D.3 PS domain charging principles and scenarios
32.2513GPPCharging managementPacket Switched (PS) domain chargingRelease 17Telecommunication managementTS
D.3.1 PS charging principles
D.3.1.0 General
IP-CAN session applicable for Fixed Broadband Access, is defined in the TS 23.203 [215], clause S.2.
The charging functions specified for the PCEF located in the IP-Edge relate to:
– IP-CAN session.
– individual service data flows within an IP-CAN session.
The charging functions specified for the TDF relate to:
– TDF session.
– individual applications within a TDF session.
D.3.1.1 Requirements
D. Requirements for IP-Edge [PCEF]
The high-level charging requirements 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 specified in clause 5.1.1 apply with the difference that
P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF].
Since the IP-Edge [PCEF] does not support individual bearers, the high-level charging requirements 1 and 2 apply to the IP-CAN session instead of an IP-CAN bearer.
Additional high level charging requirement:
– The IP-Edge [PCEF] shall be capable of identifying data volumes, elapsed time or events, categorized per QoS (QoS as defined in TS 23.203 [215]).
– IP-Edge [PCEF] shall support charging for 3GPP UEs in roaming scenario, where the HPLMN has deployed the same charging capabilities as the VPLMN.
– The IP-Edge [PCEF] shall be capable of handling local Charging Characteristics for Fixed users and 3GPP UEs NSWO traffic: see clause D.5 for details.
These requirements apply equally to online charging and offline charging.
D. Requirements for TDF
The High level Requirements specified in Clause 5.1.1 for TDF shall apply with the difference that Charging Characteristics shall be as described in clause D.5.
D.3.1.2 Charging information
Charging information is collected for each Fixed user served by the IP-Edge [PCEF] /TDF, and for each 3GPP UE served by the IP-Edge [PCEF] /TDF for the Offloaded (NSWO) traffic, both when served in the conditions specified in
TS 23.203 [215] Annex S. The IP-Edge [PCEF] /TDF collects charging information related to the Fixed Broadband access resources and to external data network usage.
Charging information is collected for each existing IP-CAN/TDF session per identified user: 3GPP UE, Fixed device or RG.
Charging information collection per device (i.e. fixed device or 3GPP UE) is possible only when an IP-CAN session exists for the 3GPP UE or fixed device connected behind a RG.
NOTE 1: In case of 3GPP UE or fixed device behind a NATed RG it is not possible to perform charging for that specific device.
NOTE 2 : The cases where it is possible to support an IP-CAN session per device are described in TS 23.203 [215] Annex S.
3GPP UE user is identified by the IMSI, and Fixed user (i.e. fixed device or RG) is identified by a user name or Access line identifier, based on the Subscriber ID as defined in Broadband Forum TR 134 [601]..
The Access Line Identifier (physical and logical circuit ID) shall also be collected by the IP-Edge [PCEF] when available, when this Subscriber ID identifies a 3GPP UE or a fixed device behind the RG.
The IP-Edge [PCEF] may provide the following fixed broadband access specific information:
– Location of the subscriber; that may include Access Line Identifier (physical and logical circuit ID), SSID of the Access Point, BSSID of the Access Point.
NOTE: How the location information becomes available to the IP-Edge [PCEF] is out of the scope of 3GPP.
– IP-Edge Operator Identifier (i.e., PLMN Id), if available.
For IP-CAN sessions, the IP-Edge [PCEF] shall collect the following charging information for both online and offline charging:
1). Usage of the Fixed Broadband access resources: the charging information shall describe the amount of data transmitted in uplink and downlink directions categorized with QoS.
NOTE 3: Qos information used for charging is based on standardized QoS characteristics as defined TS 23.203 [215]. The Fixed Broadband Access specific QoS attribute converted by the IP-Edge [PCEF] from these QoS parameters are out of scope.2). Usage duration: duration of IP-CAN session is counted as the time interval from IP-CAN session establishment to IP-CAN session termination.
3). Usage of the external data networks: the charging information shall describe the amount of data sent and received to and from the external data network. For an IP-CAN session corresponding to a 3GPP UE, the External network can be identified by the NSWO APN.
4). Source: the charging information shall provide the actual source addresses used by the subscriber for the IP-CAN session.
5). The amount of data transmitted in uplink and downlink directions categorized by rating group or combination of the rating group and service id when volume based charging applies;
6). The duration of service data flows categorized by rating group or combination of the rating group and service id when time based charging applies;
For TDF sessions and for application traffic defined for ABC, the TDF shall collect the charging information for both online and offline charging:
1) Usage of the Fixed Broadband access resources: the charging information shall describe the amount of data transmitted in uplink and downlink directions categorized with maximal bandwidth;
2) Usage duration: duration of TDF sesion is counted as the time interval from TDF session activation to TDF session deactivation;
3) Source: the charging information shall provide the actual source addresses used by the subscriber for the TDF session;
4) Usage of the external data networks: the charging information shall describe the amount of data sent and received to and from the external data network. For a TDF session corresponding to a 3GPP UE, the External network can be identified by the APN.
5) The amount of data transmitted as specific application in uplink and downlink directions categorized by rating group or combination of the rating group and service identifier when volume based charging applies;
6) The duration of application traffic is counted and categorized by rating group or combination of the rating group and service identifier when time based charging applies;
7) The number of events and corresponding timestamps categorized by rating group or combination of the rating group and service identifier when event based charging applies.
D.3.2 PS domain offline charging scenarios
D.3.2.1 Basic principles
D. General
In order to provide the data required for the management activities outlined in TS 32.240 [1] (billing, accounting, statistics etc.), the IP-Edge [PCEF] /TDF shall be able to report charging events to a CDF implemented as a separate entity for the corresponding IPE-CDR/TDF-CDR generation by CDF for:
– Charging Data related to the IP-CAN session;
– Charging Data related to service data flows (FBC) within an IP-CAN session;
– Charging data related to TDF session (TDF-CDR) in the TDF;
– Charging Data related to application traffic in the TDF (TDF-CDR).
Either Charging Data related to the IP-CAN session, Charging Data related to services data flows (FBC) within an IP-CAN session, or both may be reported for the IPE-CDR generation, as determined by Charging Characteristics. A single IPE-CDR is defined for both types of charging information.
D. IP-CAN session charging
IP-Edge [PCEF] collects charging information per user identified as described in clause D.3.1.2, per IP-CAN session.
IP-CAN session charging allows the IP-Edge [PCEF] to collect charging information related to data volumes sent to and received by the user, categorised by the QoS applied, for the timeframe since the establishment till the termination of IP-CAN session, for Fixed user traffic or 3GPP UE NSWO traffic. The IP-CAN session can be determined by a unique identifier generated by the Edge [PCEF] (a "Charging ID") when establishing IP-CAN session.When IP-CAN session charging is active for this IP-Edge[PCEF], the main collected information items are duration of the IP-CAN session and data volume transferred per QoS during the lifetime of the IP-CAN session, and the following chargeable events are defined:
– Start of IP-CAN session in the IP-Edge [PCEF]. Upon encountering this event, a new IPE-CDR for this context is created.
NOTE 1: The start of IP-CAN session event is a shared trigger for FBC in clause D. for the single shared CDR- Start of traffic under a QoS within the IP-CAN session: new data volume counts (i.e. uplink and downlink) are started for this QoS.
– Termination of traffic under a QoS within the IP-CAN session: The counters and time stamps for this QoS are closed and resulting containers added to the CDR.
– End of IP-CAN session in the IP-Edge [PCEF]. Upon encountering this trigger, all the counters are closed and added to the CDR, and the IPE-CDR is closed.
NOTE 2: The end of IP-CAN session event is a shared trigger for FBC in clause D. for the single shared CDR
– Expiry of an operator configured time limit for keeping a CDR open. This event closes all counters. The resulting containers are added to the CDR and the CDR is closed. A new CDR is opened if the IP-CAN session is still active.
NOTE 3: Expiry of an operator configured time limit for keeping a CDR open event is a shared trigger for FBC in clause D. for the single shared CDR
– Expiry of an operator configured time limit per QoS. The counters and time stamps for the QoS are closed and added to the CDR. New QoS traffic volume containers are opened if the QoS is still active.
– Expiry of an operator configured data volume limit per IP-CAN session. This event closes all counters.
The resulting containers are added to the CDR and the CDR is closed. A new CDR is opened if the IP-CAN session is still active.
NOTE 4: Expiry of an operator configured data volume limit per IP-CAN session event is a shared trigger for FBC in clause D. for the single shared CDR
– Expiry of an operator configured data volume limit per QoS. The counters and time stamps for the QoS are closed and added to the CDR. New QoS traffic volume containers are opened if the QoS is still active.
– Change of charging condition: tariff time change or failure handling procedure triggering.When this event is encountered, all current configured counts and time stamps are captured and new counts and time stamps are started.
NOTE 5: Change of charging condition event is a shared trigger for FBC in clause D. for the single shared CDR
– Expiry of an operator configured change of charging condition limit per IP-CAN session. This event closes the CDR, and a new one is opened if the IP-CAN session is still active.
NOTE 6: Expiry of an operator configured change of charging condition limit per IP-CAN session event is a shared trigger for FBC in clause D. for the single shared CDR
Management intervention may also force trigger a chargeable event.
D. Flow-based bearer charging
FBC functionality defined in clause shall apply when provided by the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with modifications described below:
– Relates to Fixed user traffic and 3GPP UE NSWO traffic.
– It is applicable within the context of an IP-CAN session.
The chargeable events defined in clause, when offline charging is activated, apply with the difference that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], and IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session.
Change of charging condition is modified to remove conditions related to SGSN change, S-GW change, user location change, user CSG information change, change of UE presence in Presence Reporting Area(s). The following are the resulting applicable events:
– Change of charging condition: QoS change. When this event is encountered, all current configured counts and time stamps applicable to the QoS level are captured and new counts and time stamps for all service data flows applicable to the new QoS level are started.
– Change of charging condition: tariff time change or failure handling procedure triggering. When this event is encountered, all current configured counts and time stamps are captured and new counts and time stamps for all active service data flows are started.
Following are not applicable:
– Intersystem change.
– PLMN change.
– MS Timezone change.
– SGSN change in the P-GW.
NOTE: A set of chargeable events are shared triggers for IP-CAN session charging in clause D. for the single shared IPE-CDR. They are indicated in clause D.3.1.1.
The detailed PCEF behaviour associated to these chargeable events above, are detailed below.
When applicable to the IP-Edge [PCEF], charging information included in the PCC Rule is specified in TS 23.203 [215] Annex S.
D. TDF/Application Based Charging
TDF session and ABC functionality defined in clause shall apply with modifications described below:
– Relates to Fixed user traffic and 3GPP UE NSWO traffic.
The chargeable events defined in clause, when offline charging is activated, apply except the following:
– Serving node (e.g. SGSN/S-GW/ePDG) change;
– Change of charging condition: TDF session modification (e.g. SGSN change, S-GW change, user location change, user CSG information change);
– Intersystem change (e.g. change of radio interface from GSM to UMTS, RAT change);
– PLMN change;
– MS Timezone change.
The detailed TDF behaviour associated to these chargeable events above, is detailed below.
D.3.2.2 Rf message flows
D. General
Charging information reporting is supported from the PCEF located in IP-Edge and by the TDF as defined for PCN in clause 5.2.2.
The trigger conditions for the chargeable events are described in the following clauses.
D. Triggers for charging events from IP-Edge [PCEF]
D. General
Charging event reporting as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and includes, in addition:
– containers identifying per QoS, traffic volumes charging data (separated for uplink and downlink traffic) with associated charging condition change information when IP-CAN session charging is active for this IP-Edge [PCEF].
The trigger conditions applicable are described in following clauses.
D. Triggers for charging information addition
Charging event for charging information addition and triggers, as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge for FBC (i.e. "List of Service Data" attribute of the IPE-CDR), with following exceptions:
– IP-CAN bearer modification (e.g. QoS change, SGSN/S-GW/ePDG change, user location change, user CSG information change) as trigger conditions is replaced by IP-CAN session modification (e.g. QoS change,..)
– The "Serving node Address" attribute is not applicable.
When IP-CAN session charging is active, the trigger conditions for charging information addition are described in clause D.
D. Triggers for charging information closure
Charging event for charging information closure, and triggers as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, when either FBC or IP-CAN session charging or both are active, with the following differences:
– P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and PGW-CDR is replaced by IPE-CDR.
– following Partial Record Reasons: PLMN change, RAT type, and MS time zone change are not applicable.
D. Triggers for charging events from TDF
D. Introduction
Charging event reporting as defined in clause shall apply to the TDF, with the differences that trigger conditions which are not applicable are described in the following clauses.
D. Triggers for charging information addition
Charging event for charging information addition and triggers, as defined in clause shall apply to the TDF, with the following exceptions:
– TDF session modification (e.g. SGSN/S-GW/ePDG change, user location change, user CSG information change, change of UE presence in a Presence Reporting Area);
– The "Serving node Address" attribute is not applicable.
D. Triggers for charging information closure
Charging event for charging information closure, and triggers as defined in clause shall apply to the TDF, with the following exception:
– following Partial Record Reasons: PLMN change, RAT type, and MS time zone change are not applicable.
D. TDF-CDR charging information collection
D. Introduction
Charging information collection as defined in clause shall apply.
D. TDF-CDR charging information addition
Charging information addition to TDF-CDR shall be based on charging events received from TDF as specified in D.
D. TDF-CDR closure
CDR closure shall be based on charging event closure received from the TDF as specified in D.
D.3.2.3 CDR generation
D. General
The IPE-CDR and the TDF-CDR are generated by the Charging Data Function (CDF) for subsequent transfer to the Charging Gateway Function (CGF).
D. IPE-CDR charging information collection
D. General
Charging information collection as defined in clause shall apply, based on charging events from IP-Edge [PCEF], with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and PGW-CDR is replaced by IPE-CDR, and in addition, when IP-CAN session charging is active:
IPE-CDR is used to collect charging information related to traffic volumes used within the IP-CAN session, identified per QoS.
Many traffic volume containers per QoS can be active simultaneously in IPE-CDR.
A new traffic volume container is activated, when traffic applied with this QoS is detected and no matching active Qos container exists.
When a change of charging condition occurs, all traffic volume containers are added to the IPE-CDR.
When both, IP-CAN session charging and FBC are active, the same IPE-CDR is used for collection of corresponding data.
D. IPE-CDR charging information addition
Charging information addition to IPE-CDR for FBC, shall be based on charging events received from IP-Edge [PCEF] as specified in D.
When IP-CAN session charging is active the following behaviour shall apply:
The "List of Traffic Data Volumes" attribute of the IPE-CDR consists of a set of containers, which are added when specific trigger conditions are met, and identify the volume counter per QoS, separated for uplink and downlink traffic, on encountering that trigger conditions. Table D. identifies which conditions are supported to trigger IPE-CDR charging information addition for the "List of Traffic Data Volumes" attribute.
Table D. Triggers for IPE-CDR charging information addition for List of Traffic Volumes
Trigger Conditions |
Description/Behaviour |
End of QoS in IP-Edge |
The end of a Qos enforced in IP-Edge shall result in open "List of Traffic Data Volumes" containers for the QoS are closed and added to the CDR. |
Tariff Time Change |
On reaching the Tariff Time Change open "List of Traffic Data Volumes" containers shall be closed and added to the CDR. |
Traffic volume report |
A "List of Traffic Data Volumes" container for a QoS shall be added when: – expiry of time limit per QoS; – expiry of data volume limit per QoS. |
CDR Closure |
Open "List of Traffic Data Volumes" containers shall be closed and added to the IPE-CDR. |
When Charging Event (ACR) is triggered by table D. conditions, the Change-Condition sub-field associated to the added container, indicating the appropriate condition, shall be present, excluding CDR Closure case.
When Charging Event (ACR) is triggered by CDR Closure condition, this Change-Condition sub-field associated to the added container shall be omitted, except when CDR closure is due to "maximum number of charging condition changes", where it shall be present with the original condition change.
D. IPE-CDR closure
CDR closure shall be based on charging event closure received from the IP-Edge [PCEF] as specified in clause D.
D.3.2.4 Ga record transfer flows
Ga protocol applies between the Charging Data Function (CDF) and the Charging Gateway Function (CGF).
For further details on the Ga protocol application refer to TS 32.295 [54].
Ga is not used from the IP-Edge [PCEF].
D.3.2.5 Bp CDR file transfer
The CGF transfers CDR files to the BD as specified for PCN Nodes in clause 5.2.6.
Bp is not used from the IP-Edge [PCEF].
D.3.3 PS domain online charging scenarios
D.3.3.1 Basic principles
D. Introduction
The Chargeable events and messages contents applicable to the IP-Edge [PCEF] and to the TDF are specified under the sub-clauses below.
D. IP-CAN session charging
IP-CAN session online charging is achieved by associating a vendor specific rating group or combination of rating group and service id with the IP-CAN session, such that the quota handling for the IP-CAN session shall be based on.
The amount of data counted with IP-CAN session vendor specific rating group or combination of rating group and service id shall be the user plane payload. Time metering is started when IP-CAN session is activated.
Either IP-CAN session charging or FBC but not both may be active at the same time, as determined by Charging Characteristics.
D. Flow Based bearer Charging
FBC functionality defined in clause shall apply when provided by the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with specificities described below:
– Relates to Fixed user traffic and 3GPP UE NSWO traffic.
– It is applicable within the context of an IP-CAN session.
The chargeable events defined in clause, when online charging is activated, apply with the difference that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], and IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session.
Change of charging condition is modified to remove conditions related to user location change, user CSG information change, and change of UE presence in Presence Reporting Area(s). The following are the resulting applicable events:
– Change of charging condition: QoS change. When this event is encountered and the corresponding re-authorization trigger is armed, all current counts applicable to the QoS level are captured and sent towards the OCS with a Debit / Reserve Units Request[Update].
Following is not applicable:
– Network request for IP-CAN bearer activation.
The detailed PCEF behaviour associated to these chargeable events above, are detailed below.
When applicable to the IP-Edge [PCEF], charging information included in the PCC Rule is specified in TS 23.203 [215] Annex S.
D. TDF/Application Based Charging
TDF session and ABC functionality defined in clause shall apply when provided by the TDF, with specificities described below:
– Relates to Fixed user traffic and 3GPP UE NSWO traffic.
The chargeable events defined in clause, when online charging is activated, apply with the difference that the following chargeable events are not applicable:
– Change of charging condition: e.g. user location change,user CSG information change.
The detailed TDF behaviour associated to these chargeable events above, is detailed below.
D.3.3.2 Ro message flows
D. Introduction
Charging information transfer towards the OCS as defined in clause 5.3.2 shall apply to the TDF and to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, PGW‑CDR is replaced by IPE-CDR and Network requested IP-CAN bearer activation is not applicable.
D. Triggers for online charging
Triggers for FBC as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with the difference that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and APN is not applicable. The "Change of UE presence in Presence Reporting Area" change of charging condition is not applicable.
Triggers for ABC online charging as defined in clause shall apply to the TDF.
D. Triggers for starting and stopping a Credit-Control session
The same triggers as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and Network requested IP-CAN bearer activation is not applicable.
The same triggers as defined in clause shall apply to the TDF.
D. Triggers for providing interim information for a Credit-Control session
The same triggers as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge, with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and Network requested IP-CAN bearer activation is not applicable.
The same triggers as defined in clause shall apply to the TDF.
D. PS Furnish Charging Information procedure
The same PS Furnish Charging Information procedure as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge and to the TDF, with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and PGW‑CDR is replaced by IPE-CDR.
D. Support of Failure Situations
Support of Failure Situations as defined in clause shall apply to the PCEF located in the IP-Edge and to the TDF, with the differences that P-GW is replaced by IP-Edge [PCEF], IP-CAN bearer is replaced by IP-CAN session, and PGW‑CDR is replaced by IPE-CDR.