A.1 Distributed energy saving activation

28.3103GPPEnergy efficiency of 5GManagement and orchestrationRelease 18TS


title Distributed energy saving activation Diagram

participant "MnS producer of Distributed ES" as MnSProdDSON

participant "Provisioning MnS producer" as MnSProdProv

participant "Distributed Energy Saving function" as DESFunction

MnSProdProv <- MnSProdDSON: 1. <i>modifyMOIAttributes</i> to configure cell overlaid relations

DESFunction <- MnSProdProv: 2. Configure cell overlaid relations

MnSProdProv <- MnSProdDSON: 3. <i>modifyMOIAttributes</i> to configure ES policy (incl. thresholds)

DESFunction <- MnSProdProv: 4. Configure ES policy (incl. thresholds)

MnSProdProv <- MnSProdDSON: 5. <i>modifyMOIAttributes</i> to set ESswitch to ‘ON’

DESFunction <- MnSProdProv: 6. Switch on energy saving functionality

opt if decision is taken that NR capacity booster cell should enter energySaving state

DESFunction -> MnSProdProv: 7. Inform that energySaving state has been changed to ‘ON’

MnSProdProv -> MnSProdDSON: 8. <i>notifyMOIAttributeValueChanges</i> (energySaving, old value = ‘off’, new value = ‘on’)

