4.4 Attribute definitions
28.6223GPPGeneric Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP)Information Service (IS)Release 18Telecommunication managementTS
4.4.1 Attribute properties
The following table defines the properties of attributes specified in the present document.
Attribute Name |
Documentation and Allowed Values |
Properties |
numberOfFiles |
Number of files in a file collection. allowedValues: NA |
Type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileLocation |
Location of the file incl. the file transfer protocol, and the file name for the case the file content cannot be retrieved by reading the "fileContent" attribute. The allowed file transfer protocols are: – sftp – ftpes – https Examples: "sftp://companyA.com/datastore/fileName.xml", "https://companyA.com/ManagedElement=1/Files=1/File=1 allowedValues: NA |
Type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileCompression |
Name of the algorithm used for compressing the file. An empty or absent "fileCompression" parameter indicates the file is not compressed. The MnS producer selects the compression algorithm. It is encouraged to use popular algorithms such as GZIP. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileSize |
Size of the file. Unit is byte. allowedValues: non-negative integers |
Type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileDataType |
Type of the management data stored in the file. AllowedValues: – "PERFORMANCE" – "TRACE" – "ANALYTICS" – "PROPRIETARY" The value "PERFORMANCE" refers to measurements and KPIs. |
Type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileFormat |
Identifier of the XML or ASN.1 schema (incl. its version) used to produce the file content. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileReadyTime |
Date and time, when the file was closed (the last time) and made available on the MnS producer. The file content will not be changed anymore. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: DateTime multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileExpirationTime |
Date and time after which the file may be deleted. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: DateTime multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileContent |
File content. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
jobMonitor |
Provides monitoring for the file download job. The data type of this attribute is the "ProcessMonitor" as defined in clause 4.3.43 with the specialisations defined in clause allowedValues: N/A |
Type: JobMonitor multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
cancelJob |
Setting this attribute to "TRUE" cancels the file download job. As specified in the definition of "ProcessMonitor", cancellation is possible in the "NOT_STARTED" and "RUNNING" state. Setting the attribute to "FALSE" has no observable result. allowedValues: TRUE, FALSE |
Type: ENUM multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: FALSE isNullable: False |
FileDownloadJob.jobMonitor.resultStateInfo |
Provides the following specialisation for the "resultStateInfo" attribute of the "ProcessMonitor" data type for the "FileDownloadJob". In the event the file download fails, and the "status" is equal to "FAILED", it provides the reason for the failure. allowedValues for "status" = "FAILED": – NULL – UNKNOWN – NO_STORAGE – LOW_MEMORY – NO_CONNECTION_TO_REMOTE_SERVER – FILE_NOT_AVAILABLE – DNS_CANNOT_BE_RESOLVED – OTHER The allowed values for "FINISHED" or "CANCELLED" are vendor specific. |
Type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
heartbeatNtfPeriod |
Periodicity of the heartbeat notification emission. The value of zero has the special meaning of stopping the heartbeat notification emission. Unit is in seconds. AllowedValues: non-negative integers |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: 0 isNullable: False |
triggerHeartbeatNtf |
Setting this attribute to TRUE triggers an immediate additional heartbeat notification emission. Setting the value to FALSE has no observable result. The periodicity of notifyHeartbeat emission is not changed. AllowedValues: TRUE, FALSE |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: FALSE isNullable: False |
notificationRecipientAddress |
Address of the notification recipient. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
notificationTypes |
Notification types of notifications that are candidates for being forwarding to the notification recipient. If this attribute is absent, notifications of all types are candidates for being forwarding to the notification recipient. If the notificationFilter attribute is absent, all candidate notifications are forwarded to the notification recipient, otherwise the candidate notifications are discriminated by the filter specified by the notificationFilter attribute. Below is a list of notificationType values that are defined in 3GPP specifications. If the notificationType itself is supported by the system, it shall be supported in the NtfSubscriptionControl.notificationTypes attribute as well. Other notificationTypes defined by SDOs or enterprises may also be supported. AllowedValues: – notifyMOICreation – notifyMOIDeletion – notifyMOIAttributeValueChanges – notifyMOIChanges – notifyEvent – notifyNewAlarm – notifyChangedAlarm – notifyAckStateChanged – notifyComments – notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged – notifyChangedAlarmGeneral – notifyClearedAlarm – notifyAlarmListRebuilt – notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList – notifyFileReady – notifyFilePreparationError – notifyThresholdCrossing |
type: ENUM multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
notificationFilter |
Filter to be applied to candidate notifications identified by the notificationTypes attribute. Only notifications that pass the filter criteria are forwarded to the notification recipient. All other notifications are discarded. The filter can be applied to any field of a notification. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
scope |
Scopes the managed object instances included in the notification subscription. If this attribute is absent, all objects below and including the base object are scoped. allowedValues: N/A |
type: Scope multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
scopeType |
If the optional scopeLevel attribute is not supported or absent, allowed values of scopeType are BASE_ONLY and BASE_ALL. The value BASE_ONLY indicates only the base object is selected. The value BASE_ALL indicates the base object and all of its subordinate objects (incl. the leaf objects) are selected. If the scopeLevel attribute is supported and present, allowed values of scopeType are BASE_NTH_LEVEL and BASE_SUBTREE. The value BASE_NTH_LEVEL indicates all objects on the level, which is specified by the scopeLevel attribute, below the base object are selected. The base object is at scopeLevel zero. The value BASE_SUBTREE indicates the base object and all subordinate objects down to and including the objects on the level, which is specified by the scopeLevel attribute, are selected. The base object is at scopeLevel zero. allowedValues: N/A |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
scopeLevel |
See definition of scopeType attribute. allowedValues: N/A |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
farEndEntity |
The value of this attribute shall be the Distinguished Name of the far end network entity to which the reference point is related. As an example, with EP_Iucs, if the instance of EP_Iucs is contained by one RncFunction instance, the farEndEntity is the Distinguished Name of the MscServerFunction instance to which this Iucs reference point is related. allowedValues: N/A |
type: DN multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
linkType |
This attribute defines the type of the link. allowedValues: Signalling, Bearer, OAM&P, Other or multiple combinations of this type. |
type: String multiplicity: 0..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
locationName |
The physical location of this entity (e.g. an address). allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
monitorGranularityPeriod |
Granularity period used to monitor measurements for threshold crossings. The period is defined in seconds. See Note 5 allowedValues: Integer with a minimum value of 1 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
monitorGranularityPeriods |
Granularity periods supported for the monitoring of associated measurement types for thresholds. The period is defined in seconds. allowedValues: Integer with a minimum value of 1 |
type: Integer multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
thresholdInfoList |
List of threshold infos. |
type: ThresholdInfo multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
thresholdValue |
Value against which the monitored performance metric is compared at a threshold level in case the hysteresis is zero. allowedValues: float or integer |
type: Union multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: NA isUnique: NA defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
hysteresis |
Hysteresis of a threshold. If this attribute is present the monitored performance metric is not compared against the threshold value as specified by the thresholdValue attribute but against a high and low threshold value given by highThresholdValue- = thresholdValue + hysteresis lowThresholdValue = thresholdValue – hysteresis When going up, the threshold is triggered when the performance metric reaches or crosses the high threshold value. When going down, the threshold is triggered when the performance metric reaches or crosses the low threshold value. A hysteresis may be present only when the monitored performance metric is not of type counter that can go up only. If present for a performance metric of type counter, it shall be ignored. allowedValues: non-negative float or integer |
type: Union multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: NA isUnique: NA defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
thresholdDirection |
Direction of a threshold indicating the direction for which a threshold crossing triggers a threshold. When the threshold direction is configured to "UP", the associated treshold is triggered only when the performance metric value is going up upon reaching or crossing the threshold value. The treshold is not triggered, when the performance metric is going down upon reaching or crossing the threshold value. Vice versa, when the threshold direction is configured to "DOWN", the associated treshold is triggered only when the performance metric is going down upon reaching or crossing the threshold value. The treshold is not triggered, when the performance metric is going up upon reaching or crossing the threshold value. When the threshold direction is set to "UP_AND_DOWN" the treshold is active in both direcions. In case a threshold with hysteresis is configured, the threshold direction attribute shall be set to "UP_AND_DOWN". allowedValues: – UP – DOWN – UP_AND_DOWN |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
objectClass |
Class of a managed object instance. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
objectInstance |
Managed object instance identified by its DN. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
objectInstances |
List of managed object instances. Each object instance is identified by its DN. allowedValues: N/A |
type: Dn multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
peeParametersList |
This attribute contains the parameter list for the control and monitoring of power, energy and environmental parameters of ManagedFunction instance(s). This list contains the following parameters: – siteIdentification – siteLatitude (optional) – siteLongitude (optional) – siteAltitude (optional) – siteDescription – equipmentType – environmentType – powerInterface siteIdentification: The identification of the site where the ManagedFunction resides. allowedValues: N/A siteLatitude: The latitude of the site where the ManagedFunction instance resides, based on World Geodetic System (1984 version) global reference frame (WGS 84). Positive values correspond to the northern hemisphere. This attribute is optional for BTSFunction, RNCFunction , GNBDUFunction and NRSectorCarrier instance(s). allowedValues: -90.0000 to +90.0000 siteLongitude: The longitude of the site where the ManagedFunction instance resides, based on World Geodetic System (1984 version) global reference frame (WGS 84). Positive values correspond to degrees east of 0 degrees longitude. This attribute is optional for BTSFunction, RNCFunction, GNBDUFunction and NRSectorCarrier instance(s). allowedValues: -180.0000 to +180.0000 siteAltitude: The altitude of the site where the ManagedFunction instance resides, in unit of meter. This attribute is optional for BTSFunction, RNCFunction, GNBDUFunction and NRSectorCarrier instance(s). siteDescription: An operator defined description of the site where the ManagedFunction instance resides. allowedValues: N/A equipmentType: The type of equipment where the managedFunction instance resides. allowedValues: see clause 4.4.1 of ETSI ES 202 336-12 [18]. environmentType: The type of environment where the managedFunction instance resides. allowedValues: see clause 4.4.1 of ETSI ES 202 336-12 [18]. powerInterface: The type of power. allowedValues: see clause 4.4.1 of ETSI ES 202 336-12 [18]. |
type: String multiplicity: 0..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
priorityLabel |
This is a label that consumer would assign a value on a concrete instance of the managed object. The management system takes the value of this attribute into account. The effect of this attribute value to the subject managed entity is not standardized |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
protocolVersion |
Versions(s) and additional descriptive information for the protocol(s) used for the associated communication link. Syntax and semantic is not specified. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
setOfMcc |
Set of Mobile Country Code (MCC). The MCC uniquely identifies the country of domicile of the mobile subscriber. MCC is part of the IMSI (TS 23.003 [5]) This list contains all the MCC values in subordinate object instances to this SubNetwork instance. allowedValues: See clause 2.3 of TS 23.003 [5] for MCC allocation principles. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
swVersion |
The software version of the ManagementNode or ManagedElement (this is used for determining which version of the vendor specific information is valid for the ManagementNode or ManagedElement). allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
systemDN |
Distinguished Name (DN) of a IRPAgent or a MnSAgent. allowedValues: N/A |
type: DN multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
userDefinedState |
An operator defined state for operator specific usage. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
userLabel |
A user-friendly (and user assignable) name of this object. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
vendorName |
The name of the vendor. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
vnfParametersList |
This attribute contains the parameter set of the VNF instance(s) corresponding to an NE. Each entry in the list contains: – vnfInstanceId – vnfdId (optional) – flavourId (optional) – autoScalable (optional) vnfInstanceId: VNF instance identifier (vnfInstanceId, see section 9.4.2 of [16] and section B2. of [17]). See Note 1. vnfdId: Identifier of the VNFD on which the VNF instance is based, see section 9.4.2 of [16]. This attribute is optional. Note: the value of this attribute is identical to that of the same attribute in clause 9.4.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 008 [16]. flavourId: Identifier of the VNF Deployment Flavour applied to this VNF instance, see section 9.4.3 of [16]. This attribute is optional. Note: the value of this attribute is identical to that of the same attribute in clause 9.4.3 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 008 [16]. autoScalable: Indicator of whether the auto-scaling of this VNF instance is enabled or disabled. The type is Boolean. This attribute is optional. See Note2. The presence of this attribute indicates that the ManagedFunction represented by the MOI is a virtualized function. See Note 3. allowedValues: N/A A string length of zero for vnfInstanceId means the VNF instance(s) corresponding to the MOI does not exist (e.g. has not been instantiated yet, has already been terminated). |
type: String multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
vsData |
Vendor specific attributes of the type vsDataType. The attribute definitions including constraints (value ranges, data types, etc.) are specified in a vendor specific data format file. allowedValues: — |
type: — multiplicity: — isOrdered: — isUnique: — defaultValue: — isNullable: False |
vsDataFormatVersion |
Name of the data format file, including version. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
vsDataType |
Type of vendor specific data contained by this instance, e.g. relation specific algorithm parameters, cell specific parameters for power control or re-selection or a timer. The type itself is also vendor specific. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
supportedPerfMetricGroups |
A set of performance metric groups. When this attribute is contained in a managed object it may define performance metrics for this object and all descendant objects. allowedValues: N/A |
type: SupportedPerfMetricGroup multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
performanceMetrics |
List of performance metrics. Performance metrics include measurements defined in TS 28.552 [20] and KPIs defined in TS 28.554 [28]. Performance metrics can also be specified by other SDOs, or be vendor specific. Performance metrics are identified with their names. For measurements defined in TS 28.552 [20] the name is constructed as follows: – "family.measurementName.subcounter" for measurement types with subcounters – "family.measurementName" for measurement types without subcounters – "family" for measurement families For KPIs defined in TS 28.554 [28] the name is defined in the KPI definitions template as the component designated with e). A name can also identify a vendor specific performance metric or a group of vendor specific performance metrics. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
supportedTraceMetrics |
List of trace metrics. When this attribute is contained in a managed object it defines the trace metrics supported for this object and all descendant objects. Trace metrics include trace messages, MDT measurements (Immediate MDT, Logged MDT, Logged MBSFN MDT), RLF and RCEF reports, see TS 32.422 [30]. Trace metrics are identified with their metric identifier. The metric identifier is constructed as defined in clause 10 of TS 32.422 [30]. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None allowedValues: N/A isNullable: False |
rootObjectInstances |
List of object instances. Each object instance is identified by its DN and designates the root of a subtree that contains the root object and all descendant objects. |
type: Dn multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
reportingMethods |
List of reporting methods for performance metrics allowedValues: – "FILE_BASED_LOC_SET_BY_PRODUCER", – "FILE_BASED_LOC_SET_BY_CONSUMER", – "STREAM_BASED" |
type: ENUM multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
nFServiceType |
The parameter defines the type of the managed NF service instance allowedValues: See clause 7.2 of TS 23.501[22] |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
operations |
This parameter defines set of operations supported by the managed NF service instance. allowedValues: See TS 23.502[23] for supporting operations |
type: Operation multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
Operation.name |
This parameter defines the name of the operation of the managed NF service instance. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
allowedNFTypes |
This parameter identifies the type of network functions allowed to access the operation of the managed NF service instance. allowedValues: See TS 23.501[22] for NF types |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
operationSemantics |
This paramerter identifies the semantics type of the operation. See TS 23.502[23] allowedValues: “Request/Response”, “Subscribe/Notify”. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
sAP |
This parameter specifies the service access point of the managed NF service instance. allowedValues: N/A |
type: SAP multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
host |
This parameter specifies the host address of the managed NF service instance. It can be FQDN (See TS 23.003 [5]) or an IPv4 address (See RFC 791 [24]) or an IPv6 address (See RFC 2373 [25]). allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
port |
This parameter specifies the transport port of the managed NF service instance. allowedValues: 1 – 65535 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
usageState |
Usage state of a managed object instance. It describes whether the resource is actively in use at a specific instant, and if so, whether or not it has spare capacity for additional users at that instant. allowedValues: "IDLE", "ACTIVE", "BUSY". The meaning of these values is as defined in 3GPP TS 28.625 [21] and ITU-T X.731 [19]. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
registrationState |
This parameter defines the registration status of the managed NF service instance. allowedValues: "Registered", "Deregistered". |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: Deregistered isNullable: False |
jobRef |
Object instance of the "PerfMetricJob" or "TraceJob" that produced the file. allowedValues: NA |
Type: Dn multiplicity: 0..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
jobId |
Identifier of a PerfMetricJob, a TraceJob or a QMCJob. |
type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
granularityPeriod |
Granularity period used to produce measurements. The period is defined in seconds. See Note 4. allowedValues: Integer with a minimum value of 1 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
granularityPeriods |
Granularity periods supported for the production of associated measurement types. The period is defined in seconds. allowedValues: Integer with a minimum value of 1 |
type: Integer multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
reportingCtrl |
Selecting the reporting method and defining associated control parameters. |
type: ReportingCtrl multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileReportingPeriod |
For the file-based reporting method this is the time window during which collected measurements are stored into the same file before the file is closed and a new file is opened. The period is defined in minutes. allowedValues: Multiples of granularityPeriod |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
linkToCreatsSubscriptions |
Link to the parent object below which "NtfSubscriptionControl" instances can be created. |
type: Link multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
_linkToFiles |
Link to a "Files" object. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fileLocation |
The location of a file. allowedValues: File URI [See RFC 8089 [49]). |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
streamTarget |
The stream target for the stream-based reporting method. allowedValues: N/A |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
administrativeState |
Administrative state of a managed object instance. The administrative state describes the permission to use or prohibition against using the object instance. The adminstrative state is set by the MnS consumer. allowedValues: LOCKED, UNLOCKED. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: LOCKED isNullable: False |
operationalState |
Operational state of manged object instance. The operational state describes if an object instance is operable ("ENABLED") or inoperable ("DISABLED"). This state is set by the object instance or the MnS producer and is hence READ-ONLY. allowedValues: ENABLED, DISABLED. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: DISABLED isNullable: False |
alarmRecords |
List of alarm records allowedValues: N/A |
type: AlarmRecord multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True default value: None isNullable: True |
numOfAlarmRecords |
Number of alarm records in the AlarmList. allowedValues: 0 to x where x is vendor specific. |
type: integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
lastModification |
Time an alarm record was modified the last time allowedValues: N/A |
type: DateTime multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
jobType |
It specifies the MDT mode and it specifies also whether the TraceJob represents only MDT, Logged MBSFN MDT, Trace or a combined Trace and MDT job. The attribute is applicable for Trace, MDT, RCEF and RLF reporting. See the clause 5.9a of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: TRACE_ONLY isNullable: False |
listOfInterfaces |
It specifies the interfaces that need to be traced. The attribute is applicable only for Trace. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.5 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
listOfNETypes |
It specifies the network element types where the trace should be activated. The attribute is applicable only for Trace with Signalling Based Trace activation. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.4 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
pLMNTarget |
It specifies which PLMN that the subscriber of the session to be recorded uses as selected PLMN. |
type: PlmnId multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
traceReportingConsumerURI |
It specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Streaming Trace data reporting MnS consumer (a.k.a. streaming target). See the clause 5.9 c of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
traceCollectionEntityIPAddress |
It specifies the address of the Trace Collection Entity when the attribute traceReportingFormat is configured for the file-based reporting. The attribute is applicable for both Trace and MDT. See the clause 5.9 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: IpAddress multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
traceDepth |
It specifies the trace depth. The attribute is applicable only for Trace. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.3 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: MAXIMUM isNullable: True |
traceReference |
A globally unique identifier, which uniquely identifies the Trace Session that is created by the TraceJob. In case of shared network, it is the MCC and MNC of the Participating Operator that request the trace session that shall be provided. The attribute is applicable for both Trace and MDT. See the clause 5.6 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: TraceReference multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: True isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
traceRecordingSessionReference |
An identifier, which identifies the Trace Recording Session. The attribute is applicable for both Trace and MDT. See the clause 5.7 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: True isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
traceReportingFormat |
It specifies the trace reporting format – streaming trace reporting or file-based trace reporting. AllowedValues: FILE-BASED, STREAMING |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: FILE-BASED isNullable: False |
traceTarget |
It specifies the target object of the Trace and MDT. The attribute is applicable for both Trace and MDT. This attribute includes the ID type of the target as an enumeration and the ID value(s). The traceTarget shall be "PUBLIC_ID" in case of a Management Based Activation is done to an SCSCFFunction (Serving Call Session Control Function) or PCSCFFunction (Proxy Call Session Control Function) (TS 28.705[44]). The traceTarget shall be "UTRAN_CELL" only in case of the UTRAN cell traffic trace function. The traceTarget shall be "E-UTRAN_CELL" only in case of E-UTRAN cell traffic trace function. The traceTarget shall be "NG-RAN_CELL" only in case of NR cell traffic trace function. The traceTarget shall be either "IMSI", "IMEI" or "IMEISV" if the Trace Session is activated to any of the following ManagedEntity(ies): – HSSFunction (Home Subscriber Server) (TS 28.705 [44]) – MscServerFunction (Mobile Switching Centre Server) (TS 28.702 [45]) – SgsnFunction (Serving GPRS Support Node) (TS 28.702[45]) – GgsnFunction (Gateway GPRS Support Node) (TS 28.702[45]) – BmscFunction (Broadcast Multicast Service Centre) (TS 28.702[45]) – RncFunction (Radio Network Controller) (TS 28.652[46]) – MmeFunction (Mobility Management Entity) (TS 28.708[47]) – ServingGWFunction (Serving Gateway) (TS 28.708[47]) – PGWFunction (PDN Gateway) (TS 28.708[47]). The traceTarget shall be either “SUPI” or “IMEISV” if the Trace Session is activated to any of the following ManagedEntity(ies) (TS 28.541[48]): – AFFunction – AMFFunction – AUSFunction – NEFFunction – NRFFunction – NSSFFunction – PCFFunction – SMFFunction – UPFFunction – UDMFunction In case of signalling based MDT, the traceTarget attribute shall be able to carry "PUBLIC_ID", "IMSI", "IMEI", "IMEISV)" or "SUPI". In case of management based Immediate MDT, the traceTarget attribute shall be null value. In case of management based Logged MDT, the traceTarget attribute shall carry an "eNB" or a "gNB" or an "RNC". The Logged MDT should be initiated on the specified eNB/gNB/RNC in traceTarget. In case of RLF reporting, or RCEF reporting, the traceTarget attribute shall be null value. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: No isNullable: True |
triggeringEvents |
It specifies the triggering event parameter of the trace session. The attribute is applicable only for Trace. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.1 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
anonymizationOfMDTData |
It specifies the level of anonymization for management based MDT. See the clause 5.10.12 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: NO_IDENTITY isNullable: True |
areaConfigurationForNeighCell |
It specifies the area for which UE is requested to perform measurement logging for neighbour cells which have list of frequencies. If it is not configured, the UE shall perform measurement logging for all the neighbour cells. Applicable only to NR Logged MDT. See the clause 5.10.26 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: AreaConfig multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
areaScope |
It specifies the area where data shall be collected.. List of eNB/list of gNB/eNB/gNB for RLF or RCEF. List of cells/TA/LA/RA for signalling based or management based Logged MDT. List of cells for management based Immediate MDT. List of cells or Tracking Area for QMC. Cell, TA, LA, RA are mutually exclusive. |
type: AreaScope multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodRRMLTE |
It specifies the collection period for collecting RRM configured measurement samples for M3 in LTE. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.20 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodRRMUMTS |
It specifies the collection period for collecting RRM configured measurement samples for M3, M4, M5 in UMTS. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.21 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
eventListForEventTriggeredMeasurement |
It specifies event types for event triggered measurement in the case of logged NR MDT. Each trace session may configure at most one event. The UE shall perform logging of measurements only upon certain condition being fulfilled: – Out of coverage. – A2 event. See the clause 5.10.28 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
eventThreshold |
It specifies the threshold which should trigger the reporting in case A2 event reporting in LTE and NR or 1F/1l event in UMTS. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT and when reportingTrigger is configured for A2 event in LTE and NR or 1F event or 1l event in UMTS. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clauses 5.10.7 and 5.10.7a of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
listOfMeasurements |
It specifies the UE measurements that shall be collected in an Immediate MDT job. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.3 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
loggingDuration |
It specifies how long the MDT configuration is valid at the UE in case of Logged MDT. The attribute is applicable only for Logged MDT and Logged MBSFN MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.9 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
loggingInterval |
It specifies the periodicity for Logged MDT. The attribute is applicable only for Logged MDT and Logged MBSFN MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.8 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
eventThreshold L1 |
It specifies the threshold which should trigger the reporting in case of event based reporting of logged NR MDT. The attribute is applicable only for Logged MDT and when reportType is configured for event triggered reporting and when eventListEventForTriggeredMeasurement is configured for L1 event. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.36 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
hysteresis L1 |
It specifies the hysteresis used within the entry and leave condition of the L1 event based reporting of logged NR MDT. The attribute is applicable only for Logged MDT, when reportType is configured for event triggered reporting and when eventListForEventTriggeredMeasurement is configured for L1 event. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.37 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
timeToTrigger L1 |
It specifies the threshold which should trigger the reporting in case of event based reporting of logged NR MDT. The attribute is applicable only for Logged MDT, when reportType is configured for event triggered reporting and when eventListForEventTriggeredMeasurement is configured for L1 event. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clauses 5.10.38 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
mBSFNAreaList |
The MBSFN Area consists of a MBSFN Area ID and Carrier Frequency (EARFCN). The target MBSFN area List can have up to 8 entries. This parameter is applicable only if the job type is Logged MBSFN MDT. See the clause 5.10.25 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: MbsfnArea multiplicity: 1..8 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
measurementPeriodLTE |
It specifies the collection period for the Data Volume (M4) and Scheduled IP throughput measurements (M5) for LTE MDT taken by the eNB. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.23 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodM6LTE |
It specifies the collection period for the Packet Delay measurement (M6) for MDT taken by the eNB. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.32 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodM7LTE |
It specifies the collection period for the Packet Loss Rate measurement (M7) for LTE MDT taken by the eNB. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.33 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
measurementPeriodUMTS |
It specifies the collection period for the Data Volume (M6) and Throughput measurements (M7) for UMTS MDT taken by RNC. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.22 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodRRMNR |
It specifies the collection period for collecting RRM configured measurement samples for M4, M5 in NR. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.30 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodM6NR |
It specifies the collection period for the Packet Delay measurement (M6) for NR MDT taken by the gNB. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.34 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
collectionPeriodM7NR |
It specifies the collection period for the Packet Loss Rate measurement (M7) for NR MDT taken by the gNB. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.35 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
beamLevelMeasurement |
This indicates whether the NR M1 beam level measurements shall be included or not. The default value is "FALSE". allowedValues: TRUE, FALSE |
type: Boolean multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: FALSE isNullable: False |
eventThresholdUphUMTS |
It specifies the threshold which should trigger the reporting in case of event-triggered periodic reporting for M4 (UE power headroom measurement) in UMTS. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.39 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
measurementQuantity |
It specifies the measurements that are collected in an MDT job for a UMTS MDT configured for event triggered reporting. See the clause 5.10.15 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
pLMNList |
It indicates the PLMNs where measurement collection, status indication and log reporting are allowed. See the clause 5.10.24 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: PlmnId multiplicity: 1..16 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
positioningMethod |
It specifies what positioning method should be used in the MDT job. See the clause 5.10.19 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
reportAmount |
It specifies the number of measurement reports that shall be taken for periodic reporting while the UE is in connected. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT and when reportingTrigger is configured for periodical measurements. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.6 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
reportingTrigger |
It specifies whether periodic or event based measurements should be collected. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT and when the listOfMeasurements is configured for M1 (for UMTS, LTE and NR) or M2 (only for UMTS). In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.4 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
reportInterval |
It specifies the interval between the periodical measurements that shall be taken when the UE is in connected mode. The attribute is applicable only for Immediate MDT and when reportingTrigger is configured for periodical measurements. In case this attribute is not used, it carries a null semantic. See the clause 5.10.5 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
reportType |
It specifies report type for logged NR MDT as: – periodical. – event triggered. See the clause 5.10.27 of TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
sensorInformation |
It specifies which sensor information shall be included in logged NR MDT and immediate NR MDT measurement if they are available. The following sensor measurement can be included or excluded for the UE: – Barometric pressure. – UE speed. – UE orientation. See the clause 5.10.29 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
traceCollectionEntityId |
It specifies the TCE Id which is sent to the UE in Logged MDT. See the clause 5.10.11 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
mcc |
Mobile Country Code allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: Mcc multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mnc |
Mobile Network allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: Mnc multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
traceId |
An identifier, which identifies the Trace (together with MCC and MNC). This is a 3 byte Octet String. See the clause 5.6 of 3GPP TS 32.422 [30] for additional details on the allowed values. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
freqInfo |
It specifies the carrier frequency and bands used in a cell. |
type: FreqInfo multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
arfcn |
RF Reference Frequency as defined in TS 38.104 [35], clause The frequency provided identifies the absolute frequency position of the reference resource block (Common RB 0) of the carrier. Its lowest subcarrier is also known as Point A. allowedValues: 0, 1, …,3279165 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
freqBands |
List of NR frequency operating bands. Primary NR Operating Band as defined in TS 38.104 [35], clause The value 1 corresponds to n1, value 2 corresponds to NR operating band n2, etc. allowedValues: 1, 2, …,1024 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
pciList |
List of neighbour cells subject for MDT scope. allowedValues: 0, 1, …,1007 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1..32 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
tac |
Tracking Area Code allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: Tac multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
utraCellIdList |
List of UTRAN cells identified by UTRAN CGI allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: UtraCellId multiplicity: 1..32 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
eutraCellIdList |
List of E-UTRAN cells identified by E-UTRAN-CGI allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: EutraCellId multiplicity: 1..32 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
nrCellIdList |
List of NR cells identified by NG-RAN CGI allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: NrCellId multiplicity: 1..32 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
tacList |
Tracking Area Code list allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: Tac multiplicity: 1..8 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
taiList |
Tracking Area Identity list allowedValues: As defined by the data type |
type: Tai multiplicity: 1..8 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mbsfnAreaId |
MBSFN Area Identifier AllowedValues: 1, 2, … |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
earfcn |
Carrier Frequency AllowedValues: 1, 2, … |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mnsLabel |
Human-readable name of management service. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mnsType |
Type of management service. allowedValues: ProvMnS, FaultSupervisionMnS, StreamingDataReportingMnS, FileDataReportingMnS |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mnsVersion |
Version of management service. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mnsAddress |
Addressing information for Management Service operations. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.id |
Id of the process. It is unique within a single multivalue attribute of type ProcessMonitor. |
Type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.status |
This attribute represents the status of the associated process, whether it fails, succeeds etc. It does not represent the returned values of a successfully finished process. allowedValues: – NOT_STARTED – RUNNING – CANCELLING – FINISHED – FAILED – PARTIALLY_FAILED – CANCELLED |
Type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.progressPercentage |
Progress of the process as percentage. Allowed values: integer between 0 and 100 |
Type: Integer multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.progressStateInfo |
Additional textual qualification of the states "NOT_STARTED", "CANCELLING" and "RUNNING". For specific processes, specific well-defined strings (e.g. string patterns or enums) may be defined as a specialisation. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: String multiplicity: 0..* isOrdered: True isUnique: False defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.resultStateInfo |
Additional textual qualification of the states "FINISHED", "FAILED", "PARTIALLY_FAILED and "CANCELLED". For example, in the "FAILED" or "PARTIALLY_FAILED" state this attribute may be used to provide error reasons. This attribute shall not be used to make the outcome of the process available for retrieval, if any. For this purpose, dedicated attributes shall be specified when specifying the representation of a specific process. For specific processes, specific well-defined strings (e.g. string patterns or enums) may be defined as a specialisation. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: String multiplicity: 0..1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.startTime |
Start time of the associated process, i.e. the time when the status changed from "NOT_STARTED" to "RUNNING". allowedValues: N/A |
Type: DateTime multiplicity: 0.. 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.endTime |
Date and time when status changed to SUCCESS, CANCELLED, FAILED or PARTIALLY_FAILED. If the time is in the future, it is the estimated time the process will end. allowedValues: N/A |
Type: DateTime multiplicity: 0.. 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
ProcessMonitor.timer |
Time until the associated process is automatically cancelled. If set, the system decreases the timer with time. When it reaches zero the cancellation of the associated process is initiated by the MnS_Producer. If not set, there is no time limit for the process. Once the timer is set, the consumer can not change it anymore. If the consumer has not set the timer the MnS Producer may set it. Unit is minutes. allowedValues: Positive integers |
Type: Integer multiplicity: 0.. 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mnsScope |
This attribute list contains the DNs of the managed object instances that can be accessed using the Management Service. If a complete SubNetwork can be accessed using the Management Service, this attribute may contain the DN of the SubNetwork instead of the DNs of the individual managed entities within the SubNetwork. |
type: DN multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
managementData |
This attribute defines the list of management data that are requested. |
Type: ManagementData multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mgtDataCategory |
This attributes defines the type of management data that are requested. Allowed values for data category are COVERAGE, CAPACITY, ENERGY_EFFICIENCY, MOBILITY, ACCESSIBILITY. The data categories will map to certain measurement families defined in TS 28.552 [2], see below. In addition to the below mappings, MnS producer may map the provided categories to any additional proprietary management data, as appropriate. The COVERAGE category will map to measurement families of MR (measurements related to Measurement Report) and L1M (measurements related to Layer 1 Measurement). The CAPACITY category will map to measurement family RRU (measurements related to Radio Resource Utilization). The ENERGY_EFFICIENCY category will map to measurement family PEE (measurements related to Power, Energy and Environment). The MOBILITY category will map to measurement family MM (measurements related to Mobility Management). The ACCESSIBILITY category will map to measurement family CE (measurements related to Connection Establishment). Allowed values: COVERAGE, CAPACITY, SERVICE EXPERIENCE, TRACE, ENERGY EFFICIENCY, MOBILITY, ACCESSIBILITY See NOTE 7. |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
mgtDataName |
The list may include metrics or set of metrics defined in TS 28.552 [20], TS 28.554 [28] and TS 32.422 [30]. The metrics are identified with their names/identifiers. For performance measurements defined in TS 28.552 [20] the name is constructed as follows: – "family.measurementName.subcounter" for measurement types with subcounters – "family.measurementName" for measurement types without subcounters – "family" for measurement families For KPIs defined in TS 28.554 [28] the name is defined according to the KPI definitions template as the component designated with a). For trace metrics (including trace messages, MDT measurements (Immediate MDT, Logged MDT, Logged MBSFN MDT), RLF and RCEF reports) defined in TS 32.422 [30], the name (metric identifier) is defined in clause 10 of TS 32.422 [30]. |
type: string multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
targetNodeFilter |
Set of information to target the Object Instance to collect the management data from. |
type: NodeFilter multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: No isNullable: True |
areaOfInterest |
It specifies a location(s) from where the management data shall be collected. |
type: AreaOfInterest multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: No isNullable: True |
geoAreaToCellMapping |
It specifies the geographical area from where the management data shall be collected and the mapping to cells. allowedValues: N/A |
type: GeoAreaToCellMapping multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
convexGeoPolygon |
It specifies the geographical area with a convex polygon. The convex polygon is specified by its corners. allowedValues: N/A |
type: GeoCoordinate multiplicity: 3..* isOrdered: True isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
geoArea |
It specifies the geographical area using the cordinates of the corners of a convex polygon. allowedValues: N/A |
type: GeoArea multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
latitude |
Latitude based on World Geodetic System (1984 version) global reference frame (WGS 84). Positive values correspond to the northern hemisphere. AllowedValues: -90.0000, …+90.0000 |
type: float multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
longitude |
Longitude based on World Geodetic System (1984 version) global reference frame (WGS 84). Positive values correspond to degrees east of 0 degrees longitude. AllowedValues: -180.0000, … +180.0000 |
type: float multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
associationThreshold |
It specifies the threshold of coverage area in percentage whether a cell belongs to the geographical area or not. If this attribute is absent, the location of the base station antenna determines whether a cell belongs to the geographical area or not. Allowed values: 1,…,100 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
networkDomain |
It specifies the network domain of the target node. This will also result in collecting appropriate management data from the nodes belonging to the specified domain. Allowed Values: CN, RAN |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
cpUpType |
It specifies the traffic type of the target node. This will also result in collecting appropriate management data from the nodes handling the specified traffic (e.g AMF for CP and UPF for UP). Allowed Values: CP, UP |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
sst |
It specifies the slice service type (SST) of which the slice subnet should be targeted. Please refer to TS 23.501 [22]. |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
collectionTimeWindow |
Collection time window for which the management data should be reported. |
type: TimeWindow multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
startTime |
It specifies the start of collection period |
type: DateTime multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
endTime |
It specifies the end of collection period |
type: DateTime multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
dataScope |
It specifies whether the required data is reported per S-NSSAI or per 5QI. Allowed Value: SNSSAI, 5QI |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: N/A isNullable: True |
serviceType |
Specifies an end user service type for QoE measurements. allowedValues: DASH, MTSI, VR |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
qoECollectionEntityAddress |
Specifies the address to which the QMC records shall be transferred. Ipv4 or Ipv6 address(es) may be used. |
type: IpAddress multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
qoETarget |
Specifies the target object of the QMC in case of signalling based QMC. The qoETarget attribute shall be able to carry "IMSI” or "SUPI". |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered:N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
qoEReference |
Identifies the QoE measurement collection job in the Managed Elements and in the measurement collection entity. The QoE reference shall be globally unique therefore it is composed as follows: MCC+MNC+QMC ID, where the MCC and MNC are coming with the QMC activation request from the management system to identify one PLMN containing the management system, and QMC ID is a 3 byte Octet String. The QMC ID is generated by the management system or the operator. |
type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
sliceScope |
Contains a list of S-NSSAIs (Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information). A Network Slice is identified by S-NSSAI. |
type: S-NSSAI multiplicity: * isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: True |
qMCConfigFile |
Provides a reference to a file including the parameters for configuration of application layer measurements, known as Container for Application Layer Measurement Configuration |
Type: String multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
excessPacketDelayThresholds |
Excess packet delay thresholds info for M6 UL measurement. |
type: ExcessPacketDelayThresholds multiplicity: 1..* isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
fiveQIValue |
It indicates 5QI value. allowedValues: 0 – 255 |
type: Integer multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: False isUnique: True defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
excessPacketDelayThresholdValue |
Value of excess packet delay threshold for M6 UL measurement. allowedValues: 0.25ms, 0.5ms, 1ms, 2ms, 4ms, 5ms, 10ms, 20ms, 30ms, 40ms, 50ms, 60ms, 70ms, 80ms, 90ms, 100ms, 150ms, 300ms, 500ms, … |
type: ENUM multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
mDTAlignmentInformation |
This parameter indicates the MDT measurements with which alignment of QoE measurement is required. This parameter is optional and is valid for NR only. |
Type: TraceReference multiplicity: 1 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
availableRANqoEMetrics |
This parameter indicates available RAN visible QoE metrics to the gNB. This parameter is optional and is valid for NR only. Allowed values: appLayerBufferLevelList, playoutDelayForMedia Startup |
Type: ENUM multiplicity: 0..2 isOrdered: N/A isUnique: N/A defaultValue: None isNullable: False |
NOTE 1: The value of this attribute is identical to that of the same attribute in clause 9.4.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 008 [16]. NOTE 2: The value of this attribute is identical to that of the attribute isAutoscaleEnabled included in vnfConfigurableProperty in clause 9.4.2 of ETSI GS NFV-IFA 008 [16]. NOTE 3: The presence of the attribute vnfParametersList, whose vnfInstanceId with a string length of zero, in createMO operation can trigger the instantiation of the related VNF/VNFC instances. NOTE 4: The GP defines the measurement data production rate. The supported rates are dependent on the capacity of the producer involved (e.g. the processing power of the producer, the complexity of the measurement type involved etc) and therefore, it cannot be standardized for all producers involved. The supported GPs reflects the agreement between producer and the consumer involved. NOTE 5: The monitoring granularity period defines the measurements monitoring period. The supported monitoring periods are dependent on the capacity of the producer involved (e.g. the processing power of the producer, the complexity of the measurement type involved etc) and therefore, it cannot be standardized for all producers involved. The supported monitoring GPs reflect the agreement between producer and the consumer involved. NOTE 6: The supported threshold levels are dependent on the capacity of the producer involved (e.g. the processing power of the producer, number of measurements being measured by the producer at the time, the complexity of the measurement type involved etc) and therefore, it cannot be standardized for all producers involved. The supported levels can only reflect the negotiated agreement between producer and the consumer involved. NOTE 7: The above values can be further extended by the implementations, as appropriate. |
4.4.2 Constraints