E.3 Notes

25.1413GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD)Release 17TS

E.3.1 Symbol length

A general code multiplexed signal is multicode and multirate. In order to avoid unnecessary complexity, the measurement applications use a unique symbol-length, corresponding to a spreading factor, regardless of the really intended spreading factor. Nevertheless the complexity with a multicode / multirate signal can be mastered by introducing appropriate definitions.

E.3.2 Deviation

It is conceivable to regard more parameters as type "deviation" e.g. Chip frequency and RF-phase.

As chip-frequency and RF-frequency are linked together by a statement in the core specifications [1] it is sufficient to process RF frequency only.

A parameter RF-phase must be varied within the best fit process (E.2.5.). Although necessary, this parameter-variation doesn’t describe any error, as the modulation schemes used in the system don’t depend on an absolute RF-phase.

The parameter Timing must be varied within the best fit process (E.2.5.) This parameter variation does not describe any error, when applied to the Node B test. However when applied to the UE test, it describes the error of the UE’s Timing Advance.

E.3.3 Residual

It is conceivable to regard more parameters as type „residual" e.g. IQ origin offset. As it is not the intention of the test to separate for different error sources, but to quantify the quality of the signal, all such parameters are not extracted by the best fit process, instead remain part of EVM and PCDE.

E.3.4 Scrambling Code

In general a signal under test can use more than one scrambling code. Note that PCDE is primarily processed to investigate the unused channelization codes. In order to know which scrambling code shall be applied on unused channelization codes, it is necessary to restrict the test conditions: The signal under test shall use exactly one scrambling code.

E.3.5 IQ

As in FDD/uplink each channelization code can be used twice, on the I and on the Q channel, the measurement result may indicate separate values of CDP or PCDE for I and Q on which channel (I or Q) they occur.

E.3.6 Synch Channel

A Node B signal contains a physical synch channel, which is non orthogonal, related to the other channels. In this context note: The code channel bearing the result of PCDE is exactly one of the other physical channels (never the synch channel). The origin of PCDE (erroneous code power) can be any channel (including synch channel) This means that the error due to the synch channel is projected onto the other (orthogonal) codes that make up the code domain.

E.3.7 Formula for the minimum process


L : the function to be minimised

The parameters to be varied in order to minimize are:

the RF frequency offset

the timing offset

the phase offset

code power offsets (one offset for each code)

the code power offset of the primary SCH

the code power offset of the secondary SCH

Z(ν) Samples of the signal under Test

R(ν) Samples of the reference signal

counting index starting at the beginning of the best fit interval and ending at its end.

N No of chips during the best fit interval.

Z(ν): Samples of the signal under Test. It is modelled as a sequence of complex baseband samples Z(γ) with a time-shift Δt, a frequency offset Δf, a phase offset Δϕ, the latter three with respect to the reference signal.

R(ν) Samples of the reference signal:


g nominal gain of the code channel

The gain offset to be varied in the minimum process

Chip(ν) is the chipsequence of the code channel

Indices at g, Δg and Chip: The index indicates the code channel: c = 1,2,… No of code channels

prim= primary SCH

sec= secondary SCH

Range for Chipc : +1,-1

E.3.8 Power Step

If the measurement period for any code contains a power step due to power control, it is necessary to model the reference signal for that code using two gain factors.

E.3.9 Formula for EVM

Z’(γ), R’(γ) are the varied measured and reference signals.

Annex F (informative):
Derivation of Test Requirements

The Test Requirements in this specification have been calculated by relaxing the Minimum Requirements of the core specification using the Test Tolerances defined in clause 4.2. When the Test Tolerance is zero, the Test Requirement will be the same as the Minimum Requirement. When the Test Tolerance is non-zero, the Test Requirements will differ from the Minimum Requirements, and the formula used for this relaxation is given in tables F.1, F.2 and F.3

Note that a formula for applying Test Tolerances is provided for all tests, even those with a test tolerance of zero. This is necessary in the case that the Test System uncertainty is greater than that allowed in clause 4.1. In this event, the excess error shall be subtracted from the defined test tolerance in order to generate the correct tightened Test Requirements as defined in clause 4.3.

For example, a Test System having 0.9 dB accuracy for test 6.2.1 Base Station maximum output power (which is 0.2 dB above the limit specified in clause 4.) would subtract 0.2 dB from the Test Tolerance of 0.7 dB defined in clause 4.2. This new test tolerance of 0.5 dB would then be applied to the Minimum Requirement using the formula defined in Table F.1 to give a new range of ±2.5 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power.

Using this same approach for the case where a test had a test tolerance of 0 dB, an excess error of 0.2 dB would result in a modified test tolerance of -0.2 dB.

Table F.1: Derivation of Test Requirements (Transmitter tests)


Minimum Requirement in TS 25.104

Test Tolerance

Test Requirement in TS 25.141

6.2.1 Base station maximum output power

In normal conditions …
within +2 dB and -2 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power

In extreme conditions…
within +2.5 dB and -2.5 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power

Normal and extreme conditions :

0.7 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz

1.0 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

Formula: Upper limit + TT
Lower limit – TT

In normal conditions …
within +2.7 dB and -2.7 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power, f ≤ 3.0 GHz;

within +3.0 dB and -3.0 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

In extreme conditions…
within +3.2 dB and -3.2 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power, f ≤ 3.0 GHz;

within +3.5 dB and -3.5 dB of the manufacturer’s rated output power, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

6.2.2 Primary CPICH Power accuracy

P-CPICH power shall be within ±2.1 dB

0.8 dB, f ≤ 3,0 GHz

1,1 dB, 3,0 GHz < f ≤ 4,2 GHz

Formula: Upper limit + TT
Lower limit – TT

CPICH power shall be within ±2.9 dB, f ≤ 3,0 GHz; ±3.2 dB, 3,0 GHz < f ≤ 4,2 GHz

6.2.3 Secondary CPICH power offset accuracy

S-CPICH power offset shall be within ±2 dB of the value….

0.7 dB, f ≤ 3,0 GHz

1,0 dB, 3,0 GHz < f ≤ 4,2 GHz

Formula: Upper limit + TT
Lower limit – TT

S-CPICH power offset shall be within ±2.7 dB of the value … f ≤ 3,0 GHz; ±3.0 dB of the value…, 3,0 GHz < f ≤ 4,2 GHz

6.3 Frequency error

Frequency error limit = 0.05 ppm

12 Hz

Formula: Frequency Error limit + TT

Frequency Error limit = 0.05 ppm + 12 Hz

6.4.2 Power control steps

Lower and upper limits as specified in tables 6.1 and 6.2 of TS 25.104 [1]

0.1 dB

Formula: Upper limits + TT
Lower limits – TT

0.1 dB applied as above to tables 6.1 and 6.2 of TS 25.104 [1]

6.4.3 Power control dynamic range

maximum power limit = BS maximum output power -3 dB

minimum power limit = BS maximum output power -28 dB

1.1 dB

Formula: maximum power limit – TT
minimum power limit + TT

maximum power limit = BS maximum output power -4.1 dB

minimum power limit = BS maximum output power -26.9 dB

6.4.4 Total power dynamic range

total power dynamic range limit = 18 dB

0.3 dB

Formula: total power dynamic range limit – TT

total power dynamic range limit = 17.7 dB

6.4.5. IPDL time mask

maximum power limit = BS maximum output power -35 dB

0.7 dB

Formula: maximum power limit + TT

maximum power limit = BS maximum output power – 34.3 dB

6.5.1 Occupied Bandwidth

occupied bandwidth limit = 5 MHz

0 kHz

Formula: Occupied bandwidth limit + TT

Occupied bandwidth limit = 5 MHz Spectrum emission mask

Maximum level defined in tables 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 of TS 25.104 [1]

1.5 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz (0 dB for the additional Band II, IV, V, X, XII, XIII and XIV requirements)

1.8 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

Formula: Maximum level + TT

Add 1.5 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz or 1.8 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz to Maximum level entries in tables 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6 of TS 25.104 [1]. Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR)

ACLR limit = 45 dB at 5 MHz

ACLR limit = 50 dB at 10 MHz

Absolute ACLR limit for Home BS

CACLR limit = 45 dB

0.8 dB

1.5 dB, f ≤ 3.0GHz

1.8 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

0.8 dB

Formula: ACLR/CACLR limit – TT

ACLR limit = 44.2 dB at 5 MHz

ACLR limit = 49.2 dB at 10 MHz

Absolute ACLR limit for Home BS = -42.7 dBm/3.84 MHz, f ≤ 3.0 GHz;

-42.4 dBm/3.84MHz, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

CACLR limit = 44.2 dB

6.5.3 Spurious emissions

Maximum level defined in tables 6.8 to 6.18 of TS 25.104 [1]

0 dB

Formula: Maximum limit + TT

Add 0 to Maximum level in tables 6.8 to 6.18 of TS 25.104 [1].

6.6 Transmit intermodulation (interferer requirements)

This tolerance applies to the stimulus and not the measurements defined in, and 6.5.3.

Wanted signal level – interferer level = 30 dB

0 dB

Formula: Ratio + TT

Wanted signal level – interferer level = 30 + 0 dB

6.7.1 EVM

EVM limit =17.5 % for a composite signal modulated only by QPSK

EVM limit = 12.5 % for a composite signal modulated by QPSK and 16QAM

0 %

Formula: EVM limit + TT

EVM limit = 17.5% for a composite signal modulated only by QPSK

EVM limit = 12.5 % for a composite signal modulated by QPSK and 16QAM

6.7.2 Peak code Domain error

Peak code domain error limit = ‑33 dB

1.0 dB

Formula: Peak code domain error limit + TT

Peak code domain error limit = ‑32 dB

6.7.3 Time alignment error in TX diversity, MIMO, DC‑HSDPA and DB‑DC‑HSDPA transmission

For TX diversity, MIMO and DC-HSDPA:

Max time alignment error = 0.25 Tc

Min time alignment error = ‑0.25 Tc

0.1 Tc


Max time alignment error + TT

Min time alignment error – TT

For TX diversity, MIMO and DC‑HSDPA:

Max time alignment error = 0.35 Tc

Min time alignment error = -0.35 Tc


Max time alignment error = 5.1 Tc

Min time alignment error = -5.1 Tc


Max time alignment error = 5 Tc

Min time alignment error = ‑5 Tc

6.7.4 Relative Code Domain Error

Relative code domain error limit = ‑21 dB

1.0 dB

Formula: Relative code domain error limit + TT

Relative code domain error limit = ‑20 dB

Annex H.3 Transmitted code power (absolute)

Absolute accuracy limit = Pout,code – 3 dB

Pout,code + 3 dB

0.9 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz

1,2 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

Formula: Absolute accuracy limit -TT

Absolute accuracy limit +TT

Absolute accuracy limit:

minimum power limit = -3.9 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz;

-4.2 dB, , 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

maximum power limit = +3.9 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz;

+4.2 dB, , 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

Annex H.3 Transmitted code power (relative)

Relative accuracy limit =

⏐ Pout,code1 – Pout,code2 ⏐≤ 2 dB

0.2 dB

Formula: Relative accuracy limit + TT

Relative accuracy limit = 2.2 dB

Annex H.4 Transmitted carrier power

total power dynamic range limit = 18 dB

0.3 dB

Formula: total power dynamic range limit – TT

total power dynamic range limit = 17.7 dB

Table F.2: Derivation of Test Requirements (Receiver tests)


Minimum Requirement in TS 25.104

Test Tolerance

Test Requirement in TS 25.141

7.2 Reference sensitivity

Reference sensitivity level = -121 dBm

FER/BER limit = 0.001

0.7 dB, f ≤ 3.0 GHz

1.0 dB, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

Formula: Reference sensitivity level + TT

Reference sensitivity level = -120.3 dBm, f ≤ 3.0 GHz; -120.0 dBm, 3.0 GHz < f ≤ 4.2 GHz

FER/BER limit is not changed

7.3 Dynamic range

Wanted signal level = -91 dBm

AWGN level = -73 dBm/3.84 MHz

1.2 dB

Formula: Wanted signal level + TT

AWGN level unchanged

Wanted signal level = -89.8 dBm

7.4 Adjacent channel selectivity

Wanted signal level = -115 dBm

W-CDMA interferer level = -52 dBm

0 dB

Formula: Wanted signal level + TT

W-CDMA interferer level unchanged

Wanted signal level = -115 dBm

7.5 Blocking characteristics

Wanted signal level = -115 dBm

Interferer level See table 7.4a / 7.4b

0 dB

Formula: Wanted signal level + TT

Interferer level unchanged

Wanted signal level = -115 dBm

7.6 Intermod Characteristics

Wanted signal level = -115 dBm

Interferer1 level (10 MHz offset CW) = -48 dBm

Interferer2 level (20 MHz offset W-CDMA Modulated) = -48 dBm

0 dB

Formula: Wanted signal level + TT

Interferer1 level unchanged

Interferer2 level unchanged

Wanted signal level = -115 dBm

7.7 Spurious Emissions

Maximum level defined in Table 7.7

0 dB

Formula: Maximum level + TT

Add TT to Maximum level in table 7.7

Table F.3: Derivation of Test Requirements (Performance tests)


Minimum Requirement in TS 25.104

Test Tolerance

Test Requirement in TS 25.141

8.2, Demodulation in static propagation condtion

Received Eb/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.3, Demodulation of DCH in multiplath fading conditons

Received Eb/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.4 Demodulation of DCH in moving propagation conditions

Received Eb/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.5 Demodulation of DCH in birth/death propagation conditions

Received Eb/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.5A Demodulation of DCH in high speed train conditions

Received Eb/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.8.1 RACH preamble detection in static propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.8.2 RACH preamble detection in multipath fading case 3

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.8.2A RACH preamble detection in high speed train conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.8.3 Demodulation of RACH message in static propagation conditions

Received Eb/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.8.4 Demodulation of RACH message in multipath fading case 3

Received Eb/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.8.5 Demodulation of RACH message in high speed train conditions

Received Eb/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11.1 ACK false alarm in static propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11.2 ACK false alarm in multipath fading conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11.3 ACK mis-detection in static propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11.4 ACK mis-detection in multipath fading conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11A.1 4C-HSDPA ACK false alarm in static propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11A.2 4C-HSDPA ACK false alarm in multipath fading conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11A.3 4C-HSDPA ACK mis-detection in static propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.4 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.11A.4 4C-HSDPA ACK mis-detection in multipath fading conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.12 Demodulation of E-DPDCH in multipath fading conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.12A Demodulation of E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH in multipath fading conditions for UL MIMO

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

8.13 Performance of signalling detection for E-DPCCH in multipath fading conditions

Received Ec/N0 values

0.6 dB

Minimum requirement + TT

Annex G (informative):
Acceptable uncertainty of Test Equipment

This informative annex specifies the critical parameters of the components of an overall Test System (e.g. Signal generators, Signal Analysers etc.) which are necessary when assembling a Test System which complies with clause 4.1 Acceptable Uncertainty of Test System. These Test Equipment parameters are fundamental to the accuracy of the overall Test System and are unlikely to be improved upon through System Calibration.