, the maximum value of the number of transport blocks Mi on each transport channel, and the maximum value of the number of DPDCHs P are given from the UE capability class. Random Access Channel (RACH)

– There can only be one TrCH in each RACH CCTrCH, i.e. I=1, sk = f1k and S = V1.

– The maximum value of the number of transport blocks M1 on the transport channel is given from the UE capability class.

– The transmission time interval is either 10 ms or 20 ms.

– Only one PRACH is used, i.e. P=1, u1k = sk, and U = S.

– The Static rate matching parameter RM1 is not provided by higher layer signalling on the System information as the other transport channel parameters. Any value may be used as there is one transport channel in the CCTrCH, hence one transport channel per Transport Format Combination and no need to do any balancing between multiple transport channels. Void Downlink Dedicated Channel (DCH)

The maximum value of the number of TrCHs I in a CCTrCH, the maximum value of the number of transport blocks Mi on each transport channel, and the maximum value of the number of DPDCHs P are given from the UE capability class. Void Broadcast channel (BCH)

– There can only be one TrCH in a BCH CCTrCH, i.e. I=1, sk = f1k, and S = V1.

– There can only be one transport block in each transmission time interval, i.e. M1 = 1.

– All transport format attributes have predefined values which are provided in [11] apart from the rate matching RM1.

– The Static rate matching parameter RM1 is not provided by higher layer signalling neither fixed. Any value may be used as there is one transport channel in the CCTrCH, hence one transport channel per Transport Format Combination and no need to do any balancing between multiple transport channels.

– Only one primary or secondary CCPCH is used per CCTrCH, i.e. P=1. Forward access and paging channels (FACH and PCH)

– The maximum value of the number of TrCHs I in a CCTrCH and the maximum value of the number of transport blocks Mi on each transport channel are given from the UE capability class.

– The transmission time interval for TrCHs of PCH type is always 10 ms.

– Only one secondary CCPCH is used per CCTrCH, i.e. P=1. High Speed Downlink Shared Channel (HS-DSCH) associated with a DCH

– There can be only one TrCH in an HS-DSCH CCTrCH, i.e. I = 1,

– In case the UE is not configured in MIMO mode and not in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas or the UE is configured in MIMO mode and single-stream restriction is configured, there can only be one transport block in each transmission time interval, i.e. M1 = 1. In case the UE is configured in MIMO mode, there can be one or two transport blocks in each transmission time interval and in case the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas, there can be up to four transport blocks in each transmission time interval.

– The transmission time interval for TrCHs of HS-DSCH type is always 2 ms.

– The maximum value of the number of HS-PDSCHs P are given from the UE capability class. Enhanced Dedicated Channel (E-DCH)

– There can be only one TrCH in the E-DCH CCTrCH, i.e. I = 1.

– If the UL_MIMO_Enabled is not set to TRUE, there can only be one transport block in each transmission time interval, i.e. M1 = 1. If the UL_MIMO_Enabled is set to TRUE, there can be one or two transport blocks in each transmission time interval..

– The transmission time interval for TrCHs of E-DCH type is 2 ms or 10 ms. If the UL_MIMO_Enabled is set to TRUE, the transmission time interval for TrCHs of E-DCH type is always set to 2 ms.

– The maximum value of the number of E-DPDCHs P are given from the UE capabilities.