A.3 Centralized energy saving activation
28.3103GPPEnergy efficiency of 5GManagement and orchestrationRelease 18TS
title Centralized energy saving activation Diagram
participant "MnS producer of Centralized ES" as MnSProdCSON
participant "Performance Assurance MnS producer" as MnSProdPA
participant "Provisioning MnS producer" as MnSProdProv
participant "NR Capacity Booster Cell" as NRCapacityBCell
participant "NR Cells" as NRCandidateCells
MnSProdPA <- NRCapacityBCell: 1. Collects traffic load performance measurements
MnSProdPA <- NRCandidateCells: 1. Collects traffic load performance measurements
MnSProdPA -> MnSProdCSON: 2. Collects traffic load performance measurements
note over MnSProdCSON: Analyzes traffic load performance measurements
opt if decision is taken that the NR capacity booster cell should enter the energySaving state
MnSProdCSON -> MnSProdProv: 3. <i>modifyMOIAttributes</i> (NR Capacity Booster Cell, (energySaving, old value = ‘off’, new value = ‘on’))
MnSProdProv -> NRCapacityBCell: 4. Configures NR Capacity Booster Cell
note over NRCapacityBCell: 5. May initiate handover actions
MnSProdProv -> NRCandidateCells: 6. Configures Candidate Cells
note over NRCapacityBCell: 7. Enters energySaving state
NRCapacityBCell -> MnSProdProv: 8. Informs that energySaving state has changed
MnSProdProv -> MnSProdCSON: 9. <i>notifyMOIAttributeValueChanges</i> (NR Capacity Booster Cell, (energySaving, old value = ‘off’, new value = ‘on’))