22.1403GPPMultimedia Messaging Service (MMS)Stage 1TS
SMS has been very successful in the GSM second generation system, as all mobiles have supported the application level and it is possible to send to any GSM handset without the need to check for individual support. This easy to use service for non realtime text transmission between GSM users shall be succeeded to in third generation mobile systems by a non real-time Multimedia Message Service, MMS. The MMS will allow users to send and receive messages exploiting the whole array of media types available today e.g. text, images, audio, video while also making it possible to support new content types as they become popular.
3GPP shall not standardise new services themselves, but instead uses the standardised set of service capabilities features on which the new services will be built.
Multimedia technology is rapidly developing new capabilities, such as multimedia messages, games, presentations and services that are now considered to be a part of everyday life. Multimedia consists of one or more media elements (such as text, voice, image and video), and it is the combination of these media elements in an ordered synchronised manner that creates a multimedia presentation.
A non-realtime multimedia message as observed by the user is a combination of one or more different media elements in a multimedia presentation, that can be transferred between users without the requirement for the need to be transferred in realtime. The non-real-time multimedia messaging service shall be capable of supporting current and future multimedia messaging services, and exploit the advances being made in the world multimedia community, with additional mobile requirements.