3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

25.2223GPPMultiplexing and channel coding (TDD)Release 17TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply.

TrCH number: The transport channel number identifies a TrCH in the context of L1. The L3 transport channel identity (TrCH ID) maps onto the L1 transport channel number. The mapping between the transport channel number and the TrCH ID is as follows: TrCH 1 corresponds to the TrCH with the lowest TrCH ID, TrCH 2 corresponds to the TrCH with the next lowest TrCH ID and so on.

3.2 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

x round towards , i.e. integer such that x  x < x+1

x round towards –, i.e. integer such that x-1 < x  x

x absolute value of x

Unless otherwise is explicitly stated when the symbol is used, the meaning of the following symbols are:

i TrCH number

j TFC number

k Bit number

l TF number

m Transport block number

n Radio frame number

p PhCH number

r Code block number

I Number of TrCHs in a CCTrCH.

Ci Number of code blocks in one TTI of TrCH i.

Fi Number of radio frames in one TTI of TrCH i.

Mi Number of transport blocks in one TTI of TrCH i.

NTCFI code word Number of TFCI code word bits after TFCI encoding

P Number of PhCHs used for one CCTrCH.

PL Puncturing Limit. Signalled from higher layers

RMi Rate Matching attribute for TrCH i. Signalled from higher layers.

Temporary variables, i.e. variables used in several (sub)clauses with different meaning.

x, X

y, Y

z, Z

3.3 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

<ACRONYM> <Explanation>

ARQ Automatic Repeat on Request

BCH Broadcast Channel

BER Bit Error Rate

BS Base Station

BSS Base Station Subsystem

CBR Constant Bit Rate

CCCH Common Control Channel

CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CFN Connection Frame Number

CQI Channel Quality Indicator

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

DCA Dynamic Channel Allocation

DCCH Dedicated Control Channel

DCH Dedicated Channel

DL Downlink

DRX Discontinuous Reception

DSCH Downlink Shared Channel

DTX Discontinuous Transmission

E-AGCH E-DCH Absolute Grant Channel

ECSN E-AGCH Cyclic Sequence Number

E-DCH Enhanced Dedicated Channel

E-HICH E-DCH Hybrid ARQ Indicator Channel

E-PUCH E-DCH Physical Uplink Channel

E-RUCCH E-DCH Random Access Uplink Control Channel

E-TFCI E-DCH Transport Format Combination Indicator

E-UCCH E-DCH Uplink Control Channel

FACH Forward Access Channel

FDD Frequency Division Duplex

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access

FEC Forward Error Control

FER Frame Error Rate

GF Galois Field

HARQ Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest

HS-DSCH High Speed Downlink Shared Channel

HS-PDSCH High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel

HS-SCCH Shared Control Channel for HS-DSCH

HS-SICH Shared Information Channel for HS-DSCH

IMB Integrated Mobile Broadcast

JD Joint Detection

L1 Layer 1

L2 Layer 2

LLC Logical Link Control

MA Multiple Access

MAC Medium Access Control

MBSFN MBMS over a Single Frequency Network

MICH MBMS Indicator Channel

MIMO single user Multiple Input Multiple Output

MS Mobile Station

MT Mobile Terminated

MU-MIMO Multi-User Multiple Input Multiple Output

NRT Non-Real Time

OVSF Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor

PC Power Control

PCCC Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Code

PICH Paging Indicator Channel

PCH Paging Channel

PhCH Physical Channel

PI Paging Indicator (value calculated by higher layers)

PLCCH Physical Layer Common Control Channel

Pq Paging Indicator (indicator set by physical layer)

QoS Quality of Service

QPSK Quaternary Phase Shift Keying

RACH Random Access Channel

RF Radio Frequency

RLC Radio Link Control

RMF Recommended Modulation Format

RRC Radio Resource Control

RRM Radio Resource Management

RSC Recursive Systematic Convolutional Coder

RSN Retransmission Sequence Number

RT Real Time

RTBS Recommended Transport Block Size

RU Resource Unit

RV Redundancy Version

SCCC Serial Concatenated Convolutional Code

SCH Synchronization Channel

SNR Signal to Noise Ratio

TCH Traffic channel

TDD Time Division Duplex

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access

TFC Transport Format Combination

TFCI Transport Format Combination Indicator

TFRI Transport Format Resource Indicator

TPC Transmit Power Control

TrBk Transport Block

TrCH Transport Channel

TTI Transmission Time Interval

UE User Equipment

UL Uplink

UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

USCH Uplink Shared Channel

UTRA UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access

VBR Variable Bit Rate