6 User Profile
22.1403GPPMultimedia Messaging Service (MMS)Stage 1TS
The MMS shall be able to support the ability to create, update, store, transfer, interrogate, manage and retrieve a user’s multimedia messaging profiles.
The multimedia messaging profiles shall allow a user to configure and personalise his multimedia messaging environment with the multimedia messaging profiles (e.g. which media types and notifications that shall be delivered to the recipient , such as voice only or text only).
The user profile shall allow the user to create and manipulate a list of users, identified by their addresses, from which the user does not want to receive messages. This list is called "user-level blacklist". It shall be possible for the user to add, remove and edit addresses in the user-level blacklist.
Note: User-level blacklist differs from ODB blacklist. Users can decide from whom they do not want to receive messages by adding the corresponding address to the user profile.
If the MMS supports a network based repository of MMs, it shall be possible for the users to configure where incoming MMs will be stored.
The multimedia messaging profiles shall form part of the user’s virtual home environment.
MMS information in the user profile when stored in the UA or the network shall be accessed in a standardised manner. The MMS should accomplish this using mechanisms described in the 3GPP Generic User Profile 3GPP TS 22.240 [10] whenever possible.