B.3.3 HST-DPS Channel Profile

38.521-43GPPNRPart 4: PerformanceRadio transmission and receptionRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification

There is an infinite number of RRHs distributed equidistantly along the railway track with the same Cell ID as illustrated in Figure B.3.3-1.

Figure B.3.3-1: Deployment of HST-DPS

The location of RRH k is given as:


where: , and is the distance between the RRHs and railway track, while is the distance of two RRHs, both in meters.

The train location is denoted as:


where: and a means distance in meters, which means the train is right on the track.

The HST DPS multi-RRH scenario for the test of the baseband performance is a single tap propagation channel at each time with switching of transmission point in the middle point between two RRHs. Thus, RRH k is visible for the train only in the range:


Power level (dB) for the signal from kth RRH equals to 0. Doppler shift (Hz) from kth RRH is given by:

for (B.3.3.4)

In the above v (m/s) is the moving speed of the train, fC (Hz) is the centre frequency, and C (m/s) is the velocity of light.

Doppler shift is given by equation B.3.3.4, where the required input parameters listed in table B.3.3-1 and the resulting Doppler shift shown in Figures B.3.3-2 and B.3.3-3 are applied for all frequency bands.

Table B.3.3-1: HST-DPS scenario



700 m

150 m

500 km/h

870 Hz for 15 kHz SCS test;

1667 Hz for 30 kHz SCS test

Figure B.3.3-2 Doppler shift trajectory (= 870 Hz)

Figure B.3.3-3 Doppler shift trajectory (= 1667 Hz)

Static channel matrix will be used as defined in Annex B.1.