5 Power control

25.2143GPPPhysical layer procedures (FDD)Release 17TS

5.1 Uplink power control

5.1.1 PRACH General

The power control during the physical random access procedure is described in clause 6. The setting of power of the message control and data parts is described in the next subclause. Setting of PRACH control and data part power difference

The message part of the uplink PRACH channel shall employ gain factors to control the control/data part relative power similar to the uplink dedicated physical channels. Hence, subclause applies also for the RACH message part, with the differences that:

c is the gain factor for the control part (similar to DPCCH);

d is the gain factor for the data part (similar to DPDCH);

– no inner loop power control is performed.

5.1.2 DPCCH/DPDCH/DPCCH2 General

The initial uplink DPCCH transmit power is set by higher layers. Subsequently the uplink transmit power control procedure simultaneously and independently controls the power of a DPCCH on each activated uplink frequency and its corresponding DPDCHs (if present). The relative transmit power offset between DPCCH and DPDCHs is determined by the network and is computed according to subclause using the gain factors signalled to the UE using higher layer signalling.

The operation of the inner power control loop, described in sub clause, adjusts the power of the DPCCH and DPDCHs by the same amount, provided there are no changes in gain factors. Additional adjustments to the power of the DPCCH associated with the use of compressed mode are described in sub clause

Any change in the uplink DPCCH transmit power shall take place immediately before the start of the pilot field on the DPCCH. The change in DPCCH power with respect to its previous value is derived by the UE and is denoted by DPCCH (in dB). The previous value of DPCCH power shall be that used in the previous slot, except in the event of an interruption in transmission due to the use of compressed mode or discontinuous uplink DPCCH transmission operation, when the previous value shall be that used in the last slot before the transmission gap. If the DTX enhancements is configured, the initial UL DPCCH transmit power value after a transmission gap on the secondary uplink carrier if configured, shall be calculated according to subclause

During the operation of the uplink power control procedure the UE transmit power shall not exceed a maximum allowed value which is the lower out of the maximum output power of the terminal power class and a value which may be set by higher layer signalling.

Uplink power control shall be performed while the UE transmit power is below the maximum allowed output power.

The provisions for power control at the maximum allowed value and below the required minimum output power (as defined in [7]) are described in subclause

If DPCCH2 is configured, the initial uplink DPCCH2 transmit power is computed (in dB) as

Uplink DPCCH2 transmit power = PDPCCH + UE_DPCCH2_Tx_Power_Offset

where PDPCCH is the DPCCH transmit power on the primary uplink frequency at the start of the transmission of DPCCH2 and UE_DPCCH2_Tx_Power_Offset is set by higher layers.

The power control procedure for DPCCH2 is described in sub clause Ordinary transmit power control General

For each activated uplink frequency, the uplink inner-loop power control adjusts the UE transmit power in order to keep the received uplink signal‑to‑interference ratio (SIR) on that frequency at a given SIR target, SIRtarget.

The cells in the active set should estimate signal-to-interference ratio SIRest of the received uplink DPCH. The cells in the active set should then generate TPC commands and transmit the commands once per slot or once per slot cycle if Algorithm 3 is configured according to the following rule: if SIRest > SIRtarget then the TPC command to transmit is "0", while if SIRest < SIRtarget then the TPC command to transmit is "1". When UL_DTX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C) or DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured, a TPC command is not required to be transmitted in any downlink slot starting during an uplink DPCCH slot which is in an uplink DPCCH transmission gap as defined in subclause 6C.2, in which case it is not known to be present. When DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured, a TPC command is also required to be transmitted on the first slot of a downlink radio frame, when the corresponding uplink radio frame is transmitted after a transmission gap.

Upon reception of one or more TPC commands in a TPC command combining period, the UE shall derive a single TPC command, TPC_cmd, for each TPC command combining period in which a TPC command is known to be present, combining multiple TPC commands if more than one is received in a TPC command combining period. The TPC command combining period has a length of one slot, beginning at the downlink slot boundary for DPCH, and 512 chips after the downlink slot boundary for F-DPCH.

The UE shall ignore any TPC commands received in an F-DPCH or DPCH slot starting during an uplink DPCCH slot which is in an uplink DPCCH transmission gap as defined in subclause 6C.2. When DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured, the UE shall not ignore the TPC command received in the first DPCH slot of a downlink radio frame, when the corresponding uplink radio frame is transmitted after an uplink transmission gap.

Further, in case of an uplink DPCCH transmission gap as defined in subclause 6C.2, the UE shall add together the values of TPC_cmd derived from each TPC command combining period in which a TPC command is known to be present and is not ignored as described above and which cannot be applied before the uplink DPCCH transmission gap, and apply the resulting sum of TPC_cmd values when the uplink DPCCH transmission resumes.

Three algorithms shall be supported by the UE for deriving a TPC_cmd. Which of these three algorithms is used is determined by a UE-specific higher-layer parameter, "PowerControlAlgorithm", and is under the control of the UTRAN. If "PowerControlAlgorithm" indicates "algorithm1", then the layer 1 parameter PCA shall take the value 1, if "PowerControlAlgorithm" indicates "algorithm2" then PCA shall take the value 2 and if "PowerControlAlgorithm" indicates "algorithm3" then PCA shall take the value 3.

If PCA has the value 1, Algorithm 1, described in subclause, shall be used for processing TPC commands.

If PCA has the value 2, Algorithm 2, described in subclause, shall be used for processing TPC commands unless UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE or DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured, in which case Algorithm 1 shall be used for processing TPC commands.

If PCA has the value 3, Algorithm 3, described in subclause, shall be used for processing TPC commands unless UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE, in which case Algorithm 1 shall be used for processing TPC commands. The Algorithm 3 can only be configured with the F-DPCH.

The step size TPC is a layer 1 parameter which is derived from the UE-specific higher-layer parameter "TPC-StepSize" which is under the control of the UTRAN. If "TPC-StepSize" has the value "dB1", then the layer 1 parameter TPC shall take the value 1 dB and if "TPC-StepSize" has the value "dB2", then TPC shall take the value 2 dB. The parameter "TPC-StepSize" only applies to Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 3 as stated in [5]. For Algorithm 2 TPC shall always take the value 1 dB.

The length of slot cycle X in Algorithm 3 is a layer 1 parameter which is derived from higher layer parameter "Decimation Factor" which is under the control of the UTRAN. If "Decimation Factor" has the value "3-slot cycle", then the layer 1 parameter X shall take the value 3 and if "Decimation Factor" has the value "5-slot cycle ", then X shall take the value 5. The parameter "Decimation Factor" only applies to Algorithm 3 as stated in [5]. If Algorithm 3 is configured, the TPC command is not known to be present in X-1 slots where the TPC command is not received.

After deriving of the combined TPC command TPC_cmd using one of the three supported algorithms, the UE shall adjust the transmit power of the uplink DPCCH with a step of DPCCH (in dB) which is given by:

DPCCH = TPC  TPC_cmd. Out of synchronization handling

After 160 ms after physical channel establishment (defined in [5]) or immediately on the secondary uplink frequency if DTX enhancements is configured, the UE shall independently control its transmitter on each activated uplink frequency according to a downlink DPCCH or F-DPCH quality criterion on the associated downlink frequency as follows:

– If UL_DTX_Active is FALSE (see clause 6C), the UE shall stop transmitting on the associated uplink frequency when the UE estimates the DPCCH or F-DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be worse than a threshold Qout. If UL_DTX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C) or if PCA has the value 3, the UE shall stop transmitting on the associated uplink frequency when the UE estimates the quality of the TPC fields of the F-DPCH from the serving HS-DSCH cell (or secondary serving HS-DSCH cell) or the quality of the TPC fields of the F-DPCH from the serving E-DCH cell (or secondary serving E-DCH cell) in case of E-DCH decoupling is configured and DPCCH2 is not configured over the last 240 slots in which the TPC symbols are known to be present to be worse than a threshold Qout. Qout is defined implicitly by the relevant tests in [7].

– If UL_DTX_Active is FALSE (see clause 6C), the UE can start transmitting on the associated uplink frequency again when the UE estimates the DPCCH or F-DPCH quality over the last 160 ms period to be better than a threshold Qin. If UL_DTX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C) or if PCA has the value 3, the UE can start transmitting on the associated uplink frequency again when the UE estimates the quality of the TPC fields of the F-DPCH from the serving HS-DSCH cell (or secondary serving HS-DSCH cell) or the quality of the TPC fields of the F-DPCH from the serving E-DCH cell (or secondary serving E-DCH cell) in case of E-DCH decoupling is configured and DPCCH2 is not configured over the last 240 slots in which the TPC symbols are known to be present to be better than a threshold Qin. Qin is defined implicitly by the relevant tests in [7]. When transmission is resumed, the power of the DPCCH shall be the same as when the UE transmitter was shut off.

– If both DPCCH and F-DPCH are transmitted when DPCCH2 is configured, then the UE shall use the DPCCH for determination of the quality criterion.

If higher layers indicate the usage of a post-verification period, the UE shall independently control its transmitter on each activated uplink frequency according to a downlink DPCCH or F-DPCH quality criterion on the associated downlink frequency as follows:

– When the UE estimates the DPCCH or F-DPCH quality over the first 40 ms period of the first phase of the downlink synchronization status evaluation to be worse than a threshold Qin, the UE shall stop transmitting on the associated uplink frequency and consider post-verification failed. Qin is defined implicitly by the relevant tests in [7]. When the UE transmission is resumed, the transmission of the uplink DPCCH power control preamble shall start Npcp radio frames prior to the start of uplink DPDCH transmission, where Npcp is a higher layer parameter set by UTRAN [5].

In case F-DPCH is configured in the downlink, the F-DPCH quality criterion shall be estimated as explained in subclause TPC command generation on downlink during RL initialisation

When commanded by higher layers the TPC commands sent on a downlink radio link from Node Bs that have not yet achieved uplink synchronization shall follow a pattern as follows:

If higher layers indicate by "First RLS indicator" that the radio link is part of the first radio link set sent to the UE or if the radio link initialisation is caused by an HS-SCCH order to activate the secondary uplink frequency and the value ‘n’ obtained from the parameter "DL TPC pattern 01 count" passed by higher layers is different from 0 then :

– the TPC pattern shall consist of n instances of the pair of TPC commands ("0" ,"1"), followed by one instance of TPC command "1", where ("0","1") indicates the TPC commands to be transmitted in 2 consecutive slots in which the TPC symbols are known to be present,

– the TPC pattern continuously repeat but shall be forcibly re-started at the beginning of each frame where CFN mod 4 = 0.


– The TPC pattern shall consist only of TPC commands "1".

The TPC pattern shall terminate once uplink synchronization is achieved. Initial uplink DPCCH power handling after discontinuous transmission for the activated secondary uplink frequency

If the UE is configured with DTX enhancements, when a secondary uplink frequency is activated, the UE shall set the initial DPCCH power after a transmission gap for the secondary uplink frequency as follows:

– If the DPCCH transmission gap on the secondary uplink frequency is greater than the Inactivity_Threshold_for_Reset_DPCCH_Power, then the initial DPCCH transmit power after transmission gap on the secondary uplink frequency is computed (in dB) as:

PDPCCH,2 = PDPCCH,1,filtered + Secondary_Power_Offset_After_Gap

where the PDPCCH,1,filtered is the most recent filtered DPCCH power on the primary uplink frequency, which shall be updated on a per-slot basis according to the following:

where PDPCCH,1(i) denotes the primary uplink frequency DPCCH power in slot i. When there is no uplink DPCCH transmission on the primary frequency as defined in subclause 6C.2, the UE shall not update PDPCCH,1,filtered. The filter coefficientis defined as, where k is an integer number which is set by higher layer. The parameters of Inactivity_Threshold_for_Reset_DPCCH_Power and Secondary_Power_Offset_After_Gap are parameters signalled by the network as defined in [5]. The filtering on the primary frequency shall be started when the secondary uplink frequency is activated.

– Otherwise, the initial DPCCH transmit power after the gap shall be set to the previous DPCCH power value used in the last slot before the transmission gap. Algorithm 1 for processing TPC commands Derivation of TPC_cmd when only one TPC command is received in each slot

When a UE is not in soft handover, only one TPC command will be received in each slot in which a TPC command is known to be present. In this case, the value of TPC_cmd shall be derived as follows:

– If the received TPC command is equal to 0 then TPC_cmd for that slot is –1.

– If the received TPC command is equal to 1, then TPC_cmd for that slot is 1. Combining of TPC commands from radio links of the same radio link set

When a UE is in soft handover, multiple TPC commands may be received in each slot in which a TPC command is known to be present from different cells in the active set. In some cases, the UE has the knowledge that some of the transmitted TPC commands in a TPC command combining period are the same. This is the case when the radio links are in the same radio link set. For these cases, the TPC commands from the same radio link set in the same TPC command combining period shall be combined into one TPC command, to be further combined with other TPC commands as described in subclause Combining of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets

This subclause describes the general scheme for combination of the TPC commands associated with the uplink DPCCH from radio links of different radio link sets and for which the TPC command is transmitted.

First, the UE shall for each TPC command combining period conduct a soft symbol decision Wi on each of the power control commands TPCi, where i = 1, 2, …, N, where N is greater than 1 and is the number of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets, that may be the result of a first phase of combination according to subclause

Finally, the UE derives a combined TPC command, TPC_cmd, as a function  of all the N soft symbol decisions Wi:

– TPC_cmd =  (W1, W2, … WN), where TPC_cmd can take the values 1 or -1.

The function  shall fulfil the following criteria:

If the N TPCi commands are random and uncorrelated, with equal probability of being transmitted as "0" or "1", the probability that the output of  is equal to 1 shall be greater than or equal to 1/(2N), and the probability that the output of  is equal to -1 shall be greater than or equal to 0.5. Further, the output of  shall equal 1 if the TPC commands from all the radio link sets, that are not ignored according to subclause or are reliably "1", and the output of  shall equal –1 if a TPC command from any of the radio link sets, that are not ignored according to subclause or is reliably "0". Algorithm 2 for processing TPC commands

NOTE: Algorithm 2 makes it possible to emulate smaller step sizes than the minimum power control step specified in subclause, or to turn off uplink power control by transmitting an alternating series of TPC commands. Derivation of TPC_cmd when only one TPC command is received in each slot

When a UE is not in soft handover, only one TPC command will be received in each slot. In this case, the UE shall process received TPC commands on a 5-slot cycle, where the sets of 5 slots shall be aligned to the frame boundaries and there shall be no overlap between each set of 5 slots.

The value of TPC_cmd shall be derived as follows:

– For the first 4 slots of a set, TPC_cmd = 0.

– For the fifth slot of a set, the UE uses hard decisions on each of the 5 received TPC commands as follows:

– If all 5 hard decisions within a set are 1 then TPC_cmd = 1 in the 5th slot.

– If all 5 hard decisions within a set are 0 then TPC_cmd = -1 in the 5th slot.

– Otherwise, TPC_cmd = 0 in the 5th slot. Combining of TPC commands from radio links of the same radio link set

When a UE is in soft handover, multiple TPC commands may be received in each slot from different cells in the active set. In some cases, the UE has the knowledge that some of the transmitted TPC commands in a TPC command combining period are the same. This is the case when the radio links are in the same radio link set. For these cases, the TPC commands from radio links of the same radio link set in the same TPC command combining period shall be combined into one TPC command, to be processed and further combined with any other TPC commands as described in subclause Combining of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets

This subclause describes the general scheme for combination of the TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets.

The UE shall make a hard decision on the value of each TPCi, where i = 1, 2, …, N and N is the number of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets, that may be the result of a first phase of combination according to subclause

The UE shall follow this procedure for 5 consecutive TPC command combining periods, resulting in N hard decisions for each of the 5 TPC command combining periods.

The sets of 5 TPC command combining periods shall for DPCH be aligned to the frame boundaries and for F-DPCH be aligned to 512 chips offset from the frame boundaries, and there shall be no overlap between each set of 5 TPC command combining periods.

The value of TPC_cmd is zero for the first 4 TPC command combining periods. After 5 TPC command combining periods have elapsed, the UE shall determine the value of TPC_cmd for the fifth TPC command combining period in the following way:

The UE first determines one temporary TPC command, TPC_tempi, for each of the N sets of 5 TPC commands as follows:

– If all 5 hard decisions within a set are "1", TPC_tempi = 1.

– If all 5 hard decisions within a set are "0", TPC_tempi = -1.

– Otherwise, TPC_tempi = 0.

Finally, the UE derives a combined TPC command for the fifth TPC command combining period, TPC_cmd, as a function  of all the N temporary power control commands TPC_tempi:

TPC_cmd(5th TPC command combining period) =  (TPC_temp1, TPC_temp2, …, TPC_tempN), where TPC_cmd(5th TPC command combining period) can take the values 1, 0 or –1, and  is given by the following definition:

– TPC_cmd is set to -1 if any of TPC_temp1 to TPC_tempN are equal to -1.

– Otherwise, TPC_cmd is set to 1 if.

– Otherwise, TPC_cmd is set to 0. Algorithm 3 for processing TPC commands Derivation of TPC_cmd when only one TPC command is received in each slot cycle

When a UE is not in soft handover, only one TPC command will be received in each slot cycle, where the sets of X slots shall be aligned to the frame boundaries and there shall be no overlap between each set of X slots.

In the initial radio link configuration, within each slot cycle, the UE receives one TPC command in the first F-DPCH slot with one of the slot formats from #1 to #8 or in the second F-DPCH slot with one of the slot formats #9 and #0.

If it is not the initial radio link configuration, within each slot cycle, if the slot position or the slot format is not indicated by higher layers, there is no change in the F-DPCH slot position or slot format where the UE receives the TPC command. Otherwise the UE receives one TPC command in the F-DPCH slot position and slot format which is indicated by higher layers.

In this case, the value of TPC_cmd shall be derived as follows:

– If the received TPC command is equal to 0 then TPC_cmd for that slot is –1.

– If the received TPC command is equal to 1, then TPC_cmd for that slot is 1.

– In the slots when no TPC command is received, TPC_cmd = 0. Combining of TPC commands from radio links of the same radio link set

When a UE is in soft handover, multiple TPC commands may be received in each slot cycle in which a TPC command is known to be present from different cells in the active set. In some cases, the UE has the knowledge that some of the transmitted TPC commands in a TPC command combining period are the same. This is the case when the radio links are in the same radio link set.

Within each slot cycle, the UE receives one TPC command in the F-DPCH slot which may be indicated by higher layers with any slot formats.

There is only one TPC combining period associated to Algorithm 3 in each slot cycle. The TPC combining period is determined by the TPC symbol position of the existing radio link configured with Algorithm 3.

When a new radio link configured with Algorithm 3 is added, the UE receives the TPC command of the new radio link in the existing TPC combining period. The existing TPC combining period is determined by the TPC symbol position of the existing radio link configured with Algorithm 3.

For these cases, the TPC commands from the same radio link set in the same TPC command combining period shall be combined into one TPC command, to be further combined with other TPC commands as described in subclause Combining of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets

This subclause describes the general scheme for combination of the TPC commands associated with the uplink DPCCH from radio links of different radio link sets where at least one radio link is configured with Algorithm 3 and for which the TPC command is transmitted. For the radio link configured with Algorithm 3, within each slot cycle, the UE receives one TPC command in the F-DPCH slot which may be indicated by higher layers with any slot format.

There is only one TPC combining period associated to Algorithm 3 in each slot cycle. The TPC combining period is determined by the TPC symbol position of the existing radio link configured with Algorithm 3.

When a new radio link configured with Algorithm 3 is added, the UE receives the TPC command of the new radio link in the existing TPC combining period. The existing TPC combining period is determined by the TPC symbol position of the existing radio link configured with Algorithm 3.

First, in the TPC command combining period associated to Algorithm 3, the UE shall conduct a soft symbol decision Wi on each of the power control commands TPCi, where i = 1, 2, …, N, where N is greater than 1 and is the number of TPC commands from radio links of different radio link sets, that may be the result of a first phase of combination according to subclause

Finally, the value of TPC_cmd is 0 for the TPC command combing period not associated to Algorithm 3, while for the TPC command combining period associated to Algorithm 3, the UE derives a combined TPC command, TPC_cmd, as a function  of all the N soft symbol decisions Wi:

– TPC_cmd =  (W1, W2, … WN), where TPC_cmd can take the values 1 or -1.

The function  shall fulfil the following criteria:

If the N TPCi commands are random and uncorrelated, with equal probability of being transmitted as "0" or "1", the probability that the output of  is equal to 1 shall be greater than or equal to 1/(2N), and the probability that the output of  is equal to -1 shall be greater than or equal to 0.5. Further, the output of  shall equal 1 if the TPC commands from all the radio link sets, that are not ignored according to subclause or are reliably "1", and the output of  shall equal –1 if a TPC command from any of the radio link sets, that are not ignored according to subclause or is reliably "0". Ordinary transmit power control for DPCCH2

For the primary uplink frequency, the uplink inner-loop power control for DPCCH2 adjusts the uplink DPCCH2 transmit power in order to maintain reliable reception of DPCCH2.

The HS-DSCH serving cell in the active set monitors the DPCCH2 quality and provides TPC commands to adjust the uplink DPCCH2 transmit power. To increase the UE transmit power of DPCCH2 the TPC command to transmit is "1", and to decrease the power the TPC command to transmit is “0”.

The TPC command associated with DPCCH2 is not required to be transmitted in any downlink slot starting during an uplink DPCCH2 slot in which the DPCCH2 is not transmitted.

Algorithm 1 as described in subclause, shall be used for processing TPC commands associated with DPCCH2, i.e. only one TPC command is received in each slot from the HS-DSCH serving cell.

After deriving the TPC command TPC_cmd associated with DPCCH2, the UE shall adjust the transmit power of the uplink DPCCH2 with a step of DPCCH2 (in dB) which is given by:

DPCCH2 = TPC  TPC_cmd,

where TPC is 1 dB. Transmit power control in compressed mode

NOTE: “Transmission gaps” correspond to transmission gaps created as a result of compressed mode. Another type of transmission gap may exist if DPCCH discontinuous transmission is applied (as described in clause 6C), however these gaps are named “uplink DPCCH transmission gaps”.

In compressed mode, one or more transmission gap pattern sequences are active. Therefore some frames are compressed and contain transmission gaps. The uplink power control procedure is as specified in subclause, using the same UTRAN supplied parameters for Power Control Algorithm and step size (TPC), but with additional features which aim to recover as rapidly as possible a signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) close to the target SIR after each transmission gap.

The cells in the active set should estimate signal-to-interference ratio SIRest of the received uplink DPCH. The cells in the active set should then generate TPC commands and transmit the commands once per slot, except during downlink transmission gaps, according to the following rule: if SIRest > SIRcm_target then the TPC command to transmit is "0", while if SIRest < SIRcm_target then the TPC command to transmit is "1".

SIRcm_target is the target SIR during compressed mode and fulfils

SIRcm_target = SIRtarget + SIRPILOT + SIR1_coding + SIR2_coding,

where SIR1_coding and SIR2_coding are computed from uplink parameters DeltaSIR1, DeltaSIR2, DeltaSIRafter1, DeltaSIRafter2 signalled by higher layers as:

– SIR1_coding = DeltaSIR1 if the start of the first transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern is within the current uplink frame and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE for the UE.

– SIR1_coding = DeltaSIRafter1 if the current uplink frame just follows a frame containing the start of the first transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE for the UE.

– SIR2_coding = DeltaSIR2 if the start of the second transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern is within the current uplink frame and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE for the UE.

– SIR2_coding = DeltaSIRafter2 if the current uplink frame just follows a frame containing the start of the second transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE for the UE.

– SIR1_coding = 0 dB and SIR2_coding = 0 dB in all other cases.

SIRPILOT is defined as: SIRPILOT = 10Log10 (Npilot,N/Npilot,curr_frame),

where Npilot,curr_frame is the number of pilot bits per slot in the current uplink frame, and Npilot,N is the number of pilot bits per slot in a normal uplink frame without a transmission gap.

In the case of several compressed mode pattern sequences being used simultaneously, SIR1_coding and SIR2_coding offsets are computed for each compressed mode pattern and all SIR1_coding and SIR2_coding offsets are summed together.

In compressed mode, compressed frames may occur in either the uplink or the downlink or both. In uplink compressed frames, the transmission of uplink DPDCH(s), DPCCH and DPCCH2 shall both be stopped during transmission gaps.

Due to the transmission gaps in compressed frames, there may be missing TPC commands in the downlink. If no downlink TPC command is transmitted, the corresponding TPC_cmd derived by the UE shall be set to zero.

Compressed and non-compressed frames in the uplink DPCCH may have a different number of pilot bits per slot. A change in the transmit power of the uplink DPCCH would be needed in order to compensate for the change in the total pilot energy. Therefore at the start of each slot the UE shall derive the value of a power offsetPILOT. If the number of pilot bits per slot in the uplink DPCCH is different from its value in the most recently transmitted slot,PILOT (in dB) shall be given by:

PILOT = 10Log10 (Npilot,prev/Npilot,curr);

where Npilot,prev is the number of pilot bits in the most recently transmitted slot , and Npilot,curr is the number of pilot bits in the current slot. Otherwise, including during transmission gaps in the downlink, PILOT shall be zero.

Unless otherwise specified, in every slot during compressed mode the UE shall adjust the transmit power of the uplink DPCCH with a step of DPCCH (in dB) which is given by:


At the start of the first slot after an uplink or downlink transmission gap the UE shall apply a change in the transmit power of the uplink DPCCH by an amount DPCCH (in dB), with respect to the uplink DPCCH power in the most recently transmitted uplink slot, where:


The value of RESUME (in dB) shall be determined by the UE according to the Initial Transmit Power mode (ITP). The ITP is a UE specific parameter, which is signalled by the network with the other compressed mode parameters (see [4]). The different modes are summarised in table 1.

Table 1: Initial Transmit Power modes during compressed mode

Initial Transmit Power mode



RESUME = TPC  TPC_cmdgap


RESUME = last

If UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE, the UE shall behave as if the ITP mode is 0.

In the case of a transmission gap in the uplink, TPC_cmdgap shall be derived as follows:

– If DPCH is configured in the downlink then TPC_cmdgap shall be the value of TPC_cmd derived in the first slot of the uplink transmission gap, if a downlink TPC_command is transmitted in that slot. Otherwise TPC_cmdgap shall be zero if no downlink TPC_command is transmitted in that slot.

– If F-DPCH is configured in the downlink then TPC_cmdgap shall be equal to the sum of the values of TPC_cmd derived from each TPC command combining period in which a TPC command is known to be present and is not ignored as described below and which cannot be applied before the uplink transmission gap. The UE shall ignore any TPC commands received in an F-DPCH slot starting during an uplink DPCCH slot which is in an uplink transmission gap. In case there are no TPC commands to be summed TPC_cmdgap shall be zero.

last shall be equal to the most recently computed value of i. i shall be updated according to the following recursive relations, which shall be executed in all slots in which both the uplink DPCCH and a downlink TPC command are transmitted, and in the first slot of an uplink transmission gap if a downlink TPC command is transmitted in that slot:

where: TPC_cmdi is the power control command derived by the UE in that slot;

ksc = 0 if additional scaling is applied in the current slot and the previous slot as described in subclause, and ksc = 1 otherwise.

i-1 is the value of i computed for the previous slot. The value of i-1 shall be initialised to zero when the uplink DPCCH is activated, and also at the end of the first slot after each uplink transmission gap, and also at the end of the first slot after each downlink transmission gap. The value of i shall be set to zero at the end of the first slot after each uplink transmission gap.

After a transmission gap in either the uplink or the downlink, the period following resumption of simultaneous uplink and downlink DPCCH or F-DPCH transmission is called a recovery period. RPL is the recovery period length and is expressed as a number of slots. RPL is equal to the minimum value out of the transmission gap length and 7 slots. If a transmission gap or an Uplink DPCCH burst pattern gap as defined in subclause 6C.2 is scheduled to start before RPL slots have elapsed, then the recovery period shall end at the start of the gap, and the value of RPL shall be reduced accordingly.

During the recovery period, 2 modes are possible for the power control algorithm. The Recovery Period Power control mode (RPP) is signalled with the other compressed mode parameters (see [4]). The different modes are summarised in the table 2:

Table 2: Recovery Period Power control modes during compressed mode

Recovery Period power control mode



Transmit power control is applied using the algorithm determined by the value of PCA, as in subclause with step size TPC.


Transmit power control is applied using algorithm 1 (see subclause with step size RP-TPC during RPL slots after each transmission gap.

If UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE or if PCA has the value 3, the UE shall behave as if the RPP mode is 0.

For RPP mode 0, the step size is not changed during the recovery period and ordinary transmit power control is applied (see subclause, using the algorithm for processing TPC commands determined by the value of PCA (see sub clauses, and

For RPP mode 1, during RPL slots after each transmission gap, power control algorithm 1 is applied with a step size RP-TPC instead of TPC, regardless of the value of PCA. Therefore, the change in uplink DPCCH transmit power at the start of each of the RPL+1 slots immediately following the transmission gap (except for the first slot after the transmission gap) is given by:


RP-TPC is called the recovery power control step size and is expressed in dB. If PCA has the value 1, RP-TPC is equal to the minimum value of 3 dB and 2TPC. If PCA has the value 2 , RP-TPC is equal to 1 dB.

After the recovery period, ordinary transmit power control resumes using the algorithm specified by the value of PCA and with step size TPC.

If PCA has the value 2 , the sets of slots over which the TPC commands are processed shall remain aligned to the frame boundaries in the compressed frame. For both RPP mode 0 and RPP mode 1, if the transmission gap or the recovery period results in any incomplete sets of TPC commands, TPC_cmd shall be zero for those sets of slots which are incomplete. Transmit power control in compressed mode for DPCCH2

In compressed mode, one or more transmission gap pattern sequences are active. Therefore some frames are compressed and contain transmission gaps. The uplink power control procedure is as specified in subclause, using the Algorithm 1 as described in subclause and step size (TPC), but with additional features after each transmission gap.

Due to the transmission gaps in compressed frames, there may be missing TPC commands in the downlink. If no downlink TPC command is transmitted, the corresponding TPC_cmd derived by the UE shall be set to zero.

At the start of the first slot after an uplink or downlink transmission gap the UE shall apply a change in the transmit power of the uplink DPCCH2 by an amount DPCCH2 (in dB), with respect to the uplink DPCCH2 power in the most recently transmitted uplink slot, where:


The value of RESUME2 (in dB) shall be determined by the UE according to the Initial Transmit Power mode (ITP) as described in

During the recovery period which is described in subclause, two modes are possible for the power control algorithm.

For RPP mode 0, during RPL slots after each transmission gap, power control algorithm 1 is applied with a step size TPC (see subclause

For RPP mode 1, during RPL slots after each transmission gap, power control algorithm 1 is applied with a step size RP-TPC instead of TPC. Therefore, the change in uplink DPCCH2 transmit power at the start of each of the RPL+1 slots immediately following the transmission gap (except for the first slot after the transmission gap) is given by:

DPCCH2 = RP-TPC  TPC_cmd

RP-TPC is called the recovery power control step size and is expressed in dB. RP-TPC is equal to 2TPC.

After the recovery period, transmit power control for DPCCH2 resumes using algorithm 1 and with step size TPC (see subclause Transmit power control in the uplink DPCCH power control preamble

An uplink DPCCH power control preamble is a period of uplink DPCCH transmission prior to the start of the uplink DPDCH transmission. The downlink DPCCH or F-DPCH shall also be transmitted during an uplink DPCCH power control preamble.

The length of the uplink DPCCH power control preamble is a higher layer parameter signalled by the network as defined in [5]. The uplink DPDCH transmission shall commence after the end of the uplink DPCCH power control preamble.

During the uplink DPCCH power control preamble the change in uplink DPCCH transmit power shall be given by:

DPCCH = TPC  TPC_cmd.

During the uplink DPCCH power control preamble TPC_cmd is derived according to algorithm 1 as described in sub clause, if the value of PCA is 1 or 2. If the value of PCA is 3, TPC_cmd is derived according to algorithm 3 as described in sub clause

Ordinary power control (see subclause, with the power control algorithm determined by the value of PCA and step size TPC, shall be used after the end of the uplink DPCCH power control preamble. Setting of the uplink DPCCH/DPDCH relative powers General

The uplink DPCCH and DPDCH(s) are transmitted on different codes as defined in subclause 4.2.1 of [3]. In the case that at least one DPDCH is configured, the gain factors c and d may vary for each TFC. When UL DPCH_10ms_Mode is configured by higher layers for a given TFC, alternative c, and d values determine the gain factors for DPDCH and DPCCH. There are two ways of controlling the gain factors of the DPCCH code and the DPDCH codes for different TFCs in normal (non-compressed) frames:

c and d are signalled for the TFC, or

c and d is computed for the TFC, based on the signalled settings for a reference TFC.

Combinations of the two above methods may be used to associate c and d values to all TFCs in the TFCS. The two methods are described in subclauses and respectively. Several reference TFCs may be signalled from higher layers.

The gain factors may vary on radio frame basis depending on the current TFC used. Further, the setting of gain factors is independent of the inner loop power control.

After applying the gain factors, the UE shall scale the total transmit power of the DPCCH and DPDCH(s), such that the DPCCH output power follows the changes required by the power control procedure with power adjustments of DPCCH dB, subject to the provisions of subclause

The gain factors during compressed frames are based on the nominal power relation defined in normal frames, as specified in subclause Signalled gain factors

When the gain factors c and d are signalled by higher layers for a certain TFC, the signalled values are used directly for weighting of DPCCH and DPDCH(s). The variable Aj, called the nominal power relation is then computed as:

. Computed gain factors

The gain factorsc and d may also be computed for certain TFCs, based on the signalled settings for a reference TFC.

Let c,ref and d,ref denote the signalled gain factors for the reference TFC. Further, letc,j and d,j denote the gain factors used for the j:th TFC. Also let Lref denote the number of DPDCHs used for the reference TFC and L,j denote the number of DPDCHs used for the j:th TFC.

Define the variable


where RMi is the semi-static rate matching attribute for transport channel i (defined in [2] subclause 4.2.7), Ni is the number of bits output from the radio frame segmentation block for transport channel i (defined in [2] subclause, and the sum is taken over all the transport channels i in the reference TFC.

Similarly, define the variable


where the sum is taken over all the transport channels i in the j:th TFC.

The variable Aj, called the nominal power relation is then computed as:


The gain factors for the j:th TFC are then computed as follows:

– If Aj > 1, then and is the largest quantized-value, for which the condition  1 / Aj holds. Since may not be set to zero, if the above rounding results in a zero value, shall be set to the lowest quantized amplitude ratio of 1/15 as specified in [3].

– If Aj  1, then is the smallest quantized-value, for which the condition  Aj holds and .

The quantized -values are defined in [3] subclause 4.2.1, table 1. Setting of the uplink DPCCH/DPDCH relative powers in compressed mode

When UL_DPCH_10ms_Mode is configured, the gain factors used during a compressed mode frame are the same as those used in a normal frame. For all other cases, the following procedure calculates the gain factors to be used in compressed mode frames.

The gain factors used during a compressed frame for a certain TFC are calculated from the nominal power relation used in normal (non-compressed) frames for that TFC. Let Aj denote the nominal power relation for the j:th TFC in a normal frame. Further, letc,C,j and d,C,j denote the gain factors used for the j:th TFC when the frame is compressed. The variable AC,j is computed as:


where Npilot,C is the number of pilot bits per slot when in compressed mode, and Npilot,N is the number of pilot bits per slot in normal mode. Nslots,C is the number of slots in the compressed frame used for transmitting the data.

The gain factors for the j:th TFC in a compressed frame are computed as follows:

If AC,j > 1, then and is the largest quantized-value, for which the condition  1 / AC,j holds. Since may not be set to zero, if the above rounding results in a zero value, shall be set to the lowest quantized amplitude ratio of 1/15 as specified in [3].

If AC,j  1, then is the smallest quantized-value, for which the condition  AC,j holds and .

The quantized -values are defined in [3] subclause 4.2.1, table 1. Setting of the uplink HS-DPCCH power relative to DPCCH or DPCCH2 power

When one or two HS-DPCCH are active, the values for ACK, NACK and CQI set by higher layers are translated to the quantized amplitude ratios Ahs as specified in [3] subclause, and shall be set for each HS-DPCCH slot as follows.

When only one activated cell’s HARQ-ACK information is mapped to a HS-DPCCH, for each HS-DPCCH and each slot carrying HARQ Acknowledgement, the HS-DPCCH power settings are described in Table 2a. When more than one activated cell whose HARQ-ACK information are mapped to a specific HS-DPCCH, the HS-DPCCH power settings are described in Table 2b. When the UE is configured in Multiflow mode, the HARQ-ACK slot power settings of the HS-DPCCH are described in table 2b.1.

Table 2a: HARQ-ACK power offset setting when Secondary_Cell_Active is 0 or when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is more than 3 in case UE is not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas in any cell, is more than 1 in case the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas in at least one cell and only HARQ-ACK information of one active downlink cell is mapped to either HS-DPCCH or HS-DPCCH2

HARQ-ACK message sent in one time slot

Ahs equals the quantized amplitude ratio translated from





PRE before single transport block or POST after a single transport block






ACK/NACK or NACK/ACK or PRE before a dual transport block or POST after a dual transport block


Table 2b: HARQ-ACK power offset setting when the HARQ-ACK information of more than one active downlink cell is mapped to either HS-DPCCH or HS-DPCCH2

Number of active cells mapped to the HS-DPCCH or HS-DPCCH2


Ahs equals the quantized amplitude ratio translated from

Composite HARQ-ACK message(s) sent in one time slot

contains at least one ACK but no NACK

contains at least one NACK but no ACK

contains both ACK and NACK or is a PRE or is a POST


MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is not configured in any cell





MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is configured in at least one cell





Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 and MIMO or MIMO mode with four transmit antennas is not configured in any cell













Table 2b.1: HARQ-ACK power offset setting when the UE is configured in Multiflow mode

Number of cells configured to the UE
(Note 1)


Ahs equals the quantized amplitude ratio translated from

Composite HARQ-ACK message(s) sent in one time slot

contains at least one ACK but no NACK

contains at least one NACK but no ACK

contains both ACK and NACK or is a PRE or is a POST






MIMO not configured in any cell





MIMO configured in at least one cell








Note 1: When the UE is configured in the Multiflow mode, the cell deactivation with HS-SCCH orders do not impact the HARQ-ACK power offset used.

For each HS-DPCCH and each slot carrying CQI, the HS-DPCCH power setting is described in Tables 2c and 2d:

Table 2c: CQI power offset setting when the UE is not in Multiflow mode


Ahs equals the quantized amplitude ratio translated from

Number of active cells mapped to HS-DPCCH or HS-DPCCH2

MIMO or MIMO with four transmit antennas is not configured in a cell

MIMO or MIMO with four transmit antennas is configured in a cell

CQI of Type A

CQI of Type B






Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 1, and MIMO or MIMO with four transmit antennas is not configured in any cell









3 (Note 1)

Secondary_Cell_Enabled is 2 and MIMO is not configured in any cell




3 (Note 2)













Note 1: When the UE transmits a CQI report for the serving HS-DSCH cell in a subframe

Note 2: When the UE transmits a composite CQI report for 1st and 2nd secondary serving HS-DSCH cells in a subframe.

Table 2d: CQI power offset setting when the UE is in Multiflow mode

MIMO configured in at least one cell

Ahs equals the quantized amplitude ratio translated from

Number of cells configured to the UE
(Note 1)

MIMO is not configured in a cell

MIMO is configured in a cell

CQI of Type A

CQI of Type B










3 (Note 2)




3 (Note 3)
















Note 1: When the UE is configured in the Multiflow mode, the cell activations and deactivations with HS-SCCH orders do not impact the CQI power offsets used.

Note 2: When the UE transmits a CQI report for the cell group consisting of one cell only

Note 3: When the UE transmits a composite CQI report of the cell group consisting of two cells, or a CQI report of the remaining active cell if the secondary cell of this cell group was deactivated by a HS-SCCH order.

When DPCCH2 is not configured the following applies:

In non-compressed frames hs, which is the gain factor defined in [3] subclause, is calculated according to


where c value is signalled by higher-layer or calculated as described in subclause or if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, c value is set as described in subclause

With the exception of the start and end of compressed frames, any DPCCH power change shall not modify the power ratio between the DPCCH and the HS-DPCCH. The power ratio between the DPCCH and the HS-DPCCH during compressed DPCCH frames is described below.

During the period between the start and end of a compressed DPCCH frame, when HS-DPCCH is transmitted, hs is calculated according to


where is calculated as described in subclause if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, c,C,j value is set as described in subclause Npilot,C is the number of pilot bits per slot on the DPCCH in compressed frames, and Npilot,N is the number of pilot bits per slot in non-compressed frames.

Thus the gain factor hs varies depending on the current quantized amplitude ratio Ahs and on whether the UL DPCCH is currently in a compressed frame.

When DPCCH2 is configured the following applies:

In both non-compressed and compressed frames hs, which is the gain factor defined in [3] subclause, is calculated according to


where c2 value is the gain factor of DPCCH2 defined in [3] subclause Setting of the uplink E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH powers relative to DPCCH power E-DPCCH/DPCCH when one transport block is transmitted on E-DCH

The E-DPCCH gain factor computation depends on the transmitted E-TFC at a given TTI.

In non compressed frames, if E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost , where E-TFCIi denotes the E-TFCI of the i:th E-TFC, the E-DPCCH gain factor, ec, which is defined in [3] subclause, is calculated according to

where c value is signalled by higher-layers or calculated as described in subclause or if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, c value is set as described in subclause Aec is defined in [3] subclause The E-TFCIec,boost value is signalled by higher layers.

In non compressed frames if E-TFCIi is greater than E-TFCIec,boost, the unquantized E-DPCCH gain factor for the i:th E-TFC, ec,i,uq,, is calculated according to

where T2TP is signalled by higher layers and is defined in [3] subclause, is the E-DPDCH gain factor for the i:th E-TFC on the k:th physical channel and kmax,i is the number of physical channels used for the i:th E-TFC.

If ec,i,uq is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.0A in [3] subclause, then the E-DPCCH gain factor of E-TFCIi, ec,i is set such that ec,i/c is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.0A in [3] subclause Otherwise, ec,i is selected from Table 1B.0A in [3] subclause, such that 20*log10(ec,i/c) is the nearest quantized value to 20*log10(ec,i,uq/c).

During compressed frames where the E-DCH TTI is 2msec, the E-DPCCH gain factor, ec, which is defined in [3] subclause, is calculated according to:

if E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost.

and according to

if E-TFCIi is greater than E‑TFCIec,boost.

where is calculated as described in subclause if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, the value is set as described in subclause is the E-DPDCH gain factor for the i:th E-TFC on the k:th physical channel in non-compressed frames. Npilot,C is the number of pilot bits per slot on the DPCCH in compressed frames, and Npilot,N is the number of pilot bits per slot in non-compressed frames. Nslots,C is the number of non DTX slots in the compressed frame.

During compressed frames and where the E-DCH TTI is 10msec, the E-DPCCH gain factor, ec, which is defined in [3] subclause, is calculated according to:

if E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E‑TFCIec,boost

and according to

if E-TFCIi is greater than E‑TFCIec,boost.

where, Nslots,C is the number of non DTX slots in the compressed frame. E-DPCCH/DPCCH when two transport blocks are transmitted on E-DCH (rank-2)

When UL_MIMO_Enabled is TRUE, and the UE is transmitting two transport blocks, the E-DPCCH/DPCCH power ratio is calculated according to the definitions in subclause assuming E-TFCIec,boost = -1. E-DPDCH/DPCCH General

The E-DPDCH gain factor, ed, which is defined in [3] subclause, may take a different value for each E-TFC and HARQ offset. The gain factors for different E-TFCs and HARQ offsets are computed as described in subclause based on reference gain factor(s) ed,ref of E-TFC(s) signalled as reference E-TFC(s). The ed,ref are computed as described in subclause At least one E-TFC of the set of E-TFCs configured by the network shall be signalled as a reference E-TFC.

The gain factors may vary on radio frame basis or sub-frame basis depending on the E-DCH TTI used. Further, the setting of gain factors is independent of the inner loop power control. Computation of reference gain factors

Let E-TFCIref,m denote the E-TFCI of the m:th reference E-TFC, where m=1,2,…,M and M is the number of signalled reference E-TFCs and E-TFCIref,1 < E-TFCIref,2 < … < E-TFCIref,M.

For each reference E-TFC, a reference gain factor ed,ref is calculated according to

where c value is signalled by higher-layer or calculated as described in subclause or if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, c value is set as described in subclause Aed is defined in [3] subclause table 1B.1 when the reference E-TFCIref,m is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost; otherwise,  Aed is defined in [3] subclause table 1B.2A when reference E-TFCIref,m is greater than E-TFCIec,boost. Computation of gain factors

The gain factor ed of an E-TFC is computed based on the signalled settings for its corresponding reference E-TFC.

Whether E-DPDCH power extrapolation formula or E-DPDCH power interpolation formula is used to compute the gain factor ed is signalled by higher layers.

Let E-TFCIi denote the E-TFCI of the i:th E-TFC.

For the i:th E-TFC:

If E-DPDCH power extrapolation formula is configured

if E-TFCIi E-TFCIref,M, the reference E-TFC is the M:th reference E-TFC.

if E-TFCIi < E-TFCIref,1, the reference E-TFC is the 1st reference E-TFC.

if E-TFCIref,1E-TFCIi < E-TFCIref,M, the reference E-TFC is the m:th reference E-TFC such that E‑TFCIref,mE-TFCIi < E-TFCIref,m+1.

Else If E-DPDCH power interpolation formula is configured

if E-TFCIi E-TFCIref,M, the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs are the (M-1):th and M:th reference E-TFCs respectively.

if E-TFCIi < E-TFCIref,1, the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs are the 1st and 2nd reference E-TFCs respectively.

if E-TFCIref,1E-TFCIi < E-TFCIref,M, the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs are the m:th and (m+1):th reference E-TFCs respectively, such that E‑TFCIref,mE-TFCIi < E-TFCIref,m+1.

When E-DPDCH power extrapolation formula is configured, let ed,ref denote the reference gain factor of the reference E-TFC. Let Le,ref denote the number of E-DPDCHs used for the reference E-TFC and Le,i denote the number of E-DPDCHs used for the i:th E-TFC. If SF2 is used, Le,ref and Le,i are the equivalent number of physical channels assuming SF4. Let Ke,ref denote the transport block size of the reference E-TFC and Ke,i denote the transport block size of the i:th E-TFC, where the mapping between the E-TFCI and the E-DCH transport block size is defined in [9]. For the i:th E-TFC, the temporary variable ed,i,harq is then computed as:

where the HARQ offset harq is defined in [3] subclause

When E-DPDCH power interpolation formula is configured, let ed,ref,1 and ed,ref,2 denote the reference gain factors of the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs respectively. Let Le,ref,1 and Le,ref,2 denote the number of E-DPDCHs used for the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs respectively. Let Le,i denotes the number of E-DPDCHs used for the i:th E-TFC. If SF2 is used, Le,ref,1 , Le,ref,2 and Le,i are the equivalent number of physical channels assuming SF4. Let Ke,ref,1 and Ke,ref,2 denote the transport block sizes of the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs respectively. Let Ke,i denotes the transport block size of the i:th E-TFC, where the mapping between the E-TFCI and the E-DCH transport block size is defined in [9]. For the i:th E-TFC, the temporary variable ed,i,harq is computed as:

with the exception that ed,i,harq is set to 0 if .

For the i:th E-TFC, the unquantized gain factor ed,k,i,uq for the k:th E-DPDCH (denoted E‑DPDCHk in [3] subclause shall be set to if the spreading factor for E-DPDCHk is 2 and to otherwise.

The following applies:

– For E-TFCI smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost ,

– If ed,k,i,uq/c is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, then the gain factor of E-DPDCHk, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause

– Otherwise, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, for which the condition ed,ked,k,i,uq holds.

– For E-TFCI greater than E-TFCIec,boost ,

– If ed,k,i,uq/c is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause, then the gain factor of E-DPDCHk, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause

– Otherwise, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause, for which the condition ed,ked,k,i,uq holds. E-DPDCH/DPCCH adjustments relating to compressed mode

The gain factor applied to E-DPDCH is adjusted as a result of compressed mode operation in the following cases:

– E-DCH transmissions that overlap a compressed frame

– For 10msec E-DCH TTI case, retransmissions that do not themselves overlap a compressed frame, but for which the corresponding initial transmission overlapped a compressed frame.

The gain factors used during a compressed frame for a certain E-TFC are calculated from the nominal power relation used in normal (non-compressed) frames for that E-TFC. When the frame is compressed, the gain factor used for the i:th E-TFC is derived from ed,C,i as described below.

When the E-DCH TTI is 2msec, ed,C,i shall be calculated as follows:

If E-DPDCH power extrapolation formula is configured,


Else if E-DPDCH power interpolation formula is configured,

with the exception that ed,C,i is set to 0 if

where is calculated for the j:th TFC as described in subclause if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, the value is set as described in subclause Aed, Aed,1 and Aed,2 are as defined in [3] subclause Aed,1 and Aed,2 denote the quantized amplitude ratios assigned to the primary and secondary reference E-TFCs respectively.

Le,ref, Le,i, Ke,ref , Ke,i ,L,e,ref,1 , Le,ref,2 , Ke,ref,1 and Ke,ref,2 are as defined in subclause, harq is as defined in [3] subclause, Npilot,C is the number of pilot bits per slot on the DPCCH in compressed frames, and Npilot,N is the number of pilot bits per slot in non-compressed frames.

When the E-DCH TTI is 10msec and the current frame is compressed, ed,C,i shall be calculated as follows:

If E-DPDCH power extrapolation formula is configured


Else if E-DPDCH power interpolation formula is configured

with the exception that ed,C,i is set to 0 if

where Le,I,i denotes the number of E-DPDCHs used for the i:th E-TFC in the first frame used for transmitting the data and Nslots,I is the number of non DTX slots in the first frame used for transmitting the data.

For the i:th E-TFC, the unquantized gain factor ed, k,i,uq for the k:th E-DPDCH (denoted E‑DPDCHk in [3] subclause shall be set to if the spreading factor for E-DPDCHk is 2 and to otherwise.

Quantization may be applied as follows:

– For E-TFCI smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost ,

– If ed ,k,i,uq/c,C,j is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, then the gain factor of E-DPDCHk, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c,C,j is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause

– Otherwise, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c,C,j is the largest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, for which the condition ed,ked, k,i,uq holds.

– For E-TFCI greater than E-TFCIec,boost ,

– If ed,k,i,uq/c,C,j is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause, then the gain factor of E-DPDCHk, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c,C,j is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause

– Otherwise, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c,C,j is the largest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause, for which the condition ed,ked,k,i,uq holds.

If quantization is not applied, ed,k shall be set to ed, k,i,uq.

When the E-DCH TTI is 10msec and the current frame is not compressed, but is a retransmission for which the corresponding first transmission was compressed, the gain factor used for the k:th E-DPDCH for the i:th E-TFC is derived from ed,R,i as follows:

If E-DPDCH power extrapolation formula is configured

Else if E-DPDCH power interpolation formula is configured

with the exception that ed,R,i is set to 0 if

where ed,ref ,ed,ref,1, , ed,ref,2, Le,ref, Ke,ref, Ke,i ,L,e,ref,1 , Le,ref,2 , Ke,ref,1 and Ke,ref,2 are as defined in subclause , harq is as defined in [3] subclause, and Le,I,i and Nslots,I are as defined above.

For the i:th E-TFC, the unquantized gain factor ed, k,i,uq for the k:th E-DPDCH (denoted E‑DPDCHk in [3] subclause shall be set to if the spreading factor for E-DPDCHk is 2 and to otherwise.

Quantization may be applied as follows:

– For E-TFCI smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost ,

– If ed, k,i,uq/c is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, then the gain factor of E-DPDCHk, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause

– Otherwise, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, for which the condition ed,ked, k,i,uq holds.

– For E-TFCI greater than E-TFCIec,boost ,

– If ed,k,i,uq/c is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause, then the gain factor of E-DPDCHk, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause

– Otherwise, ed,k is set such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value of Table 1B.2B in [3] subclause, for which the condition ed,ked,k,i,uq holds.

If quantization is not applied, ed,k shall be set to ed, k,i,uq. Setting of the uplink DPCCH gain factor when no DPDCH is configured

In the case that no DPDCH is configured, the gain factor c is equal to 1. During a compressed frame, the gain factor c,C,j is also equal to 1. Setting of the uplink S-DPCCH power relative to DPCCH power Setting of the uplink S-DPCCH/DPCCH power ratio when less than two transport blocks are transmitted on E-DCH

If UL_CLTD_Enabled is set to TRUE and UL_CLTD_Active is 1, or if UL_MIMO_Enabled is set to TRUE and UL_CLTD_Active is 1 and the UE is transmitting either one or zero transport blocks on E-DCH, the S-DPCCH gain factor, sc, which is defined in [3] subclause, is calculated depending on the transmitted E-TFC at a given TTI.

In non compressed frames, if no transmission on E-DCH is taking place, or if E-DCH transmission is taking place and E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost , where E-TFCIi denotes the E-TFCI of the i:th E-TFC, sc is calculated according to

Where the c value is signalled by higher layers or calculated as described in subclause or if at least one DPDCH is configured. In the case that no DPDCH is configured, the c value is set as described in subclause Asc is defined in [3] subclause Table 1C.1. The E-TFCIec,boost value is signalled by higher layers.

In non compressed frames if E-TFCIi is greater than E-TFCIec,boost, the unquantized S-DPCCH gain factor for the i:th E-TFC, sc is calculated according to


where T2SP is signalled by higher layers and is defined in [3] subclause, is the E-DPDCH gain factor for the i:th E-TFC on the k:th physical channel and kmax,i is the number of physical channels used for the i:th E-TFC, and the quantization of sc,i,uq follows the quantization according to the definition of ec quantization in table 1B.0A of [3].

If sc,i,uq is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.0A in [3], then the S-DPCCH gain factor of E-TFCIi, sc,i is set such that sc,i/c is the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.0A in [3]. Otherwise, sc,i is selected from that table such that 20*log10(sc,i/c) is the nearest quantized value to 20*log10(sc,i,uq/c).

During the period between the start and end of a compressed DPCCH frame, when S-DPCCH is transmitted, sc is calculated according to


if no transmission on E-DCH is taking place, or E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost,

and according to

, if E-TFCIi is greater than E‑TFCIec,boost,

where is calculated as described in subclause if at least one DPDCH is configured. In case no DPDCH is configured, c,C,j value is set as described in subclause Npilot,C is the number of pilot bits per slot on the DPCCH in compressed frames, and Npilot,N is the number of pilot bits per slot in non-compressed frames. Setting of the uplink S-DPCCH/DPCCH power ratio when two transport blocks are transmitted on E-DCH (rank-2)

When two transport blocks are transmitted on uplink E-DCH, the S-DPCCH gain factor setting, sc, is defined in [3] subclause Setting of the uplink S-E-DPCCH power relative to DPCCH power

When two transport blocks are transmitted on uplink E-DCH, the S-E-DPCCH gain factor setting, sec, is defined in [3] subclause When one or zero transport blocks are transmitted on uplink E-DCH, the S-E-DPCCH is not transmitted. Setting of the uplink S-E-DPDCH power relative to E-DPDCH power

When two transport blocks are transmitted on uplink E-DCH, the S-E-DPDCH gain factor setting, sed, is defined in [3] subclause

When only one or zero transport blocks are transmitted on uplink E-DCH, the S-E-DPDCH is not transmitted. Maximum and minimum power limits

When E-DCH is not configured, in the case that the total UE transmit power (after applying DPCCH and DPCCH2 power adjustments and gain factors) would exceed the maximum allowed value, the UE shall apply additional scaling to the total transmit power so that it is equal to the maximum allowed power. This additional scaling shall be such that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPDCH, between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH, or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH if DPCCH2 is configured, and between DPCCH and S-DPCCH remains as required by subclause,, and In addition, scaling to the transmit power shall be such that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPCCH2 remains fixed if DPCCH2 is configured.

Single uplink frequency configured for E-DCH

When E-DCH is configured on a single frequency or E-DCH is configured on multiple frequencies but Secondary_EDCH_Cell_Active is 0,

Single transport block transmission (no MIMO)

– If the total UE transmit power (after applying DPCCH and DPCCH2 power adjustments and gain factors) would exceed the maximum allowed value, the UE shall firstly reduce all the E-DPDCH gain factors ed,k by an equal scaling factor to respective values ed,k,reduced so that the total transmit power would be equal to the maximum allowed power.

– Also if E-TFCIi is greater than E-TFCIec,boost, UE shall reduce only E-DPDCH gain factors to respective values ed,k,reduced and E-DPCCH is transmitted using original ec which is not recalculated according to the reduced E-DPDCH gain factors.

– After calculating the reduced E-DPDCH gain factors, if E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost, quantization according to table 1B.2 in [3] subclause may be applied, or if E-TFCIi is greater than E-TFCIec,boost, quantization according to table 1B.2B in [3] subclause may be applied, where each ed,k,reduced is quantized such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value for which the condition ed,k  ed,k,reduced holds.

– In case a DPDCH is transmitted,

– if any ed,k,reduced/c is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, DTX may be used on that E-DPDCH. If DTX is used on all E-DPDCHs then DTX is also used on E-DPCCH, else E-DPCCH is still transmitted using ec.

– When the UE is configured with HS-DPCCH overhead reduction Type 1, if DTX is used on all the E-DPDCHs and on the E-DPCCH and the total UE transmit power still exceeds the maximum allowed value, UE shall reduce HS-DPCCH gain factors hs to hs, reduced in a slot in which CQI is transmitted so that the total transmit power would be equal to the maximum allowed power. If this slot contains the start of a CQI transmission, then CQI value 0 shall be transmitted instead of the computed CQI report. After calculating the reduced HS-DPCCH gain factors, quantization according to table 1A in [3] subclause may be applied, where hs, reduced is quantized such that hs /c if DPCCH2 is not configured, or hs /c2 if DPCCH2 is configured, is the largest quantized value for which the condition hs  hs, reduced holds. If any hs, reduced /c when DPCCH2 is not configured, or any hs, reduced /c2 when DPCCH2 is configured, is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1A in [3] subclause, DTX may be used on that CQI field of HS-DPCCH.

– In case no DPDCH is transmitted and regardless of the applied uplink modulation, if any ed,k,reduced/c is less than ed,k,reduced,min /c, that ed,k shall be set to ed,k,min such that ed,k,min/c = min (ed,k,reduced,min /c, ed,k,original/c), where ed,k,original denotes the E-DPDCH gain factor before reduction.

Dual transport block transmission (MIMO)

– Also if the UE is transmitting both a set of E-DPDCHs and a set of S-E-DPDCHs, the UE shall reduce all the E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH gain factors ed,k and sed,k by an equal scaling factor to respective values ed,k,reduced and sed,k,reduced so that the total transmit power would be equal to the maximum allowed power.

– After calculating the reduced E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH gain factors, quantization according to table 1B.2B in [3] subclause may be applied, where each ed,k,reduced is quantized such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value for which the condition ed,k  ed,k,reduced holds, and sed,k,reduced is set to the same value as the quantized ed,k,reduced.

– if any ed,k,reduced/c is less than ed,k,reduced,min /c, that ed,k shall be set to ed,k,min such that ed,k,min/c = min (ed,k,reduced,min /c, ed,k,original/c), where ed,k,original denotes the E-DPDCH gain factor before reduction,

– if any sed,k,reduced/c is less than ed,k,reduced,min /c, that sed,k shall be set to sed,k,min such that sed,k,min/c = min (ed,k,reduced,min /c, sed,k,original/c), where sed,k,original denotes the S-E-DPDCH gain factor before reduction,

ed,k,reduced,min is configurable by higher layers.

Additional scaling rules applicable to both non-MIMO and MIMO transmissions

– In the following cases, the UE shall then apply additional scaling to the total transmit power so that it is equal to the maximum allowed power:

– if a DPDCH is transmitted and the total UE transmit power would still exceed the maximum allowed value even though DTX is used on all E-DPDCHs and the E-DPCCH, and on the CQI field of HS-DPCCH if the UE is configured with HS-DPCCH overhead reduction Type 1.

– if no DPDCH is transmitted and the total UE transmit power would still exceed the maximum allowed value even though ed,k is equal to ed,k,min for all k.

– Any additional scaling of the total transmit power as described above shall be such that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPDCH, on the CQI field between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH (if DTX is not used on CQI field of HS-DPCCH) or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH (if DTX is not used on CQI field of HS-DPCCH andDPCCH2 is configured), on HARQ-ACK field between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH (if HARQ-ACK field is transmitted) or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH (if HARQ-ACK field is transmitted and DPCCH2 is configured), between DPCCH and E-DPCCH if DTX is not used on E-DPCCH, and between DPCCH and S-DPCCH, remains as required by subclauses,,, and, and such that the power ratio between each E-DPDCH and DPCCH remains as required by ed,k,min/c if DTX is not used on E-DPDCH, and such that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPCCH2 remains fixed if DPCCH2 is configured. Any slot-level scaling of ed , DTX of E-DPDCH, DTX of E-DPCCH or DTX of the CQI field of HS-DPCCH as described above is applied at layer 1 only and is transparent to higher layers.

– If the UE is transmitting both a set of E-DPDCHs and a set of S-E-DPDCHs, the UE shall reduce all the E-DPDCH and S-E-DPDCH gain factors ed,k and sed,k by an equal scaling factor to respective values ed,k,reduced and sed,k,reduced so that the total transmit power would be equal to the maximum allowed power and the rule that sed,k,reduced is equal to ed,k,reduced is always kept.

Two uplink frequencies configured for E-DCH

When Secondary_EDCH_Cell_Active is 1,

– If the total UE transmit power (after applying DPCCH and DPCCH2 power adjustments and gain factors) would exceed the maximum allowed value, the UE shall start by reducing all the E-DPDCH gain factors ed,k on the frequency with highest DPCCH power by an equal scaling factor to respective values ed,k,reduced so that the total transmit power would be equal to the maximum allowed power.

– Also if E-TFCIi is greater than E-TFCIec,boost, UE shall reduce only E-DPDCH gain factors to respective values ed,k,reduced and E-DPCCH is transmitted using original ec which is not recalculated according to the reduced E-DPDCH gain factors. After calculating the reduced E-DPDCH gain factors, if E-TFCIi is smaller than or equal to E-TFCIec,boost, quantization according to table 1B.2 in [3] subclause may be applied, or if E-TFCIi is greater than E-TFCIec,boost, quantization according to table 1B.2B in [3] subclause may be applied, where each ed,k,reduced is quantized such that ed,k/c is the largest quantized value for which the condition ed,k  ed,k,reduced holds.

– If ed,k,reduced/c is less than ed,k,reduced,min /c then ed,k shall be set to ed,k,min such that ed,k,min/c = min (ed,k,reduced,min /c, ed,k,original/c), where ed,k,original denotes the E-DPDCH gain factor before reduction and ed,k,reduced,min is individually configured by higher layers for each frequency.

– The UE shall then apply the same procedure on the uplink frequency with second highest DPCCH power.

– If ed,k,min/c = min (ed,k,reduced,min /c, ed,k,original/c) for all activated uplink frequencies, then

– In case a DPDCH is transmitted,

– if any ed,k,reduced/c is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1B.2 in [3] subclause, DTX may be used on that E-DPDCH on the frequency with highest DPCCH power. If DTX is used on all E-DPDCHs on the frequency with highest DPCCH power then DTX is also used on E-DPCCH on the frequency with highest DPCCH power, else E-DPCCH is still transmitted using ec.

– The UE shall then apply the same procedure on the uplink frequency with second highest DPCCH power.

– When the UE is configured with HS-DPCCH overhead reduction Type 1, if DTX is used on all the E-DPDCHs and on the E-DPCCH and the total UE transmit power still exceeds the maximum allowed value, UE shall reduce HS-DPCCH gain factors hs to hs, reduced in a slot in which CQI is transmitted so that the total transmit power would be equal to the maximum allowed power. If this slot contains the start of a CQI transmission, then CQI value 0 shall be transmitted instead of the computed CQI report. After calculating the reduced HS-DPCCH gain factors, quantization according to table 1A in [3] subclause may be applied, where hs, reduced is quantized such that hs /c if DPCCH2 is not configured, or hs /c2 if DPCCH2 is configured, is the largest quantized value for which the condition hs  hs, reduced holds. If any hs, reduced /c when DPCCH2 is not configured, or any hs, reduced /c2 when DPCCH2 is configured, is less than the smallest quantized value of Table 1A in [3] subclause, DTX may be used on that CQI field of HS-DPCCH.

– Any additional scaling of the total transmit power shall be such that:

– if the total UE transmit power would still exceed the maximum allowed value even though DTX is used on all E-DPDCHs and the E-DPCCH, and on the CQI field of HS-DPCCH if the UE is configured with HS-DPCCH overhead reduction Type 1.

– Any additional scaling of the total transmit power as described above shall be such that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPDCH, on the CQI field between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH (if DTX is not used on CQI field of HS-DPCCH) or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH (if DTX is not used on CQI field of HS-DPCCH andDPCCH2 is configured), on HARQ-ACK field between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH (if HARQ-ACK field is transmitted) or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH (if HARQ-ACK field is transmitted and DPCCH2 is configured), between DPCCH and E-DPCCH if DTX is not used on E-DPCCH, and between DPCCH and S-DPCCH, remains as required by subclauses,,, and, and such that the power ratio between each E-DPDCH and DPCCH remains as required by ed,k,min/c if DTX is not used on E-DPDCH, and such that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPCCH2 remains fixed if DPCCH2 is configured. Any slot-level scaling of ed , DTX of E-DPDCH, DTX of E-DPCCH or DTX of the CQI field of HS-DPCCH as described above is applied at layer 1 only and is transparent to higher layers.

– In case no DPDCH is transmitted, any additional scaling of the total transmit power shall be such that

– the power ratio between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH if DPCCH2 is configured, and between DPCCH and E-DPCCH, for each activated uplink frequency remains as required by subclauses, and, and such that the power ratio between each E-DPDCH and DPCCH remains as required by ed,k,min/c and

– the power ratio between DPCCH on the activated frequencies remains unchanged.

Additional generic power scaling rules

Any scaling, and any reduction in the E-DPDCH gain factor as described above, shall only be applied or changed at a DPCCH slot boundary. In order that the total UE transmit power does not exceed the maximum allowed value the scaling or E-DPDCH gain factor reduction shall be computed using the maximum HS-DPCCH power transmitted in the next DPCCH slot. In the case that either an ACK or a NACK transmission will start during the next DPCCH slot, the maximum HS-DPCCH power shall be computed using one of the following:

a) whichever of ACK and NACK will be used according to whether the transmission will be ACK or NACK, or

b) whichever of ACK and NACK is the largest.

When transmitting on a DPCH the UE is not required to be capable of reducing its total transmit power below the minimum level required in [7]. However, it may do so, provided that the power ratio between DPCCH and DPDCH, between DPCCH and HS-DPCCH or between DPCCH2 and HS-DPCCH if DPCCH2 is configured, and between DPCCH and S-DPCCH remains as specified in sub clause,, and Some further regulations also apply as follows: In the case that the total UE transmit power (after applying DPCCH power adjustments and gain factors) would be at or below the total transmit power in the previously transmitted slot and also at or below the required minimum power specified in [7], the UE may apply additional scaling to the total transmit power, subject to the following restrictions:

– The total transmit power after applying any additional scaling shall not exceed the required minimum power, nor the total transmit power in the previously transmitted slot;

– The magnitude of any reduction in total transmit power between slots after applying any additional scaling shall not exceed the magnitude of the calculated power reduction before the additional scaling.

In the case that the total UE transmit power in the previously transmitted slot is at or below the required minimum power specified in [7] and the DPCCH power adjustment and gain factors for the current slot would result in an increase in total power, then no additional scaling shall be used (i.e. power control shall operate as normal).

If the UE applies any additional scaling to the total transmit power as described above, this scaling shall be included in the computation of any DPCCH power adjustments to be applied in the next transmitted slot.

5.1.3 Void

5.2 Downlink power control

The transmit power of the downlink channels is determined by the network. In general the ratio of the transmit power between different downlink channels is not specified and may change with time. However, regulations exist as described in the following subclauses.

Higher layer power settings shall be interpreted as setting of the total power, i.e. the sum of the power from the two antennas in case of transmit diversity.

5.2.1 DPCCH/DPDCH/F-DPCH General

The downlink transmit power control procedure controls simultaneously the power of a DPCCH and its corresponding DPDCHs. The power control loop adjusts the power of the DPCCH and DPDCHs with the same amount, i.e. the relative power difference between the DPCCH and DPDCHs is not changed. In case of F-DPCH, the power control loop adjusts the F-DPCH power. If DPCCH2 is configured, the power control loop associated with DPCCH2 adjusts the F-DPCH power at the serving HS-DSCH cell, and the power control loop associated with DPCCH adjusts the F-DPCH power at the designated non-serving HS-DSCH cell. If multiple frequencies are activated in the uplink, then the downlink transmit power control procedure shall be followed independently for each associated downlink frequency.

For DPCH, the relative transmit power offset between DPCCH fields and DPDCHs is determined by the network. The TFCI and pilot fields of the DPCCH are offset relative to the DPDCHs power by PO1 and PO3 dB respectively. When DL_DCH_FET_Config is not configured by higher layers, or, when DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured and no SRBs are transmitted in the radio frame, the TPC fields of the DPCCH are offset relative to the DPDCHs power by PO2; otherwise, when DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured by higher layers, and, SRB is transmitted in the radio frame, the TPC fields of the DPCCH are offset relative to the DPDCHs power by PO2 – POSRB. The power offsets may vary in time. The method for controlling the power offsets within UTRAN is specified in [6]. The power offsets PO1, PO2, PO3 and POSRB do not apply to F-DPCH. Ordinary transmit power control UE behaviour

If Algorithm 3 is not configured for the serving radio link, the UE behaviour is as follows.

If DPCCH2 is not configured, the UE shall generate TPC commands to control the network transmit power and send them in the TPC field of the uplink DPCCH. An example on how to derive the TPC commands is given in Annex B.2.

If DPCCH2 is configured, the UE shall generate TPC commands to control the network transmit power from the serving HS-DSCH cell and send them in the TPC field of the uplink DPCCH2, and in addition, if E-DCH decoupling is not configured, the UE shall generate TPC commands to control the network transmit power from the designated non-serving HS-DSCH cell signalled by the network and send them in the TPC field of the uplink DPCCH.

If E-DCH decoupling is configured, the UE shall generate TPC commands to control the network transmit power from the serving E-DCH cell and send them in the TPC field of the uplink DPCCH.

The UE shall check the downlink power control mode (DPC_MODE) before generating the TPC command:

– if DPC_MODE = 0 : the UE sends a unique TPC command in each slot and the TPC command generated is transmitted in the first available TPC field in the uplink DPCCH/DPCCH2. In case uplink DPCCH slot format #4 is used then UE may delay transmitting generated TPC command to the next available TPC field

– if DPC_MODE = 1 : the UE repeats the same TPC command over 3 slots and the new TPC command is transmitted such that there is a new command at the beginning of the frame, unless UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE, in which case the UE shall behave as for DPC_MODE=0. If DPC_MODE=1 when uplink DPCCH slot format #4 is configured, the UE behaviour is undefined.

The DPC_MODE parameter is a UE specific parameter controlled by the UTRAN.

The UE shall not make any assumptions on how the downlink power is set by UTRAN, in order to not prohibit usage of other UTRAN power control algorithms than what is defined in subclause

If the serving radio link is configured with Algorithm 3, the UE generates the TPC commands in the uplink DPCCH as follows:

– The UE shall generate one uplink TPC command in the slot where the downlink TPC command is known to be present.

– If the length of the slot cycle is 3, the uplink TPC commands generated in the subsequent slots where the downlink TPC command is not known to be present shall take the value of 0 and 1, respectively.

– If the length of the slot cycle is 5, the uplink TPC commands generated in the subsequent slots where the downlink TPC command is not known to be present shall take the value of 0, 1, 0 and 1, respectively. F-DPCH quality target control

When DPCCH2 is not configured, the UTRAN sets a quality target for the F-DPCH. The UE autonomously sets a SIR target value and adjusts it in order to achieve the same quality as the quality target set by UTRAN. The quality target is set as a downlink TPC command error rate target value for the F-DPCH belonging to the radio link from the HS-DSCH serving cell as signalled by the UTRAN for the case where E-DCH decoupling is not configured. If E-DCH decoupling is configured, the quality target is set as a downlink TPC command error rate target value for the F-DPCH belonging to the radio link from the serving E-DCH cell as signalled by the UTRAN. The UE shall set the SIR target when the F-DPCH has been setup or reconfigured. It shall not increase the SIR target value before the power control has converged on the current value. The UE may estimate whether the power control has converged on the current value, by comparing the averaged measured SIR to the SIR target value. When UL_DTX_Active is TRUE, the UE shall ignore in the SIR target value adjustment any TPC commands received in F-DPCH slot starting during an uplink DPCCH slot which is in an uplink DPCCH transmission gap.

When DPCCH2 is configured, the UE monitors two independent F-DPCH qualities, one for the F-DPCH associated with the uplink DPCCH2 belonging to the HS-DSCH serving cell, and one for F-DPCH belonging to the designated non-serving HS-DSCH cell. If E-DCH decoupling is configured, the designated non-serving HS-DSCH cell is the serving E-DCH cell. The UTRAN sets a single quality target which is set as a downlink TPC command error rate target value for the F-DPCHs. The UE autonomously sets a SIR target value and adjusts it in order to achieve the same quality as the quality target set by UTRAN. It shall not increase the SIR target value before the power control has converged on the current value. The UE may estimate whether the power control has converged on the current value, by comparing the averaged measured SIR to the SIR target value. When UL_DTX_Active is TRUE, the UE shall ignore in the SIR target value adjustment any TPC commands received in F-DPCH slot starting during an uplink DPCCH slot which is in an uplink DPCCH transmission gap. UTRAN behaviour

If DPCCH2 is not configured, upon receiving the TPC commands from DPCCH, UTRAN shall adjust its downlink DPCCH/DPDCH or F-DPCH power accordingly.

If DPCCH2 is configured and DPCH is not configured, upon receiving the TPC commands from DPCCH2, UTRAN shall adjust its downlink power of F-DPCH associated with DPCCH2 for the serving HS-DSCH cell accordingly, and upon receiving the TPC commands from DPCCH, UTRAN shall adjust its downlink power of F-DPCH associated with DPCCH for the designated non-serving HS-DSCH cell. For the serving HS-DSCH cell, both the F-DPCH associated with DPCCH2 and the F-DPCH associated with DPCCH are transmitted at the same power.

If DPCCH2 is configured and DPCH is configured, upon receiving the TPC commands from DPCCH2, UTRAN shall adjust its downlink power of F-DPCH associated with DPCCH2 for the serving HS-DSCH cell accordingly, and upon receiving the TPC commands from DPCCH, UTRAN shall adjust its downlink power of DPCCH/DPDCH accordingly.

For DPC_MODE = 0, and for DPC_MODE=1 if UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE,UTRAN shall estimate the transmitted TPC command TPCest to be 0 or 1, and shall update the power every transmitted slot. If DPC_MODE = 1 and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE, UTRAN shall estimate the transmitted TPC command TPCest over three slots to be 0 or 1, and shall update the power every three slots.

After estimating the k:th TPC command, UTRAN shall adjust the current downlink power P(k-1) [dB] to a new power P(k) [dB] according to the following formula:

P(k) = P(k – 1) + PTPC(k) + Pbal(k),

where PTPC(k) is the k:th power adjustment due to the inner loop power control, and Pbal(k) [dB] is a correction according to the downlink power control procedure for balancing radio link powers towards a common reference power. The power balancing procedure and control of the procedure is described in [6].

PTPC(k) is calculated according to the following.

If the value of Limited Power Increase Used parameter is ‘Not used’, then

, [dB]. (1)

If the value of Limited Power Increase Used parameter is ‘Used’, then the k:th inner loop power adjustment shall be calculated as:

, [dB] (2)


is the temporary sum of the last DL_Power_Averaging_Window_Size inner loop power adjustments (in dB).

For the first (DL_Power_Averaging_Window_Size – 1) adjustments after the activation of the limited power increase method, formula (1) shall be used instead of formula (2). Power_Raise_Limit and DL_Power_Averaging_Window_Size are parameters configured in the UTRAN.

The power control step size TPC can take four values: 0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 dB. It is mandatory for UTRAN to support TPC of 1 dB, while support of other step sizes is optional.

In addition to the above described formulas on how the downlink power is updated, the restrictions below apply.

In case of congestion (commanded power not available), UTRAN may disregard the TPC commands from the UE.

The average power of transmitted DPDCH symbols over one timeslot shall not exceed Maximum_DL_Power (dB), nor shall it be below Minimum_DL_Power (dB). Transmitted DPDCH symbol means here a complex QPSK symbol before spreading which does not contain DTX. Maximum_DL_Power (dB) and Minimum_DL_Power (dB) are power limits for one channelisation code, relative to the primary CPICH power [6].

In case of F-DPCH, the power of the transmitted symbol over one timeslot for a given UE shall not exceed Maximum_DL_Power (dB), nor shall it be below Minimum_DL_Power (dB). Transmitted symbol means here a complex QPSK symbol before spreading which does not contain DTX.

In the case that UL_DTX_Active is TRUE (see clause 6C), if no uplink TPC command is received due to Uplink DPCCH burst pattern gap as defined in subclause 6C.2.1, PTPC(k) derived by the Node B shall be set to zero. Power control in compressed mode

The aim of downlink power control in uplink or/and downlink compressed mode is to recover as fast as possible a signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) close to the target SIR after each transmission gap.

The UE behaviour is the same in compressed mode as in normal mode, described in subclause, except that the target SIR for a DPCH is offset by higher layer signalling. However due to transmission gaps in uplink compressed frames there may be incomplete sets of TPC commands when DPC_MODE=1.

UTRAN behaviour is as stated in subclause except for DPC_MODE = 1 where missing TPC commands in the UL may lead the UTRAN to changing its power more frequently than every 3 slots.

In compressed mode, compressed frames may occur in either the uplink or the downlink or both. In downlink compressed frames, the transmission of downlink DPDCH(s), DPCCH and F-DPCH shall be stopped during transmission gaps.

The power of the DPCCH and DPDCH in the first slot after the transmission gap, or the power of the F-DPCH in the first slot after the transmission gap, should be set to the same value as in the slot just before the transmission gap.

During compressed mode except during downlink transmission gaps, UTRAN shall estimate the k:th TPC command and adjust the current downlink power P(k-1) [dB] to a new power P(k) [dB] according to the following formula:

P(k) = P(k – 1) + PTPC(k) + PSIR(k) + Pbal(k),

where PTPC(k) is the k:th power adjustment due to the inner loop power control, PSIR(k) is the k-th power adjustment due to the downlink target SIR variation, and Pbal(k) [dB] is a correction according to the downlink power control procedure for balancing radio link powers towards a common reference power. The power balancing procedure and control of the procedure is described in [6].

Due to transmission gaps in uplink compressed frames, there may be missing TPC commands in the uplink.

For DPC_MODE = 0, and for DPC_MODE=1 if UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is TRUE, if no uplink TPC command is received, PTPC(k) derived by the Node B shall be set to zero. Otherwise, PTPC(k) is calculated the same way as in normal mode (see subclause but with a step size STEP instead of TPC.

For DPC_MODE = 1 if UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE, the sets of slots over which the TPC commands are processed shall remain aligned to the frame boundaries in the compressed frame. If this results in an incomplete set of TPC commands, the UE shall transmit the same TPC commands in all slots of the incomplete set.

The power control step size STEP = RP-TPC during RPL slots after each transmission gap and STEP = TPC otherwise, where:

– RPL is the recovery period length and is expressed as a number of slots. RPL is equal to the minimum value out of the transmission gap length and 7 slots. If a transmission gap or an Uplink DPCCH burst pattern gap as defined in subclause 6C.2 is scheduled to start before RPL slots have elapsed, then the recovery period shall end at the start of the gap, and the value of RPL shall be reduced accordingly.

– RP-TPC is called the recovery power control step size and is expressed in dB. RP-TPC is equal to the minimum value of 3 dB and 2TPC.

For F-DPCH, PSIR(k) = 

For DPCH, the power offset PSIR(k) = Pcurr – Pprev, where Pcurr and Pprev are respectively the value of P in the current slot and the most recently transmitted slot and P is computed as follows:

P = max (P1_compression, …, Pn_compression) + P1_coding + P2_coding

where n is the number of different TTI lengths amongst TTIs of all TrChs of the CCTrCh, where P1_coding and P2_coding are computed from uplink parameters DeltaSIR1, DeltaSIR2, DeltaSIRafter1, DeltaSIRafter2 signaled by higher layers as:

– P1_coding = DeltaSIR1 if the start of the first transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern is within the current frame and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE.

– P1_coding = DeltaSIRafter1 if the current frame just follows a frame containing the start of the first transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE.

– P2_coding = DeltaSIR2 if the start of the second transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern is within the current frame and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE.

– P2_coding = DeltaSIRafter2 if the current frame just follows a frame containing the start of the second transmission gap in the transmission gap pattern and UE_DTX_DRX_Enabled is FALSE.

– P1_coding = 0 dB and P2_coding = 0 dB in all other cases.

and Pi_compression is defined by :

– Pi_compression = 3 dB for downlink frames compressed by reducing the spreading factor by 2.

– Pi_compression = 0 dB in all other cases.

In case several compressed mode patterns are used simultaneously, a P offset is computed for each compressed mode pattern and the sum of all P offsets is applied to the frame.

For all time slots except those in transmissions gaps, the average power of transmitted DPDCH symbols over one timeslot shall not exceed Maximum_DL_Power (dB) by more than Pcurr, nor shall it be below Minimum_DL_Power (dB). Transmitted DPDCH symbol means here a complex QPSK symbol before spreading which does not contain DTX. Maximum_DL_Power (dB) and Minimum_DL_Power (dB) are power limits for one channelisation code, relative to the primary CPICH power [6].

For F-DPCH, for all time slots except those in transmissions gaps the power of the transmitted symbol over one timeslot for a given UE shall not exceed Maximum_DL_Power (dB), nor shall it be below Minimum_DL_Power (dB). Transmitted symbol means here a complex QPSK symbol before spreading which does not contain DTX. Power scaling of DPDCH with POSRB

When DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured by higher layers, and SRB is transmitted in the radio frame, the TPC fields of the DPCCH are offset relative to the DPDCHs power by PO2 – POSRB. The change in TPC/DPDCH offset between PO2 and PO2 – POSRB happens by adjusting the power of DPCH (both TPC and DPDCH fields) according to power control rules of Subclause or, and then, scaling the DPDCH fields by a factor of POSRB (in dB). Figure 1A describes the scaling procedure.

Figure 1A: Power scaling of DPDCH with POSRB. Here, denotes the power adjustment due to power control procedure in Subclause or

5.2.2 Void

5.2.3 Void

5.2.4 AICH

The UE is informed about the relative transmit power of the AIs (measured as the power per transmitted acquisition indicator) and the relative transmit power of the EAIs (measured as the power per transmitted extended acquisition indicator), both compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers.

5.2.5 PICH

The UE is informed about the relative transmit power of the PICH (measured as the power over the paging indicators) compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers.

5.2.6 S-CCPCH

The TFCI and pilot fields may be offset relative to the power of the data field. The power offsets may vary in time.

For MBSFN FACH transmission with 16QAM, the UE is informed about the relative transmit power of the S-CCPCH (measured as the power of the transmitted data of S-CCPCH) compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers.

5.2.7 Void

5.2.8 Void

5.2.9 Void

5.2.10 HS-SCCH

The HS-SCCH power control is under the control of the node B. It may e.g. follow the power control commands sent by the UE to the node B or any other power control procedure applied by the node B.

5.2.11 HS-PDSCH

The HS-PDSCH power control is under the control of the node B. When the HS-PDSCH is transmitted using 16QAM or 64QAM, the UE may assume that the power is kept constant during the corresponding HS-DSCH subframe.

In case of multiple HS-PDSCH transmission to one UE, all the HS-PDSCHs intended for that UE shall be transmitted with equal power.

The sum of the powers used by all HS-PDSCHs, HS-SCCHs, E-AGCHs, E-RGCHs and E-HICHs in a cell shall not exceed the value of HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH and E-HICH Total Power if signaled by higher layers [6].

5.2.12 E-AGCH

The E-AGCH power control is under the control of the node B. It may e.g. follow the power control commands sent by the UE to the node B or any other power control procedure applied by the node B. If Implicit Grant Handling is configured, when the E-AGCH message is targeted to one UE for decoding and to another UE for detection, the Node B may e.g. power control the E-AGCH appropriately to satisfy the reception performance requirements for the two UEs.

5.2.13 E-HICH

The E-HICH power control is under the control of the node B. It may e.g. follow the power control commands sent by the UE to the node B or any other power control procedure applied by the node B.

5.2.14 E-RGCH

The E-RGCH power control is under the control of the node B. It may e.g. follow the power control commands sent by the UE to the node B or any other power control procedure applied by the node B.

5.2.15 MICH

The UE is informed about the relative transmit power of the MICH (measured as the power over the notification indicators) compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers.

5.2.16 S-CPICH

In case the UE is configured in MIMO mode, and S-CPICH is used as a phase reference for a second transmit antenna, the UE is informed about the relative transmit power of the S-CPICH compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers.

In case the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas, the S-CPICHs are used as a phase reference for the second, third and fourth transmit antennas and, the UE is informed about the relative transmit power of each S-CPICH compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers. The S-CPICHs transmitted on the third and fourth transmit antennas are transmitted with equal power.

5.2.17 F-TPICH

F-TPICH power control is under the control of the node B. It may e.g. follow the power control commands sent by the UE to the node B or any other power control procedure applied by the node B.

5.2.18 D-CPICH

In case the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas, D-CPICHs are configured for the third and fourth transmit antenna, the UE is informed about the relative transmit power of each D-CPICH compared to the primary CPICH transmit power by the higher layers. The two D-CPICHs are transmitted with equal power.

5.2.19 E-ROCH

The E-ROCH power control is under the control of the node B. It may e.g. follow the power control commands sent by the UE to the node B or any other power control procedure applied by the node B.