6A.2.1 CQI definition when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas

25.2143GPPPhysical layer procedures (FDD)Release 17TS

This definition of CQI applies only when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode and not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas.

Based on an unrestricted observation interval, the UE shall report the highest tabulated CQI value for which a single HS-DSCH sub-frame formatted with the transport block size, number of HS-PDSCH codes and modulation corresponding to the reported or lower CQI value could be received with a transport block error probability not exceeding 0.1 in a 3-slot reference period ending 1 slot before the start of the first slot in which the reported CQI value is transmitted. Depending on the UE category as derived by higher layers in [5], either Table 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F or 7G should be used.

For the purpose of CQI reporting, the UE shall assume a total received HS-PDSCH power of in dB,

where the total received power is evenly distributed among the HS-PDSCH codes of the reported CQI value, the measurement power offset is signalled by higher layers and the reference power adjustment is given by Table 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F or 7G depending on the UE category.

Further, for the purpose of CQI reporting, the UE shall assume the number of soft channel bits available in the virtual IR buffer (NIR), and redundancy and constellation version parameter (XRV) as given by Table 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F or 7G depending on the UE category irrespective of the actual number of HARQ processes that are configured. The indicated HSDPA category applies independent of whether the UE is configured in Multiflow mode or not.

If higher layer signalling informs the UE that for the relevant radio link (i.e. the radio link from the serving HS-DSCH cell in the case of a CQI value for the serving HS-DSCH cell, or the radio link from a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell in the case of a CQI value for a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell) it may use a S-CPICH as a phase reference and the P-CPICH is not a valid phase reference, is the received power of the S-CPICH used by the UE, otherwise is the received power of the P-CPICH. In the case of a CQI value for the serving HS-DSCH cell, if closed loop transmit diversity is used for the radio link from the serving HS-DSCH cell, denotes the power of the combined received CPICH from both transmit antennas, determined as if error-free transmitter weights had been applied to the CPICH, where those weights are determined as described in subclause 7.2. If STTD is used, denotes the combined CPICH power received from each transmit antenna and if no transmit diversity is used denotes the power received from the non diversity antenna.

For the purpose of CQI reporting the UE shall assume that all HS-PDSCH channelisation codes it may receive from the relevant radio link are under the same scrambling code as the Common Pilot Channel used to determine .