H.3 Transmitted code power

25.1413GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD)Release 17TS

1. Generate the wanted signal in accordance to test model 2, clause Set power of the DPCH under test to the Pmax,c-3 dB level. Power levels for other code channels shall be adjusted as necessary.

2. Measure the output power on code channel under test, Pout,code, at the antenna connector. Record the transmitted code power reported in the BS, Pcode.

3. Check that Pout,code meets the absolute accuracy requirement in TS 25.133 chapter If STTD or closed loop transmit diversity is supported by the BS, the transmitted code power for each branch are measured, summed together and reported to higher layers. In case of TX diversity or MIMO transmission both branches need to be measured and summed together in order to find out the wanted value. The absolute accuracy of Pcode can be accepted if Pout,code will fullfill the following conditions:

Pcode-3.9 dB ≤ Pout,code ≤ Pcode + 3.9 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz;

Pcode-4.2 dB ≤ Pout,code ≤ Pcode + 4.2 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

4. Check that the relative accuracy requirement for Pcode in TS 25.133 chapter is met. Set Pcode1 and Pcode2 to transmit with the same power level. The relative accuracy between Pcode1 and Pcode2 can be accepted if the difference between the measured power of one code channel, Pout,code1 and another code channel Pout,code 2 will fullfill the following conditions:

⏐ Pout,code1 – Pout,code2 ⏐ ≤ 2.2 dB.

5. Set the power of the DPCH under test to the minimum power of the power control dynamic range and repeat steps 2, 3 and 4.