11.2.29a Multiple TBF Uplink Assignment
3GPP44.060General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)Mobile Station (MS) - Base Station System (BSS) interfaceRadio Link Control / Medium Access Control (RLC/MAC) protocolRelease 17TS
This message is sent on the PACCH by the network to the mobile station to assign uplink resources. If the mobile station supports Downlink Dual Carrier, this message may be sent using extended RLC/MAC control message segmentation (see sub-clause 9.1.12a). The mobile station may be addressed by the G-RNTI or the TFI depending upon the procedure used. A mobile allocation or reference frequency list received as part of this assignment message shall be valid until new assignment is received or each TBF of the MS are terminated.
Direction: network to mobile station
Classification : non-distribution message
Table 11.2.29a.1: MULTIPLE TBF UPlink ASSIGNMENT information elements
< Multiple TBF Uplink Assignment message content > ::= < PAGE_MODE : bit (2) > { 0 | 1 < PERSISTENCE_LEVEL : bit (4) > * 4 } { { 0 < Global TFI : < Global TFI IE > > | 10 { < TLLI / G-RNTI : <TLLI / G-RNTI IE > > < G-RNTI extension : bit (4) > } } { 0 — Message escape bit for GPRS mode TBFs { { 0 | 1 < CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND : bit (2) > } < TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING : bit (1) > < Packet Timing Advance : < Packet Timing Advance IE > > { 0 | 1 < Packet Extended Timing Advance : bit (2) > } { 0 | 1 < Frequency Parameters : < Frequency Parameters IE > > } { 0 | 1 < Uplink TBF Assignment : < Uplink Assignment struct > > } < padding bits > } ! < Non-distribution part error : bit (*) = < no string > > } |
| 1 — Message escape bit for EGPRS mode TBFs { 00 { { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Window Size : < EGPRS Window Size IE > > } { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Channel Coding Command : < EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme IE > > } < Resegment : < RESEGMENT IE >> < TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING : bit (1) > { 0 | 1 < BEP_PERIOD2 : bit(4) > } < Packet Timing Advance : < Packet Timing Advance IE > > { 0 | 1 < Packet Extended Timing Advance : bit (2) > } { 0 | 1 < Frequency Parameters : < Frequency Parameters IE > > } { 0 | 1 < Uplink TBF Assignment : < Uplink Assignment struct > > } { null | 0 bit** = < no string > — Receiver backward compatible with earlier version | 1 — Additions for Rel-7 { 0 | 1< NPM Transfer Time : bit (5) > } ** 0 { null | 0 bit** = < no string > — Receiver backward compatible with earlier version | 1 — Additions for Rel-9 { 1 < Indication of Upper Layer PDU Start for RLC UM : bit > } ** 0 < Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment : bit > < padding bits > } } } ! < Non-distribution part error : bit (*) = < no string > > } |
| 01 — Message escape for dual carrier, RTTI, BTTI with FANR activated, EGPRS2 { { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Window Size : < EGPRS Window Size IE > > } { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Channel Coding Command : < EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme IE > > } < Assignment Info : < Assignment Info struct > > < RESEGMENT : bit (1) > < TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING : bit (1) > { 0 | 1 < BEP_PERIOD2 : bit (4) > } < Packet Timing Advance : < Packet Timing Advance IE > > { 0 | 1 < Packet Extended Timing Advance : bit (2) > } { 00 — No frequency parameters included | 01 — Legacy IEs used { 0 | 1 < Frequency Parameters C1 : < Frequency Parameters IE > > } { 0 | 1 < Frequency Parameters C2 : < Frequency Parameters IE > > } | 10 — Optimized Dual Carrier frequency parameters used < Dual Carrier Frequency Parameters : < Dual Carrier Frequency Parameters IE > > ! < Frequency Parameters error: { 11 } bit(*) = < no string> > } — reserved for future used { 0 | 1 < Uplink TBF Assignment 2 : < Uplink Assignment 2 struct > > } <Uplink EGPRS Level: < EGPRS Level IE > > { 0 | 1 < Pulse Format: < Pulse Format IE > > } { null | 0 bit** = < no string > — Receiver backward compatible with earlier version | 1 — Additions for Rel-9 { 1 < Indication of Upper Layer PDU Start for RLC UM : bit > } ** 0 < Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment : bit > < padding bits > } ! < Non-distribution part error : bit (*) = < no string > > } ! < Message escape : { 10 | 11 } bit (*) = < no string > > } } – Extended for future changes ! < Address information part error : bit (*) = < no string > > } ! < Distribution part error : bit (*) = < no string > > ; |
< Uplink Assignment struct > ::= < EXTENDED_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION : bit (1) > { 0 | 1 < Uplink Control Timeslot : bit (3) > } { 0 | 1 < P0 : bit (4) > < PR_MODE : bit(1) > } { 0 | 1 < TBF Starting Time : < Starting Frame Number Description IE > > } { 0 | 1 < Global Timeslot description : < Timeslot description struct > > { 1 < Uplink TBF Assignment : < Uplink TBF Assignment struct > > } ** 0 } ; |
< Uplink Assignment 2 struct > ::= < EXTENDED_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION : bit (1) > { 0 | 1 < Uplink Control Timeslot C1 : bit (3) > } { 0 | 1 < Uplink Control Timeslot C2 : bit (3) > } { 0 | 1 < P0_C1 : bit (4) > < PR_MODE_C1 : bit(1) > { 0 | 1 < P0_C2 : bit (4) > < PR_MODE_C2 : bit(1) > } } { 0 | 1 — ‘1’ indicates that FANR is activated { 0 — SSN-based encoding is selected | 1 — Time-based encoding is selected < TSH : bit (2) > } } { 0 | 1 { 0 | 1 — BTTI mode < Global Timeslot description : < Timeslot description 2 struct > > { 1 < Uplink TBF Assignment 2: < Uplink TBF Assignment 2 IE > > } ** 0 } { 0 | 1 — RTTI mode < PDCH Pairs Description : < PDCH Pairs Description struct > > { 0 — without power control parameters | 1 — with power control parameters < ALPHA_C1 : bit (4) > { 0 | 1 < ALPHA_C2 : bit (4) > } < N_PAIRS : bit (3) > { 0 | 1 < GAMMA : bit (5) > } * (val(N_PAIRS) + 1) { 0 –– RTTI USF, or no second GAMMA values are given in case of RTTI mode with BTTI USF | 1 — Second GAMMA values are given in case of RTTI mode with BTTI USF { 0 | 1 < GAMMA : bit (5) > } * (val(N_PAIRS) + 1) } } { 1 < Uplink TBF Assignment 2: < Uplink TBF Assignment 2 struct > > < RTTI_USF_MODE : bit (1) > } ** 0 } } ; |
< Timeslot description struct > ::= { 0 — without power control params < MS_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION : bit (8) > | 1 — with power control params < ALPHA : bit (4) > { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN0 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN3 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN4 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN5 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN6 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN7 : bit (5) > } } ; |
< Timeslot description 2 struct > ::= { 0 — without power control params < MS_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION_C1 : bit (8) > { 0 | 1 < MS_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION_C2 : bit (8) > } | 1 — with power control params < ALPHA_C1 : bit (4) > { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN0_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN1_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN2_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN3_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN4_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN5_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN6_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN7_C1 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < ALPHA_C2 : bit (4) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN0_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN1_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN2_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN3_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN4_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN5_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN6_C2 : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 < GAMMA_TN7_C2 : bit (5) > } } ; |
< Uplink TBF Assignment struct > ::= — Recursive for multiple TBFs { 0 < RB Id : bit (5) > | 1 < PFI : bit (7) > } < RLC_MODE : bit (1) > } < TFI Assignment : bit (5) > { 0 | 1 < CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND : bit (2) > } { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Channel Coding Command : < EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme IE > > } { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Window Size : < EGPRS Window Size IE > > } < USF_GRANULARITY : bit (1) > { 0 — The timeslots assigned to the TBF are all the timeslots assigned — in the Global Timeslot description | 1 < TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION : bit (N) > } — The timeslots assigned to the TBF are a subset of all the — timeslots assigned in the Global Timeslot description. Where — N is the amount of timeslots assigned to the MS in the Global — Timeslot description { 0 < USF_ALLOCATION : bit (3) > — The same USF is valid on all timeslots assigned to the TBF | 1 — Different USF(s) assigned < USF_ALLOCATION : bit (3) > — USF assignment on the lowest numbered timeslot — assigned to the TBF { 0 | 1 < USF_ALLOCATION : bit (3) > } * (M-1) } ; — USFs on subsequent timeslots assigned to the TBF: — A ‘0’ (respectively a ‘1’ followed by a USF value) — means same (respectively different) USF value as the — USF on the next lower numbered timeslot assigned to — the TBF. Where M is the amount of timeslots assigned — to the TBF in the TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION if — present, else in the Global Timeslot description |
< Uplink TBF Assignment 2 struct > ::= — Recursive for multiple TBFs < PFI : bit (7) > < RLC_MODE : bit (1) > < TFI Assignment : bit (5) > { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Channel Coding Command: < EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme IE > > } { 0 | 1 < EGPRS Window Size : < EGPRS Window Size IE > > } < USF_GRANULARITY : bit (1) > { 0 | 1 < NPM Transfer Time : bit (5) > } { 0 | 1 — ‘1’ indicates that time-based FANR is selected < REPORTED TIMESLOTS C1: bit (8) > — carrier 1 in Downlink Dual Carrier configuration { 0 | 1 < REPORTED TIMESLOTS C2 : bit (8) > } — carrier 2 in Downlink Dual Carrier configuration } { 0 — The timeslots/PDCH-pairs assigned to the TBF are all the timeslots assigned — in the Global Timeslot description or PDCH pair description | 1 < TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION : bit (N) > } — see description in Table 11.2.29a.2 { 0 < USF_ALLOCATION_C1 : bit (3) > { 0 | 1 < USF_ALLOCATION_C2 : bit (3) > } — The same USF is valid on all timeslots/PDCH-pairs assigned — to the TBF for each specified carrier | 1 — Different USF(s) assigned; see description in Table 11.2.29a.2 < USF_ALLOCATION : bit (3) > { 0 | 1 < USF_ALLOCATION : bit (3) > } * (M-1) } ; |
< Assignment Info struct > :: = < Assignment Type : bit (2) > < Carrier ID : bit (1) > ; |
Table 11.2.29a.2: MULTIPLE TBF UPlink ASSIGNMENT information element details
PAGE_MODE (2 bit field) |
PERSISTENCE_LEVEL (4 bit field for each Radio Priority 1…4) |
G-RNTI extension (4 bit field) This field contains the extra 4 bits of the G-RNTI not included in the TLLI / G-RNTI field or CONTENTION_RESOLUTION Identifier field which are necessary to provide a unique identifier for contention resolution in Iu-mode. |
Global TFI |
CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND (2 bit field) Bit |
RESEGMENT (1 bit field) This field is defined in sub-clause 12.10e. |
EGPRS Window Size This information element is defined in sub-clause 12.5.2. If this field is included in the main body of the message, it shall refer to all EGPRS TBF mode uplink TBFs assigned in the message (default value). If this field is included in the Uplink TBF Assignment struct, it refers only to the TBF given by the TFI Assignment (this specific value overrules the default value). Every TBF defined in EGPRS TBF mode shall be assigned either the default value or a specific value. |
EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme This field contains the EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme information element defined in sub-clause 12.10d. If this field is included in the main body of the message, it shall refer to all EGPRS TBF mode uplink TBFs assigned in the message (default value). If this field is included in the Uplink TBF Assignment struct, it refers only to the TBF given by the TFI Assignment (this specific value overrules the default value). Every TBF defined in EGPRS TBF mode shall be assigned either the default value or a specific value. If this field is included in a Dual Carrier assignment, it shall specify the initial EGPRS Modulation and Coding Scheme to be used on both carriers. |
TLLI_BLOCK_CHANNEL_CODING (1 bit field) 0 the mobile station shall use CS-1 in GPRS TBF mode and MCS-1 in EGPRS TBF mode. 1 the mobile station shall use the value commanded in the CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND or EGPRS_CHANNEL_CODING_COMMAND field. |
BEP_PERIOD2 (4 bit field) Range: 0 to 15 |
TFI Assignment (5 bit field) |
RB Id (5 bit field) This field contains the radio bearer identifier for the radio bearer using the assigned TBF. This provides the mapping of TFI to RB Id which is necessary to uniquely identify Iu-mode data flows. |
PFI (7 bit field) This field contains the PFI parameter identifying a Packet Flow Context. The PFI parameter is encoded as the contents of the PFI information element as defined in 3GPP TS 44.018. RLC_MODE (1 bit field) 0 RLC acknowledged mode 1 RLC unacknowledged mode. For the case of an EGPRS TBF an MS that supports RLC non-persistent mode shall respond to this indication of RLC mode as described in the EGPRS Window Size IE (see sub-clause 12.5.2). |
Uplink Control Timeslot (3 bit field) In case of a BTTI configuration, this field contains the timeslot number of the timeslot where the PACCH for the MS is located. In case of an RTTI configuration, this field contains the timeslot number of the timeslot belonging to the uplink PDCH pair where the PACCH/U for the MS is located. It is encoded as the binary representation of the timeslot number as defined in 3GPP TS 45.002. Uplink Control Timeslot C1 (3 bit field) In case of a BTTI configuration, this field contains the timeslot number of the timeslot where the PACCH for the MS is located. In case of an RTTI configuration, this field contains the timeslot number of the timeslot belonging to the uplink PDCH pair where the PACCH/U for the MS is located. It is encoded as the binary representation of the timeslot number as defined in 3GPP TS 45.002. If the Assignment Type field is present and indicates ‘Dual Carrier assignment’, this field applies to carrier 1, otherwise this field applies to the carrier identified by the Carrier ID field. Uplink Control Timeslot C2 (3 bit field) If the Assignment Type field is present and indicates ‘Dual Carrier assignment’, this field contains the timeslot number on carrier 2 of the timeslot where the PACCH for the MS is located in case of a BTTI configuration, or the timeslot number of the timeslot belonging to the uplink PDCH pair where the PACCH/U for the MS is located in case of an RTTI configuration. It is encoded as the binary representation of the timeslot number as defined in 3GPP TS 45.002. |
Packet Timing Advance |
Frequency Parameters Frequency Parameters C1, Frequency Parameters C2 Dual Carrier Frequency Parameters |
TBF Starting Time In case of dynamic allocation, if no uplink TBF is in progress, the MS need not monitor the USF field until the TDMA frame number occurs. When the indicated TDMA frame number occurs, the mobile station shall immediately begin to monitor the USF field and use the new assigned uplink TBF parameters when its USF has occurred. If an uplink TBF is already in progress, the MS shall continue to use the parameters of the existing TBF until the TDMA frame number occurs. When the indicated TDMA frame number occurs, the mobile station shall immediately begin to monitor the USF field and use the new assigned uplink TBF parameters when its USF has occurred. In case of single block allocation, the mobile station shall use the assigned timeslot during the RLC/MAC block whose first TDMA burst occurs in the indicated TDMA frame number. This information element is encoded as the Starting Frame Number Description IE. See sub-clause 12.21. |
MS_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION (8 bit field) 0 Timeslot is not assigned TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION_C1, TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION_C2 (8 bit field) At least one timeslot must be assigned. In case of a timeslot allocation without power control parameters, the values of the power control parameters for assigned timeslots shall be the default values as specified in 3GPP TS 45.008. However, in case some of the timeslots assigned by this message are already used by the mobile station, the mobile station shall continue to use the current power control parameters for these timeslots. 0 Timeslot is not assigned |
TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION (N bit field) 0 Timeslot is not assigned |
USF_ALLOCATION (3 bit field) This field indicates the USF value assigned to the MS for one or more assigned timeslots. This field is encoded as a binary presentation of the USF value as defined in sub-clause 10.4.1. USF_ALLOCATION_C1, USF_ALLOCATION_C2 (3 bit field) These fields indicate the USF value assigned for all timeslots on the relevant carrier. If the Assignment Type field is present and indicates ‘Dual Carrier assignment’, USF_ALLOCATION_C1 applies to carrier 1, otherwise it applies to the carrier identified by the Carrier ID field. If the Assignment Type field is present and indicates ‘Dual Carrier assignment’, and USF_ALLOCATION_C1 is present and USF_ALLOCATION_C2 is absent, the value specified by USF_ALLOCATION_C1 applies to timeslots assigned on both carriers. |
USF_GRANULARITY (1 bit field) 0 the mobile station shall transmit one RLC/MAC block |
ALPHA (4 bit field) ALPHA_C1, ALPHA_C2 (4 bit field) |
N_PAIRS (3 bit field) This field indicate the number of PDCH pairs for which GAMMA values are signalled. The number PDCH pairs is given as the binary value of the corresponding field plus one. See Annex K for details of the coding of this field. |
GAMMA, GAMMA_TN (5 bit field) bit GAMMA_TN_C1 (5 bit field), GAMMA_TN_C2 (5 bit field) |
P0 (4 bit field) bit P0_C1, P0_C2 (4 bit field) |
PR_MODE (1 bit field) PR_MODE_C1, PR_MODE_C2 (1 bit field) |
Packet Extended Timing Advance (2 bit field) |
NPM Transfer Time (5 bit field) This field contains the NPM Transfer Time limitation in case of RLC non-persistent mode The list of NPM Transfer Time IEs in the Rel-7 additions is ordered as described by the loops in the earlier releases part. |
Assignment Type (2 bit field) This field is defined in sub-clause 11.2.7. |
Carrier ID (1 bit field) 0 Carrier 1 |
REPORTED TIMESLOTS (8 bit field) The field indicates the timeslots for which feedback is provided by a time-based encoded PAN field and is encoded as the TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION IE defined in sub-clause 12.18. |
Uplink TBF Assignment 2 struct If the TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION bitmap is present, then the timeslots/PDCH-pairs assigned to the TBF are a subset of all the timeslots assigned in the Global Timeslot description or PDCH-pairs described in the PDCH-pair description. In BTTI mode, N is the number of timeslots assigned to the MS in the Global Timeslot description. In RTTI mode N is the number of PDCH-pairs described in the PDCH-pair description. If different USFs are assigned on different timeslots/PDCH-pairs, then the USFs are listed in increasing order of timeslot numbers. In BTTI mode, M is the number of timeslots assigned to the TBF in the TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION if present, else in the Global Timeslot description. In RTTI configurations using RTTI USF mode M is the number of PDCH-pairs assigned to the TBF in the TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION if present, else M is the number of PDCH-pairs described in the PDCH-pair description. In RTTI configurations using BTTI USF mode M is twice the number of PDCH-pairs assigned to the TBF in the TBF_TIMESLOT_ALLOCATION if present, else M is twice the number of PDCH-pairs described in the PDCH-pair description. If no USF is specified, then the USF value is the same as the previously indicated USF value. |
PDCH Pairs Description This information element is defined in sub-clause 12.5.5. |
RTTI USF Mode (1 bit field) This field is as specified in the Packet Uplink Assignment message |
TSH (2 bit field) This field indicates the time-shift between the most recent radio block period for which feedback information is provided and the radio block period when the bitmap is sent: |
Uplink EGPRS Level (2 bit field) This field specifies the group of modulation and coding schemes applicable to the TBF(s). This information element is defined in sub-clause 12.10f. |
Pulse Format (N bits field) This information element, if assigned, specified on which radio frequency channel the mobile station shall transmit using the narrow-band pulse option. The information element is defined in sub-clause 12.8.3. |
Indication of Upper Layer PDU Start for RLC UM (1 bit field) This field is defined in section 11.2.7a. |
Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment (1 bit field) This field indicates whether Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment, EFTA, shall be used for all assigned uplink TBFs. This field is coded as follows: 0 Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment, EFTA shall not be used for all assigned uplink TBFs. |