A.1 Guidance for completing the ICS proforma
38.508-23GPP5GSPart 2: Common Implementation Conformance Statement (ICS) proformaRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification
A.1.1 Purposes and structure
The purpose of this ICS proforma is to provide a mechanism whereby a supplier of an implementation of the requirements defined in relevant specifications may provide information about the implementation in a standardised manner.
The ICS proforma is subdivided into clauses for the following categories of information:
– instructions for completing the ICS proforma;
– identification of the implementation;
– identification of the protocol;
– ICS proforma tables (for example: UE implementation types, Teleservices, etc).
A.1.2 Abbreviations and conventions
The ICS proforma contained in this annex is comprised of information in tabular form in accordance with the guidelines presented in ISO/IEC 9646‑7 [18].
Item column
The item column contains a number which identifies the item in the table.
Item description column
The item description column describes in free text each respective item (e.g. parameters, timers, etc.). It implicitly means "is <item description> supported by the implementation?".
Reference column
The reference column gives reference to the relevant 3GPP core specifications.
Release column
The release column indicates the earliest release from which the capability or option is introduced.
Mnemonic column
The Mnemonic column contains mnemonic identifiers for each item.
Comments column
This column is left blank for particular use by the reader of the present document.
References to items
For each possible item answer (answer in the support column) within the ICS proforma there exists a unique reference, used, for example, in the conditional expressions. It is defined as the table identifier, followed by a solidus character "/", followed by the item number in the table. If there is more than one support column in a table, the columns shall be discriminated by letters (a, b, etc.), respectively.
A.1.3 Instructions for completing the ICS proforma
The supplier of the implementation may complete the ICS proforma in each of the spaces provided. More detailed instructions are given at the beginning of the different clauses of the ICS proforma.