6C Discontinuous transmission and reception procedures

25.2143GPPPhysical layer procedures (FDD)Release 17TS

Whether discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission operation or discontinuous downlink reception operation are applied is determined by the settings of UL_DTX_Active and DL_DRX_Active as follows:

UL_DTX_Active shall be set to TRUE while UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE and discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission is activated. Otherwise, UL_DTX_Active shall be set to FALSE.

Discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission shall be activated at the time when UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is set to TRUE, and may be further deactivated or activated by layer 1 HS-SCCH orders (see subclause 6C.4).

DL_DRX_Active shall be set to TRUE while UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE and UL_DTX_Active is TRUE and discontinuous downlink reception is activated. Otherwise, DL_DRX_Active shall be set to FALSE.

Discontinuous downlink reception shall be activated at the time when UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is set to TRUE, and may be further deactivated or activated by layer 1 HS-SCCH orders (see subclause 6C.4).

The higher layers define the discontinuous transmission and reception procedures using the following parameters:

For discontinuous UL DPCCH transmission:

CQI_DTX_TIMER: Specifies the number of subframes during which the CQI reports have higher priority than the DTX pattern. This is the initial value of CQI nominal reporting timer.

UE_DTX_cycle_1: Uplink DPCCH burst pattern length in subframes.

UE_DTX_cycle_2: Uplink DPCCH burst pattern length in subframes.

Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DTX_cycle_2: Defines a number of consecutive E-DCH TTIs without an E-DCH transmission, after which the UE shall immediately move from UE_DTX_cycle_1 to using UE_DTX_cycle_2.

UE_DPCCH_burst_1: Determines the Uplink DPCCH burst length in subframes, when UE_DTX_cycle_1 is applied.

UE_DPCCH_burst_2: Determines the Uplink DPCCH burst length in subframes, when UE_DTX_cycle_2 is applied.

UE_DTX_long_preamble_length: Determines in slots the length of the preamble associated with the UE_DTX_cycle_2.

For both discontinuous UL DPCCH transmission and discontinuous downlink reception:

UE_DTX_DRX Offset: Uplink DPCCH burst pattern and HS-SCCH reception pattern offset in subframes.

Enabling_Delay: defined in [5], ensures that the uplink DPCCH, the downlink F-DPCH and, if configured, the downlink F-TPICH are transmitted continuously for Enabling_Delay radio frames after DTX_DRX_STATUS is set to TRUE or ensures that, with DTX_DRX_STATUS set to TRUE, the uplink DPCCH on the secondary uplink frequency is transmitted continuously for Enabling_Delay radio frames after application of secondary uplink frequency activation.

For discontinuous downlink reception:

UE_DRX cycle: HS-SCCH reception pattern length in subframes.

Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DRX_cycle: Defines the number of subframes after an HS-SCCH reception or after the first slot of an HS-PDSCH reception (as defined in 6C.3) during which the UE is required to monitor the HS-SCCHs in the UE’s HS-SCCH set continuously with the exceptions of N_acknack_transmit>1 or N_acknack_transmit_2 >1 when the UE is configured in multiflow mode or InterTTI>1.

UE_DRX_Grant_Monitoring: A Boolean which determines whether the UE is required to monitor the E-AGCH and E-ROCH transmissions from the serving E-DCH cell and the E-RGCH from cells in the serving E-DCH radio link set when the conditions in subclause 6C.3 are met.

When DRX enhancements is configured, the following definitions also apply:

UE_DRX_cycle_2: HS-SCCH reception pattern length in subframes.

Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DRX_cycle_2: Defines a number of consecutive subframes without an HS-SCCH reception or after the first slot of an HS-PDSCH reception (as defined in 6C.3), after which the UE shall immediately move from UE_DRX_cycle to using UE_DRX_cycle_2.

6C.0 Discontinuous transmission/reception of DCH

When DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured by higher layers, DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX and UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX control DTX and DRX operations for DPCH transmission and reception. UE shall DRX DL DPDCH if DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX is TRUE. UE shall DTX UL DPDCH if UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is TRUE.

In each slot, the values of the Boolean flags DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX and UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX are determined in Subclause 6C.0.1 and 6C.0.2.


6C.0.1.1 DL_DCH_FET_Config = 0

In each UL slot, the UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is set to TRUE if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

– This slot is in the second radio frame of 20ms CI.

– UL_DPCH_10ms_Mode is configured by higher layers.

Or, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

– Only a single transport channel is configured with 40ms TTI by higher layers over UL DCH.

– This slot is not in the first radio frame of 40ms CI.

– This slot contains no UL DPDCH bits, i.e., no UL DCH transport blocks are sent in this radio frame.

Otherwise UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is set to FALSE.

In each DL slot, the DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX is set to TRUE if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

– This slot is in the second radio frame of 20ms CI.

– DL DCH contains no SRBs in this radio frame.

– UL_DPCH_10ms_Mode is configured by higher layers.

Or, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

– Only a single transport channel is configured with 40ms TTI by higher layers over DL DCH.

– This slot is not in the first radio frame of 40ms CI.

– DL DCH contains no SRBs in this radio frame.

Otherwise DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX is set to FALSE.

6C.0.1.2 DL_DCH_FET_Config = 1

In each UL slot, the UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is set to TRUE if all of the following conditions are satisfied, otherwise UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is set to FALSE:

– In this 20ms CI, excluding this slot, at least two UL DPCCH slots that contain DL FET ACK bits (Subclause 4.3A of [2]) have been transmitted.

– UL_DPCH_10ms_Mode is configured by higher layers and this slot is in the second radio frame of 20ms CI.

In each DL slot, the DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX is set to TRUE if all of the following conditions are satisfied, otherwise DL_DPCH_DYN_DRX is set to FALSE

– In this 20ms CI, at least two UL DPCCH slots that contain DL FET ACK bits (Subclause 4.3A of [2]) have been transmitted before the end of this DL slot.

– UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX in the UL slot started during this DL slot is TRUE.

6C.1 Uplink CQI transmission

When UL_DTX_Active is FALSE (see clause 6C), the UE shall always transmit the Channel-Quality Indication (CQI) in the CQI transmission pattern defined in 6A.1.2.

When UL_DTX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C), the UE shall perform the following procedures:

– The UE shall set the initial value of the variable CQI_DTX_Priority to 1.

– Reset the "CQI nominal reporting timer" to CQI_DTX_TIMER at the first HS-DPCCH subframe boundary.

Afterwards, when UL_DTX_Active is TRUE, the UE sets the CQI_DTX_Priority based on the status of a "CQI nominal reporting timer" which is counting down to zero in HS-DPCCH subframes from the value CQI_DTX_TIMER which is configured by higher layers.

The setting of CQI_DTX_Priority to 1 is described in subclause 6A.1.1.

Upon the expiration of the CQI nominal reporting timer, the UE shall set CQI_DTX_Priority to 0.

CQI_DTX_Priority=0 indicates that CQI reports have lower priority than the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern. If CQI_DTX_Priority is set to 0, the UE shall transmit the Channel-Quality Indication (CQI), and all repeated CQI transmissions (corresponding to the serving HS-DSCH cell and the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell) according to the value of N_cqi_transmit, only if the start of the CQI field corresponding to the serving HS-DSCH cell in the CQI transmission pattern as defined in 6A.1.2 overlaps with a DPCCH transmission burst of the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern as indicated in 6C.2.1.

CQI_DTX_Priority=1 indicates that CQI reports have higher priority than the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern. If CQI_DTX_Priority is set to 1,

– the UE shall always transmit the Channel-Quality Indication (CQI), in the CQI transmission pattern defined in 6A.1.2.

– The repeated CQI transmissions according to the value of N_cqi_transmit are transmitted only if the start of the CQI field in the CQI transmission pattern, as defined in 6A.1.2, is transmitted.

6C.2 Discontinuous uplink DPCCH/DPCCH2 transmission operation

When UL_DTX_Active is FALSE (see clause 6C) the UE shall transmit the uplink DPCCH in each slot except in the following cases:

– In the slots overlapping a compressed mode transmission gap.

– If DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured by higher layers, neither HS-DSCH nor E-DCH is configured, and UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is TRUE (Subclause 6C.0).

When UL_DTX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C), in addition to the conditions defined in 6C.5 the UE shall not transmit the uplink DPCCH in a slot on an activated uplink frequency when all of the following conditions are met for that uplink frequency:

1. There is no HARQ-ACK transmission on HS-DPCCH as indicated in 6A.1 overlapping with the UL DPCCH slot,

2. There is no CQI transmission on HS-DPCCH as indicated in 6C.1 overlapping with the UL DPCCH slot,

3. There is no E-DCH transmission during the UL DPCCH slot,

4. The slot is in a gap in the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern defined in 6C.2.1,

5. The UL DPCCH preamble or postamble defined in 6C.2.2 is not transmitted in the slot.

6. Either the uplink frequency is a secondary uplink frequency where at least Enabling_Delay radio frames have passed since the activation of the secondary uplink frequency was applied, or it is a primary uplink frequency.

7. If DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured by higher layers, UL_DPCH_DYN_DTX is TRUE (subclause 6C.0).

The procedures for the F-DPCH transmission and reception in case of discontinuous uplink DPCCH operation are defined in subclause 5.1.

The procedures for the F-TPICH transmission and reception in case of discontinuous uplink DPCCH operation are defined in subclause 10.4.

When DPCCH2 is configured, DPCCH2 is transmitted only in the slots in which DPCCH is transmitted.

6C.2.1 Uplink DPCCH burst pattern

The Uplink DPCCH burst pattern and the uplink DPCCH preamble and postamble (6C.2.2) together define the discontinuous uplink DPCCH operation.

NOTE: When the secondary uplink frequency is active and DTX enhancements is configured, some of the parameters related to the discontinuous UL DPCCH transmission as defined in [5] can be independently configured for the two uplink frequencies.

The Uplink DPCCH burst pattern is illustrated in Figure 2A for 2ms E-DCH TTI and Figure 2B for 10ms E-DCH TTI. The Uplink DPCCH burst pattern defines the minimum set of slots where the UE shall transmit the UL-DPCCH.

The Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be derived as follows.

If there has not been any E-DCH transmission for the last Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DTX_cycle_2 E-DCH TTIs, and at least this many TTIs have passed since the end of the Enabling_Delay, then:

– The transmission length in the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be UE_DPCCH_burst_2 subframes.

– The gap length following the DPCCH transmission burst in the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be

– (UE_DTX_cycle_2 – UE_DPCCH_burst_2) subframes,

– The first subframe in each Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be such that

– the CFN and DPCCH subframe number S verify
((5*CFN – UE_DTX_DRX_Offset + S) MOD UE_DTX_cycle_2) = 0


– The transmission length in the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be UE_DPCCH_burst_1 subframes.

– The gap length following the DPCCH transmission burst in the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be

– (UE_DTX_cycle_1 – UE_DPCCH_burst_1) subframes.

– The first subframe in each Uplink DPCCH burst pattern shall be such that

– the CFN and DPCCH subframe number S verify
((5*CFN – UE_DTX_DRX_Offset + S) MOD UE_DTX_cycle_1) = 0

In case the DTX cycle pattern changes during a transmission of an Uplink DPCCH burst, the following shall apply:

– the previously derived length of the Uplink DPCCH burst which has already been started shall not be affected by the change of the DTX cycle pattern.

– if the UL DPCCH burst, which is derived according to the new DTX cycle pattern, overlaps with the ongoing UL DPCCH burst, the non-overlapping portion of the burst, if any, shall be transmitted.

– the change in the DTX cycle pattern from UE_DTX_cycle_2 to UE_DTX_cycle_1 shall occur only at the end of an E-DCH transmission.

NOTE: The E-DCH transmission start time after data transmission inactivity may be restricted as described in [9] to allow discontinuous reception at Node B.

Figure 2A: Example for Uplink DPCCH burst pattern for 2ms E-DCH TTI beginning at CFN=1 (with UE_DTX_DRX_Offset = 6)

Figure 2B: Example for Uplink DPCCH burst pattern for 10ms E-DCH TTI beginning at CFN=1 (with UE_DTX_DRX_Offset = 5)

Note: Figures 2A and 2B do not show the application of preambles and postambles as described in subclause 6C.2.2.

6C.2.2 Uplink DPCCH preamble and postamble

NOTE: The “uplink DPCCH preamble” specified in this subclause is not the same as the “uplink DPCCH power control preamble” specified in clauses 4 and 5.

6C.2.2.1 Uplink DPCCH preamble and postamble for the DPCCH only transmission

If a UE will start a transmission of DPCCH based on the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern at the start of slot s and finish its DPCCH transmission at the end of slot t, the UE shall start the DPCCH transmission at the start of slot s-2 and continue the DPCCH transmission till the end of slot t+1.

6C.2.2.2 Uplink DPCCH preamble and postamble for the E-DCH transmission

If a UE will start a transmission of E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH on a E-DCH TTI, the UE shall start the DPCCH transmission 2 slots prior to the E-DCH TTI and continue the DPCCH transmission during the E-DCH TTI and consecutive E-DCH TTIs and 1 slot after the last consecutive E-DCH TTI.

In addition, if there has not been any E-DCH transmission for the last Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DTX_cycle_2 E-DCH TTIs, and if a UE will start a transmission of E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH on a E-DCH TTI, the UE shall start the DPCCH transmission UE_DTX_long_preamble_length slots prior to the E-DCH TTI and continue the DPCCH transmission during the E-DCH TTI and consecutive E-DCH TTIs and 1 slot after the last consecutive E-DCH TTI.

6C.2.2.3 Uplink DPCCH preamble and postamble for the HS-DPCCH transmission

If a UE will start a transmission of HARQ-ACK, the UE shall start the DPCCH transmission 2 slots prior to the DPCCH slot that coincides with or overlaps the start of the HARQ-ACK field, unless the HARQ-ACK transmission is an HARQ Preamble (PRE) in an HS-DPCCH sub-frame n – 2 as defined in subclause 6A.1.1. The UE shall continue the DPCCH transmission during the HARQ-ACK field and until the end of the first full DPCCH slot after the end of the HARQ-ACK field.

If a UE will start a transmission of CQI, the UE shall start the DPCCH transmission 3 slots prior to the DPCCH slot that coincides with or overlaps the start of the CQI field, and continue the DPCCH transmission during the CQI field and until the end of the first full DPCCH slot after the end of the CQI field.

In addition, if there has not been any E-DCH transmission for the last Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DTX_cycle_2 E-DCH TTIs, and if a UE will start a transmission of CQI, the UE shall start the DPCCH transmission (UE_DTX_long_preamble_length + 1) slots prior to the DPCCH slot that coincides with or overlaps the start of the CQI field, and continue the DPCCH transmission during the CQI field and until the end of the first full DPCCH slot after the end of the CQI field. If the transmission of the CQI is not known to the UE in advance due to the change of CQI_DTX_Priority from 0 to 1, or due to the change from UE_DTX_cycle_1 to UE_DTX_cycle_2, the preamble for the first CQI after the change may start late resulting in a shorter preamble.

6C.3 Discontinuous downlink reception

The HS-SCCH reception pattern is derived from a discontinuous reception subframe numbering as follows.

The discontinuous HS-SCCH reception subframe numbering is such that:

– A HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame is 10 ms long and is indexed using CFN_DRX.

– The start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n is aligned with the start of the HS-SCCH subframe that starts DRX chips after the start of the associated downlink F-DPCH of CFN n where .

– The HS-SCCH subframe S_DRX=0 is aligned with the start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame. The HS-SCCH subframes are numbered S_DRX=0 to S_DRX=4.

– The HS-PDSCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n starts HS-PDSCH chips after the start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n. The HS-PDSCH subframe S_DRX=0 is aligned with the start of the HS-PDSCH discontinuous reception radio frame. The HS-PDSCH subframes are numbered S_DRX=0 to S_DRX=4.

– The HS-DPCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame of CFN_DRX n starts at the HS-DPCCH subframe boundary closest in time to 1280 chips after the start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n as received at the UE. The HS-DPCCH subframe S_DRX=0 is aligned with the start of the HS-DPCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame. The HS-DPCCH subframes are numbered S_DRX=0 to S_DRX=4.

If the UE has not detected consistent control information on HS-SCCH nor received data on HS-PDSCH for the last Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DRX_cycle_2 subframes, and at least this many subframes have passed since the end of the Enabling_Delay, then:

– The HS-SCCH reception pattern is the set of subframes whose HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame number CFN_DRX and subframe number S_DRX verify:

((5*CFN_DRX – UE_DTX_DRX_Offset + S_DRX ) MOD UE_DRX cycle_2) = 0


– The HS-SCCH reception pattern is the set of subframes whose HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame number CFN_DRX and subframe number S_DRX verify:

((5*CFN_DRX – UE_DTX_DRX_Offset + S_DRX ) MOD UE_DRX cycle) = 0

When the UE is configured with one or more secondary serving HS-DSCH cells and if the UE has not detected consistent control information on HS-SCCH nor received data on HS-PDSCH for the last Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DRX_cycle_2 subframes, and at least this many subframes have passed since the end of the Enabling_Delay, the UE shall perform the following procedures:

– The secondary serving HS-DSCH cells shall be deactivated, and the UE shall receive HS-SCCHs and HS-PDSCHs only from the serving HS-DSCH cell in the HS-SCCH reception pattern according to the UE_DRX_cycle_2. HS-SCCH orders shall be used to reactivate the secondary serving HS-DSCH cells as needed.

– In case the secondary uplink frequency is activated, the associated secondary serving HS-DSCH cell shall remain activated.

When DL_DRX_Active is FALSE (see clause 6C), the UE shall monitor and receive all downlink physical channels continuously.

When DL_DRX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C), the UE shall continue to receive F-DPCH as described in subclause 5.1 and the UE need not receive physical downlink channels other than the F-DPCH except for the following cases:

1. The UE shall receive E-HICH (sub-)frame corresponding to an E-DCH transmission as specified in subclause 6B.

2. The UE shall monitor the HS-SCCH subframes in the HS-SCCH reception pattern.

3. The UE shall receive an HS-PDSCH subframe as specified in subclause 6A.

4. The UE has received an HS-SCCH or an HS-PDSCH subframe during the last Inactivity_Threshold_for_UE_DRX_cycle subframes which was not an HS-SCCH order.

5. The UE shall monitor E-AGCH and E-ROCH transmission from the serving E-DCH cell in the following cases:

– If UE_DRX_Grant_Monitoring is TRUE and the E-AGCH/E-ROCH subframe (in case of a 2ms TTI) or E-AGCH frame (in case of a 10ms TTI) overlaps with the start of an HS-SCCH reception subframe as defined in the HS-SCCH reception pattern,

– When conditions defined in subclause of [9] are fulfilled.

6. The UE shall monitor E-RGCH transmission from a cell in the serving E-DCH radio link set in the following cases:

– If UE_DRX_Grant_Monitoring is TRUE and the corresponding subframe (in case of a 2ms TTI) or frame (in case of a 10ms TTI) of the serving cell E-RGCH overlaps with the start of an HS-SCCH reception subframe as defined in the HS-SCCH reception pattern.

– When conditions defined in subclause of [9] are fulfilled.

7. The UE shall monitor the E-RGCH(s) from all the other cells in the E-DCH active set, except from the cells in the serving E-DCH radio link set, in the following case:

– When conditions defined as determined in subclause of [9] are fulfilled.

The HS-SCCH reception pattern is illustrated by Figure 2C for a 2ms E-DCH TTI. The grey subframes correspond to the HS-SCCH reception pattern UE_DRX_cycle=4.

Figure 2C: Example for HS-SCCH reception pattern, 2ms E-DCH TTI

The HS-SCCH reception pattern is illustrated by Figure 2D for a 10 ms TTI E-DCH. The grey subframes correspond to the HS-SCCH reception pattern UE_DRX_cycle=5.

Figure 2D: Example for HS-SCCH reception pattern, 10ms E-DCH TTI

6C.3.1 Discontinuous downlink reception when the UE is in Multiflow mode

When the UE is in Multiflow mode the discontinuous downlink reception for the time reference cell operates as defined in subclause 6C.3 for the case when the UE is not in Multiflow mode.

The discontinuous HS-SCCH reception subframe numbering in the non-time reference cell at the UE is such that:

– The HS-SCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame of CFN_DRX n in the non-time reference cell is derived from the HS-SCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame of CFN_DRX n in the time reference cell, with the related HS-PDSCH subframes are paired subframes, i.e. the corresponding HARQ-ACK fields in the same HS-DPCCH sub-frame.

– The HS-DPCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame of CFN_DRX n in the non-time reference cell is identical to the HS-DPCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame of CFN_DRX n in the time reference cell.

The discontinuous HS-SCCH reception subframe numbering in the non-time reference cell at the NodeB is such that:

– A HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame is 10 ms long and is indexed using CFN_DRX.

– The start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n is aligned with the start of the HS-SCCH subframe that starts DRX chips after the start of the associated downlink F-DPCH of CFN n where , and DRX_OFFSET is defined as , where TTX_diff1 and TTX_diff2 are as defined in [1].

– The HS-SCCH subframe S_DRX=0 is aligned with the start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame. The HS-SCCH subframes are numbered S_DRX=0 to S_DRX=4.

– The HS-PDSCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n starts HS-PDSCH chips after the start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n. The HS-PDSCH subframe S_DRX=0 is aligned with the start of the HS-PDSCH discontinuous reception radio frame. The HS-PDSCH subframes are numbered S_DRX=0 to S_DRX=4.

– The HS-DPCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame of CFN_DRX n starts at the HS-DPCCH subframe boundary closest in time to 1280+ TTX_diff1 – TTX_diff2 after the start of the HS-SCCH discontinuous reception radio frame of CFN_DRX n as received at the UE. The HS-DPCCH subframe S_DRX=0 is aligned with the start of the HS-DPCCH discontinuous transmission radio frame. The HS-DPCCH subframes are numbered S_DRX=0 to S_DRX=4.

6C.4 HS-SCCH orders

When the UE is not configured in Multiflow mode, the Node B may activate and deactivate the discontinuous downlink reception operation and discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission operation through physical layer commands transmitted on one of the HS-SCCH in the HS-SCCH set as specified in [2] and in subclause 6A.1.1.

When E-DCH_decoupling is configured, discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission cannot be deactivated or activated through HS-SCCH orders.

– The activation and deactivation of the discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission operation is applied by the UE at the earliest E-DCH TTI boundary coinciding with or following the beginning of the HS-DPCCH subframe containing the HARQ-ACK corresponding to the order.

– The activation and deactivation of the discontinuous downlink reception operation is applied by the UE 12 slots after the ending of the HS-SCCH subframe delivering the order.

– The activation and deactivation shall affect all frequencies configured to the UE.

6C.5 Operation during compressed mode

When in compressed mode, the UE shall behave according to subclauses 6A.3 and 6B.4 including the following rules.

The uplink discontinuous transmission operation is not impacted by the compressed mode in the radio frames that do not overlap an uplink compressed mode transmission gap as defined in subclause 6.1.1 of [4].

In radio frames that overlap an uplink compressed mode transmission gap as defined in subclause 6.1.1 of [4], the uplink DPCCH shall be transmitted in all slots in the radio frame that do not overlap the uplink compressed mode transmission gap if either of the following is true:

– an uplink DPCCH transmission defined by the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern according to subclause 6C.2.1 overlaps an uplink compressed mode transmission gap, or

– an uplink DPCCH preamble or postamble according to subclause 6C.2.2 corresponding to an uplink DPCCH transmission defined by the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern overlaps an uplink compressed mode transmission gap.

If the 2 bullets above are not true, the following are not affected by compressed mode:

– uplink DPCCH transmission according to Uplink DPCCH burst patterns defined in subclause 6C.2.1,

– uplink DPCCH preamble transmission corresponding to an uplink DPCCH transmission defined by the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern,

– uplink DPCCH postamble transmission corresponding to an uplink DPCCH transmission defined by the Uplink DPCCH burst pattern.

If part of an uplink DPCCH preamble or postamble corresponding to an E-DCH or HS-DPCCH transmission overlaps an uplink compressed mode transmission gap, then that part of the preamble or postamble shall not be transmitted.

If an HS-SCCH subframe in the HS-SCCH reception pattern for downlink discontinuous reception according to subclause 6C.3 overlaps with a downlink compressed mode transmission gap, the following is true:

– the reception of an HS-SCCH subframe is postponed to the first full HS-SCCH subframe after the downlink compressed mode transmission gap.

– if UE_DRX_Grant_Monitoring is TRUE and the conditions defined in subclause of [9] are not fulfilled, the UE may discard the E-AGCH/E-ROCH and E-RGCH subframe (in case of 2ms TTI) or frame (in case of 10ms TTI) that overlaps with the start of the postponed HS-SCCH subframe.

Note that the compressed mode parameters (see [5]) “UL compressed mode method”, “DL compressed mode method” and “scrambling code change” have no effect on the UE behaviour while DTX_DRX_STATUS is TRUE.