8 Performance requirement

25.1413GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD)Release 17TS

8.1 General

All Bit Error Ratio (BER) and Block Error ratio (BLER) measurements shall be carried out according to the general rules for statistical testing defined in ITU-T Recommendation O.153 [5] and Annex C.

If external BLER measurement is not used then the internal BLER calculation shall be used instead. When internal BLER calculation is used, the requirements of the verification test according to 8.6 shall be met in advance.

Performance requirements are specified for a number of test environments and multi-path channel classes.

The requirements only apply to those measurement channels that are supported by the base station. The performance requirements for the high speed train conditions which scenarios defined in Annex D.4A are optional. For FRC8 in Annex 9 and Annex 17 the Non E-DPCCH boosting and E-DPCCH boosting requirement only apply for the option supported by the base station.

Unless stated otherwise, performance requirements apply for a single cell only. Performance requirements for a BS supporting DC-HSUPA or DB-DC-HSUPA are defined in terms of single carrier requirements.

For BS with dual receiver antenna diversity, only the BS performance requirements with Rx diversity are to be tested, the required Eb/N0 shall be applied separately at each antenna port.

For BS without receiver antenna diversity, only the BS performance requirements without Rx diversity are to be tested, the required Eb/N0 shall be applied at the BS Rx antenna port.

In tests performed with signal generators a synchronization signal may be provided, from the base station to the signal generator, to enable correct timing of the wanted signal.

For tests in clause 8 the transmitter may be off.

8.2 Demodulation in static propagation conditions

8.2.1 Demodulation of DCH Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in static propagation conditions is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER ) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause

Table 8.1: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under static propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.2 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

4) For each of the data rates in table 8.2 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER. Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.2.

Table 8.2: Test requirements in AWGN channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

5.5 dB

8.7 dB

< 10-2

64 kbps

1.9 dB

5.1 dB

< 10-1

2.1 dB

5.2 dB

< 10-2

144 kbps

1.2 dB

4.2 dB

< 10-1

1.3 dB

4.4 dB

< 10-2

384 kbps

1.3 dB

4.4 dB

< 10-1

1.4 dB

4.5 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.3 Demodulation of DCH in multipath fading conditions

8.3.1 Multipath fading Case 1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in multipath fading Case 1 is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER ) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause

Table 8.3: (void) Test Purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under slow multipath fading propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.4 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.4 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER. Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.4.

Table 8.4: Test requirements in multipath Case 1 channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

12.5 dB

19.7 dB

< 10-2

64 kbps

6.8 dB

12.2 dB

< 10-1

9.8 dB

16.5 dB

< 10-2

144 kbps

6.0 dB

11.4 dB

< 10-1

9.0 dB

15.6 dB

< 10-2

384 kbps

6.4 dB

11.8 dB

< 10-1

9.4 dB

16.1 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.3.2 Multipath fading Case 2 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in multipath fading Case 2 is determined by the maximum Block Error Rate (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause

Table 8.5: (void) Test Purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal that has a large time dispersion with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.6 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.6 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER. Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.5.

Table 8.6: Test requirements in multipath Case 2 channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx Diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx Diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

9.6 dB

15.6 dB

< 10-2

64 kbps

4.9 dB

9.8 dB

< 10-1

7.0 dB

12.9 dB

< 10-2

144 kbps

4.3 dB

8.8 dB

< 10-1

6.2 dB

12.1 dB

< 10-2

384 kbps

4.7 dB

9.3 dB

< 10-1

6.7 dB

12.7 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.3.3 Multipath fading Case 3 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in multipath fading Case 3 is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause

Table 8.7: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receivers ability to receive the test signal under fast fading propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.8 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.8 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.7.

Table 8.8: Test requirements in multipath Case 3 channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx Diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx Diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

7.8 dB

11.4 dB

< 10-2

8.6 dB

12.3 dB

< 10-3

64 kbps

4.0 dB

7.7 dB

< 10-1

4.4 dB

8.3 dB

< 10-2

4.7 dB

9.1 dB

< 10-3

144 kbps

3.4 dB

6.6 dB

< 10-1

3.8 dB

7.3 dB

< 10-2

4.2 dB

7.8 dB

< 10-3

384 kbps

3.8 dB

7.1 dB

< 10-1

4.2 dB

7.8 dB

< 10-2

4.8 dB

8.5 dB

< 10-3

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.3.4 Multipath fading Case 4 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in multipath fading Case 4 for Wide Area BS is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The requirement in this clause shall apply Wide Area BS only. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause

Table 8.8A: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receivers ability to receive the test signal under fast fading propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator to -84 dBm/3.84 MHz at the BS input.

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.8B is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.8B applicable for the base station, measure the BLER. Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.8B.

Table 8.8B: Test requirements in multipath Case 4 channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx Diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx Diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

10.8 dB

14.4 dB

< 10-2

11.6 dB

15.3 dB

< 10-3

64 kbps

7.0 dB

10.7 dB

< 10-1

7.4 dB

11.3 dB

< 10-2

7.7 dB

12.1 dB

< 10-3

144 kbps

6.4 dB

9.6 dB

< 10-1

6.8 dB

10.3 dB

< 10-2

7.2 dB

10.8 dB

< 10-3

384 kbps

6.8 dB

10.1 dB

< 10-1

7.2 dB

10.8 dB

< 10-2

7.8 dB

11.5 dB

< 10-3

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.4 Demodulation of DCH in moving propagation conditions

8.4.1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in moving propagation conditions is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS.

8.4.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.4.1.

Table 8.9: (void)

8.4.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive and track the test signal with a BLER not exceeding the specified limit.

8.4.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.10 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.10 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER.

8.4.5 Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.10.

Table 8.10: Test requirements in moving channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx Diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx Diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

6.3 dB

9.3 dB

< 10-2

64 kbps

2.7 dB

5.9 dB

< 10-1

2.8 dB

6.1 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.5 Demodulation of DCH in birth/death propagation conditions

8.5.1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in birth/death propagation conditions is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER ) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS.

8.5.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.5.1.

Table 8.11: (void)

8.5.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal to find new multi path components with a BLER not exceeding the specified limit.

8.5.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.12 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.12 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER.

8.5.5 Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.12.

Table 8.12: Test requirements in birth/death channel

Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx Diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx Diversity

Required BLER

12.2 kbps



< 10-1

8.3 dB

11.4 dB

< 10-2

64 kbps

4.7 dB

8.0 dB

< 10-1

4.8 dB

8.1 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.5A Demodulation of DCH in high speed train conditions

8.5A.1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of DCH in high speed train conditions is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for 12.2 kbps.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS.

8.5A.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.5A.2.

8.5A.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal in high speed train conditions with a BLER not exceeding the specified limit.

8.5A.4 Method of test

8.5A.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B.

8.5A.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.12A is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: 10*Log10(Rb /3.84*106)+Eb/N0 [ dB].

5) For each of the data rates in table 8.12A applicable for the base station, measure the BLER.

8.5A.5 Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause 8.5A.4.2 shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.12A.

Table 8.12A: Test requirements in high speed train conditions


Measurement channel

Received Eb/N0

For BS with Rx Diversity

Received Eb/N0

For BS without Rx Diversity

Required BLER


12.2 kbps

7.1 dB

10.2 dB

< 10-2


12.2 kbps


9.4 dB

< 10-2


12.2 kbps


10.7 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.6 Verification of the internal BLER calculation

8.6.1 Definition and applicability

Base Station System with internal BLER calculates block error rate from the CRC blocks of the received. This test is performed only if Base Station System has this kind of feature. All data rates which are used in clause 8 Performance requirement testing shall be used in verification testing. This test is performed by feeding measurement signal with known BLER to the input of the receiver. Locations of the erroneous blocks shall be randomly distributed within a frame. Erroneous blocks shall be inserted into the UL signal as shown in figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1: BLER insertion to the output data

8.6.2 Minimum requirement

BLER indicated by the Base Station System shall be within ±10% of the BLER generated by the RF signal source. Measurement shall be repeated for each data rate as specified in table 8.13.

Table 8.13

Transport channel combination

Data rate



12,2 kbps



64 kbps



144 kbps



384 kbps


8.6.3 Test purpose

To verify that the internal BLER calculation accuracy shall met requirements for conformance testing.

8.6.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal to the BS antenna connector as shown in annex B.

3) Set correct signal source parameters depending on the BS class under test as specified in table 8.14.

Table 8.14: UL Signal levels for different data rates

Data rate

Signal level for WA BS

Signal level for MR BS

Signal level for LA BS


12,2 kbps




 dBm/3.84 MHz

64 kbps




 dBm/3.84 MHz

144 kbps




 dBm/3.84 MHz

384 kbps




 dBm/3.84 MHz

NOTE: PN9 can be used as data sequence for the test Procedure

1) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

2) The BLER insertion to the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding data rate in table 8.13.

3) Adjust the BS tester so that the required UL signal level specified in table 8.14 is achieved.

For each of the data rates in table 8.13 applicable for the base station, measure the BLER at least over 50 000 blocks.

8.6.5 Test requirement

BLER indicated by the Base Station System shall be within requirement as specified in clause 8.6.2.

8.7 (void)

8.8 RACH performance

8.8.1 RACH preamble detection in static propagation conditions Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of RACH for preamble detection in static propagation conditions is determined by the two parameters probability of false detection of the preamble (Pfa) and the probability of detection of preamble (Pd). The performance is measured by the required Ec/N0 at probability of detection, Pd of 0.99 and 0.999. Pfa is defined as a conditional probability of erroneous detection of the preamble when input is only noise (+interference). Pd is defined as conditional probability of detection of the preamble when the signal is present. Pfa shall be 10-3 or less. Only one signature is used and it is known by the receiver. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.7.1.

Table 8.16: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect RACH preambles under static propagation conditions. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.17 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level (of the preamble part) relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

4) The test signal generator sends a preamble and the receiver tries to detect the preamble. This pattern is repeated. Preamble detection should be made only on those access slots a preamble has been sent in.

Figure 8.2: RACH test signal pattern Test requirements

The Pd shall be above or equal to the Pd limits for the Ec/N0 levels specified in table 8.17.

Table 8.17: Preamble detection test requirements in AWGN channel

Ec/N0 for required Pd ≥ 0.99

Ec/N0 for required Pd ≥ 0.999

BS with Rx Diversity

-20.1 dB

-19.7 dB

BS without Rx Diversity

-17.2 dB

-16.4 dB

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.8.2A RACH preamble detection in high speed train conditions

8.8.2A.1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of RACH for preamble detection in high speed train conditions is determined by the two parameters probability of false detection of the preamble (Pfa) and the probability of detection of preamble (Pd). The performance is measured by the required Ec/N0 at probability of detection, Pd of 0.99 and 0.999. Pfa is defined as a conditional probability of erroneous detection of the preamble when input is only noise (+interference). Pd is defined as conditional probability of detection of the preamble when the signal is present. Pfa shall be 10-3 or less. Only one signature is used and it is known by the receiver.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS.

8.8.2A.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.7.1.

8.8.2A.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect RACH preambles under high speed train conditions.

8.8.2A.4 Method of test

8.8.2A.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B.

8.8.2A.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.19A is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level (of the preamble part) relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

5) The test signal generator sends a preamble and the receiver tries to detect the preamble. This pattern is repeated. Preamble detection should be made only on those access slots a preamble has been sent in.

Figure 8.3A: RACH test signal pattern

8.8.2A.5 Test requirements

The Pd shall be above or equal to the Pd limits for the Ec/N0 levels specified in table 8.19A.

Table 8.19A: Preamble detection test requirements in high speed train conditions


Ec/N0 for required Pd ≥ 0.99

Ec/N0 for required Pd ≥ 0.999


BS with Rx Diversity

-17.5 dB

-17.3 dB

BS without Rx Diversity

-14.6 dB

-14.2 dB


BS with Rx Diversity



BS without Rx Diversity

-15.0 dB

-14.2 dB


BS with Rx Diversity



BS without Rx Diversity

-14.7 dB

-14.5 dB

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.8.2 RACH preamble detection in multipath fading case 3 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of RACH for preamble detection in in multipath fading case 3 is determined by the two parameters probability of false detection of the preamble (Pfa) and the probability of detection of preamble (Pd). The performance is measured by the required Ec/N0 at probability of detection, Pd of 0.99 and 0.999. Pfa is defined as a conditional probability of erroneous detection of the preamble when input is only noise (+interference). Pd is defined as conditional probability of detection of the preamble when the signal is present. Pfa shall be 10-3 or less. Only one signature is used and it is known by the receiver.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.7.1.

Table 8.18: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect RACH preambles under multipath fading case 3 propagation conditions. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.19 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level (of the preamble part) relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

5) The test signal generator sends a preamble and the receiver tries to detect the preamble. This pattern is repeated. Preamble detection should be made only on those access slots a preamble has been sent in.

Figure 8.3: RACH test signal pattern Test requirements

The Pd shall be above or equal to the Pd limits for the Ec/N0 levels specified in table 8.19.

Table 8.19: Preamble detection test requirements in fading case 3 channel

Ec/N0 for required Pd ≥ 0.99

Ec/N0 for required Pd ≥ 0.999

BS with Rx Diversity

-14.9 dB

-12.8 dB

BS without Rx Diversity

-8.8 dB

-5.8 dB

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.8.3 Demodulation of RACH message in static propagation conditions Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of RACH in static propagation conditions is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The same preamble threshold factor as required to pass the tests in clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 shall be used for the same BS Rx diversity configuration. Only one signature is used and it is known by the receiver. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.7.2.

Table 8.20: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under static propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

Preamble threshold factor: same as required to pass the tests in clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 for the same BS Rx diversity configuration.

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.21 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level (of the message part) relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to:

10*Log10(TB/(TTI*3.84*106))+Eb/N0 [ dB].

4) The test signal generator sends a preamble followed by the actual RACH message. This pattern is repeated (see figure 8.4). The receiver tries to detect the preamble and the message. The block error rate is calculated for the messages that have been decoded. Messages following undetected preambles shall not be taken into account in the BLER measurement.

Figure 8.4: RACH test signal pattern Test requirements

The BLER measured according the clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.21.

Table 8.21: Test requirements in AWGN channel

Transport Block size TB and TTI in frames

168 bits, TTI = 20 ms

360 bits, TTI = 20 ms

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-1

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-2

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-1

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-2

BS with Rx Diversity

4.5 dB

5.4 dB

4.3 dB

5.2 dB

BS without Rx Diversity

7.6 dB

8.5 dB

7.3 dB

8.2 dB

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.8.4 Demodulation of RACH message in multipath fading case 3 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of RACH in multipath fading case 3 is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The same preamble threshold factor as required to pass the tests in clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 shall be used for the same BS Rx diversity configuration. Only one signature is used and it is known by the receiver.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.7.2.

Table 8.22: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under multipath fading case 3 propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

Preamble threshold factor: same as required to pass the tests in clauses 8.8.1 and 8.8.2 for the same BS Rx diversity configuration.

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.23 is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level (of the message part) relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to:

10*Log10(TB/(TTI*3.84*106))+Eb/N0 [ dB]

5) The test signal generator sends a preamble followed by the actual RACH message. This pattern is repeated (see figure 8.5). The receiver tries to detect the preamble and the message. The block error rate is calculated for the messages that have been decoded. Messages following undetected preambles shall not be taken into account in the BLER measurement.

Figure 8.5: RACH test signal pattern Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.23.

Table 8.23: Test requirements in fading case 3 channel

Transport Block size TB and TTI in frames

168 bits, TTI = 20 ms

360 bits, TTI = 20 ms

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-1

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-2

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-1

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-2

BS with Rx Diversity

8.0 dB

9.1 dB

7.9 dB

8.9 dB

BS without Rx Diversity

11.7 dB

13.0 dB

11.6 dB

12.7 dB

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.8.5 Demodulation of RACH message in high speed train conditions Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of RACH in high speed train conditions is determined by the maximum Block Error Ratio (BLER) allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Eb/N0 limit. The BLER is calculated for each of the measurement channels supported by the base station.

The requirement shall not be applied to Home BS.

The same preamble threshold factor as required to pass the tests in clauses 8.8.1, 8.8.2, and 8.8.2A shall be used for the same BS Rx diversity configuration. Only one signature is used and it is known by the receiver. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.7.2. Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under multipath fading case 3 propagation conditions with a BLER not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

Preamble threshold factor: same as required to pass the tests in clauses 8.8.1, 8.8.2, and 8.8.2A for the same BS Rx diversity configuration.

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Eb/N0 specified in table 8.23A is achieved. To achieve the specified Eb/NO, the ratio of the wanted signal level (of the message part) relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to:

10*Log10(TB/(TTI*3.84*106))+Eb/N0 [ dB]

5) The test signal generator sends a preamble followed by the actual RACH message. This pattern is repeated (see figure 8.5A). The receiver tries to detect the preamble and the message. The block error rate is calculated for the messages that have been decoded. Messages following undetected preambles shall not be taken into account in the BLER measurement.

Figure 8.5A: RACH test signal pattern Test requirements

The BLER measured according to clause shall not exceed the BLER limits for the Eb/N0 levels specified in table 8.23A.

Table 8.23A: Test requirements in high speed train conditions

Transport Block size TB and TTI in frames

168 bits, TTI = 20 ms

360 bits, TTI = 20 ms


Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-1

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-2

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-1

Eb/N0 for required BLER < 10-2


BS with Rx Diversity

5.7 dB

7.0 dB

5.9 dB

6.8 dB

BS without Rx Diversity

8.7 dB

10.0 dB

8.9 dB

9.8 dB


BS with Rx Diversity





BS without Rx Diversity

8.3 dB

9.2 dB

8.0 dB

8.9 dB


BS with Rx Diversity





BS without Rx Diversity

8.8 dB

10.2 dB

9.0 dB

9.9 dB

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.9 (void)

Table 8.24: (void)

Figure 8.6: (void)

Table 8.25: (void)

Table 8.26: (void)

Figure 8.7: (void)

Table 8.27: (void)

8.10 (void)

Table 8.28: (void)

Table 8.29: (void)

8.11 Performance of signalling detection for HS-DPCCH

The performance requirement of HS-DPCCH signalling detection is determined by the two parameters: the probability of false detection of ACK; P(DTX->ACK) and the probability of mis-detection of ACK; P(ACK->DTX or NACK).

8.11.1 ACK false alarm in static propagation conditions Definition and applicability

ACK false alarm is defined as a conditional probability of erroneous detection of ACK when input is only DPCCH and DPDCH (+interference). The performance requirement of ACK false alarm in static propagation conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit. ACK false alarm: P(DTX->ACK) shall be 10-2 or less. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10.1.

Table 8.30: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect HS-DPCCH signalling (ACK/NACK) under static propagation conditions. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) Connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.31 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

4) The test signal generator sends only DPCCH and DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK false detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH. Test requirements

ACK false alarm, P(DTX->ACK) shall not exceed the limits for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.31.

Table 8.31: Performance requirements for ACK false alarm in AWGN channel

Received Ec/N0

Required error ratio

-19.5 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11.2 ACK false alarm in multipath fading conditions Definition and applicability

ACK false alarm is defined as a conditional probability of erroneous detection of ACK when input is only DPCCH and DPDCH (+interference). The performance requirement of ACK false alarm in multipath fading conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit. ACK false alarm: P(DTX->ACK) shall be 10-2 or less.

Only test in Case 1 shall be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10.1.

Table 8.32: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect HS-DPCCH signalling (ACK/NACK) under multipath fading case 3 propagation conditions. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) Connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.33 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

5) The test signal generator sends only DPCCH and DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK false detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH.. Test requirements

ACK false alarm, P(DTX->ACK) shall not exceed the limits for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.33.

Table 8.33: Performance requirements for ACK false alarm in fading channels

Propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0

Required error ratio

Case 1

-12.5 dB

< 10-2

Case 2*

-15.4 dB

< 10-2

Case 3*

-17.2 dB

< 10-2

* Not applicable for Home BS

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11.3 ACK mis-detection in static propagation conditions Definition and applicability

The probability of ACK mis-detection is defined a probability of ACK mis-detected when ACK is transmitted. The performance requirement of ACK mis-detection in static propagation conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10.2.

Table 8.34: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under static propagation conditions with an error ratio not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) Connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.35 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

4) The test signal generator sends the ACKs and CQIs with DPCCH/DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK mis-detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH.. Test requirements

The probability of ACK mis-detection, P(ACK->NACK or DTX) (= mis-detected when ACK is transmitted) shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.35.

Table 8.35: Performance requirements for ACK mis-detection in AWGN channel

Received Ec/N0

Required error ratio

-16.9 dB

< 10-2

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11.4 ACK mis-detection in multipath fading conditions Definition and applicability

The probability of ACK mis-detection is defined a probability of ACK mis-detected when ACK is transmitted. The performance requirement of ACK mis-detection in multipath fading conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit.

Only test in Case 1 shall be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10.2.

Table 8.36: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under multipath fading propagation conditions with an error ratio not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.37 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB]

5) The test signal generator sends the ACKs and CQIs with DPCCH/DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK mis-detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH. Test requirements

The probability of ACK mis-detection, P(ACK->NACK or DTX) (= mis-detected when ACK is transmitted) shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.37.

Table 8.37: Performance requirements for ACK mis-detection in fading channels

Propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0

Required error ratio

Case 1

-10.1 dB

< 10-2

Case 2*

-13.0 dB

< 10-2

Case 3*

-11.5 dB

< 10-2

* Not applicable for Home BS

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11A Performance of signalling detection for 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH

This test shall be performed only for the BS supporting 4C-HSDPA. The performance requirement of 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH signalling detection is determined by the two parameters:

(i) The probability of ACK false alarm for each stream, P(DTX ->ACK) (=false ACK detection for a given stream in the detected HARQ message given that no HARQ message is transmitted)

(ii) The probability of ACK mis-detection for each stream, P(ACK->NACK, DTX (no transmission) or DTX codeword) (=an ACK for a given stream in a transmitted HARQ message is mis-detected as a NACK or DTX (no transmission) or DTX codeword in the received HARQ message)

Performance requirements of HS-DPCCH signaling detection for 4C-HSDPA apply also for HSDPA Multiflow operation on three/four cells on two frequencies without MIMO and HSDPA Multiflow operation on four cells on three frequencies without MIMO. If tested NodeB supports both 4C-HSDPA and HSDPA Multiflow operation on three/four cells on two frequencies without MIMO and/or HSDPA Multiflow operation on four cells on three frequencies without MIMO, this test shall be performed only once.

The appropriate codebook subset is chosen for testing.

8.11A.1 ACK false alarm for 4C-HSDPA in static propagation conditions

8.11A.1.1 Definition and applicability

ACK false alarm for 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH is defined as in Section 8.11A when input is only DPCCH and DPDCH (+interference). The performance requirement of ACK false alarm in static propagation conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit. ACK false alarm shall be 10-2 or less.

8.11A.1.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10A.1.1

8.11A.1.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect 4C-HSDPA UL HS-DPCCH signalling (ACK/NACK) under static propagation conditions.

8.11A.1.4 Method of test

8.11A.1.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) Connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in Annex B.3.1.

8.11A.1.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in Annex A.9A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.1 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [dB].

4) The test signal generator sends only DPCCH and DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK false detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH.

8.11A.1.5 Test requirements

The probability of ACK false alarm for each stream shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.1.

Table 8.11A.1: Performance requirements for ACK false alarm per stream in static conditions

Carrier Configuration1

Propagation condition

Received Ec/N0 [dB] (Test condition)

For BS with Rx Diversity

Required error ratio




< 10-2




< 10-2




< 10-2




< 10-2




< 10-2

Note: Carrier configuration X/Y/Z denotes X number of carriers configured, Y number of active carriers, and Z number of carriers configured as MIMO out of Y carriers.

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11A.2 ACK false alarm for 4C-HSDPA in multipath fading conditions

8.11A.2.1 Definition and applicability

ACK false alarm for 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH is defined as in Section 8.11A when input is only DPCCH and DPDCH (+interference). The performance requirement of ACK false alarm in multipath fading conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit. ACK false alarm: P(DTX->ACK) shall be 10-2 or less.

8.11A.2.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10A.1.1.

8.11A.2.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH signalling (ACK/NACK) under multipath fading case 1 propagation conditions.

8.11A.2.4 Method of test

8.11A.2.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) Connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in Annex B.3.2.

8.11A.2.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in Annex A.9A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in Annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.2 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

5) The test signal generator sends only DPCCH and DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK false detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH..

8.11A.2.5 Test requirements

The probability of ACK false alarm for each stream shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.2

Table 8.11A.2: Performance requirements for ACK false alarm per stream in multipath conditions

Carrier Configuration1

Propagation condition

Received Ec/N0 [dB] (Test condition)

For BS with Rx Diversity

Required error ratio


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2

Note: Carrier configuration X/Y/Z denotes X number of carriers configured, Y number of active carriers, and Z number of carriers configured as MIMO out of Y carriers.

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11A.3 ACK mis-detection for 4C-HSDPA in static propagation conditions

8.11A.3.1 Definition and applicability

The probability of ACK mis-detection for each stream, P(ACK->NACK, DTX (no transmission) or DTX codeword) (=an ACK for a given stream in a transmitted HARQ message is mis-detected as a NACK or DTX (no transmission) or DTX codeword in the received HARQ message) shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.3. This requirement shall be conditioned on that the ACK false alarm requirement in Table 8.11A.1. above shall also be concurrently satisfied.

The performance requirement of ACK mis-detection in static propagation conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit.

8.11A.3.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10A.1.2.

8.11A.3.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under static propagation conditions with an error ratio not exceeding a specified limit.

8.11A.3.4 Method of test

8.11A.3.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) Connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in Annex B.3.1.

8.11A.3.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in Annex A.9A.

3) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.3 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [dB].

4) The test signal generator sends the ACKs with DPCCH/DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK mis-detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH.

8.11A.3.5 Test requirements

The probability of ACK mis-detection shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.3.

Table 8.11A.3: Performance requirements for ACK mis-detection per stream conditioned on ACK false alarm per stream is less than 1%.

Carrier Configuration1

Propagation condition

Received Ec/N0 [dB] (Test condition)

For BS with Rx Diversity

Required error ratio




< 10-2




< 10-2




< 10-2




< 10-2




< 10-2

Note: Carrier configuration X/Y/Z denotes X number of carriers configured, Y number of active carriers, and Z number of carriers configured as MIMO out of Y carriers.

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11A.4 ACK mis-detection for 4C-HSDPA in multipath fading conditions

8.11A.4.1 Definition and applicability

The probability of ACK mis-detection for each stream, P(ACK->NACK, DTX (no transmission) or DTX codeword) (=an ACK for a given stream in a transmitted HARQ message is mis-detected as a NACK or DTX (no transmission) or DTX codeword in the received HARQ message) shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.4. This requirement shall be conditioned on that the ACK false alarm requirement in Table 8.11A.2. above shall also be concurrently satisfied.

The performance requirement of ACK mis-detection in multipath fading conditions is determined by the maximum error ratio allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit.

8.11A.4.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.10A.1.2.

8.11A.4.3 Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under multipath fading propagation conditions with an error ratio not exceeding a specified limit.

8.11A.4.4 Method of test

8.11A.4.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in Annex B.3.2

8.11A.4.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in Annex A.9A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in Annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.4 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB]

5) The test signal generator sends the ACKs with DPCCH/DPDCH. The receiver tries to detect HS-DPCCH signalling. The ACK mis-detection rate should be measured only on those slots corresponding to the ACK/NACK field of HS-DPCCH.

8.11A.4.5 Test requirements

The probability of ACK mis-detection shall not exceed the required error ratio for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.11A.4.

Table 8.11A.4: Performance requirements for ACK mis-detection per stream conditioned on ACK false alarm per stream is less than 1%.

Carrier Configuration1

Propagation condition

Received Ec/N0 [dB] (Test condition)

For BS with Rx Diversity

Required error ratio


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2


Case 1


< 10-2

Note: Carrier configuration X/Y/Z denotes X number of carriers configured, Y number of active carriers, and Z number of carriers configured as MIMO out of Y carriers.

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.11B Performance of signalling detection for 8C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH

This test shall be performed only for the BS supporting 8C-HSDPA.

In 8C-HSDPA two identical HS-DPCCH channels similar to the 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH are used and they are transmitted by means of I/Q multiplexing. One HS-DPCCH is dedicated to carriers 1 to 4, while the other to carriers 5 to 8. The same test requirements as for 4C-HSDPA HS-DPCCH, as defined in section 8.11A, shall be fulfilled for both I and Q HS-DPCCH channels.

The appropriate codebook subset is chosen for testing.

8.12 Demodulation of E-DPDCH in multipath fading conditions

8.12.1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirement of the E-DPDCH in multi path fading condition is determined by the minimum throughput, R. Test parameters are specified in Table 8.38.

For a BS supporting DC-HSUPA or DB-DC-HSUPA the requirements for FRC1, FRC2, FRC3 and FRC8 shall apply on each cell.

Table 8.38: Test parameters for testing E-DPDCH





{0, 1, 2, 3}

HARQ combining


Maximum number of HARQ transmission


Power control


DPCCH slot format

FRC8 or BS supporting DC‑HSUPA or DB-DC-HSUPA




E-DPCCH # code words

1024, no optimization based on
prior knowledge of valid code words.

Physical channels to be turned on


Only tests in Pedestrian A shall be applied to Home BS.

8.12.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.11.

Table 8.39: (void)

8.12.3 Test Purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under slow multipath fading propagation conditions with a throughput not below a specified limit.

8.12.4 Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required EC/N0 specified in table 8.40 is achieved.

5) For each of the reference channels in table 8.40 applicable for the base station, measure the throughput. Test requirements

The throughput measured according to clause shall not be below the limits for the EC/N0 levels specified in table 8.40.

Table 8.40: Test Requirement for E-DPDCH

Reference Channel

Reference value, EC/N0 (dB),
for R ≥ 30% and R ≥ 70% of maximum information bit rate

Propagation conditionsPropagation conditions









E-DPCCH boosting

E-DPCCH Boosting

Pedestrian A
without RX diversity





















Pedestrian A
with RX diversity





















Pedestrian B
without RX diversity*





















Pedestrian B
with RX diversity*





















Vehicular 30
without RX diversity*





















Vehicular 30
with RX diversity*





















Vehicular 120
without RX diversity*





















Vehicular 120
with RX diversity*





















* Not applicable for Home BS

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.12A Demodulation of E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH in multipath fading conditions for UL MIMO

8.12A.1 Definition and applicability

The performance requirements of the E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH in multi path fading condition for UL MIMO are determined by the minimum throughput, R. Test parameters are specified in Table 8.38A.

Table 8.38A: Test parameters for testing E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH for UL MIMO




{0, 1, 2, 3}

HARQ combining


Maximum number of HARQ transmission


Power control


TX weight vector selection

A fixed precoding weight vector

Physical channels to be turned on


8.12A.2 Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.11A.

8.12A.3 Test Purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under slow multipath fading propagation conditions with a throughput not below a specified limit.

8.12A.4 Method of test

8.12A.4.1 Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

8.12A.4.2 Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required EC/N0 specified in table 8.40A is achieved.

5) For each of the reference channels in table 8.40A applicable for the base station, measure the throughput.

8.12A.4.3 Test requirements

The throughput measured according to clause 8.12A.4.2 shall not be below the limits for the EC/N0 levels specified in table 8.40A.

Table 8.40A: Test Requirement for E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH for UL MIMO

Reference Channel

Reference value, EC/N0 (dB),
for R ≥ 70% of maximum information bit rate

Propagation conditions







Ped A, 3 km/h





Veh A, 3 km/h





NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.13 Performance of signalling detection for E-DPCCH in multipath fading conditions

The performance requirement of E-DPCCH signalling detection is determined by the two parameters: the probability of false detection of codeword; P(DTX -> codeword) and the probability of missed detection of codeword; P(codeword -> DTX).

Table 8.41: Test parameters for testing E-DPCCH




Power control


E-DPCCH # code words

1024, no optimization based on
prior knowledge of valid code words.

Physical channels to be turned on for missed detection test


Physical channels to be turned on for false alarm test


8.13.1 E-DPCCH false alarm in multipath fading conditions Definition and applicability

E-DPCCH false alarm is defined as a conditional probability of detection of codeword when input is only DPCCH (+interference). The E-DPDCH and E-DPCCH is turned off. The performance requirement of E-DPCCH false alarm in multipath fading conditions is determined by the maximum detection probability allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit. E-DPCCH false alarm: P(DTX -> codeword) shall be 10-2 or less.

Only tests in Pedestrian A shall be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.12.

Table 8.42: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to detect E-DPCCH signalling under multipath fading propagation conditions. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.42 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB].

5) The test signal generator sends only DPCCH. The receiver shall be set to detect E-DPCCH signalling. The E-DPCCH detection probability, false alarm, is measured. Test requirements

E-DPCCH false alarm, P(DTX->codeword) shall not exceed the limits for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.43.

Table 8.43: Test requirements for E-DPCCH false alarm in fading channels

Propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0

Required detection probability



Pedestrian A without RX diversity

-1.0 dB

-4.4 dB

< 10-2

Pedestrian A with RX diversity

-10.6 dB

-11.7 dB

< 10-2

Pedestrian B without RX diversity*

-13.2 dB

-14.6 dB

< 10-2

Pedestrian B with RX diversity*

-15.8 dB

-17.0 dB

< 10-2

Vehicular 30 without RX diversity*

-11.5 dB

-16.1 dB

< 10-2

Vehicular 30 with RX diversity*

-15.1 dB

-18.0 dB

< 10-2

Vehicular 120 without RX diversity*

-13.2 dB

-17.7 dB

< 10-2

Vehicular 120 with RX diversity*

-16.5 dB

-19.0 dB

< 10-2

* Not applicable for Home BS

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.

8.13.2 E-DPCCH missed detection in multipath fading conditions Definition and applicability

The probability of E-DPCCH missed detection is defined a probability of E-DPCCH missed detected when E-DPCCH is transmitted. The performance requirement of E-DPCCH missed detection in multipath fading conditions is determined by the maximum missed detection probability allowed when the receiver input signal is at a specified Ec/N0 limit.

Only tests in Pedestrian A shall be applied to Home BS. Minimum requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 8.12.

Table 8.44: (void) Test purpose

The test shall verify the receiver’s ability to receive the test signal under multipath fading propagation conditions with a missed detection probability not exceeding a specified limit. Method of test Initial conditions

Test environment: normal; see clause 4.4.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see clause 4.8

1) For BS with Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulators and AWGN generators to both BS antenna connectors for diversity reception via a combining network as shown in annex B.

2) For BS without Rx diversity, connect the BS tester generating the wanted signal, multipath fading simulator and AWGN generator to the BS antenna connector via a combining network as shown in annex B. Procedure

1) Adjust the AWGN generator depending on the BS class under test at the BS input as follows:.

Wide Area: -84 dBm/3.84 MHz (see NOTE).

Medium Range: -74 dBm/3.84 MHz (see NOTE).

Local Area / Home BS: -70 dBm/3.84 MHz (see NOTE).

NOTE: For FRC1 and Pedestrian A without RX diversity, the level of the AWGN generator shall be reduced by 6 dB from the levels stated above.

2) The characteristics of the wanted signal shall be configured according to the corresponding UL reference measurement channel defined in annex A.

3) The multipath fading emulators shall be configured according to the corresponding channel model defined in annex D.

4) Adjust the equipment so that required Ec/N0 specified in table 8.44 is achieved. To achieve the specified Ec/N0, the ratio of the wanted signal level relative to the AWGN signal at the BS input should be adjusted to: Ec/N0 [ dB]

5) The test signal generator sends the DPCCH, E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH. The receiver shall be set to detect E-DPCCH signalling. The E-DPCCH missed detection probability is measured. Test requirements

The probability of E-DPCCH missed detection, P(codeword -> DTX) (= missed detection when codeword is transmitted) shall not exceed the required missed detection probability for the Ec/N0 specified in Table 8.45.

Table 8.45: Test requirements for E-DPCCH missed detection in fading channels

Propagation conditions

Received Ec/N0

Required missed detection probability



Pedestrian A without RX diversity

14.5 dB

8.0 dB

< 2*10-3

Pedestrian A with RX diversity

1.8 dB

-2.2 dB

< 2*10-3

Pedestrian B without RX diversity*

2.1 dB

-2.2 dB

< 2*10-3

Pedestrian B with RX diversity*

-3.4 dB

-7.5 dB

< 2*10-3

Vehicular 30 without RX diversity*

3.8 dB

-3.7 dB

< 2*10-3

Vehicular 30 with RX diversity*

-2.7 dB

-8.5 dB

< 2*10-3

Vehicular 120 without RX diversity*

2.1 dB

-5.3 dB

< 2*10-3

Vehicular 120 with RX diversity*

-4.1 dB

-9.5 dB

< 2*10-3

* Not applicable for Home BS

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.
For FRC1 and Pedestrian A without RX diversity an additional 0.2 dB is added to the test requirement to compensate for the increased influence of the thermal noise, when the level of the AWGN generator is reduced by 6 dB.

Annex A (normative):
Measurement channels