6.6 Output RF spectrum emissions

25.1423GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD)Release 17TS

6.6.1 Occupied bandwidth Definition and applicability

Occupied bandwidth is a measure of the bandwidth containing 99% of the total integrated power for transmitted spectrum and is centered on the assigned channel frequency. Minimum Requirements 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The occupied bandwidth shall be less than 5 MHz based on a chip rate of 3,84 Mcps.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The occupied bandwidth shall be less than 1,6 MHz based on a chip rate of 1,28 Mcps.

The reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The occupied bandwidth shall be less than 10 MHz based on a chip rate of 7,68 Mcps.

The reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Test purpose

The occupied bandwidth, defined in the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union ITU, is a useful concept for specifying the spectral properties of a given emission in the simplest possible manner; see also Recommendation ITU-R SM.328 [7]. The test purpose is to verify that the emission of the BS does not occupy an excessive bandwidth for the service to be provided and is, therefore, not likely to create interference to other users of the spectrum beyond undue limits. Method of test Initial conditions General test conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause 5.9.1.

RF channels to be tested: B, M and T; see subclause 5.3. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.12. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 1 in subclause

Table 6.12: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for occupied bandwidth testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

Real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to Table 6.12A at manufacturer’s declared output power, PRAT.

Table 6.12A: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for occupied bandwidth testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 7,68 Mcps TDD option

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.12B.

Table 6.12B: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for occupied bandwidth testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

Real life (sufficient irregular) Procedure 3,84 Mcps TDD option

(1) Measure the power of the transmitted signal with a measurement filter of bandwidth 30 kHz. The characteristic of the filter shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyzer filter). The centre frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous 30 kHz steps from a minimum frequency, which shall be (7,5 – 0,015) MHz below the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal, up to a maximum frequency, which shall be (7,5 – 0,015) MHz above the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot. The measured power shall be recorded for each step.

(2) Determine the total output power by accumulating the recorded power measurement results of all steps.

(3) Sum up the recorded power measurement results, starting from the step at the minimum frequency defined in (1) up to the step at a lower limit frequency by which this sum is equal to or greater than 0.5 % of the total output power determined in (2). This limit frequency is recorded as "Lower Frequency".

(4) Sum up the recorded power measurement results, starting from the step at the maximum frequency defined in (1) down to the step at an upper limit frequency by which this sum is equal to or greater than 0.5 % of the total output power determined in (2). This limit frequency is recorded as "Upper Frequency".

(5) Calculate the occupied bandwidth as the difference between the "Upper Frequency" obtained in (3) and the "Lower Frequency" obtained in (4). 1,28 Mcps TDD option

(1) Measure the power of the transmitted signal with a measurement filter of bandwidth 30 kHz. The characteristic of the filter shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyser filter). The centre frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous 30 kHz steps from a minimum frequency, which shall be (2,4 – 0,015) MHz below the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal, up to a maximum frequency, which shall be (2,4 – 0,015) MHz above the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot. The measured power shall be recorded for each step.

(2) Determine the total output power by accumulating the recorded power measurement results of all steps.

(3) Sum up the recorded power measurement results, starting from the step at the minimum frequency defined in (1) up to the step at a lower limit frequency by which this sum is equal to or greater than 0,5 % of the total output power determined in (2). This limit frequency is recorded as "Lower Frequency".

(4) Sum up the recorded power measurement results, starting from the step at the maximum frequency defined in (1) down to the step at an upper limit frequency by which this sum is equal to or greater than 0,5 % of the total output power determined in (2). This limit frequency is recorded as "Upper Frequency".

(5) Calculate the occupied bandwidth as the difference between the "Upper Frequency" obtained in (3) and the "Lower Frequency" obtained in (4).

In addition, for a multi-band capable BS, the following steps shall apply:

(6) For multi-band capable BS and single band tests, repeat the steps above per involved band with no carrier activated in the other band.

(7) For multi-band capable BS with separate antenna connector, the antenna connector not being under test shall be terminated. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

(1) Measure the power of the transmitted signal with a measurement filter of bandwidth 30 kHz. The characteristic of the filter shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyzer filter). The centre frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous 30 kHz steps from a minimum frequency, which shall be (15 – 0,015) MHz below the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal, up to a maximum frequency, which shall be (15 – 0,015) MHz above the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot. The measured power shall be recorded for each step.

(2) Determine the total output power by accumulating the recorded power measurement results of all steps.

(3) Sum up the recorded power measurement results, starting from the step at the minimum frequency defined in (1) up to the step at a lower limit frequency by which this sum is equal to or greater than 0.5 % of the total output power determined in (2). This limit frequency is recorded as "Lower Frequency".

(4) Sum up the recorded power measurement results, starting from the step at the maximum frequency defined in (1) down to the step at an upper limit frequency by which this sum is equal to or greater than 0.5 % of the total output power determined in (2). This limit frequency is recorded as "Upper Frequency".

(5) Calculate the occupied bandwidth as the difference between the "Upper Frequency" obtained in (3) and the "Lower Frequency" obtained in (4). Test Requirements

NOTE: If the Test Requirement below differ from the Minimum Requirements, then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in subclause 5.11 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex D. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The occupied bandwidth calculated in step (5) of subclause shall be less than 5 MHz. 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The occupied bandwidth calculated in step (5) of subclause shall be less than 1,6 MHz. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The occupied bandwidth calculated in step (5) of subclause shall be less than 10 MHz.

6.6.2 Out of band emission

Out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the channel bandwidth resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter but excluding spurious emissions. This out of band emission requirement is specified both in terms of a spectrum emission mask and adjacent channel power ratio for the transmitter. Spectrum emission mask Definition and applicability 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The spectrum emission mask specifies the limit of the transmitter out of band emissions at frequency offsets from the assigned channel frequency of the wanted signal between 2,5 MHz and 12,5 MHz.

The mask defined in subclause below may be mandatory in certain regions. In other regions this mask may not be applied.

For regions in which the mask is mandatory, the requirements shall apply to both Wide Area BS and Local Area BS. 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The spectrum emission mask specifies the limit of the transmitter out of band emissions at frequency offsets from the assigned channel frequency of the wanted signal between 0,8 MHz and 4 MHz.

For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the single-band requirements apply and the cumulative evaluation of the emission limit in the inter RF bandwidth gap are not applicable.

The mask defined in subclause below may be mandatory in certain regions. In other regions this mask may not be applied. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The spectrum emission mask specifies the limit of the transmitter out of band emissions at frequency offsets from the assigned channel frequency of the wanted signal between 5 MHz and 25 MHz.

The mask defined in subclause below may be mandatory in certain regions. In other regions this mask may not be applied.

For regions in which the mask is mandatory, the requirements shall apply to both Wide Area BS and Local Area BS. Minimum Requirements 3,84 Mcps TDD option

For regions where this subclause applies, the requirement shall be met by a base station transmitting on a single RF carrier configured in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. Emissions shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 6.13 to 6.16 in the frequency range of f_offset from 2,515 MHz to f_offsetmax from the carrier frequency, where:

– f_offset is the separation between the carrier frequency and the centre of the measurement filter

– f_offsetmax is either 12,5 MHz or the offset to the UMTS Tx band edge as defined in subclause 4.2, whichever is the greater.

Table 6.13: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P ≥ 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

-14 dBm

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

-26 dBm

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

-13 dBm

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

1 MHz

Table 6.14: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 39 ≤ P < 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

-14 dBm

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

-26 dBm

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

-13 dBm

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 56 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.15: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 31 ≤ P < 39 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

P – 53 dB

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

P – 65 dB

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

P – 52 dB

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 56 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.16: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P < 31 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

-22 dBm

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

-34 dBm

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

-21 dBm

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-25 dBm

1 MHz

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

For regions where this subclause applies, the requirement shall be met by a base station transmitting on a single RF carrier configured in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. Emissions shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 6.13A to 16A in the frequency range of f_offset from 0.815 MHz to f_offsetmax from the carrier frequency, where:

– Δf is the separation between the carrier frequency and the nominal -3dB point of the measuring filter closest to the carrier frequency.

– f_offset is the separation between the carrier frequency and the centre of the measurement filter

– f_offsetmax is either 4 MHz or the offset to the operating band edge, whichever is the greater.

– Δf max is equal to f_offsetmax minus half of the bandwidth of the mesurement filter.

For BS operating in multiple bands, inside any inter RF bandwidth gaps with Wgap < 8 MHz, emissions shall not exceed the cumulative sum of the minimum requirements specified at the RF bandwidth edges on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap. The minimum requirement for RF bandwidth edge is specified in Tables 6.13A to 6.16A below, where in this case.

– Δf equal to 0.8MHz plus the separation between the RF bandwidth edge frequency and the nominal -3dB point of the measuring filter closest to the RF bandwidth edge.

– f_offset is equal to 0.8MHz plus the separation between the RF bandwith edge frequency and the center frequency of the measuring filter.

– f_offsetmax is either 4 MHz or the offset to the supported operating band edge as defined, whichever is the greater.

– Δf max is equal to f_offsetmax minus half of the bandwidth of the mesurement filter.

For a multi-carrier BS, the definitions above apply to the lower edge of the carrier transmitted at the lowest carrier frequency and the upper edge of the carrier transmitted at the highest carrier frequency within a specified frequency band.

Table 6.13A: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P ≥ 34 dBm for 1,28 Mcps TDD

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

0.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.015MHz

-20 dBm

30 kHz

1.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.815MHz

30 kHz

1.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 2.3MHz

-28 dBm

30 kHz

2.3MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: For BS capable of multi-band operation with inter RF bandwidth gap less than 8MHz, the minimum requirement within the inter RF bandwidth gap is calculated as a cumulative sum of emissions from the two adjacent carriers on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap.

Table 6.14A: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 26 ≤ P < 34 dBm for 1,28 Mcps TDD

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

0.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.015MHz

P-54 dB

30 kHz

1.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.815MHz

30 kHz

1.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 2.3MHz

P-62 dB

30 kHz

2.3MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 47 dB

1 MHz

NOTE 1: For BS capable of multi-band operation with inter RF bandwidth gap less than 8MHz, the minimum requirement within the inter RF bandwidth gap is calculated as a cumulative sum of emissions from the two adjacent carriers on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap.

Table 6.16A: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P < 26 dBm for 1,28 Mcps TDD

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

0.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.015MHz

-28 dBm

30 kHz

1.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.815MHz

30 kHz

1.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 2.3MHz

-36 dBm

30 kHz

2.3MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-21 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: For BS capable of multi-band operation with inter RF bandwidth gap less than 8MHz, the minimum requirement within the inter RF bandwidth gap is calculated as a cumulative sum of emissions from the two adjacent carriers on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

For regions where this subclause applies, the requirement shall be met by a base station transmitting on a single RF carrier configured in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. Emissions shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 6.13B to 6.16B in the frequency range of f_offset from 5,015 MHz to f_offsetmax from the carrier frequency, where:

– f_offset is the separation between the carrier frequency and the centre of the measurement filter

– f_offsetmax is either 25 MHz or the offset to the UMTS Tx band edge as defined in subclause 4.2, whichever is the greater.

Table 6.13B: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P ≥ 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-17 dBm

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

-29 dBm

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-16 dBm

1 MHz

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-17 dBm

30 kHz

Table 6.14B: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 39 ≤ P < 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-17 dBm

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

-29 dBm

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < 15.5MHz

-16 dBm

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 59 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.15B: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 31 ≤ P < 39 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

P – 56 dB

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

P – 68 dB

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < 15.5MHz

P – 55 dB

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 59 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.16B: Spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P < 31 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-25 dBm

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

-37 dBm

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < 15.5MHz

-24 dBm

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-28 dBm

1 MHz

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Test purpose

The test purpose is to verify that the BS out of band emissions do not result in undue interference to any other system (wideband, narrowband) operating at frequencies close to the assigned channel bandwidth of the wanted signal.

This test is independent of the characteristics of possible victim systems and, therefore, complements the tests on occupied bandwidth in 6.6.1 (verifying the spectral concentration of the BS Tx emissions) and on ACLR in (simulating the perception of other UTRA receivers). Method of test Initial conditions

For 3,84 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the spectrum emission mask requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section

For 1,28 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the spectrum emission mask requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section General test conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause 5.9.1.

RF channels to be tested for single carrier: B, M and T; see subclause 5.3.

RF bandwidth positions to be tested for multi-carrier: BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW in single band operation; see subclause 5.3; BRFBW_T’RFBW and B’RFBW_TRFBW in multi-band operation, see subclause 5.3. 3,84 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.17. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 1 in subclause

Table 6.17: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spectrum emission mask testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector under test.

(2) For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.17A at manufacturer’s declared output power, PRAT.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation, set the base station to transmit according to Table 6.17A on all carriers configured using the applicable test configuration and corresponding power setting specified in subclause 5.20 and 5.21.

Table 6.17A: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spectrum emission mask testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.17B at manufacturer’s declared output power, PRAT.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation, set the base station to transmit according to Table 6.17B on all carriers configured using the applicable test configuration and corresponding power setting specified in subclause 5.20 and 5.21.

Table 6.17B: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spectrum emission mask testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

16 3,84 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.17C. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 2 in subclause

Table 6.17C: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spectrum emission mask testing – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

16 7,68 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.17D.

Table 6.17D: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spectrum emission mask testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 7,68 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.17E.

Table 6.17E: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spectrum emission mask testing – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

32 Procedure 3,84 Mcps TDD option

Measure the power of the BS spectrum emissions by applying measurement filters with bandwidths as specified in the relevant table in subclause The characteristic of the filters shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyzer filters). The centre frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous steps over the ranges of frequency offsets f_offset as given in the tables. The step width shall be equal to the respective measurement bandwidth. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot.

For frequency offsets of the measurement filter centre frequency in the range 4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax, the measurement shall be performed by applying filters with measurement bandwidth of 50 kHz or less and integrating the measured results over the nominal measurement bandwidth 1 MHz specified in the tables in subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

1) Measure the power of the BS spectrum emissions by applying measurement filters with bandwidths as specified in the relevant table in subclause The characteristic of the filters shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyzer filters). The centre frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous steps over the ranges of frequency offsets f_offset as given in the tables. The step width shall be equal to the respective measurement bandwidth. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot.

2) The measurement shall be performed by applying filters with measurement bandwidth of 50 kHz or less and integrating the measured results over the nominal measurement bandwidth 1 MHz specified in the tables in subclause when the measurement bandwidth is 1MHz.

In addition, for a multi-band capable BS, the following steps shall apply:

3) For multi-band capable BS and single band tests, repeat the steps above per involved band with no carrier activated in the other band.

4) For multi-band capable BS with separate antenna connector, the antenna connector not being under test in case of single-band or multi-band test shall be terminated. 1,28 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same procedure specified in applies to 1,28 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. 3,84 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same procedure specified in applies to 3,84 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

Measure the power of the BS spectrum emissions by applying measurement filters with bandwidths as specified in the relevant table in subclause The characteristic of the filters shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyzer filters). The centre frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous steps over the ranges of frequency offsets f_offset as given in the tables. The step width shall be equal to the respective measurement bandwidth. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot.

For frequency offsets of the measurement filter centre frequency in the range 6,5 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax, the measurement shall be performed by applying filters with measurement bandwidth of 50 kHz or less and integrating the measured results over the nominal measurement bandwidth 1 MHz specified in the tables in subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same procedure specified in applies to 7,68 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. Test Requirements

NOTE: If the Test Requirements below differ from the Minimum Requirements, then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in subclause 5.11 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex D. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The spectrum emissions measured according to subclause shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 6.18 to 6.21 for the appropriate BS maximum output power

Table 6.18: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power P ≥ 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

-12,5 dBm

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

-24,5 dBm

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

-11,5 dBm

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-11,5 dBm

1 MHz

Table 6.19: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power 39 ≤ P < 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

-12,5 dBm

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

-24,5 dBm

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

-11,5 dBm

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 54,5 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.20: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power 31 ≤ P < 39 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

P – 51,5 dB

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

P – 63,5 dB

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

P – 50,5 dB

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 54,5 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.21: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power P < 31 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

2,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 2,715 MHz

-20,5 dBm

30 kHz

2,715 MHz ≤ f_offset < 3,515 MHz

30 kHz

3,515 MHz ≤ f_offset < 4,0 MHz

-32,5 dBm

30 kHz

4,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < 8,0 MHz

-19,5 dBm

1 MHz

8,0 MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-23,5 dBm

1 MHz 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The spectrum emissions measured according to subclause shall be within the mask defined in the table 6.18A to 6.21A.

Table 6.18A: Test requirements for spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P ≥ 34 dBm for 1,28 Mcps TDD

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

0.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.015MHz

-18.5 dBm

30 kHz

1.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.815MHz

30 kHz

1.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 2.3MHz

-26.5 dBm

30 kHz

2.3MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-11.5 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: For BS capable of multi-band operation with inter RF bandwidth gap less than 8MHz, the test requirement within the inter RF bandwidth gap is calculated as a cumulative sum of emissions from the two adjacent carriers on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap.

Table 6.19A: Test requirements for spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power 26 ≤ P < 34 dBm for 1,28 Mcps TDD

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

0.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.015MHz

P-52.5 dB

30 kHz

1.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.815MHz

30 kHz

1.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 2.3MHz

P-60.5 dB

30 kHz

2.3MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 45.5 dB

1 MHz

NOTE 1: For BS capable of multi-band operation with inter RF bandwidth gap less than 8MHz, the test requirement within the inter RF bandwidth gap is calculated as a cumulative sum of emissions from the two adjacentcarriers on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap.

Table 6.21A: Test requirements for spectrum emission mask values, BS maximum output power P < 26 dBm for 1,28 Mcps TDD

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

0.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.015MHz

-26.5 dBm

30 kHz

1.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 1.815MHz

30 kHz

1.815MHz ≤ f_offset < 2.3MHz

-34.5 dBm

30 kHz

2.3MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-19.5 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: For BS capable of multi-band operation with inter RF bandwidth gap less than 8MHz, the test requirement within the inter RF bandwidth gap is calculated as a cumulative sum of emissions from the two adjacent carriers on each side of the inter RF bandwidth gap. 1,28 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The spectrum emissions measured according to subclause shall be within the mask defined in the table 6.18A to 6.21A in section 3,84 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The spectrum emissions measured according to subclause shall be within the mask defined in the table 6.18 to 6.21 in section 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The spectrum emissions measured according to subclause shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 6.18B to 6.21B for the appropriate BS maximum output power

Table 6.18B: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power P ≥ 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-15.5 dBm

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

-27.5 dBm

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-14.5 dBm

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-14.5 dBm

1 MHz

Table 6.19B: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power 39 ≤ P < 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-15.5 dBm

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

-27.5 dBm

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < 15.5MHz

-14.5 dBm

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 57.5 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.20B: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power 31 ≤ P < 39 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

P – 54.5 dB

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

P – 66.5 dB

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < 15.5MHz

P – 53.5 dB

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 57.5 dB

1 MHz

Table 6.21B: Test Requirements for spectrum emission mask values,
BS maximum output power P < 31 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth

5.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 5.215MHz

-23.5 dBm

30 kHz

5.215MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.015MHz

30 kHz

6.015MHz ≤ f_offset < 6.5MHz

-35.5 dBm

30 kHz

6.5MHz ≤ f_offset < 15.5MHz

-22.5 dBm

1 MHz

15.5MHz ≤ f_offset < f_offsetmax

-26.5 dBm

1 MHz 7,68 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The spectrum emissions measured according to subclause shall be within the mask defined in the table 6.18B to 6.21B in section Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR) Definition and applicability

Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR) is the ratio of the RRC filtered mean power centered on the assigned channel frequency to the RRC filtered mean power centered on an adjacent channel frequency. The requirements shall apply for all configurations of BS (single carrier or multi-carrier), and for all operating modes foreseen by the manufacturer’s specification.

In some cases the requirement is expressed as adjacent channel leakage power, which is t the RRC filtered mean power for the given bandwidth of the victim system at the defined adjacent channel offset. Minimum Requirements Minimum requirement 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The ACLR of a single carrier BS or a multi-carrier BS with contiguous carrier frequencies shall be equal to or greater than the limits given in table 6.22.

Table 6.22: BS ACLR limits

BS adjacent channel offset below the first or above the last carrier frequency used

ACLR limit

5 MHz

45 dB

10 MHz

55 dB

If a BS provides multiple non-contiguous single carriers or multiple non-contiguous groups of contiguous single carriers, the above requirements shall be applied individually to the single carriers or group of single carriers.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The ACLR of a single carrier BS or a multi-carrier BS with contiguous carrier frequencies shall be equal to or greater than the limits given in Table 6.22A.

Table 6.22A: BS ACLR limits for 1,28 Mcps TDD

BS adjacent channel offset below the first or above the last carrier frequency used

ACLR limit

1,6 MHz

40 dB

3,2 MHz

45 dB

If a BS provides multiple non-contiguous single carriers or multiple non-contiguous groups of contiguous single carriers, the above requirements shall be applied individually to the single carriers or group of single carriers.

The requirements shall apply outside the Base Station RF bandwidth or maximum radio bandwidth edges whatever the type of transmitter considered (single carrier, multi-carrier). It applies for all transmission modes foreseen by the manufacturer’s specification.

For a BS operating in multiple bands, where multiple bands are mapped onto the same antenna connector, the ACLR requirement also applies for the first adjacent channel inside any inter RF bandwidth gap with a gap size Wgap ≥ 4.8MHz. The ACLR requirement for the second adjacent channel applies inside any inter RF bandwidth gap with a gap size Wgap ≥ 6.4MHz.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The ACLR of a single carrier BS or a multi-carrier BS with contiguous carrier frequencies shall be equal to or greater than the limits given in table 6.22B.

Table 6.22B: BS ACLR limits

BS adjacent channel offset below the first or above the last carrier frequency used

ACLR limit

10 MHz

45 dB

20 MHz

55 dB

If a BS provides multiple non-contiguous single carriers or multiple non-contiguous groups of contiguous single carriers, the above requirements shall be applied individually to the single carriers or group of single carriers.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Void Test purpose

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the BS to limit the interference produced by the transmitted signal to other UTRA receivers operating at the first or second adjacent RF channel. Method of test Initial conditions

For 3,84 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the ALCR requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section

For 1,28 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the ALCR requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section

For 7,68 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the ALCR requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section General test conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause 5.9.1.

RF channels to be tested for single carrier: B, M and T; see subclause 5.3.

RF bandwidth positions to be tested for multi-carrier: BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW in single band operation; see subclause 5.3; BRFBW_T’RFBW and B’RFBW_TRFBW in multi-band operation, see subclause 5.3. 3,84 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.25. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 1 in subclause

Table 6.25: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for ACLR testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

Real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to Table 6.25A at manufacturer’s declared ouput power, PRAT.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation, set the base station to transmit according toTable 6.25A on all carriers configured using the applicable test configuration and corresponding power setting specified in sub-clause 5.20 and 5.21.

Table 6.25A: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for ACLR testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to Table 6.25B at manufacturer’s declared ouput power, PRAT.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation, set the base station to transmit according to Table 6.25B on all carriers configured using the applicable test configuration and corresponding power setting specified in sub-clause 5.20 and 5.21.

Table 6.25B: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for ACLR testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD- 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

16 3,84 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.25C. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 2 in subclause

Table 6.25C: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for ACLR testing – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

16 7,68 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.25D.

Table 6.25D: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for ACLR testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

Real life (sufficient irregular) 7,68 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.25E.

Table 6.25E: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for ACLR testing – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

32 Procedure 3,84 Mcps TDD option

1) Measure the RRC filtered mean power centered on the lowest assigned channel frequency over the 2464 active chips of the even time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

2) Average over TBD time slots.

3) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the first lower adjacent RF channel (center frequency 5 MHz below the lowest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) over the useful part of the burst within the even time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

4) Average over TBD time slots.

5) Calculate the ACLR by the ratio

ACLR = average acc. to (2) / average interference power acc. to (4).

6) Repeat steps (3), (4) and (5) for the second lower adjacent RF channel (center frequency 10 MHz below the lowest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal).

7) In case of a multi-carrier Bs, repeat steps (1) and (2) for the highest assigned channel frequency. Otherwise, use the result obtained in step (2) above for further calculation in step (10).

8) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the first higher adjacent RF channel (center frequency 5 MHz above the highest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) over the useful part of the burst within the even time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

9) Average over TBD time slots.

10) Calculate the ACLR by the ratio

ACLR = average power acc. to (7) / average interference power acc. to (9).

11) Repeat steps (8) to (10) for the second upper adjacent RF channel (center frequency 10 MHz above the highest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal). 1,28 Mcps TDD option

1) Measure the RRC filtered mean power centered on the lowest assigned channel frequency of a operating band over the 848 active chips of the transmit time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

2) Average over at least one time slot.

3) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the first lower adjacent RF channel (center frequency 1,6 MHz below the lowest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) over the useful part of the burst within the transmit time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

4) Average over at least one time slot.

5) Calculate the ACLR by the ratio:

ACLR = average power acc. to (2) / average interference power acc. to (4).

6) Repeat steps (3), (4) and (5) for the second lower adjacent RF channel (center frequency 3,2 MHz below the lowest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) and also for the first and second upper adjacent RF channel (center frequency 1,6 MHz and 3,2 MHz above the assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal, respectively).

7) In case of a multi-carrier BS, repeat steps (1) and 2 for the highest assigned channel frequency. Otherwise, use the result obtained in step (2) above for further calculation in step (10).

8) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the first higher adjacent RF channel (center frequency 1,6 MHz above the highest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) over the useful part of the burst within the transmit time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

9) Average over at least one time slot.

10) Calculate the ACLR by the ratio

ACLR = average power acc. to (7) / average interference power acc. to (9).

11) Repeat steps (8) to (10) for the second upper adjacent RF channel (center frequency 3,2 MHz above the highest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal).

In addition, for a multi-band capable BS, the following steps shall apply:

12) For multi-band capable BS and single band tests, repeat the steps above per involved band with no carrier activated in the other band.

13) For multi-band capable BS with separate antenna connector, the antenna connector not being under test in case of single-band or multi-band test shall be terminated. 1,28 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same procedure specified in applies to 1,28 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. 3,84 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same procedure specified in applies to 3,84 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

1) Measure the RRC filtered mean power centered on the lowest assigned channel frequency over the 4928 active chips of the even time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

2) Average over TBD time slots.

3) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the first lower adjacent RF channel (center frequency 10 MHz below the lowest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) over the useful part of the burst within the even time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

4) Average over TBD time slots.

5) Calculate the ACLR by the ratio

ACLR = average acc. to (2) / average interference power acc. to (4).

6) Repeat steps (3), (4) and (5) for the second lower adjacent RF channel (center frequency 20 MHz below the lowest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal).

7) In case of a multi-carrier Bs, repeat steps (1) and (2) for the highest assigned channel frequency. Otherwise, use the result obtained in step (2) above for further calculation in step (10).

8) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the first higher adjacent RF channel (center frequency 10 MHz above the highest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal) over the useful part of the burst within the even time slots TS i (this excludes the guard period).

9) Average over TBD time slots.

10) Calculate the ACLR by the ratio

ACLR = average power acc. to (7) / average interference power acc. to (9).

11) Repeat steps (8) to (10) for the second upper adjacent RF channel (center frequency 20 MHz above the highest assigned channel frequency of the transmitted signal). 7,68 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same procedure specified in applies to 7,68 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. Test Requirements

NOTE: If the Test Requirements below differ from the Minimum Requirements, then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in subclause 5.11 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex D. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The ACLR calculated in steps (5) and (10) of subclause shall be equal or greater than the limits given in table 6.26. In case the equipment is tested against the requirements defined for operation in the same geographic area or co-sited with unsynchronised TDD or FDD on adjacent channels, the adjacent channel leakage power measured according to steps (4) and (9) of subclause shall not exceed the maximum levels specified in table 6.27, 6.27A, 6.28 or 6.28A, respectively.

Table 6.26: BS ACLR Test Requirements

BS adjacent channel offset below the first or above the last carrier frequency used

ACLR limit

5 MHz

44,2 dB

10 MHz

54,2 dB 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The ACLR calculated in steps (5) and (10) of subclause shall be equal or greater than the limits given in table 6.26A. In case the equipment is tested against the requirements defined for operation in the same geographic area or co-sited with unsynchronised TDD or FDD on adjacent channels, the adjacent channel leakage power measured according to steps (3) and (4) of subclause shall not exceed the maximum levels specified in tables 6.27B, 6.27C, 6.27D, 6.28B, 6.28C or 6.28D, respectively.

Table 6.26A: BS ACLR Test Requirements (1,28 Mcps option)

BS adjacent channel offset below the first or above the last carrier frequency used

ACLR limit

1,6 MHz

39.2 dB

3,2 MHz

44.2 dB

The requirements shall apply outside the Base Station RF bandwidth or maximum radio bandwidth edges whatever the type of transmitter considered (single carrier, multi-carrier). It applies for all transmission modes foreseen by the manufacturer’s specification.

For a BS operating in multiple bands, where multiple bands are mapped onto the same antenna connector,the ACLR requirement also applies for the first adjacent channel inside any inter RF bandwidth gap with a gap size Wgap ≥4.8MHz. The ACLR requirement for the second adjacent channel applies inside any inter RF bandwidth gap with a gap size Wgap ≥6.4MHz. 1,28 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same test requirements specified in section apply to 1,28 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. 3,84 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same test requirements specified in section apply to 3,84 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The ACLR calculated in steps (5) and (10) of subclause shall be equal or greater than the limits given in table 6.26B. In case the equipment is tested against the requirements defined for operation in the same geographic area or co-sited with unsynchronised TDD or FDD on adjacent channels, the adjacent channel leakage power measured according to steps (4) and (9) of subclause shall not exceed the maximum levels specified in table 6.27E, 6.27F, 6.27G, 6.28E, 6.28F or 6.28G, respectively.

Table 6.26B: BS ACLR Test Requirements

BS adjacent channel offset below the first or above the last carrier frequency used

ACLR limit

10 MHz

44,2 dB

20 MHz

54,2 dB 7,68 Mcps TDD option – 16QAM capable BS

The same test requirements specified in section apply to 7,68 Mcps TDD option BS supporting 16QAM.

6.6.3 Spurious emissions Definition and applicability

Spurious emissions are emissions which are caused by unwanted transmitter effects such as harmonics emission, parasitic emission, intermodulation products and frequency conversion products, but exclude out of band emissions. This is measured at the base station antenna connector.

The requirements shall apply whatever the type of transmitter considered (single carrier or multiple carrier). It applies for all transmission modes foreseen by the manufacturer’s specification.

For 3,84 Mcps TDD option, either requirement (except applies at frequencies within the specified frequency ranges which are more than 12,5 MHz under the first carrier frequency used or more than 12,5 MHz above the last carrier frequency used.

For 1,28 Mcps TDD option, the mandatory spurious emission requirement applies from 9kHz to 12.75GHz, excluding the frequency ranges from 4 MHz below the lowest frequency of each supported operating band to4 MHz above the highest frequency of each operating band. For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on the same antenna connector, this exclusion applies for each supported operating bands. For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the sinlge-band requirements apply and the multi-band exclusions and provisions are not applicable.

For 7.68 Mcps TDD option, either requirement (except applies at frequencies within the specified frequency ranges which are more than 25 MHz under the first carrier frequency used or more than 25 MHz above the last carrier frequency used.

Unless otherwise stated, all requirements are measured as mean power. Minimum Requirements Mandatory requirements

The requirements of either subclause or subclause shall apply. Spurious emissions (Category A)

The following requirements shall be met in cases where Category A limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [6], are applied. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in Table 6.29.

Table 6.29: BS Mandatory spurious emissions limits, Category A


Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth


9 kHz – 150 kHz

-13 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150 kHz – 30 MHz

10 kHz

Note 1

30 MHz – 1 GHz

100 kHz

Note 1

1 GHz – 12,75 GHz

1 MHz

Note 2

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 2: Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s2.5 table 1

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in Table 6.29A.

Table 6.29A: BS Mandatory spurious emissions limits, Category A


Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth


9 kHz – 150 kHz

-13 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150 kHz – 30 MHz

10 kHz

Note 1

30 MHz – 1 GHz

100 kHz

Note 1

1 GHz – 12,75 GHz

1 MHz

Note 2

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 2: Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s2.5 table 1

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in Table 6.29B.

Table 6.29B: BS Mandatory spurious emissions limits, Category A


Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth


9 kHz – 150 kHz

-13 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150 kHz – 30 MHz

10 kHz

Note 1

30 MHz – 1 GHz

100 kHz

Note 1

1 GHz – 12,75 GHz

1 MHz

Note 2

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 2: Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s2.5 table 1

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Spurious emissions (Category B)

The following requirements shall be met in cases where Category B limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329-9 [6], are applied. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum levels given in Table 6.30.

Table 6.30: BS Mandatory spurious emissions limits, Category B


Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth


9 kHz – 150 kHz

-36 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150 kHz – 30 MHz

-36 dBm

10 kHz

Note 1

30 MHz – 1 GHz

-36 dBm

100 kHz

Note 1

1 GHz

Fl – 10 MHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 1

Fl -10 MHz-

Fu +10 MHz

-15 dBm

1 MHz

Note 2

Fu + 10 MHz

12,75 GHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 3

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 2: Specification in accordance with ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.3 and Annex 7

NOTE 3: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1. Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s2.5 table 1

Fl: Lower frequency of the band in which TDD operates

Fu: Upper frequency of the band in which TDD operates

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum levels given in Table 6.30A.

Table 6.30A: BS Mandatory spurious emissions limits, Category B for 1,28 Mcps TDD


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


9kHz – 150kHz

-36 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150kHz – 30MHz

– 36 dBm

10 kHz

Note 1

30MHz – 1GHz

-36 dBm

100 kHz

Note 1


Fl -10 MHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 1

Fl -10 MHz↔Fu +10 MHz

-15 dBm

1 MHz

Note 2

Fu +10 MHz

12,75 GHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 3

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 2: Specification in accordance with ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 3: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329-9, s4.1. Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329-9, s2.5 table 1

Fl: Lower frequency of the band in which TDD operates

Fu: Upper frequency of the band in which TDD operates

The reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum levels given in Table 6.30B.

Table 6.30B: BS Mandatory spurious emissions limits, Category B


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


9kHz – 150kHz

-36 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150kHz – 30MHz

– 36 dBm

10 kHz

Note 1

30MHz – 1GHz

-36 dBm

100 kHz

Note 1


Fl -10 MHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 1

Fl -10 MHz↔Fu +10 MHz

-15 dBm

1 MHz

Note 2

Fu + 10 MHz

12,75 GHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 3

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU SM.329 [6], s4.1

NOTE 2: Specification in accordance with ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.3 and Annex 7

NOTE 3: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s4.3 and Annex 7. Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [6], s2.5 table 1

Fl: Lower frequency of the band in which TDD operates

Fu: Upper frequency of the band in which TDD operates

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Co-existence with GSM, DCS, UTRA and/or E-UTRA Operation in the same geographic area

These requirements may be applied for the protection of other UE and/or BS receivers when GSM DCS, UTRA and/or E-UTRA BS are operating in other frequency bands in the same geographical area with a UTRA TDD BS.

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in Table 6.31.

For BS capable of multi-band operation, the exclusions and conditions in the Note column of Table 6.31 apply for each supported operating band. For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the exclusions and conditions in the Note column of Table 6.31 apply for the operating band supported at that antenna connector.

Table 6.31: BS Spurious emissions limits for UTRA TDD BS in geographic coverage area of systems operating in other frequency bands

System type operating in the same geographical area


Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth



876 MHz – 915 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

921 MHz – 960 MHz

-57 dBm

100 kHz


1710 MHz – 1785 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA TDD operating in Band b and c. For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1710 – 1755 MHz

1805 MHz – 1880 MHz

-47 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA TDD operating in Band b and c. For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1805 – 1850 MHz

GSM850 or CDMA850

824 ‑ 849 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

869 – 894 MHz

-57 dBm

100 kHz


E-UTRA Band 1

1920 – 1980 MHz

-43 dBm (*)

3,84 MHz

2110 – 2170 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz


E-UTRA Band 3

1710 – 1785 MHz

-43 dBm

3,84 MHz

For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1710- 1755 MHz

1805 – 1880 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1805- 1850 MHz


E-UTRA Band 5

824 – 849 MHz

-43 dBm

3.84 MHz

869 – 894 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz


E-UTRA Band 7

2500 – 2570 MHz

-43 dBm(**)

3.84 MHz

2620 – 2690 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA BS UTRA FDD Band VI or XIX, E-UTRA Band 6, 18 or 19

815-850 MHz

-43 dBm†

3,84 MHz

Applicable in Japan

860-895 MHz

-52 dBm†

1 MHz

Applicable in Japan


E-UTRA Band 11 or 21

1427.9MHz – 1452.9MHz

-43 dBm††

3.84 MHz

Applicable in Japan

1475.9MHz – 1500.9MHz

-52 dBm††

1 MHz

Applicable in Japan


E-UTRA Band 9

1749.9-1784.9 MHz

-43 dBm†

3.84 MHz

Applicable in Japan

1844.9-1879.9 MHz

-52 dBm†

1 MHz

Applicable in Japan


E-UTRA Band 1

1920 – 1980 MHz

-40 dBm (*)

3,84 MHz

2110 – 2170 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz


E-UTRA Band 3

1710 – 1785 MHz

-40 dBm (*)

3,84 MHz

For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1710- 1755 MHz

1805 – 1880 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1805- 1850 MHz


E-UTRA Band 5

824 – 849 MHz

-40 dBm (*)

3,84 MHz

869 – 894 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz


E-UTRA Band 7

2500 – 2570 MHz

-40 dBm(**)

3.84 MHz

NOTE 1: The co-existence requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the operating band (see section 4.2). Emission limits for this excluded frequency range may be covered by local or regional requirements.

NOTE 2: The requirements for Wide Area BS for co-existence with UTRA FDD and/or E-UTRA FDD and for co-existence between unsynchronised TDD base stations are based on a coupling loss of 67dB between the TDD and FDD base stations. The scenarios leading to these requirements are addressed in TR 25.942 [9].

NOTE 3: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Co-located base stations

These requirements may be applied for the protection of other BS receivers when GSM, DCS, E-UTRA and/or UTRA BS are co-located with a UTRA TDD BS.

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.32.

For BS capable of multi-band operation, the exclusions and conditions in the Note column of Table 6.32 apply for each supported operating band. For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the exclusions and conditions in the Note column of Table 6.32 apply for the operating band supported at that antenna connector.

Table 6.32: BS Spurious emissions limits for Wide Area BS co-located with another BS

System type operating in the same geographical area


Maximum level

Measurement bandwidth


Macro GSM900

876 MHz – 915 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz

Macro DCS1800

1710 – 1785 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA TDD operating in Band b and c. For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1710 – 1755 MHz

GSM850 or CDMA850

824 ‑ 849 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz


E-UTRA Band 1

1920 – 1980 MHz

-80 dBm (*)

3,84 MHz


E-UTRA Band 3

1710 – 1785 MHz


3.84 MHz

For UTRA TDD BS operating in Band f, it applies for 1710-1755 MHz.


E-UTRA Band 5

824 ‑ 849 MHz

-80 dBm (*)

3,84 MHz


E-UTRA Band 7

2500 – 2570 MHz

– 80 dBm(**)

3.84 MHz

NOTE 1: The co-location requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the BS transmit frequency range of the operating band (see section 4.2). The current state-of-the-art technology does not allow a single generic solution for co-location with other system on adjacent frequencies for 30dB BS-BS minimum coupling loss. However, there are certain site-engineering solutions that can be used. These techniques are addressed in TR 25.942 [9].

NOTE 2: The requirements in Table 6.17 are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between base stations. The co-location of different base station classes is not considered.

NOTE 3: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause (void) (void)

Table 6.33: Void

Table 6.33a: Void Void

Table 6.34: Void

Table 6.34a: Void Void Void

Table 6.35: Void Void

Table 6.36: Void Co-existence with unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied for the protection of TDD BS receivers in geographic areas in which unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD is deployed. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The RRC filtered mean power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36A.

Table 6.36A: BS Spurious emissions limits for operation in same geographic area with unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-39 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-39 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-39 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-36 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-36 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-36 dBm

3,84 MHz

NOTE: The requirements in Table 6.36A for the Wide Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 67 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The requirements in Table 6.36A for the Local Area BS are based on a coupling loss of 70 dB between unsynchronised Wide Area and Local Area TDD base stations. The scenarios leading to these requirements are addressed in TR 25.942 [9].

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

In geographic areas where 1,28 Mcps TDD is deployed, the RRC filtered mean power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36B.

For BS capable of multi-band operation, the exclusions and conditions in the Note of Table 6.36B apply for each supported operating band. For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the exclusions and conditions in the Note of Table 6.36B apply for the operating band supported at that antenna connector.

Table 6.36B: BS Spurious emissions limits for operation in same geographic area with unsynchronised 1,28 Mcps UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band f) or E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

WA E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band f) or E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

LA E-UTRA Band 46

5150 – 5925 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: The co-existence requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the operating band.

NOTE 2: The requirements in this table are based on a minimum coupling loss of 67 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The scenarios leading to these requirements are addressed in TR25.942 [9].

NOTE 3: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

Table 6.36C: Void

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The RRC filtered mean power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36CA and 6.36CB.

Table 6.36CA: BS Spurious emissions limits for operation in same geographic area with unsynchronised UTRA TDD (7.68 Mcps TDD and 3,84 Mcps TDD) and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-39 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-39 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-39 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-36 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-36 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-36 dBm

3,84 MHz

Table 6.36CB: BS Spurious emissions limits for operation in same geographic area with unsynchronised 1,28 Mcps UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-39 dBm

1,28 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-39 dBm

1,28 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-39 dBm

1,28 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-39 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-36 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-36 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-36 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-36 dBm

1,28 MHz

NOTE: The requirements in Table 6.36CA and 6.36CB for the Wide Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 67 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The requirements in Table 6.36CA and 6.36CB for the Local Area BS are based on a coupling loss of 70 dB between unsynchronised Wide Area and Local Area TDD base stations.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of TDD BS receivers when unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD BS are co-located. 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The RRC filtered mean power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36D.

Table 6.36D: BS Spurious emissions limits for co-location with unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-76 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-76 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-76 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-66 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-66 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-66 dBm

3,84 MHz

NOTE: The requirements in Table 6.36D for the Wide Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The requirements in Table 6.36D for the Local Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised Local Area base stations. The co-location of different base station classes is not considered.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 1,28 Mcps TDD option

In geographic areas where 1,28 Mcps TDD is deployed, the RRC filtered mean power of any spurious emission in case of co-location shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36E.

For BS capable of multi-band operation, the exclusions and conditions in the Note of Table 6.36E apply for each supported operating band. For BS capable of multi-band operation where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the exclusions and conditions in the Note of Table 6.36E apply for the operating band supported at that antenna connector.

Table 6.36E: BS Spurious emissions limits for co-location with unsynchronised 1,28 Mcps UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA UTRA TDD Band f) or E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

WA E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA UTRA TDD Band f) or E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

LA E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-88 dBm

100 kHz

NOTE 1: The requirement applies for frequencies more than 10 MHz below or above the supported frequency range declared by the vendor. The current state-of-the-art technology does not allow a single generic solution for co-location with other system on adjacent frequencies for 30dB BS-BS minimum coupling loss. However, there are certain site-engineering solutions that can be used. These techniques are addressed in TR 25.942 [9].

NOTE 2: The requirements in this table are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The scenarios leading to these requirements are addressed in TR 25.942 [9].

NOTE 3: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

Table 6.36F: Void

NOTE: The requirements in Table 6.36E for the Wide Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The requirements in Table 6.36E for the Local Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised Local Area base stations. The co-location of different base station classes is not considered.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The RRC filtered mean power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36G and 6.36H.

Table 6.36G: BS Spurious emissions limits for co-location with unsynchronised UTRA TDD (7,68 Mcps TDD and 3,84 Mcps TDD) and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-76 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-76 dBm

3,84 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-76 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-66 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-66 dBm

3,84 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-66 dBm

3,84 MHz

Table 6.36H: BS Spurious emissions limits for co-location with unsynchronised 1,28 Mcps UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographic area

Frequency range

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-76 dBm

1,28 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-76 dBm

1,28 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-76 dBm

1,28 MHz

WA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-76 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 33

1900 – 1920 MHz

-71 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band a) or E-UTRA Band 34

2010 – 2025 MHz

-71 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band d) or E-UTRA Band 38

2570 – 2620 MHz

-71 dBm

1,28 MHz

LA UTRA TDD Band e) or E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-71 dBm

1,28 MHz

NOTE: The requirements in Table 6.36G and 6.36H for the Wide Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised TDD base stations. The requirements in Table 6.36G and 6.36H for the Local Area BS are based on a minimum coupling loss of 30 dB between unsynchronised Local Area base stations. The co-location of different base station classes is not considered.

The normative reference for this requirement is TS 25.105 [1] subclause Co-existence with PHS 3,84 Mcps TDD option

This requirement may be applied for the protection of PHS in geographic areas in which both PHS and 3,84 Mcps UTRA TDD are deployed. For 3,84 Mcps TDD option, this requirement is also applicable at specified frequencies falling between 12.5MHz below the first carrier frequency used and 12.5MHz above the last carrier frequency used.

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36I.

Table 6.36I: BS Spurious emissions limits for BS in geographic coverage area of PHS (3,84 Mcps TDD option)


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


1884.5 – 1915.7 MHz

-41 dBm

300 kHz

Applicable for transmission in 2010-2025 MHz as defined in subclause 4.2 (a). (void) 7,68 Mcps TDD option

This requirement may be applied for the protection of PHS in geographic areas in which both PHS and 7,68 Mcps UTRA TDD are deployed. For 7,68 Mcps TDD option, this requirement is also applicable at specified frequencies falling between 25 MHz below the first carrier frequency used and 25MHz above the last carrier frequency used.

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the maximum level given in table 6.36J.

Table 6.36J: BS Spurious emissions limits for BS in geographic coverage area of PHS (7,68 Mcps TDD option)


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


1884.5 – 1915.7 MHz

-41 dBm

300 kHz

Applicable for transmission in 2010-2025 MHz as defined in subclause 4.2 (a). Test purpose 3,84 Mcps TDD option

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the BS to limit the interference caused by unwanted transmitter effects to other systems operating at frequencies which are more than 12,5 MHz away from of the UTRA band used. 1,28 Mcps TDD option

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the BS to limit the interference caused by unwanted transmitter effects to other systems operating at frequencies which are more than 4 MHz away from of the UTRA band used. 7,68 Mcps TDD option

The test purpose is to verify the ability of the BS to limit the interference caused by unwanted transmitter effects to other systems operating at frequencies which are more than 25 MHz away from of the UTRA band used. Method of test Initial conditions

For 3,84 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the spurious requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section

For 1,28 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the spurious requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section

For 7,68 Mcps BS supporting 16QAM, the spurious requirements shall be tested with the general test set up specified in section and also with the special test set up for 16QAM capable BS specified in section General test conditions

Test environment: normal; see subclause 5.9.1.

RF channels to be tested for single carrier: B, M and T; see subclause 5.3.

RF bandwidth positions to be tested for multi-carrier: BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW in single band operation; see subclause 5.3; BRFBW_T’RFBW and B’RFBW_TRFBW in multi-band operation, see subclause 5.3. 3,84 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.37. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 1 in subclause

Table 6.37: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spurious emissions testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.37A at manufacturer’s declared output power PRAT.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation, set the base station to transmit according to Table6.37A on all carriers configured using the applicable test configuration and corresponding power setting specified in subclause 5.20 and 5.21.

Table 6.37A: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spurious emissions testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

Number of DPCH in each each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 1,28 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.37B at manufacturer’s declared output power PRAT.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation, set the base station to transmit according to Table6.37B on all carriers configured using the applicable test configuration and corresponding power setting specified in subclause 5.20 and 5.21.

Table 6.37B: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spurious emissions testing for 1,28 Mcps TDD – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6:

transmit, if i is 0,4,5,6;

receive, if i is 1,2,3.

Time slots under test

TS4, TS5 and TS6

HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/8 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

16 3,84 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.37C. For MBSFN IMB operation the set of parameters for the transmitted signals is according to IMB test model 2 in subclause

Table 6.37C: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spurious emissions testing – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

16 7,68 Mcps TDD option – General test set up

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.37D.

Table 6.37D: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spurious emissions testing



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


Number of DPCH in each time slot under test


Power of each DPCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of DPCH

real life (sufficient irregular) 7,68 Mcps TDD option – Special test set up for 16QAM capable BS

This test set up only applies for 16QAM capable BS.

(1) Connect the measuring equipment to the antenna connector of the BS under test.

(2) Set the parameters of the BS transmitted signal according to table 6.37E.

Table 6.37E: Parameters of the BS transmitted signal for spurious emissions testing – 16QAM capable BS



TDD Duty Cycle

TS i; i = 0, 1, 2, …, 14:

transmit, if i is even;

receive, if i is odd.

Time slot carrying SCH


Time slots under test

TS i, i even and non zero

BS output power setting


HS-PDSCH modulation


Number of HS-PDSCH in each time slot under test


Power of each HS-PDSCH

1/9 of Base Station output power

Data content of HS-PDSCH

real life (sufficient irregular)

Spreading factor

32 Procedure

1) Measure the power of the spurious emissions by applying measurement filters with bandwidths as specified in the relevant tables of subclause The characteristics of the measurement filter with the bandwidth 1,28 MHz or 3,84MHz shall be RRC with roll-off α = 0,22. The characteristics of the measurement filters with bandwidths 100 kHz and 1 MHz shall be approximately Gaussian (typical spectrum analyzer filter). The center frequency of the filter shall be stepped in contiguous steps over the frequency bands as given in the tables. The step width shall be equal to the respective measurement bandwidth. The time duration of each step shall be sufficiently long to capture one active time slot.

In addition, for a multi-band capable BS, the following steps shall apply:

2) For multi-band capable BS and single band tests, repeat the steps above per involved band with no carrier activated in the other band.

3) For multi-band capable BS with separate antenna connector, the antenna connector not being under test in case of single-band or multi-band test shall be terminated. Test Requirements

NOTE: If the Test Requirement below differs from the Minimum Requirement, then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in subclause 5.11 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex D.

The spurious emissions measured according to subclause shall not exceed the limits specified in the relevant tables of

For 3,84 Mcps TDD BS supporting 16QAM, the measured spurious emissions shall not exceed the limits specified for 3,84 Mcps TDD option in section

For 1,28 Mcps TDD BS supporting 16QAM, the measured spurious emissions shall not exceed the limits specified for 1,28 Mcps TDD option in section

For 7,68 Mcps TDD BS supporting 16QAM, the measured spurious emissions shall not exceed the limits specified for 7,68 Mcps TDD option in section