6.3 Frequency error

25.1413GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD)Release 17TS

6.3.1 Definition and applicability

Frequency error is the measure of the difference between the actual BS transmit frequency and the assigned frequency. The same source shall be used for RF frequency and data clock generation.

It is not possible to verify by testing that the data clock is derived from the same frequency source as used for RF generation. This may be confirmed by a manufacturers declaration

6.3.2 Minimum Requirement

The minimum requirement is in TS 25.104 [1] clause 6.3.

Table 6.8A: (void)

6.3.3 Test purpose

To verify that the Frequency Error is within the limit of the minimum requirement.

6.3.4 Method of test

Requirement is tested together with Error Vector Magnitude test, as described in clause

6.3.5 Test requirement

The Frequency Error for every measured slot shall be between the minimum and maximum value specified in Table 6.8B.

Table 6.8B: Frequency error test requirement

BS class

Minimum frequency error

Maximum frequency error

Wide Area BS

-0.05 ppm – 12 Hz

+0.05 ppm + 12 Hz

Medium Range BS

-0.1 ppm – 12 Hz

+0.1 ppm + 12 Hz

Local Area BS

-0.1 ppm – 12 Hz

+0.1 ppm + 12 Hz

Home BS

-0.25 ppm – 12 Hz

+0.25 ppm + 12 Hz

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in clause 4.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex F.