3 Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviations

26.5023GPP5G Multicast-Broadcast User Service ArchitectureRelease 17TS

3.1 Terms

For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1], TS 23.501 [2], TS 23.502 [3], TS 23.247 [5] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

Broadcast MBS session: an MBS session to deliver the broadcast communication service, as defined in TS 23.247 [4].

distribution method: a mechanism (comprising the Object Distribution Method and Packet Distribution Method) used by the MBSTF to deliver data to the MBS Client as part of a User Service.

MBS Application Data Session: time, protocols and protocol state (i.e. parameters) provided by the MBSTF Client to the MBS-Aware Application.

MBS Distribution Session Announcement: metadata entity consumed by the MBSTF Client that is used to advertise the current or imminent availability of an MBS Distribution Session in the MBS System that provides parameters needed by the MBSTF Client to receive it.

MBS Application Service: an end-user service for which parts or all of the data are accessible by activating the reception of an MBS User Service.

MBS-Aware Application: a UE-based application that consumes User Services by invoking with MBS Client APIs.

MBS Client: the UE function that consumes User Services defined in the present document.

MBS Distribution Session: time, protocols and protocol state (i.e. parameters) which define sender and receiver configuration and which use an MBS Session for the delivery of an MBS User Data Ingest Session.

MBS Session: a multicast session or a broadcast session, as defined in TS 23.247 [4].

MBS User Service: an abstract transport-level service configured by the MBSF and using one or more MBS Distribution Sessions, possibly in combination with unicast, for the purpose of supporting an MBS-Aware Application via a set of APIs that allows the MBS Client to activate and deactivate reception of the MBS Session.

MBS User Data Ingest Session: time, protocols and protocol state (i.e. parameters) provided by an MBS Application Provider for distribution over an MBS User Service, and provided to the MBS-Aware Application as an MBS Application Data Session.

MBS User Service Announcement: metadata entity consumed by the MBSF Client composed of one or more MBS Distribution Session Announcements.

MBS User Service Announcement Channel: MBS Distribution Session generated by the MBSF to carousel MBS User Service Announcements to the MBS Client using the Object Distribution Method.

MBS User Service Control:. control of an MBS User Service by an MBS-Aware Application interacting with an MBSF Client.

MBS User Service Provisioning: provisioning of an MBS User Service in the MBSF by an MBS Application Provider.

MBS User Service Session: an instance of an MBS User Service.

Multicast MBS session: an MBS session to deliver the multicast communication service, as defined in TS 23.247 [4].

Object Distribution Method: the distribution method supporting real-time and non-real-time distribution of discrete binary objects, including media segments, to MBS Clients as part of an MBS Session.

Packet Distribution Method: the distribution method supporting transparent delivery of Application Data Units to MBS Clients as part of an MBS Session.

3.2 Symbols


3.3 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1], TS 23.501 [2], TS 23.502 [3], TS 23.247 [4] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

5QI 5G QoS Identifier

AL‑FEC Application Level FEC

DN Data Network

FEC Forward Erasure Correction

MBS Multicast–Broadcast Services

MB‑SMF Multicast–Broadcast Session Management Function

MB‑UPF Multicast–Broadcast User Plane Function

MBSF Multicast–Broadcast Service Function

MBSTF Multicast–Broadcast Service Transport Function

LTE Long Term Evolution

NEF Network Exposure Function

PCF Policy and Charging Function

PDU Protocol Data Unit

QoS Quality of Service

SDU Service Data Unit

UE User Equipment