3 Definitions and abbreviations

32.1503GPPIntegration Reference Point (IRP) Concept and definitionsRelease 17Telecommunication managementTS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 32.101 [1], 3GPP TS 32.102 [2], 3GPP TS 32.107 [17], 3GPP TS 32.157 [19], 3GPP TS 28.620 [20] and the following apply:

Data Definition IRP: 3GPP publishes IRP specifications relating to commonly used data definitions that can be imported for use by Interface IRP and/or NRM IRP. This term represents all such specifications.

NOTE 1: An example of a Data Definition IRP is the State Management IRP (32.671 [14], 32.672 [15], 32.676 [16]).

Information Object Class (IOC): information that can be passed/used in management interfaces and is modelled using the stereotype "Class" in the UML meta-model. For a formal definition of Information Object Class and its structure of specification, see 3GPP TS 32.157[19].

Integration Reference Point (IRP): An architectural concept that is described by a set of specifications for definition of a certain aspect of a management interface, comprising a Requirements specification, an Information Service specification, and one or more Solution Set specifications.

Interface IRP: 3GPP publishes a number of IRP specifications each of which is related to a set of operations and notifications for a specific telecom management domain such as alarm management, configuration management, etc. Interface IRPs also contain definitions of SupportIOCs. This term represents all such specifications.

NOTE 2: An example of an Interface IRP is the Basic CM IRP (the set of TSs 32.601 [8], 32.602 [9], 32.606 [10]).

IRPAgent: Encapsulation of a well-defined subset of network (element) functions. It interacts with IRPManagers using one or more IRPs. From the IRPManager’s perspective, the IRPAgent behaviour is only visible via the IRP(s).

Information Service (IS): description of the information related to the entities (either network resources or support objects) to be managed and the way that the information may be managed for a certain functional area (e.g. the Alarm IRP Information Service in the fault management area). Information Services are defined for all IRPs.

IRPManager: Modeling of a user of IRPAgent(s) which interacts directly with the IRPAgent(s) using IRP(s).
Since the IRPManager represents an IRPAgent user, it gives a clear picture of what the IRPAgent is supposed to do. From the IRPAgent perspective, the IRPManager behaviour is only visible via the IRP.

Managed Object Class (MOC): information that can be passed/used in management interfaces in a similar way to IOC.

NOTE 3: See subclause of [5] on Guidelines for definitions of Managed Object.

Network Resource Model (NRM): description of Information Object Classes representing the manageable aspects of network resources.

NOTE 4: Examples of network resources are RNC and NodeB.

NRM IRP: 3GPP publishes a number of IRP specifications each of which is related to a particular NRM (Network Resource Model) as defined in 3GPP TS 32.101 [1]. NRM IRPs do not define any operations or notifications. This term represents all such specifications.

NOTE 5: In some NRM IRP titles, for historic reasons, they are named "…network resources IRP").

NOTE 6: An example of an NRM IRP is the Generic NRM IRP (32.621 [11], 32.622 [12], 32.626 [13]).

Solution Set (SS): mapping of the IRP Information Service (IS) defined entities (that are technology-agnostic) to technology specific termed entities.

NOTE7: SS does not contain specification of the entities’ semantics which can be found in the corresponding IS.One IS can be mapped to one or several SSs.

NOTE 8: Examples of an IS defined entity and technology specific termed entity are IOC and MOC respectively.

SupportIOC: representation of a particular capability, introduced to model a management service.

NOTE 9: As an example of SupportIOC, in the Alarm IRP Information Service [59] there are the AlarmInformation and AlarmList IOCs.

NOTE 10: See Annex F of [18] for information about the difference between IOC and SupportIOC.

Yyy IRP: For a specific Interface IRP such as the Basic CM IRP, when the letters Yyy are replaced by the specific key words naming that IRP (in the given example the Yyy is replaced by "Basic CM"), this term represents all specifications that are part of that Interface IRP.

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TS 32.101 [1], 3GPP TS 32.102 [2], 3GPP TS 32.157 [19] and the following apply:

CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture

EM Element Manager

GDMO Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects

GUI Graphical User Interface

IDL Interface Definition Language

IOC Information Object Class

IRP Integration Reference Point

IS Information Service

MOC Managed Object Class

NE Network Element

NM Network Manager

NRM Network Resource Model

OMG Object Management Group

ORB Object Request Broker

PSA Product Specific Application

SMP System Management Processes

SNM Sub-Network Manager

SS Solution Set

TMF TeleManagement Forum

TOM Telecom Operations Map

UML Unified Modelling Language