3 Definitions and abbreviations

25.2143GPPPhysical layer procedures (FDD)Release 17TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions apply:

Activated uplink frequency: For a specific UE, an uplink frequency is said to be activated if the UE is allowed to transmit on that frequency. The primary uplink frequency is always activated when configured while a secondary uplink frequency has to be activated by means of an HS-SCCH order in order to become activated. Similarly, for a specific UE, an uplink frequency is said to be deactivated if it is configured but disallowed by the NodeB to transmit on that frequency.

Assisting secondary serving HS-DSCH Cell(s): In addition to the serving HS-DSCH cell, a cell in the secondary downlink frequency, where the UE is configured to simultaneously monitor a HS-SCCH set and receive HS-DSCH if it is scheduled in that cell. There can be up to two assisting secondary serving HS-DSCH cells.

Assisting serving HS-DSCH Cell: In addition to the serving HS-DSCH cell, a cell in the same frequency, where the UE is configured to simultaneously monitor a HS-SCCH set and receive HS-DSCH if it is scheduled in that cell.

Cell group: A group of (one, two or three) Multiflow mode cells that have the same CPICH timing. The cells that belong to a cell group are indicated by higher layers.

Configured uplink frequency: For a specific UE, an uplink frequency is said to be configured if the UE has received all relevant information from higher layers in order to perform transmission on that frequency.

Designated non-serving HS-DSCH cell: The non-serving HS-DSCH cell transmitting the F-DPCH that is used to estimate the F-DPCH quality for TPC command derivation, when the UE is configured with DPCCH2 in the uplink or E-DCH decoupling is configured.

DL FET: DL FET refers to early termination of DL DPCH transmission upon receiving an acknowledgement message. In this context, a DL FET ACK/NACK message represents an acknowledge message sent on UL DPCCH for DL FET.

DL_DCH_FET_Config: Higher layers signal this configuration parameter to indicate enhanced DCH physical layer configuration. The possible values are 0 and 1. The value 0 indicates Mode 0 configuration where DL transport channels concatenation and UL ACK/NACK signalling are not configured. The value 1 indicates Mode 1 where DL transport channel concatenation and UL ACK/NACK signalling for DL FET are configured.

E-DCH decoupling: An E-DCH operation mode in which the Serving HS-DSCH cell and the Serving E-DCH cell are different.

L1 combining period: An interval of contiguous TTIs when S-CCPCHs, each on different RLs, may be soft combined.

MIMO mode: This term refers to the downlink MIMO configuration with two transmit antennas.

MIMO mode with four transmit antennas: This term refers to the downlink MIMO configuration with four transmit antennas.

Multiflow mode: The UE is configured in Multiflow mode when it is configured with an assisting serving HS-DSCH cell.

Non-time reference cell: An HS-DSCH cell configured for a UE in Multiflow mode that has a different timing than the time reference cell. If the time reference cell is the Assisting Serving HS-DSCH cell then the non-time reference cell is the Serving HS-DSCH cell. If the time reference cell is the Serving HS-DSCH Cell, then the non-time reference cell is the Assisting Serving HS-DSCH cell.

Primary uplink frequency: If a single uplink frequency is configured for the UE, then it is the primary uplink frequency. In case more than one uplink frequency is configured for the UE, then the primary uplink frequency is the frequency on which the E-DCH corresponding to the serving E-DCH cell associated with the serving HS-DSCH cell is transmitted. The association between a pair of uplink and downlink frequencies is indicated by higher layers.

Secondary uplink frequency: A secondary uplink frequency is a frequency on which an E-DCH corresponding to a serving E-DCH cell associated with a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is transmitted. The association between a pair of uplink and downlink frequencies is indicated by higher layers.

SRB: Signalling Radio Bearers as defined in [5].

40ms Compression Interval (40ms CI): A time interval of 40ms duration aligned in time with a 40ms TTI, defined for DPCH physical layer procedures when DCH channel is configured with a single transport channel of 40ms TTI carrying SRB data only.

Time reference cell: The (Serving or Assisting Serving, but not Secondary Serving or Assisting Secondary Serving) HS-DSCH cell that carries the HS-PDSCH acting as the time reference for the uplink HS-DPCCH when in Multiflow mode. There is one and only one Time reference cell.

UL DPCH 10ms Mode: When configured by higher layers for the TTI to be transmitted [9], UL DPCH follows physical channel procedures specific to this mode. UL DPCH 10ms Mode can only happen when DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured.

UL DPCH 20ms Mode: When configured by higher layers for the TTI to be transmitted [9], UL DPCH is transmitted continuously over a Compression Interval of 20ms, and follows the physical channel procedures specific to this mode. UL DPCH 20ms Mode can only happen when DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured.

UL 20ms Compression Interval (20ms CI): A time interval of 20ms duration aligned in time with a 20ms TTI, defined for UL DPCH physical layer procedures when DL_DCH_FET_Config is configured by higher layers.

1st secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with two uplink frequencies, the 1st secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is the secondary serving HS-DSCH cell that is associated with the secondary uplink frequency. If the UE is configured with a single uplink frequency, the 1st secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

2nd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with more than two serving HS-DSCH cells, the 2nd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

3rd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with more than three serving HS-DSCH cells, the 3rd secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

4th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with more than four serving HS-DSCH cells, the 4th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

5th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with more than five serving HS-DSCH cells, the 5th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

6th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with more than six serving HS-DSCH cells, the 6th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

7th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell: If the UE is configured with eight serving HS-DSCH cells, the 7th secondary serving HS-DSCH cell is a secondary serving HS-DSCH cell whose index is indicated by higher layers.

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

ACK Acknowledgement

AICH Acquisition Indicator Channel

ASC Access Service Class

BCH Broadcast Channel

CCPCH Common Control Physical Channel

CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel

CLTD Closed Loop Transmit Diversity

CPICH Common Pilot Channel

CQI Channel Quality Indicator

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check

DCH Dedicated Channel

DL Downlink

DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel

DPCCH2 Dedicated Physical Control Channel 2

DPCH Dedicated Physical Channel

DPDCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel

DTX Discontinuous Transmission

E-AGCH E-DCH Absolute Grant Channel

E-DCH Enhanced Dedicated Channel

E-DPCCH E-DCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel

E-DPDCH E-DCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel

E-HICH E-DCH HARQ Acknowledgement Indicator Channel

E-RGCH E-DCH Relative Grant Channel

E-ROCH E-DCH Rank and Offset Channel

F-DPCH Fractional Dedicated Physical Channel

F-TPICH Fractional Transmitted Precoding Indicator Channel

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access

HS-DPCCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel (uplink) for HS-DSCH

HS-DPCCH2 Secondary Dedicated Physical Control Channel (uplink) for HS-DSCH, when Secondary_Cell_Enabled is greater than 3 when the UE is not configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas and is greater than 1 when the UE is configured in MIMO mode with four transmit antennas

HS-DSCH High Speed Downlink Shared Channel

HS-PDSCH High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel

HS-SCCH High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Control Channel

MBSFN MBMS over a Single Frequency Network

MICH MBMS Indicator Channel

MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output

NACK Negative Acknowledgement


P-CCPCH Primary Common Control Physical Channel

PCA Power Control Algorithm

PICH Paging Indicator Channel

PRACH Physical Random Access Channel

RACH Random Access Channel

RL Radio Link

RPL Recovery Period Length

RSCP Received Signal Code Power

S-CCPCH Secondary Common Control Physical Channel

SCH Synchronization Channel

S-DPCCH Secondary Dedicated Physical Control Channel

S-E-DPCCH Secondary Dedicated Physical Control Channel for E-DCH

S-E-DPDCH Secondary Dedicated Physical Data Channel for E-DCH

SFN System Frame Number

SIR Signal-to-Interference Ratio

SNIR Signal to Noise Interference Ratio

TFC Transport Format Combination

TFRI Transport Format and Resource Indicator

TPC Transmit Power Control

TPI Transmitted Precoding Indicator

TrCH Transport Channel

TTI Transmission Time Interval

UE User Equipment

UL Uplink

UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network