5 General test conditions and declarations

25.1423GPPBase Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD)Release 17TS

Many of the tests in this TS measure a parameter relative to a value that is not fully specified in the UTRA specifications. For these tests, the Minimum Requirement is determined relative to a nominal value specified by the manufacturer.

Certain functions of a BS are optional in the UTRA specifications. Some requirements for the BS may be regional as listed in subclause 5.17.

When specified in a test, the manufacturer shall declare the nominal value of a parameter, or whether an option is supported.

5.1 Base station classes

5.1.1 Applicability of requirements and BS class definition

The requirements in this specification apply to Wide Area base stations, Local Area base stations and Home Base Stations in co-ordinated network operation, unless otherwise stated.

Wide Area BS are characterised by requirements derived from Macro Cell and Micro Cell scenarios with BS to UE coupling losses equal to 70 dB and 53 dB. The Wide Area Base Station has the same requirements as the base station for General Purpose application in Release 99 for 3,84 Mcps option, and in release 4 for both 3,84 Mcps and 1,28 Mcps option.

Local Area BS are characterised by requirements derived from Pico Cell scenarios with a BS to UE coupling loss equals to 45 dB.

Home Base Stations are characterised by requirements derived from Femto Cell scenarios.

5.1.2 Manufacturer’s declaration of supported RF configurations

The manufacturer shall declare which operational configurations the BS supports by declaring the following parameters:

– The intended class of the BS under test according to clause 5.1.1

– The supported operating bands defined in clause 4.2;

– The frequency range within the above operating band(s) supported by the BS;

– The maximum Base Station RF bandwidth supported by a BS within each operating band;

– The supported operating configurations (multi-carrier and/or single carrier) within each operating band;

– The rated output power per carrier, PRAT;

– The rated total output power as a sum of all carriers;

– Maximum number of supported carriers within each band;

– Total number of supported carriers

If the rated total output power and total number of supported carriers are not simultaneously supported, the manufacturer shall declare the following additional parameters:

– The reduced number of supported carriers at the rated total output power;

– The reduced total output power at the maximum number of supported carriers.

For BS capable of multi-band operation, the parameters above shall be declared for each supported operating band in single-band operation. In addition the manufacturer shall declare the following additional parameters for BS capable of multi-band operation:

– Supported operating band combinations of the BS

– Supported operating band(s) of each antenna connector

– Support of multi-band transmitter and/or multi-band receiver, including mapping to antenna connector(s)

– Total number of supported carriers for the declared band combinations of the BS

– Maximum number of supported carriers per band in multi-band operation

– Total RF bandwidth of transmitter and receiver for the declared band combinations of the BS

– Maximum RF bandwidth of each supported operating band in multi-band operation

– Maximum radio bandwidth in transmit and receive direction for the declared band combinations of the BS

– Any other limitations under simultaneous operation in the declared band combinations of the BS which have any impact on the test configuration generation

– Total output power as a sum over all supported operating bands in the declared band combinations of the BS

– Maximum supported power difference between any two carriers in any two different supported operating bands

– The rated output power per carrier in multi-band operation

– Rated total output power of each supported operating band in multi-band operation.

5.2 Output power


5.3 Specified frequency range and supported channel bandwidth

The manufacturer shall declare:

– which of the frequency bands defined in sub-clause 4.2 are supported by the BS.

– the frequency range within the above frequency band(s) supported by the BS. As TDD is employed, the same frequency range is used for transmit and receive operation. For the case of MBSFN-only operation, the frequency range is used for transmit only, since no receive requirement exists.

For the single carrier testing, many tests in this TS are performed with appropriate frequencies in the bottom, middle and top of the operating frequency band of the BS. These are denoted as RF channels B (bottom), M (middle) and T (top).

Unless otherwise stated, the test shall be performed with a single carrier at each of the RF channels B, M and T.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the UARFCNs to be used for RF channels B, M and T shall be specified by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

When a test is performed by a manufacturer, the UARFCNs to be used for RF channels B, M and T may be specified by an operator.

5.3.1 RF bandwidth position for multi-carrier testing

Many tests in this TS are performed with the maximum RF bandwidth located at the bottom, middle and top of the supported frequency range in each operating band. These are denoted as BRFBW(bottom), MRFBW (middle) and TRFBW (top).

Unless otherwise stated, the test shall be performed at BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW defined as following:

– BRFBW: maximum RF bandwidth located at the bottom of the supported frequency range in each operating band;

– MRFBW: maximum RF bandwidth located in the middle of the supported frequency range in each operating band;

– TRFBW: maximum RF bandwidth located at the top of the supported frequency range in each operating band.

For BS capable of dual-band operation, unless otherwise stated, the test shall be performed at BRFBW_T’RFBW and B’RFBW_TRFBW defined as following:

BRFBW_ T’RFBW: the RF bandwidths located at the bottom of the supported frequency range in the lower operating band and at the highest possible simultaneous frequency position, within the maximum radio bandwidth, in the upper operating band.

B’RFBW_TRFBW: the RF bandwidths located at the top of the supported frequency range in the upper operating band and at the lowest possible simultaneous frequency position, within the maximum radio bandwidth, in the lower operating band.

NOTE: BRFBW_T’RFBW = B’RFBW_TRFBW = BRFBW_TRFBW when the declared maximum radio bandwidth spans both operating bands. BRFBW_TRFBW means the RF bandwidths are located at the bottom of the supported frequency range in the lower operating band and at the top of the supported frequency range in the upper operating band.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the position of BRFBW, MRFBW and TRFBW in each supported operating band, as well as the position of BRFBW_T’RFBW and B’RFBW_TRFBW in the supported operating band combinations, shall be specified by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

5.4 Relationship between RF generation and chip clock

The manufacturer shall declare compliance with the requirement that the BS shall use the same frequency source for both RF generation and the chip clock.

5.5 Spectrum emission mask

The manufacturer shall declare whether the BS under test is intended to operate in regions where conformance to the spectrum emission mask defined in subclause is mandatory. If so, the conformance test for spectrum emission mask specified in subclause shall be performed; otherwise, this test is not required.

5.6 Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR)

The manufacturer shall declare:

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate in proximity to either another TDD BS or FDD BS that comprises uplink receive functionality operating on the first or second adjacent frequency. If so, conformance with the ACLR requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement need not to be tested.

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate co-sited to either another TDD BS or FDD BS that comprises uplink receive functionality operating on the first or second adjacent frequency. If so, conformance with the ACLR requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement need not to be tested.

5.7 Tx spurious emissions

5.7.1 Category of spurious emissions limit

The manufacturer shall declare one of the following:

a) the BS shall be tested against Category A limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329-9 [6].


b) the BS shall be tested against Category B limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329-9 [6].

If the manufacturer declares Category A limits to be applicable, conformance with the spurious emissions requirements specified in subclause is mandatory, and the requirements specified in subclause need not to be tested.

If the manufacturer declares Category B limits to be applicable, conformance with the spurious emissions requirements specified in subclause is mandatory, and the requirements specified in subclause need not to be tested.

5.7.2 Co-existence with GSM

The manufacturer shall declare:

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate in geographic areas in which also GSM 900 is deployed. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate co-located with a GSM 900 BTS. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

5.7.3 Co-existence with DCS 1800

The manufacturer shall declare:

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate in geographic areas in which also DCS 1800 is deployed. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate co-located with a DCS 1800 BTS. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

5.7.4 Co-existence with UTRA FDD

The manufacturer shall declare:

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate in geographic areas in which also UTRA FDD is deployed. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate co-located with a UTRA FDD BS. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

5.7.5 Co-existence with unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

The manufacturer shall declare:

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate in geographic areas in which also unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD that comprises uplink receive functionality is deployed. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement need not to be tested.

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate co-located with a unsynchronised UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD BS that comprises uplink receive functionality. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in subclause is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

5.8 Blocking characteristics

The conformance requirements with respect to the parameter blocking characteristics are dependent on the operating frequency bands of the BS under test; see subclause 7.5.2. However, the need for a manufacturer’s declaration of the frequency bands supported by the BS is already covered by subclause 5.3. The relationship between the frequency bands supported by the BS and the mandatory blocking requirements is given in table5.1.

Table 5.1: Relationship between the frequency bands supported by the BS
and the mandatory blocking requirements

Supported frequency band according to manufacturer’s declaration

Mandatory blocking requirement

subclause 4.2a)

table 7.6

subclause 4.2b)

table 7.7

subclause 4.2c)

table 7.8

In addition, the manufacturer shall declare:

– whether the BS under test is intended to operate co-located with a GSM 900 BTS or a DCS 1800 BTS. If so, compliance with the conformance requirement specified in table 7.9 or 7.10, respectively, is mandatory; otherwise, this requirement needs not to be tested.

5.9 Test environments

For each test in this TS, the environmental conditions under which the BS is to be tested are defined.

5.9.1 Normal test environment

When a normal test environment is specified for a test, the test should be performed under any combination of conditions between the minimum and maximum limits stated in table 5.2.

Table 5.2: Limits of conditions for Normal Test Environment




Barometric pressure

86 kPa

106 kPa




Relative Humidity

20 %

85 %

Power supply

Nominal, as declared by the manufacturer



The ranges of barometric pressure, temperature and humidity represent the maximum variation expected in the uncontrolled environment of a test laboratory. If it is not possible to maintain these parameters within the specified limits, the actual values shall be recorded in the test report.

NOTE: This may, for instance, be the case for measurements of radiated emissions performed on an open field test site.

5.9.2 Extreme test environment

The manufacturer shall declare one of the following:

a) The equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in IEC 60721-3-3 [2].

b) The equipment class for the equipment under test, as defined in IEC 60721-3-4 [3].

c) For equipment that does not comply to the mentioned classes, the relevant classes from IEC 60 721 documentation for Temperature, Humidity and Vibration shall be declared.

NOTE: Reduced functionality for conditions that fall out side of the standard operational conditions are not tested in this TS. These may be stated and tested separately. Extreme temperature

When an extreme temperature test environment is specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard minimum and maximum operating temperatures defined by the manufacturer’s declaration for the equipment under test.

Minimum temperature:

– The test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena into the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068‑2‑1 [4], Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests ‑ Tests A: Cold. The equipment shall be maintained at the stabilized condition for the duration of the test sequence.

Maximum temperature:

– The test shall be performed with the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena in to the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068‑2‑2 [5] (Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests ‑ Tests Bd Dry heat). The equipment shall be maintained at the stabilized condition for the duration of the test sequence.

NOTE: It is recommended that the equipment is made fully operational prior to the equipment being taken to its lower operating temperature.

5.9.3 Vibration

When vibration conditions are specified for a test, the test shall be performed while the equipment is subjected to a vibration sequence as defined by the manufacturers declaration for the equipment under test. This shall use the environmental test equipment and methods of inducing the required environmental phenomena in to the equipment, conforming to the test procedure of IEC 60 068‑2‑6 [8], Environmental Testing, Part 2: Tests ‑ Test Fc and guidance: Vibration (Sinusoidal). Other environmental conditions shall be within the ranges specified in subclause 5.9.1, Normal test environment.

NOTE: The higher levels of vibration may induce undue physical stress in to equipment after a prolonged series of tests. The testing body should only vibrate the equipment during the RF measurement process.

5.9.4 Power supply

When extreme power supply conditions are specified for a test, the test shall be performed at the standard upper and lower limits of operating voltage defined by the manufacturer’s declaration for the equipment under test.

Upper voltage limit

– The equipment shall be supplied with a voltage equal to the upper limit declared by the manufacturer (as measured at the input terminals to the equipment). The tests shall be carried out at a steady state minimum and maximum limit declared by the manufacturer for the equipment, to the methods described in IEC 60 068‑2‑1 [4] Test Ab/Ad: Cold and IEC 60 068‑2‑2 [5] Test Bb/Bd: Dry Heat.

Lower voltage limit

– The equipment shall be supplied with a voltage equal to the lower limit declared by the manufacturer (as measured at the input terminals to the equipment). The tests shall be carried out at a steady state minimum and maximum limit declared by the manufacturer for the equipment, to the methods described in IEC 60 068‑2‑1 [4] Test Ab/Ad: Cold and IEC 60 068‑2‑2 [5] Test Bb/Bd: Dry Heat.

5.10 Acceptable uncertainty of Test System

The maximum acceptable uncertainty of the Test System is specified below for each test, where appropriate. The Test System shall enable the stimulus signals in the test case to be adjusted to within the specified tolerance and the equipment under test to be measured with an uncertainty not exceeding the specified values. All tolerances and uncertainties are absolute values and are valid for a confidence level of 95 %, unless otherwise stated.

A confidence level of 95 % is the measurement uncertainty tolerance interval for a specific measurement that contains 95 % of the performance of a population of test equipment.

For RF tests it should be noted that the uncertainties in subclause 5.10 apply to the Test System operating into a nominal 50 ohm load and do not include system effects due to mismatch between the DUT and the Test System.

5.10.1 Measurement of test environments

The measurement accuracy of the BS test environments defined in subclause 5.9 shall be:

Pressure: ± 5 kPa

Temperature: ± 2 degrees

Relative Humidity: ± 5 %

DC Voltage: ± 1,0 %

AC Voltage: ± 1,5 %

Vibration: 10 %

Vibration frequency: 0,1 Hz

The above values shall apply unless the test environment is otherwise controlled and the specification for the control of the test environment specifies the uncertainty for the parameter.

5.10.2 Measurement of transmitter

Table 5.3: Maximum Test System Uncertainty for transmitter tests


Maximum Test System Uncertainty

Derivation of Test System Uncertainty

6.2 Maximum output power

± 0,7 dB

6.3 Frequency stability

± 12 Hz

6.4.2 Power control steps

single step: ± 0,1 dB

ten steps: ± 0,3 dB

Result is difference between two absolute Code Domain Power measurements on the power controlled DPCH.

6.4.3 Power control dynamic range

± 0,3 dB

6.4.4 Minimum output power

± 0,7 dB

6.4.5 Primary CCPCH power

± 0,8 dB

6.4.6 Differential accuracy of Primary CCPCH power

± 0,1 dB

6.5.1 Transmit OFF power

± 2,0 dB

6.5.2 Transmit ON/OFF time mask

3,84 Mcps TDD option:

Tx power limit = -79 dBm: ± 2,0 dB

Tx power limit = -33 dBm: ± 0,7 dB

1,28 Mcps TDD option:

Tx power limit = -82 dBm: ± 2,0 dB

Tx power limit = -42 dBm: ± 0,7 dB

6.6.1 Occupied Bandwidth

± 100 kHz

Accuracy = ± 3*RBW.
Assume 30 kHz bandwidth Spectrum emission mask

± 1,5 dB Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR)

3,84 Mcps TDD option:

minimum requirement:

5 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

10 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

requirement for operation in the same geographic area with unsynchronised TDD BS on adjacent channels:

Wide Area BS:

5 MHz offset: ± 4 dB

10 MHz offset: ± 4 dB

Local Area BS:

5 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

10 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

requirement for operation in the same geographic area with FDD BS on adjacent channels:

Wide Area BS:

5 MHz offset: TBD

10 MHz offset: ± 4 dB

Local Area BS:

5 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

10 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

requirement in case of co-siting with unsynchronised TDD BS or FDD BS operating on adjacent channels:

Wide Area BS:

5 MHz offset: TBD

10 MHz offset: TBD

Local Area BS (co-siting with TDD BS):

5 MHz offset: ± 1 dB

10 MHz offset: ± 1 dB

1,28 Mcps TDD option:

minimum requirement:

1,6 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

3,2 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

requirement for operation in the same geographic area with unsynchronised 1,28 Mcps TDD BS on adjacent channels:

Wide Area BS:

1,6 MHz offset: ± 1 dB

3,2 MHz offset: ± 1 dB

Local Area BS:

1,6 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

3,2 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

requirement for operation in the same geographic area with unsynchronised TDD BS on adjacent channels:

Wide Area BS:

3,4 MHz offset: ± 1 dB

Local Area BS:

3,4 MHz offset: ± 0,8 dB

requirement for operation in the same geographic area with FDD BS on adjacent channels:

Wide Area BS: ± 4 dB

Local Area BS: ± 0,8 dB

requirement in case of co-siting with unsynchronised 1,28 Mcps TDD BS on an adjacent channel:

Wide Area BS:

1,6 MHz offset: TBD

3,2 MHz offset: TBD

Local Area BS:

Wide Area BS: ± 1 dB

Local Area BS: ± 1 dB

requirement in case of co-siting with unsynchronised TDD BS on an adjacent channel:

Wide Area BS:

3,4 MHz offset: TBD

Local Area BS:

3,4 MHz offset: ± 1 dB

requirement in case of co-siting with FDD BS on an adjacent channel:

Wide Area BS: TBD

Note: Impact of measurement period (averaging) and intermod effects in the measurement receiver not yet fully studied.

6.6.3 Spurious emissions

± 2,0 dB for BS and coexistence bands for results

> -60 dBm

± 3,0 dB for results < -60 dBm

Outside above range:

f ≤ 2,2 GHz: ± 1,5 dB

2,2 GHz < f ≤ 4 GHz: ± 2,0 dB

f > 4 GHz: ± 4,0 dB

6.7 Transmit intermodulation

The value below applies to the setting of the interference signal level only and is unrelated to the measurement uncertainty of the tests (, and 6.6.3) which have to be carried out in the presence of the interference signal.

± 1 dB

The uncertainty of the interferer has double the effect on the result due to the frequency offset.

6.8.1 Modulation accuracy

± 2,5 % (for single code)

6.8.2 Peak code domain error

± 1 dB

6.8.3 Relative Code Domain Error

±1,0 dB

6.8.4 Time alignment error in MIMO transmission

1,28 Mcps TDD option:

± [78] ns

5.10.3 Measurement of receiver

Table 5.4: Maximum Test System Uncertainty for receiver tests


Maximum Test System Uncertainty
(see NOTE 1)

Derivation of Test System Uncertainty

7.2 Reference sensitivity level

± 0,7 dB

7.3 Dynamic range

± 1,2 dB

Formula =
SQRT(signal level error2 and AWGN level error2)

7.4 Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS)

± 1,1 dB

Formula = SQRT (wanted_level_error2 + interferer_level_error2) + ACLR effect

The ACLR effect is calculated by:

(Formula to follow)

7.5 Blocking characteristics

Maximum Test System Accuracy with Frequency offset of interfering signal < 15MHz:
± 1,4dB

Frequency offset of interfering signal ≥ 15MHz:
f < 2,2 GHz: ± 1,1 dB

2,2 GHz < f ≤ 4 GHz: ± 1,8 dB

f > 4 GHz: ± 3,2 dB

Formula =
SQRT (wanted_level_error2 + interferer_level_error2) + ACLR effect + Broadband noise

(Frequency offset < 15 MHz: assuming ACLR of interfering signal = 68 dB, measurement uncertainty of wanted signal = 0,7 dB)

(Frequency offset ≥ 15 MHz:
assuming -130 dBc broadband noise from interfering signal)

Harmonics and spurs of the interfering signal need to be carefully considered. Perhaps need to avoid harmonics of the interferer that fall on top of the receive channel.

For the -15 dBm CW interfering signal, filtering of the interfering signal (at least 25 dB) is necessary to elimininate problems with broadband noise falling into the bandwidth of the wanted signal.

7.6 Intermodulation characteristics

± 1,3 dB

Formula = SQRT
((2*CW_level_error)² +
(mod_level_error)² +


CW_level_error: 0,5 dB

mod_level_error: 0,5 dB

wanted_signal_level_error: 0,7 dB)

7.7 Spurious emissions

± 3,0 dB for BS receive band (-78 dBm)

Outside above range:

f ≤ 2,2 GHz: ± 2,0 dB (-57 dBm)

2,2 GHz < f ≤ 4 GHz: ± 2,0 dB (-47 dBm)

f > 4 GHz : ± 4,0 dB (-47 dBm)

(see note 2)

NOTE 1: Unless otherwise noted, only the Test System stimulus error is considered here. The effect of errors in the BER/FER measurements due to finite test duration is not considered.

NOTE 2: The Test System uncertainty figures for Spurious emissions apply to the measurement of the DUT and not to any stimulus signals.

5.10.4 Measurement of performance requirements

Table 5.5: Maximum Test System Uncertainty for Performance Requirements


Maximum Test System Uncertainty
(see NOTE 1)

8.2 Demodulation in static propagation conditions


8.3 Demodulation of DCH in multipath fading conditions


8.3A Demodulation of DCH in high speed train conditions

± 0.4 dB

NOTE 1: Only the overall stimulus error is considered here. The effect of errors in the BER/FER measurements due to finite test duration is not considered.

5.11 Test Tolerances (informative)

The Test Tolerances defined in this subclause have been used to relax the Minimum Requirements in this specification to derive the Test Requirements.

The Test Tolerances are derived from Test System uncertainties, regulatory requirements and criticality to system performance. As a result, the Test Tolerance may sometimes be set to zero.

The test tolerances should not be modified for any reason, e. g. to take account of commonly known test system errors (such as mismatch, cable loss, etc.)

5.11.1 Transmitter

Table 5.6: Test Tolerance for transmitter tests


Test Tolerance (see NOTE)

6.2 Maximum output power

0,7 dB

6.3 Frequency stability

12 Hz

6.4.2 Power control steps

single step: 0,1 dB

ten steps: 0,3 dB

6.4.3 Power control dynamic range

0,3 dB

6.4.4 Minimum output power

0,7 dB

6.4.5 Primary CCPCH power

0,8 dB

6.4.6 Differential accuracy of Primary CCPCH power

± 0,1 dB

6.5.1 Transmit OFF power

2,0 dB

6.5.2 Transmit ON/OFF time mask

3,84 Mcps TDD option:

Tx power limit = -79 dBm: 2,0 dB

Tx power limit = -33 dBm: 0,7 dB

1,28 Mcps TDD option:

Tx power limit = -82 dBm: 2,0 dB

Tx power limit = -42 dBm: 0,7 dB

7,68 Mcps TDD option:

Tx power limit = -76 dBm: 2,0 dB

Tx power limit = -33 dBm: 0,7 dB

6.6.1 Occupied Bandwidth

0 kHz Spectrum emission mask

1,5 dB Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR)

3,84 Mcps TDD option:

minimum requirement: 0,8 dB

operation in the same geographic area:

Wide Area BS:
4 dB for TDD BS on adjacent channels

TBD/4 dB for FDD BS on adjacent channels

Local Area BS: 0,8 dB


Wide Area BS: TBD

Local Area BS: 1 dB

1,28 Mcps TDD option:

minimum requirement: 0,8 dB

operation in the same geographic area:

Wide Area BS: 1 dB for TDD BS on adjacent channels

4 dB for FDD BS on adjacent channels

Local Area BS: 0,8 dB


Wide Area BS: TBD

Local Area BS: 1 dB for TDD BS on adjacent channels

7,68 Mcps TDD option:

minimum requirement: 0,8 dB

operation in the same geographic area:

Wide Area BS:
4 dB for TDD BS on adjacent channels

TBD/4 dB for FDD BS on adjacent channels

Local Area BS: 0,8 dB


Wide Area BS: TBD

Local Area BS: 1 dB

6.6.3 Spurious emissions

0 dB

6.7 Transmit intermodulation

Testing of transmit intermodulation consists of 3 parts:

– testing of spectrum emission mask, see

– testing of ACLR, see

– testing of spurious emissions, see 6.6.3

For each of these parts, the respective Test Tolerances as specified in this table shall apply.

Test Tolerance for setting of the interferer power level: 0 dB

6.8.1 Modulation accuracy

0 %

6.8.2 Peak code domain error

1 dB

6.8.3 Relative Code Domain Error

1.0 dB

6.8.4 Time alignment error in MIMO transmission

1,28 Mcps TDD option:

[78] ns

NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the Test Tolerances are applied to the DUT Minimum Requirement.
See Annex D.

5.11.2 Receiver

Table 5.7: Test Tolerances for receiver tests


Test Tolerances (see NOTE 1)

7.2 Reference sensitivity level

0,7 dB

7.3 Dynamic range

1,2 dB

7.4 Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS)

0 dB

7.5 Blocking characteristics

0 dB

7.6 Intermodulation characteristics

0 dB

7.7 Spurious emissions

0 dB (see NOTE 2)

NOTE 1: Unless otherwise stated, the Test Tolerances are applied to the stimulus signal(s). See Annex D.

NOTE 2: The Test Tolerance is applied to the DUT Minimum Requirement. See Annex D.

5.11.3 Performance requirements

Table 5.8: Test Tolerances for performance requirements


Test Tolerance (see NOTE)

8.2 Demodulation in static propagationconditions


8.3 Demodulation of DCH in multipath fading conditions


8.3A Demodulation of DCH in high speed train conditions


NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, the Test Tolerances are applied to the stimulus signal(s). See Annex D.

5.12 Interpretation of measurement results

The measurement results returned by the Test System are compared – without any modification – against the Test Requirements as defined by the shared risk principle.

The Shared Risk principle is defined in ITU-R M.1545 [13].

The actual measurement uncertainty of the Test System for the measurement of each parameter shall be included in the test report.

The recorded value for theTest System uncertainty shall be, for each measurement, equal to or lower than the appropriate figure in subclause 5.10 of this TS.

If the Test System for a test is known to have a measurement uncertainty greater than that specified in subclause 5.10, it is still permitted to use this equipment provided that an adjustment is made as follows:

Any additional uncertainty in the Test System over and above that specified in subclause 5.10 shall be used to tighten the Test Requirement – making the test harder to pass. (For some tests, e. g. receiver tests, this may require modification of stimulus signals).

This procedure (defined in Annex D) will ensure that a Test System not compliant with subclause 5.10 does not increase the chance of passing a device under test where that device would otherwise have failed the test if a Test System compliant with subclause 5.10 had been used.

5.13 Selection of configurations for testing

Measurements shall be performed within the time slots under test as specified individually for each test within the subclause "Initial conditions".

Most tests in this TS are only performed for a subset of the possible combinations of test conditions. For instance:

‑ Not all TRXs in the configuration may be specified to be tested.

‑ Only one RF channel may be specified to be tested.

‑ Only one timeslot may be specified to be tested.

When a test is performed by a test laboratory, the choice of which combinations are to be tested shall be specified by the laboratory. The laboratory may consult with operators, the manufacturer or other bodies.

When a test is performed by a manufacturer, the choice of which combinations are to be tested may be specified by an operator.

5.14 BS Configurations

This TS has been written to specify tests for the standard configurations of BS which have been assumed in UTRA requirements specifications, in particular TS 25.105 [1]. However, there are other configurations of BS which comply with these specifications, but for which the application of these specifications is not fully defined. For some such configurations there may be alternate ways to apply the requirements of this specification to testing of the configuration, or some variation in the test method may be necessary. It may therefore be necessary for the parties to the testing to reach agreement over the method of testing in advance.

If the BS is supplied in a number of different environmental enclosures or configurations, it may not be necessary to test RF parameters for each environmental configuration, provided that it can be demonstrated that the equipment has been tested at the worst internal environmental conditions.

Where alternative interpretations of this specification are possible for a BS configuration under test, the interpretation which has been adopted in performing the test shall be recorded with the test results.

Where variation in the test method within this TS has been necessary to enable a BS configuration to be tested, the variation in the test method which has been made in performing the test shall be recorded with the test results. Where possible, agreement should be reached in advance about the nature of such a variation with any party who will later receive the test results.

Possible interpretations of this TS for some common configurations are given in the following subclauses.

5.14.1 Receiver diversity

For the tests in clause 7 of the present document, the requirement applies at each receiver antenna connector for receivers with antenna diversity.

Receiver requirements are tested at the antenna connector, with the remaining receiver(s) disabled or their antenna connector(s) being terminated. If the manufacturer has declared the receiver paths to be equivalent, it is sufficient to apply the specified test signal at any one of the receiver antenna connectors.

For a multi-band BS, multi-band tests for blocking and intermodulation are performed with the interferer(s) applied to each antenna connector mapped to the receiver for the wanted signal(s), however only to one antenna at a time. Antenna connectors to which no signals are applied are terminated.

5.14.2 Duplexers

Due to TDD operation, there is no need to use a duplexer in the BS.

5.14.3 Power supply options

If the BS is supplied with a number of different power supply configurations, it may not be necessary to test RF parameters for each of the power supply options, provided that it can be demonstrated that the range of conditions over which the equipment is tested is at least as great as the range of conditions due to any of the power supply configurations.

This applies particularly if a BS contains a DC rail which can be supplied either externally or from an internal mains power supply. In this case, the conditions of extreme power supply for the mains power supply options can be tested by testing only the external DC supply option. The range of DC input voltages for the test should be sufficient to verify the performance with any of the power supplies, over its range of operating conditions within the BS, including variation of mains input voltage, temperature and output current.

5.14.4 Ancillary RF amplifiers

The requirements of this TS shall be met with the ancillary RF amplifier fitted. At tests according to clause 6 and 7 for TX and RX respectively, the ancillary amplifier is connected to the BS by a connecting network (including any cable(s), attenuator(s), etc.) with applicable loss to make sure the appropriate operating conditions of the ancillary amplifier and the BS. The applicable connecting network loss range is declared by the manufacturer. Other characteristics and the temperature dependence of the attenuation of the connecting network are neglected. The actual attenuation value of the connecting network is chosen for each test as one of the applicable extreme values. The lowest value is used unless otherwise stated.

Sufficient tests should be repeated with the ancillary amplifier fitted and, if it is optional, without the ancillary RF amplifier to verify that the BS meets the requirements of this TS in both cases.

5.14.5 BS using antenna arrays

A BS may be configured with a multiple antenna port connection for some or all of its TRXs or with an antenna array related to one cell (not one array per TRX). This subclause applies to a BS which meets at least one of the following conditions:

– The transmitter output signals from one or more TRX appear at more than one antenna port, or

– there is more than one receiver antenna port for a TRX or per cell and an input signal is required at more than one port for the correct operation of the receiver (NOTE: diversity reception does not meet this requirement) thus the outputs from the transmitters as well as the inputs to the receivers are directly connected to several antennas (known as "aircombining"), or

If a BS is used, in normal operation, in conjunction with an antenna system which contains filters or active elements which are necessary to meet the UTRA requirements, the tests of conformance may be performed on a system comprising the BS together with these elements, supplied separately for the purposes of testing. In this case, it must be demonstrated that the performance of the configuration under test is representative of the system in normal operation, and the conformance assessment is only applicable when the BS is used with the antenna system.

For testing of conformance of such a BS, the following procedure may be used: Receiver tests

For each test, the test signals applied to the receiver antenna connectors shall be such that the sum of the powers of the signals applied equals the power of the test signal(s) specified in the test.

An example of a suitable test set up is shown in figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1: Receiver test set up

For spurious emissions from the receiver antenna connector, the test may be performed separately for each receiver antenna connector. Transmitter tests

For each test, the conformance requirement shall be met by the sum of the signals emitted by each transmitter antenna connector. This may be assessed by separately measuring the signals emitted by each antenna connector and summing the results, or by combining the signals and performing a single measurement. The characteristics (e.g. amplitude and phase) of the combining network should be such that the power of the combined signal is maximised.

An example of a suitable test set up is shown in figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Transmitter test set up

For Intermodulation attenuation, the test may be performed separately for each transmitter antenna connector.

5.14.6 MIMO transmission

Unless otherwise stated, for the tests in clause 6 of the present document, the requirement applies for each transmitter antenna connector in the case of MIMO transmission.

Transmitter requirements are tested at the antenna connector, with the remaining antenna connector(s) being terminated. If the manufacturer has declared the transmitter paths to be equivalent, it is sufficient to measure the signal at any one of the transmitter antenna connectors.

5.15 Overview of the conformance test requirements

Tables 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11 give an overview of the conformance test requirements for the transmitter, the receiver and system performance, respectively. Requirements related to receive functionality for the BS under test do not apply for the case of MBSFN-only operation.

Table 5.9: Overview of the conformance tests requirements for the transmitter




Maximum output power


manufacturer’s declaration required

Frequency stability


manufacturer’s declaration required

Output power dynamics


Inner loop power control


Power control steps


Power control dynamic range


Minimum output power


Primary CCPCH power


Differential accuracy of Primary CCPCH power


Transmit OFF power


Transmit ON/OFF time mask


Output RF spectrum emissions


Occupied bandwidth


Out-of-band emission


Spectrum emission mask

manufacturer’s declaration required

Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio (ACLR)

manufacturer’s declaration required

Spurious emissions


Mandatory requirements

manufacturer’s declaration required

Co-existence with GSM 900

manufacturer’s declaration required

Co-existence with DCS 1800

manufacturer’s declaration required

Co-existence with UTRA FDD

manufacturer’s declaration required

Co-existence with unsynchronised TDD

manufacturer’s declaration required

Transmit intermodulation


Transmit modulation


Modulation accuracy


Peak code domain error


Table 5.10: Overview of the conformance tests requirements for the receiver




Reference sensitivity level


Dynamic range


Adjacent Channel Selectivity (ACS)


Blocking characteristics


manufacturer’s declaration required

Intermodulation characteristics


Spurious emissions


Table 5.11: Overview of the conformance test requirements for system performance




Demodulation in static propagation conditions


Demodulation of DCH


Demodulation of DCH in multipath fading conditions


Multipath fading Case 1


Multipath fading Case 2


Multipath fading Case 3


Demodulation of DCH in high speed train conditions


5.16 Format and interpretation of tests

Each test in the following clauses has a standard format:

X Title

The title gives the name of the parameter to be tested.

X.1 Definition and applicability

This subclause gives the general definition of the parameter under consideration and specifies whether the test is applicable to all equipment or to a certain subset only.

X.2 Minimum Requirements

This subclause is an informative copy of the Minimum Requirements defined by the core specification.

In addition, this subclause contains the reference to the subclause of the 3GPP reference (or core) specification which defines the Minimum Requirements.

X.3 Test purpose

This subclause defines the purpose of the test.

X.4 Method of test

X.4.1 Initial conditions

This subclause defines the initial conditions for each test, including the test environment, the RF channels to be tested and the basic measurement setup.

X.4.2 Procedure

This subclause describes the steps necessary to perform the test and provides further details of the test definition like point of access (e.g. antenna port), domain (e.g. frequency-span), range, weighting (e.g. bandwidth), and algorithms (e.g. averaging).

X.5 Test Requirements

This subclause defines the pass/fail criteria for the equipment under test. See subclause 5.12 Interpretation of measurement results.

5.17 Regional requirements

Some requirements in this specification may only apply in certain regions. Table 5.12 lists all requirements that may be applied differently in different regions.

Table 5.12: List of regional requirements

Subclause number





Only 3,84 Mcps and 7,68 Mcps TDD options are currently applicable in Japan.


Frequency bands

Some bands may be applied regionally.


Base station classes

Only requirements for Wide Area Base Stations shall be applied as regional requirements in Japan.


Maximum output power

In certain regions, the minimum requirement for normal conditions may apply also for some conditions outside the ranges defined for the Normal test environment in subclause 5.8.1

Spectrum emission mask

The mask specified may be mandatory in certain regions. In other regions this mask may not be applied.

Spurious emissions (Category A)

These requirements shall be met in cases where Category A limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [6], are applied.

Spurious emissions (Category B)

These requirements shall be met in cases where Category B limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [6], are applied.

Co-existence with GSM, DCS, UTRA and/or E-UTRA -Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied for the protection of other BS or UE receivers when GSM, DCS, UTRA and/or E-UTRA BS are operating in the same geographic area with a UTRA TDD BS.

Co-existence with GSM, DCS, UTRA and/or E-UTRA -Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of other BS receivers when GSM, DCS UTRA and/or E-UTRA BS are co-located with a UTRA TDD BS.

Co-existence with unsynchronised TDD – Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied for the protection of TDD BS receivers in geographic areas in which unsynchronised TDD is deployed.

Co-existence with unsynchronised TDD – Co-located base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of TDD BS receivers when unsynchronised TDD BS are co-located.

Co-existence with PHS

This requirement may be applied for the protection of PHS in geographic areas in which both PHS and UTRA TDD are deployed.


Blocking characteristic

The requirement is applied according to what frequency bands in subclause 4.2 that are supported by the BS.


Blocking characteristics

This requirement may be applied for the protection of UTRA TDD BS receivers when UTRA TDD BS and GSM 900/DCS1800 BS are co-located.

5.18 Definition of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) Interferer

The minimum bandwidth of the AWGN interferer shall be 1,5 times chip rate of the radio access mode (e.g. 5,76 MHz for a chip rate of 3,84 Mcps and 1,92 MHz for a chip rate of 1,28 Mcps). The flatness across this minimum bandwidth shall be within ± 0,5 dB, and the peak to average ratio at a probability of 0,001% shall exceed 10 dB.

5.19 Applicability of requirements

For BS that is UTRA TDD (single-RAT) capable only, the requirements in the present document are applicable and additional conformance to TS 37.141 [12] is optional. For a BS additionally conforming to TS 37.141 [12], conformance to some of the RF requirements in the present document can be demonstrated through the corresponding requirements in TS 37.141 [12] as listed in Table 5.13

Table 5.13: Alternative RF test requirements for a BS additionally conforming to TS 37.141 [12]

RF requirement

Clause in the present document

Alternative clause in TS 37.141 [16]

Base station output power




Transmit OFF power


Transmit ON/OFF time mask


Unwanted emissions

Spectrum emission mask

Transmitter spurious emissions (except for and

Transmitter intermodulation




7.4. 5.1 and

Out-of-band blocking


7.5. 5.1

Co-location with other base stations


7.5. 5.2

Receiver spurious emissions


7.6. 5.1



7.7. 5.1

5.20 Test configurations for multi-carrier operation

The test configurations shall be constructed using the methods defined below, subject to the parameters declared by the manufacturer for the supported RF configurations as listed in subclause 5.1.2. The applicable test configurations to be use for conformance testing are defined for each supported RF configuration in clause 5.21.

Note: The test configurations in this subclause are intended for UTRA TDD 1.28Mcps option.

5.20.1 UTTC1: Multi-carrier operation test configuration

The purpose of the UTTC1 is to test both BS transmitter and receiver requirements. UTTC1 generation

UTTC1 should be constructed using the following method:

– The RF bandwidth shall be the declared maximum supported RF bandwidth.

– Place two UTRA TDD 1.28Mcps option carriers adjacent to the high and low edge of the RF bandwidth.

– For transmitter tests, alternately place a UTRA TDD 1.28Mcps option carrier adjacent to the already placed carriers at the low and high edge of the RF bandwidth until there is no more space to fit a carrier or the BS does not support more carriers. The nominal carrier spacing defined in clause 4.4.1 shall apply. UTTC1 power allocation

Set the power of each carrier to the same level so that the sum of the carrier powers equals the rated total output power according to the manufacturer’s declaration in sub clause 5.1.2.

5.20.2 UTTC2: Multi-band test configuration for full carrier allocation

The purpose of the UTTC2 is to test multi-band operation aspects considering maximum supported number of carriers. UTTC2 generation

UTTC2 is based on re-using the exsiting test configuration applicable per band involved in multi-band operation. It is constructed using the following method:

● The RF bandwidth of each supported operating band in multi-band operation shall be the declared maximum RF bandwidth of each supported operating band in multi-band operation.

● The number of carriers of each supported operating band shall be the declared maximum number of supported carrier of each supported operating band in multi-band operation. Carriers shall first be placed at the outermost edges of the declared maximum radio bandwidth. Additional carriers shall next be placed at the edges of the RF bandwidths, if possible.

● The allocated RF bandwidth of the outermost bands shall be located at the outermost edges of the declared maximum radio bandwidth.

● Each concerned band shall be considered as an independent band and the corresponding UTTC1shall be generated in each band. The mirror image of the single-band test configuration shall be used in the highest band being tested for the BS to ensure a narrowband carrier being placed at both edges of the BS maximum radio bandwidth.

● If a multi-band BS supports only 3 carriers, two carriers shall be placed in one band according to UTTC1while the remaining carrier shall be placed at the edge of the maximum radio bandwidth in the other band.

● If the sum of the maximum RF bandwidth of each supported operating bands is larger than the declared total RF bandwidth of transmitter and receiver for the declared band combinations of the BS, repeat the steps above for test configurations where the RF bandwidth of one of the operating band shall be reduced so that the total RF bandwidth of transmitter and receiver is not exceeded and vice versa.

● If the sum of the maximum number of supported carrier of each supported operating bands in multi-band operation is larger than the declared total number of supported carriers for the declared band combinations of the BS, repeat the steps above for test configurations where in each test configuration the number of carriers of one of the operating band shall be reduced so that the total number of supported carriers is not be exceeded and vice versa. UTTC2 power allocation

Unless otherwise stated, set the power of each carrier in all supported operating bands to the same power so that the sum of the carrier powers equals the total output power according to the manufacturer’s declaration.

If the allocated power of a supported operating band(s) exceeds the declared rated total output power of the operating band(s) in multi-band operation, the exceeded part shall, if possible, be reallocated into the other band(s). If the power allocated for a carrier exceeds the rated output power declared for that carrier, the exceeded power shall, if possible, be reallocated into the other carriers.

5.21 Applicability of test configurations

The present clause defines for each RF test requirement the set of mandatory test configurations which shall be used for demonstrating conformance. The applicable test configurations are specified in the tables below for each supported RF configuration, which shall be declared according to subclause 5.1.2. The generation and power allocation for each test configuration is defined in clause 5.20.

For a BS declared to be capable of single carrier operation only, a single carrier (SC) shall be used for testing.

For a BS declared to be capable of multi-carrier operation in contiguous spectrum operation only, the test configurations in Table 5.14 shall be used for testing.

Note: The applicability of test configurations in this subclause is only applicable to UTRA TDD 1.28Mcps option.

Table 5.14: Test configurations for a BS capable of multi-carrier operating in contiguous spectrum only

BS test case

Test configuration

6.2 Maximum output power


6.3 Frequency stability


6.4 Output power dynamics

6.4.2 Power control steps


6.4.3 Power control dynamic range


6.4.4 Minimum output power


6.4.5 Primary CCPCH power


6.4.6 Differential accuracy of Primary CCPCH power


6.5 Transmit ON/OFF power


6.6 Output RF spectrum emissions

6.6.1 Occupied bandwidth


6.6.2 Out of band emission Spectrum emission mask

UTTC1 Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio(ACLR)


6.6.3 Spurious emissions


6.7 Transmitter intermodulation


6.8 Transmit Modulation

6.8.1 Modulation accuracy


6.8.2 Peak code domain error


6.8.3 Relative Code Domain error


6.8.4 Time alignment error in MIMO transmission


7.2 Reference sensitivity level


7.3 Dynamic range


7.4 Adjacent Channel Selectivity(ACS)


7.5 Blocking


7.6 Intermodulation characteristics


7.7 Spurious emissions


For a BS declared to be capable of multi-band operation, the test configuration in Table 5.15 shall be used for testing. In the case where multiple bands are mapped on common antenna connector, the test configuration in the second column of Table 5.15 shall be used. In the case where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the test configuration in the third column of Table 5.15 shall be used.

Table 5.15: Test configuration for a BS capable of multi-band operation

BS test case

Test for Multi-Band capable BS

Common antenna connector

Separate antenna connector

6.2 Maximum output power

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

6.3 Frequency stability

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

6.4 Output power dynamics

6.4.2 Power control steps



6.4.3 Power control dynamic range



6.4.4 Minimum output power



6.4.5 Primary CCPCH power



6.4.6 Differential accuracy of Primary CCPCH power



6.5 Transmit ON/OFF power



6.6 Output RF spectrum emissions

6.6.1 Occupied bandwidth



6.6.2 Out of band emission Spectrum emission mask

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1,2), UTTC2 (Note 2) Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio(ACLR)

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2 (Note 3)

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2 (Note 2,3)

6.6.3 Spurious emissions

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1,2), UTTC2 (Note 2)

6.7 Transmitter intermodulation

UTTC1 (Note 1),

UTTC1 (Note 1,2),

6.8 Transmit Modulation

6.8.1 Modulation accuracy

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

6.8.2 Peak code domain error

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

6.8.3 Relative Code Domain error

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

6.8.4 Time alignment error in MIMO transmission

UTTC1 (Note 1)

UTTC1 (Note 1)

7.2 Reference sensitivity level



7.3 Dynamic range



7.4 Adjacent Channel Selectivity(ACS)


UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2 (Note 4)

7.5 Blocking


UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2 (Note 4)

7.6 Intermodulation characteristics


UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2 (Note 4)

7.7 Spurious emissions

UTTC1 (Note 1), UTTC2

UTTC1 (Note 1,2), UTTC2 (Note 2)

Note 1: UTTC1 shall be applied in each supported operating band according to Tables 5.14.

Note 2: Single-band requirement apply to each antenna connector for both multi-band operation test and single-band operation test. For single-band operation test, other antenna connector(s) is (are) terminated.

Note 3: UTTC2 may be applied for Inter RF bandwidth gap only.

Note 4: UTTC2 is only applied for multi-band receiver.

5.22 Requirements for BS capable of multi-band operation

For BS capable of multi-band operation, the RF requirements in clause 6 and 7 apply for each supported operating band unless otherwise stated. For some requirements it is explicitly stated that specific additions or exclusions to the requirement apply for BS capable of multi-band operation. In the case where multiple bands are mapped on separate antenna connectors, the following applies:

– Single-band transmitter spurious emissions, operating band unwanted emissions, ACLR, transmitter intermodulation and receiver spurious emissions requirements apply to each antenna connector.

– If the BS is configured for single-band operation, single-band requirements shall apply to the antenna connector configured for single-band operation and no exclusions or provisions for multi-band capable BS are applicable. Single-band requirements are tested separately at the antenna connector configured for single-band operation, with all other antenna connectors terminated.

For a BS capable of multi-band operation, the RF requirements in the present specification assume synchronized operation, where no simultaneous uplink and downlink occur between the supported operating bands.