4 Interface IRP SS template

32.1533GPPIntegration Reference Point (IRP) technology specific templates, rules and guidelinesRelease 17Telecommunication managementTS

This clause contains the Interface IRP SS template.

The clauses in this template (that shall be used in the SS specifications) are numbered starting with "X", which in general should correspond to clause 4 that is the beginning of the normative part of a TS. However, if there is a need in a specific SS to introduce additional clauses in the TS body, X may correspond to a number higher than 4.

The SS templates use qualifiers M, O, CM and CO. The semantics of these qualifiers are defined in TS 32.150 [3].

The introductory clauses (from clause 1 to clause 3) for the SS should be modelled similarly to that of clause 1 to 3 of this specification.

Instructions are written in italics.

Usage of fonts shall be according to the following table.

Table: Usage of fonts



Class names

Courier New

Attribute names

Courier New

Operation names

Courier New

Parameter names

Courier New

Assertion names

Courier New

Notification names

Courier New

Exception names

Courier New

State names


Enumerated values


X Architectural Features

"X" represents a clause number in the actual SS. It contains at least the following this subclause:

X.1 General

This subclause contains the following paragraph:

"The overall architectural feature of <subject IRP> is specified in 3GPP TS <relevant specification number> [<relevant reference>]. This clause specifies features that are specific to the <specific technology> SS."


"The overall architectural feature of Alarm IRP is specified in 3GPP TS 32.111-2 [6]. This clause specifies features that are specific to the CORBA SS."

Specific for SOAP SS: the supported XSD, WSDL and SOAP versions shall be indicated together with the style and encoding style, and the namespaces with corresponding prefixes used in the WSDL specifications. Therefore the SOAP SS also contains the information quoted below:

“The SOAP <supported version> specification [relevant reference], XSD <supported version> specification [relevant reference] and WSDL <supported version> specification [relevant reference] are supported.

This specification uses "<RPC/Document>" style in WSDL file.

This specification uses "<Literal/Encoded>" encoding style in WSDL file.

This specification uses a number of namespace prefixes which are listed in Table X.1.







xs or xsd




<IRP specific prefix>

<Namespace’s URI>

Table X.1: Prefixes and Namespaces used in this specification

”X.a <Feature [a-1]>

<Description of architectureal feature “a”>

"a" represents a number, starting at 2 and increasing by 1 with each new feature.

NOTE: This subclause is optional.

Y Mapping

"Y" represents a clause number, immediately following "X".

Y.1 Operation and Notification mapping

It contains this leading paragraph:

"The <subject IRP>: IS (see 3GPP TS <relevant specification number> [<relevant reference number>]) defines semantics of operation and notification visible across the Itf-N. Table Y.1.1 indicates mapping of these operations and notifications to their equivalents defined in this SS."


"Alarm IRP: IS 3GPP TS 32.111-2 [6] defines semantics of operation and notification visible across the Itf-N. Table Y.1.1 indicates mapping of these operations and notifications to their equivalents defined in this SS."

The table includes all operations and notifications, including those inherited. The table lists the operations first and then the notifications. The list order is the same as the one used in the IS. Semantics for the Qualifier is defined in Ref [x].

Table Y.1.1: Mapping from IS Operation/Notification to SS equivalents

IS Operation/Notification

in 3GPP TS <relevant TS number > [<relevant reference number>]

SS Method




M, O, CM or CO



M, O, CM or CO




M, O, CM or CO

Y.2 Operation parameter mapping

It contains this leading paragraph:

"Reference 3GPP TS <relevant version> [<relevant reference number>] defines semantics of parameters carried in operations across the Itf-N. The following set of tables indicate the mapping of these parameters, as per operation, to their equivalents defined in this SS."


"Reference 3GPP TS 32.111-2 [6] defines semantics of parameters carried in operations across the Itf-N. The following set of tables indicate the mapping of these parameters, as per operation, to their equivalents defined in this SS."

Table Y.2.1: Mapping from IS <operation1> parameters to SS equivalents

IS Operation parameter

SS Method parameter



<type definition> <parameter1>

M, O, CM or CO


<type definition> <parameter2>

M, O, CM or CO




Table Y.2.2: Mapping from IS <operation2> parameters to SS equivalents

IS Operation parameter

SS Method parameter



<type definition> <parameter1>

M, O, CM or CO



Table Y.2.x:

IS Operation parameter

SS Method parameter




Y.3 Notification parameter mapping

It contains this leading paragraph:

"Reference 3GPP TS <relevant version number> [<relevant referenced number] defines semantics of parameters carried in notifications. The following tables indicate the mapping of these parameters to their SS equivalents."

Specific for CORBA SS: CORBA SS uses OMG CORBA Structured Event to carry IS-defined notification parameters. The Structured Event has the OMG defined parameters. These parameters will be related to the SS equivalents. So, the SS contains this paragraph.


The following tables indicate the mapping of these parameters to their OMG CORBA Structured Event (defined in OMG Notification Service [<relevant reference number>]) equivalents. The composition of OMG Structured Event, as defined in the OMG Notification Service [<relevant reference number>], is:


Fixed Header




Variable Header




The following tables list all OMG Structured Event attributes in the second column. The first column identifies the <subject> IRP: IS [<relevant reference number>] defined notification parameters.


Table Y.3.1: Mapping for notifyKkk

IS Parameters

<SS> Parameters





M or O



M or O

M or O

Z Notification Interface

"Z" represents a number, immediately following "Y".

This sub-clause captures SS technology specific details required to realize the IS-defined <interface> for notifications.

Specific for CORBA SS:

The SS contains this:


OMG CORBA Notification push operation is used to realise the notification of AlarmIRPNotifications. All the notifications in this interface are implemented using this push_structured_event method.

Z.1 Method push (M)

module CosNotifyComm {

Interface SequencePushConsumer : NotifyPublish {

void push_structured_events(

in CosNotification::EventBatch notifications)

raises( CosEventComm::Disconnected);

}; // SequencePushConsumer

}; // CosNotifyComm

NOTE 1: The push_structured_events method takes an input parameter of type EventBatch as defined in the OMG CosNotification module (OMG Notification Service [1]). This data type is the same as a sequence of Structured Events. Upon invocation, this parameter will contain a sequence of Structured Events being delivered to IRPManager by IRPAgent to which it is connected.

NOTE 2: The maximum number of events that will be transmitted within a single invocation of this operation is controlled by IRPAgent wide configuration parameter.

NOTE 3: The amount of time the supplier (IRPAgent) of a sequence of Structured Events will accumulate individual events into the sequence before invoking this operation is controlled by IRPAgent wide configuration parameter as well.

NOTE 4: IRPAgent may push EventBatch with only one Structured Event.
