26.2343GPPProtocols and codecsRelease 17Transparent end-to-end Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS)TS

A.3.1 General


A.3.2 Implementation guidelines

A.3.2.1 Maximum RTP packet size

The RFC 3550 (RTP) [9] does not impose a maximum size on RTP packets. However, when RTP packets are sent over the radio link of a 3GPP PSS system there is an advantage in limiting the maximum size of RTP packets.

Two types of bearers can be envisioned for streaming using either acknowledged mode (AM) or unacknowledged mode (UM) RLC. The AM uses retransmissions over the radio link whereas the UM does not. In UM mode large RTP packets are more susceptible to losses over the radio link compared to small RTP packets since the loss of a segment may result in the loss of the whole packet. On the other hand in AM mode large RTP packets will result in larger delay jitter compared to small packets as there is a larger chance that more segments have to be retransmitted.

For these reasons it is recommended that the maximum size of RTP packets should be limited in size taking into account the wireless link. This will decrease the RTP packet loss rate particularly for RLC in UM. For RLC in AM the delay jitter will be reduced permitting the client to use a smaller receiving buffer. It should also be noted that too small RTP packets could result in too much overhead if IP/UDP/RTP header compression is not applied or unnecessary load at the streaming server.

In the case of transporting video in the payload of RTP packets it may be that a video frame is split into more than one RTP packet in order not to produce too large RTP packets. Then, to be able to decode packets following a lost packet in the same video frame, it is recommended that synchronisation information be inserted at the start of such RTP packets.

A.3.2.2 Sequence number and timestamp in the presence of NPT jump

The description below is intended to give more understanding of how RTP sequence number and timestamp are specified within the 3GPP PSS in the presence of NPT jumps. The jump happens when a client sends a PLAY request to skip media.

The RFC 2326 (RTSP) [5] specifies that both RTP sequence numbers and RTP timestamps must be continuous and monotonic across jumps of NPT. Thus when a server receives a request for a skip of the media that causes a jump of NPT, it shall specify RTP sequence numbers and RTP timestamps continuously and monotonically across the skip of the media to conform to the RTSP specification. Also, the server may respond with "seq" in the RTP-Info field if this parameter is known at the time of issuing the response.

A.3.2.3 RTCP transmission interval

In RTP [9] when using the basic RTP profile AVP [10], Section 6.2 of [9] defines rules for the calculation of the interval between the sending of two consecutive RTCP packets, i.e. the RTCP transmission interval. These rules consist of two steps:

– Step 1: an algorithm that calculates a transmission interval from parameters such as the RTCP bandwidth defined in section and the average RTCP packet size. This algorithm is described in [9], with example code in annex A.7.

– Step 2: Taking the maximum of the transmission interval computed in step 1 and a mandatory fixed minimum RTCP transmission interval. The RTP/RTCP specification [9] gives a recommendation that the minimum interval is set to 5 seconds, but it may be scaled to other values in unicast sessions for all participants (SSRCs), see section 6.2 of [9] for further details. For PSS and the AVP profile the minimum interval shall be 5 seconds.

NOTE: The algorithm in Annex A.7 of [9] must be accordingly modified to enable usage of the explicit bandwidth values given for the RTCP bandwidth, as provided by the SDP bandwidth modifiers (RR and RS) that shall be used by PSS according to clause

Implementations conforming to this TS shall perform step 1 and may perform step 2. All other algorithms and rules of [9] stay valid and shall be followed. Please note that the processing described in [9] include a randomisation with an equally distributed random function resulting in a value somewhere between 0.5 to 1.5 times the calculated value prior to further scaling with a factor of 1/(e-1.5). Those RTCP intervals either can be compared as the average value or as the maximum interval.

The rules defined in RTP [9] and AVP [10] are updated by the AVPF profile [57]. The new rules remove the minimum transmission interval rule. It also provides SDP signalling that allows the server to configure the RTCP behaviour. When using the AVPF profile the PSS client and server shall send RTCP according to the rules in [57] and comply with the signalled parameters.

Below are formulas for calculating the maximal RTCP interval for given input parameters. Normally the RTCP packets will be sent with smaller intervals. The formulas below have been reduced as much as possible and utilize the rules resulting in the largest interval. The formulas are not a replacement for implementing the algorithm in any stack, as some of the input values are dynamic and will change during a session.


RSv: The RTCP bandwidth in bits/s assigned to active data senders

RRv: The RTCP bandwidth in bits/s assigned to data receiver only.

members: The total number of participants (SSRCs) in the session.

avg_rtcp_size: The average RTCP packet size in bytes.

min_rtcp_interval: The minimum RTCP transmission interval in seconds.

t_rr_interval: The minimum reporting interval in seconds when in regular RTCP mode for AVPF.

The calculation for the AVP profile:

x = 1.5 * max((avg_rtcp_size * 8 * members / min(RSv, RRv)), min_rtcp_interval) / 1.21828

The calculation for the AVPF profile:

x =1.5 * max(2*(avg_rtcp_size * 8 * members / min(RSv, RRv)) / 1.21828, t_rr_interval)

The above formulas are valid for both a PSS server and a PSS client, and either side can compute the maximum RTCP interval of either of the two sides. For example, the PSS server can compute the maximum RTCP transmission interval for the RTCP packets received by the PSS client just by replacing the expression min(RSv, RRv) with RRv in the formula.

When using the AVPF profile the sending of RTCP reports is governed by the AVPF mode in use, the RTCP bandwidth, the average RTCP packet size and possibly the minimal reporting interval (t_rr_interval). In AVPF the RTCP sender will work in regular reporting mode, unless there are any events to report on. This means that the normal bandwidth limitation rule is used, possibly combined with suppression based on the t_rr_interval variable. The t_rr_interval variable can be set using signalling in SDP with the "trr-int" parameter. Also, due to the transitions between early RTCP mode and the regular reporting mode the reporting can be delayed a complete regular reporting interval. The other modes will all send RTCP at least as often as for the transition between early and regular mode.

A.3.2.4 Timestamp handling after PAUSE/PLAY requests

The description below intends to clarify how RTP timestamps are specified within the 3GPP PSS when a client sends a PLAY request following a PAUSE request. The RTP timestamp space must be continuous along time during a session and then reflect the actual time elapsed since the beginning of the session. A server must reflect the actual time interval elapsed between the last RTP packets sent before the reception of the PAUSE request and the first RTP packets sent after the reception of the PLAY request in the RTP timestamp. A client will need to compute the mapping between NPT time and RTP timestamp each time it receives a PLAY response for on-demand content. This means that a client must be able to cope with any gap in RTP timestamps after a PLAY request.

The PLAY request can include a Range header if the client wants to seek backward or forward in the media, or without a Range header if the client only wants to resume the paused session.

In this example Client C plays a media file from Server S. RTP timestamp rate in this example is 1000Hz for clarity.

C -> S: PLAY rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 2
Session: 123456
Range: npt=1.125-

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 2
Session: 123456
Range: npt=1.120-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp://example.com/mediastream;seq=1000;rtptime=5000

S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1000 – rtptime = 5000 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1120ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1001 – rtptime = 5040 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1160ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1002 – rtptime = 5080 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1200ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1003 – rtptime = 5120 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1240ms

C -> S: PAUSE rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 3
Session: 123456

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 3
Session: 123456

[10 seconds elapsed]

C -> S: PLAY rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 4
Session: 123456

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 4
Session: 123456
Range: npt=1.280-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp://example.com/mediastream;seq=1004;rtptime=15160

S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1004 – rtptime = 15160 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1280ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1005 – rtptime = 15200 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1320ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1006 – rtptime = 15240 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 1360ms

C -> S: PAUSE rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 5
Session: 123456

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 5
Session: 123456

C -> S: PLAY rtsp://example.com/mediastream RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 6
Session: 123456
Range: npt=0.5-

[55 milliseconds elapsed during request processing]

S -> C: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 6
Session: 123456
Range: npt=0.480-
RTP-Info: url=rtsp://example.com/mediastream;seq=1007;rtptime=15295

S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1007 – rtptime = 15295 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 480ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1008 – rtptime = 15335 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 520ms
S -> C: RTP packet – seq = 1009 – rtptime = 15375 – corresponding media time (NPT time) = 560ms

A.3.3 Examples of RTCP APP packets for client buffer feedback

Example 1: The RTCP Receiver Report and NADU packet while having a number of packets for a single source in the receiver buffer and signalling the playout delay for the next unit to be decoded.

RTCP Receiver Report:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1



| SSRC of pack+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+

| SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source) = 0x4D23AE29 |

+ fraction lost | cumulative number of packets lost |

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- received = 0x00000551 (1361) |



| last SR +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

| delay since last SR (DLSR) |

+APP packet:

0 1 2 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

|V=2|P|subtype=0| PT=APP=204 | length = 4 +-+-+-+

| Client SSRC = 0x324FE239 |


| name = +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

| Server SSRC = 0x4D23AE29 |

+ Playout Delay = 300 | NSN = 1323 |

+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- FBS = 292 |


all the ADUs that are in the receiver buffer by looking up all the ADUs it has sent which follow in to packet 1361. The total buffer size is 35000 bytes as indicated during the RTSP session setup (sace in the buffer is report as 292 64-byte blocks, which equals 18688 bytes of free buffer space.

TADU to be decoded and the next ADU it will send by comparing the decoding times of these units. Depending on this value, it is able to adapt using e.g. bitstream switching or bitstream thinning.

If the receiver had chosen not to signal the playout delay of the oldest packet, the receiver would have sent instead the reserved value 0xFFFF for the playout delay field.

Example 2: Reporting an empty buffer.

In the case a client has played out all packets for a SSRC that has been received and would send out a RTCP receiver report according to the one in example 1, the NADU packet would carry an NSN value of 1362. This results in that the calculation of the number of packets becomes 0 (1361-1362+1). As the buffer is empty, the playout delay is not defined and the receiver should use the reserved value 0xFFFF for this field.