B.3 High speed train conditions

25.1423GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD)Release 17TS

High speed train conditions are as follows:

Scenario 1: Open space

Scenario 3: Tunnel for multi-antennas

The high speed train conditions for the test of the baseband performance are two non-fading propagation channels in both scenarios.

Doppler shift for both scenarios is given by:


where is the Doppler shift and is the maximum Doppler frequency. The cosine of angle is given by:

, (B.2)

, (B.3)

, (B.4)

where is the initial distance of the train from BS, and is BS-Railway track distance, both in meters; is the velocity of the train in m/s, is time in seconds.

Doppler shift and cosine angle is given by equation B.1 and B.2-B.4 respectively, where the required input parameters listed in table B.6 and the resulting Doppler shift shown in Figure B.1 and B.2 are applied for all frequency bands.

Table B.6: Parameters for high speed train conditions



Scenario 1

Scenario 3

1000 m

300 m

50 m

2 m

350 km/h

300 km/h

1310 Hz

1125 Hz

NOTE1: Parameters for HST conditions in table B. including and Doppler shift trajectories presented on figures B.1 and B.2 were derived for Band a).

Figure B.1: Doppler shift trajectory for scenario 1

Figure B.2: Doppler shift trajectory for scenario 3

Annex C (normative):
Global in-channel Tx test