4.10A Coding for E-AGCH type 2 (1.28Mcps TDD only)

25.2223GPPMultiplexing and channel coding (TDD)Release 17TS

For the 1.28 Mcps TDD, E-AGCH type 2 is used when any of the following conditions is met:

– the variable E_DCH_SPS_STATUS =TRUE for a UE (as defined in [12]).

– the UE is configured in MU-MIMO mode.

The E-AGCH type 2 carries the following fields multiplexed into w bits xag,1, xag,2, … xag,w and w is 30 bits.

– Absolute grant (power) value (xpg,1, xpg,2, … xpg,5) {5 bits}

– Code resource related information (xc,1, xc,2, … xc,Nc), {Nc=4 bits }

– Timeslot resource related information (xt,1, xt,2, … xt,nTRRI), {nTRRI =5bits}

– E-AGCH Cyclic Sequence Number (ECSN) (xe,1, xe,2, xe,3) (3 bits)

– Field flag (xflag,1, xflag,2) {2 bits}

– Special information 1 (x,info1,1, xinfo1,2) {2 bits}

– Special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) {5 bits}

– E-UCCH Number Indicator (xENI,1,xENI,2, xENI,3) {3 bits}

– Reserved (xres,1) {1 bit}

For an E-AGCH order,

– xpg,1, xpg,2, xpg,3, xpg,4, xpg,5 , xc,1, xc,2, xc,3, xc,Nc are reserved

– xt,1, xt,2, … xt,nTRRI shall be set to ‘00000’

– xe,1, xe,2, xe,3 shall be set to xodt,1, xodt,2, xodt,3

– xflag,1, xflag,2, x,info1,1, xinfo1,2, x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,, xENI,1,xENI,2, xENI,3, xres,1are reserved

where xodt,1, xodt,2, xodt,3 are defined in subclause 4.10B.

Figure 25A illustrates the overall coding chain for the E-AGCH type 2.

Figure 25A– TrCH processing of E-AGCH type2

4.10A.1 E-AGCH type 2 Information Field Mapping

4.10A.1.1 Mapping of the Absolute Grant (Power) Value

The mapping of the absolution grant (power) value (xpg,1, xpg,2,…xpg,5) is performed as per section

4.10A.1.2 Mapping of the Code Resource Related Information

The code resource related information (xc,1, xc,2,…xc,Nc) indicates which node on the OVSF code tree has been allocated and is represented by Nc bits where Nc=4. The mapping between the allocated OVSF and the enumerated node 0…14 on the OVSF code tree is as given in table 27, in which channelisation code "i" with spreading factor "Q" is denoted as Ci(Q). xc,1 corresponds to the MSB of the enumerated node.

If NON_RECTANGULAR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_STATUS is FALSE, the OVSF code of all the allocated timeslots is indicated by Code Resource Related Information field.

If NON_RECTANGULAR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_STATUS is TRUE and non-rectangular resource specific timeslot set is not configured via higher layer signalling, the specific timeslot refers to the timeslot closest to the timeslot in which HS-SICH and/or UL DPCH is allocated among all the uplink timeslot scheduled to the UE. The OVSF code of the specific timeslot is indicated by Code Resource Related Information field. The OVSF code of other scheduled timeslots is predefined, i.e. node 0.

If NON_RECTANGULAR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_STATUS is TRUE and non-rectangular resource specific timeslot set is configured via higher layer signalling, the OVSF code in the specific timeslot is indicated by Code Resource Related Information field. The OVSF code of other scheduled timeslots is predefined, i.e. node 0.

4.10A.1.3 Mapping of the Timeslot Resource Related Information

The mapping of the timeslot resource related information (xt,1, xt,2, … xt,nTRRI) is performed as per section

4.10A.1.4 Mapping of the E-AGCH Cyclic Sequence Number (ECSN)

The mapping of E-AGCH cyclic sequence number (xe,1, xe,2, xe,3) is performed as per section

4.10A.1.5 Mapping of the Field Flag

The field flag is used to distinguish the mapping of special information 1 and special information 2. The bits (xflag,1, xflag,2) are mapped such that xflag,1 corresponds to the MSB and xflag,2 to the LSB.

If xflag,1, xflag,2=’00’, the special information 1(x,info1,1, xinfo1,2) are comprised of the E-HICH indicator(xEI,1, xEI,2) and the special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) are comprised of the resource duration indicator (xr,1, xr,2, xr,3) and xinfo2,4, x,info2,5 are reserved.

If xflag,1, xflag,2=’01’, the special information 1 (x,info1,1, xinfo1,2) are comprised of the resource repetition pattern index (xrrpi,1, xrrpi,2 ) and the special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) are reserved.

If xflag,1, xflag,2=’10’, the special default midamble allocation is used. The special information 1 (x,info1,1, xinfo1,2) are comprised of the E-HICH indicator (xEI,1, xEI,2) and the special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) are comprised of the resource duration indicator (xr,1, xr,2, xr,3) and the special default midamble pattern indicator (xmpi,1, xmpi,2).

xflag,1, xflag,2=’11’ is reserved.

4.10A.1.6 Mapping of the Special Information 1

The special information 1 (x,info1,1, xinfo1,2) is mapped such that x,info1,1 corresponds to the MSB and xinfo1,2 to the LSB.

If the special information 1 are comprised of the E-HICH indicator (xEI,1, xEI,2), then x,info1,1= xEI,1and xinfo1,2= xEI,2. And the mapping of the E-HICH indicator is performed as per section

If the special information 1 are comprised of the resource repetition pattern index (xrrpi,1, xrrpi,2 ), then x,info1,1= xrrpi,1and xinfo1,2= xrrpi,2. The resource repetition pattern index xrrpi,1, xrrpi,2 is the unsigned binary representation of a reference to one of repetition patterns of the assigned semi-persistent E-PUCH resources configured by higher layers. The resource repetition pattern index xrrpi,1, xrrpi,2 are mapped such that xrrpi,1corresponds to the MSB and xrrpi,2 to the LSB. And if xrrpi,1 xrrpi,2 =’00’, one subframe E-PUCH resource is assigned.

xrrpi,1, xrrpi,2

Resource repetition pattern index as signalled in the variable E_DCH _SPS_PARAMS[12]


1st entry


2nd entry


3rd entry

4.10A.1.7 Mapping of the Special Information 2

The special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) is mapped such that x,info2,1 corresponds to the MSB and xinfo2,5 to the LSB.

If the special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) are comprised of the resource duration indicator (xr,1, xr,2,xr,3) and xinfo2,4, x,info2,5 are reserved. Then x,info2,1= xr,1, x,info2,2= xr,2and x,info2,3= xr,3.

The mapping of the resource duration indicator is performed as per section

If the special information 2 (x,info2,1, xinfo2,2, x,info2,3, xinfo2,4, x,info2,5,) are comprised of the resource duration indicator (xr,1, xr,2, xr,3) and the special default midamble pattern indicator (xmpi,1, xmpi,2), then x,info2,1= xr,1, x,info2,2= xr,2, x,info2,3= xr,3, x,info2,4= xmpi,1 and x,info2,5= xmpi,2. The mapping in Table 25A below applies.

Table 25A: Special default midamble pattern mapping

Special default Mid-amble pattern



pattern 1A



pattern 1B



pattern 2A



pattern 2B



4.10A.1.8 Mapping of the E-UCCH Number Indicator

The mapping of E-UCCH number indicator (xENI,1, xENI,2, xENI,3) is performed as per section of

4.10A.2 Field Multiplexing of E-AGCH type 2

The absolute grant (power) value, code resource related information, timeslot resource related information, ECSN, field flag, special information 1, special information 2 and E-UCCH number indicator are multiplexed together to give a sequence of bits xag,1, xag,2, …, xag,w where:

xag,k = xpg,k k=1, 2, .., 5

xag,k = xc,k-5 k=6, 7, …, 9

xag,k = xt,k-9 k=10,11, …, 14

xag,k = xe,k-14 k=15,16,17

xag,k = xflag,k-17 k=18,19

xag,k = xinfo1,k-19 k=20,21

xag,k = xinfo2,k-21 k=22,23,…,26

xag,k = xENI,k-26 k=27,28,29

xag,k = xres,k-29 k=30

4.10A.3 CRC attachment for E-AGCH type 2

The E-RNTI (xid,1, xid,2, …, xid,16) is the E‑DCH Radio Network Identifier defined in [12]. It is mapped such that xid,1 corresponds to the MSB.

The sequence of bits y1, y2, …, yw+16, is calculated according to section 4.10.3.

4.10A.4 Channel Coding for E-AGCH type 2

Channel coding is performed as per section 4.10.4.

4.10A.5 Rate Matching for E-AGCH type 2

Rate matching is performed as per section 4.10.5.

4.10A.6 Interleaving for E-AGCH type 2

Interleaving is performed as per section 4.10.6.

4.10A.7 Physical Channel Segmentation for E-AGCH type 2

Physical channel segmentation is performed as per section 4.10.7.

4.10A.8 Physical Channel Mapping for E-AGCH type 2

Physical channel mapping is performed as per section 4.10.8.