4 Idle Mode

25.1233GPPRelease 17Requirements for support of radio resource management (TDD)TS

4.1 Cell Selection

4.1.1 Introduction

After a UE has switched on and a PLMN has been selected, the Cell selection process takes place, as described in [18]. This process allows the UE to select a suitable cell where to camp on in order to access available services. In this process the UE can use stored information (Stored information cell selection) or not (Initial cell selection).

4.2 Cell Re-selection

4.2.1 Introduction 3.84 Mcps TDD option

The cell reselection procedure allows the UE to select a more suitable cell and camp on it.

When the UE is in either Camped Normally state or Camped on Any Cell state on a TDD cell, the UE shall attempt to identify, synchronise and monitor intra-frequency, inter-frequency and inter-RAT cells indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell. UE measurement activity is also controlled by measurement rules defined in [18], allowing the UE to limit its measurement activity if certain conditions are fullfilled. 1.28 Mcps TDD option

The cell reselection procedure allows the UE to select a more suitable cell and camp on it.

When the UE is in either Camped Normally state or Camped on Any Cell state on a TDD cell, the UE shall attempt to identify, synchronise and monitor intra-frequency, inter-frequency and inter-RAT cells indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell. UE measurement activity is also controlled by measurement rules defined in [18], allowing the UE to limit its measurement activity if certain conditions are fullfilled. 7.68 Mcps TDD option

The cell reselection procedure allows the UE to select a more suitable cell and camp on it.

When the UE is in either Camped Normally state or Camped on Any Cell state on a TDD cell, the UE shall attempt to identify, synchronise and monitor intra-frequency, inter-frequency and inter-RAT cells indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell. UE measurement activity is also controlled by measurement rules defined in [18], allowing the UE to limit its measurement activity if certain conditions are fullfilled.

4.2.2 Requirements

In the following sections, Thigher_priority_search is defined as (60 * Nlayers) seconds, where Nlayers is the total number of configured higher priority E-UTRA, UTRA FDD and UTRA TDD carrier frequencies and is additionally increased by one if one or more groups of GSM frequencies is configured as a higher priority. Measurement and evaluation of cell selection criteria S of serving cell 3.84 Mcps TDD option

The UE shall measure the PCCPCH RSCP level of the serving cell and evaluate the cell selection criterion Srxlev defined in [18] for the serving cell at least every DRX cycle. The UE shall filter the PCCPCH RSCP measurement of the serving cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the measurements is at least TmeasureTDD/2 (see table 4.1).

If the UE has evaluated in Nserv successive measurements that the serving cell does not fulfil the cell selection criterion S, the UE shall initiate the measurements of all neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information, regardless of the measurement rules currently limiting UE measurement activities.

If the UE has not found any new suitable cell based the on searches and measurements of the neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information for 12 s, the UE shall initiate cell selection procedures for the selected PLMN as defined in [18].

On transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_PCH/URA_PCH, if a UE cannot find a suitable UTRA cell, then it is considered to be "out of service area" and shall perform actions according to [16]. 1.28 Mcps TDD option

The UE shall measure the PCCPCH RSCP level of the serving cell and evaluate the cell selection criterion S defined in [18] for the serving cell at least every DRX cycle. The UE shall filter the PCCPCH RSCP level of the serving cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement used for filtering is at least TmeasureNTDD/2 (see table 4.1A).

If the UE has evaluated in Nserv consecutive DRX cycles that the serving cell does not fulfil the cell selection criterion S the UE shall initiate the measurements of all neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information, regardless of the measurement rules currently limiting UE measurement activities.

If the UE has not found any new suitable cell based on searches and measurements of the neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information for 12 s, the UE shall initiate cell selection procedures for the selected PLMN as defined in [18].

After this 12 s period a UE in Cell_PCH or URA_PCH is considered to be "out of service area" and shall perform actions according to [16].

On transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_PCH/URA_PCH, if a UE cannot find a suitable UTRA cell, then it is considered to be "out of service area" and shall perform actions according to [16]. 7.68 Mcps TDD option

The UE shall measure the PCCPCH RSCP level of the serving cell and evaluate the cell selection criterion Srxlev defined in [18] for the serving cell at least every DRX cycle. The UE shall filter the PCCPCH RSCP measurement of the serving cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the measurements is at least TmeasureTDD/2 (see table 4.1B).

If the UE has evaluated in Nserv successive measurements that the serving cell does not fulfil the cell selection criterion S, the UE shall initiate the measurements of all neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information, regardless of the measurement rules currently limiting UE measurement activities.

If the UE has not found any new suitable cell based the on searches and measurements of the neighbour cells indicated in the measurement control system information for 12 s, the UE shall initiate cell selection procedures for the selected PLMN as defined in [18].

On transition from CELL_DCH to CELL_PCH/URA_PCH, if a UE cannot find a suitable UTRA cell, then it is considered to be "out of service area" and shall perform actions according to [16]. Measurement of intra-frequency cells 3.84 Mcps option

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every TmeasureTDD (see table 4.1) for intra-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. TmeasureTDD is defined in Table 4.1. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured intra-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurements used for filtering is at least TmeasureTDD/2.

The filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an intra-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within TevaluateTDD (see table 4.1), from the moment the intra-frequency cell became at least 2 dB better ranked than the current serving cell, provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the intra frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this intra frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

If the UE is receiving the MTCH, the UE shall be able to identify new intra-frequency cells and take them into use for MTCH combing purposes as defined in section 1.28 Mcps option

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every TmeasureNTDD (see table 4.1A) for intra-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. TmeasureNTDD is defined in Table 4.1A. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured intra-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement used for filtering is at least TmeasureNTDD/2.

The filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an intra-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within TevaluateNTDD (see table 4.1A), from the moment the intra-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better ranked than the current serving cell, provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the intra frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this intra frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

If the UE is receiving the MTCH, the UE shall be able to identify new intra-frequency cells and take them into use for MTCH combing purposes as defined in section 8.4A.2.2.1. 7.68 Mcps option

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every TmeasureTDD (see table 4.1B) for intra-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. TmeasureTDD is defined in Table 4.1B. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured intra-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurements used for filtering is at least TmeasureTDD/2.

The filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an intra-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within TevaluateTDD (see table 4.1B), from the moment the intra-frequency cell became at least 2 dB better ranked than the current serving cell, provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the intra frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this intra frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. Measurement of inter-frequency TDD cells

If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for any higher priority UTRA inter-frequency cells at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. If higher priority UTRA cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureTDD for 3.84 Mcps option and 7.68 Mcps option, (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureNTDD for 1.28 Mcps option. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of the inter-frequency layer. 3.84 Mcps option

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureTDD (see table 4.1) for inter-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter Ncarrier is the number of carriers used for TDD cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured inter-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first and the last measurements used for filtering is at least TmeasureTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an already identified inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within (Ncarrier-1) * TevaluateTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. 1.28 Mcps option

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureNTDD (see table 4.1A) for inter-frequency 1.28 Mcps TDD OPTION cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter Ncarrier is the number of carriers used for 1.28 Mcps TDD OPTION cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured inter-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement used for filtering is at least TmeasureNTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an already identified inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within (Ncarrier-1) * TevaluateNTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 6 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 6 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

In the case of multi-frequency network, Ncarrier is the number of primary frequencies. 7.68 Mcps option

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureTDD (see table 4.1B) for inter-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter Ncarrier is the number of carriers used for TDD cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured inter-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first and the last measurements used for filtering is at least TmeasureTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an already identified inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within (Ncarrier-1) * TevaluateTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. 1.28 Mcps TDD to 3.84 Mcps TDD cell re-selection

This requirement only applies to 1.28 Mcps UEs supporting this mode.

The ranking of the low and high chip rate TDD cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in [18].

If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for any higher priority UTRA TDD 3.84 Mcps option cells at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. If higher priority UTRA TDD 3.84 Mcps option cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureTDD. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of the inter-frequency layer.

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every NTDDcarrier * TmeasureTDD (see table 4.1A) for inter-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter Ncarrier is the number of carriers used for 3.84 Mcps TDD cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured high chip rate TDD cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement used for filtering is at least TmeasureTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that a high chip rate TDD cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NTDDcarrier * TevaluateTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency 3.84Mcps TDD cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency 3.84Mcps TDD cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. 3.84 Mcps TDD to 1.28 Mcps TDD cell re-selection

This requirement in this section only applies to UEs supporting both 3.84 Mcps TDD and 1.28Mcps TDD.

If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for any higher priority UTRA TDD 1.28 Mcps option cells at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. If higher priority UTRA TDD 1.28 Mcps option cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureNTDD. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of the inter-frequency layer.

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every NcarrierNTDD * TmeasureNTDD (see table 4.1A) for inter-frequency 1.28 Mcps TDD OPTION cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter NcarrierNTDD is the number of carriers used for 1.28 Mcps TDD cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured 1.28 Mcps TDD cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the measurements is at least TmeasureNTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that a 1.28 Mcps TDD cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NcarrierNTDD * TevaluateNTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency 1.28 Mcps TDD cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency 1.28 Mcps TDD cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

In the case of cell re-selection to 1.28 Mcps TDD multi-frequency network, NcarrierNTDD is the number of primary frequencies. 7.68 Mcps TDD to 3.84 Mcps TDD cell re-selection

This requirement in this section only applies to UEs supporting both 3.84 Mcps TDD and 7.68Mcps TDD.

The ranking of 3.84 Mcps and 7.68 Mcps chip rate TDD cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in [18].

If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for any higher priority UTRA TDD 3.84 Mcps option cells at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. If higher priority UTRA TDD 3.84 Mcps option cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureTDD. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of the inter-frequency layer.

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every NTDDcarrier * TmeasureTDD (see Table 4.1B) for inter-frequency cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter Ncarrier is the number of carriers used for 3.84 Mcps TDD cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured 3.84 Mcps chip rate TDD cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement used for filtering is at least TmeasureTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that a 3.84 Mcps chip rate TDD cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NTDDcarrier * TevaluateTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency 3.84Mcps TDD cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency 3.84Mcps TDD cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. 3.84 Mcps TDD to 7.68 Mcps TDD cell re-selection

This requirement in this section only applies to UEs supporting both 3.84 Mcps TDD and 7.68Mcps TDD.

If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for any higher priority UTRA TDD 7.86 Mcps option cells at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. If higher priority UTRA TDD 7.86 Mcps option cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureTDD. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If priority information for UTRA TDD carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of the inter-frequency layer.

The UE shall measure PCCPCH RSCP at least every NcarrierNTDD * TmeasureNTDD (see Table 4.1B) for inter-frequency 7.68 Mcps TDD OPTION cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The parameter NcarrierNTDD is the number of carriers used for 7.68 Mcps TDD cells. The UE shall filter PCCPCH RSCP measurements of each measured 7.68 Mcps TDD cell using at least 2 measurements, which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement is at least TmeasureNTDD/2.

The filtering of PCCPCH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that a 7.68 Mcps TDD cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NcarrierNTDD * TevaluateNTDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 3 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency 7.68 Mcps TDD cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency 7.68 Mcps TDD cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. Measurement of inter-frequency FDD cells

If priority information for UTRA carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for any higher priority UTRA FDD cells at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. If higher priority UTRA FDD cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every (Ncarrier-1) * TmeasureFDD. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If priority information for UTRA carrier frequencies is provided in the measurement control systems information and SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of UTRA FDD layer. 3.84 Mcps option

The UE shall measure the CPICH RSCP and CPICH Ec/Io of each FDD neighbour cell indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, according to the measurement rules defined in [18], at least every TmeasureFDD (see table 4.1). The UE shall filter CPICH RSCP measurements of each measured inter-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements which are taken so that the time difference between the first and last measurements used for filtering is at least TmeasureFDD/2..

The filtering of CPICH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an already identified inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NcarrierFDD * TevaluateFDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 5 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 5 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. The parameter NcarrierFDD is the number of carriers used for FDD cells.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

The ranking of the cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in [18]. If FDD cell has been ranked as the best cell and IE cell_selection_and_reselection-quality_measure is set to CPICH Ec/No, then UE shall perform a second ranking of the FDD cells using CPICH Ec/Io as the measurement quantity, before performing cell re-selection. 1.28 Mcps option

This requirement only applies to 1.28 Mcps UEs supporting both 1.28 Mcps TDD OPTION and FDD.

The UE shall measure the CPICH RSCP and CPICH Ec/Io at least every NcarrierFDD * TmeasureFDD (see table 4.1A) for inter-frequency FDD cells that are identified and measured according to the measurement rules. The UE shall filter CPICH RSCP measurements of each measured inter-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements which are taken so that the time difference between the first measurement and the last measurement used for filtering is at least TmeasureFDD/2.

CPICH RSCP is used as basic measurement quantity for cell ranking, the filtering of CPICH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an already identified inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NcarrierFDD * TevaluateFDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 5 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 5 dB better ranked than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. The parameter NcarrierFDD is the number of carriers used for FDD cells.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency FDD cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency FDD cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

The ranking of the cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in TS25.304. If FDD cell has been ranked as the best cell and IE cell_selection_and_reselection-quality_measure is set to CPICH Ec/No, then UE shall perform a second ranking of the FDD cells using CPICH Ec/Io as the measurement quantity, before performing cell re-selection. 7.68 Mcps option

The UE shall measure the CPICH RSCP and CPICH Ec/Io of each FDD neighbour cell indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, according to the measurement rules defined in [18], at least every TmeasureFDD (see table 4.1B). The UE shall filter CPICH RSCP measurements of each measured inter-frequency cell using at least 2 measurements which are taken so that the time difference between the first and last measurements used for filtering is at least TmeasureFDD/2..

The filtering of CPICH RSCP shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that an already identified inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within NcarrierFDD * TevaluateFDD from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 5 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. For non-identified inter-frequency cells, the filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that inter-frequency cell has become better ranked than the serving cell within 30 s from the moment the inter-frequency cell became at least 5 dB better than the current serving cell provided that Treselection timer is set to zero. The parameter NcarrierFDD is the number of carriers used for FDD cells.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-frequency cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-frequency cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell.

The ranking of the cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in [18]. If FDD cell has been ranked as the best cell and IE cell_selection_and_reselection-quality_measure is set to CPICH Ec/No, then UE shall perform a second ranking of the FDD cells using CPICH Ec/Io as the measurement quantity, before performing cell re-selection. Measurement of inter-RAT GSM cells 3.84 Mcps option

The requirements in this subclause shall apply if the UE uses the cell ranking algorithm for inter-RAT cell reselection [18].

The UE shall measure the signal level of the GSM BCCH carrier of each GSM neighbour cell indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, according to the measurement rules defined in [18], at least every TmeasureGSM (see table 4.1). The UE shall maintain a running average of 4 measurements for each cell. The measurement samples for each cell shall be as far as possible uniformly distributed over the averaging period.

If GSM measurements are required by the measurement rules in [18], The UE shall attempt to verify the BSIC at least every 30 seconds for each of the 4 strongest GSM BCCH carriers and rank the verified GSM BCCH cells according to the cell re-selection criteria in [18]. If a change of BSIC is detected for one GSM cell then that GSM BCCH carrier shall be treated as a new GSM neighbour cell.

If the UE detects a BSIC, which is not indicated in the measurement control system information, the UE shall not consider that GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection. The UE also shall not consider the GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection, if the UE can not demodulate the BSIC of that GSM BCCH carrier.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-RAT GSM cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-RAT GSM cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. 1.28 Mcps option

The requirements in this subclause shall apply if the UE uses the cell ranking algorithm for inter-RAT cell reselection [18].

The UE shall measure the signal level of the GSM BCCH carrier of each GSM neighbour cell indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, according to the measurement rules defined in [18], at least every TmeasureGSM (see table 4.1A). The UE shall maintain a running average of 4 measurements for each cell. The measurement samples for each cell shall be as far as possible uniformly distributed over the averaging period.

If GSM measurements are required by the measurement rules in [18], the UE shall attempt to verify the BSIC at least every 30 seconds for each of the 4 strongest GSM BCCH carriers and rank the verified GSM BCCH cells according to the cell re-selection criteria in [18]. If a change of BSIC is detected for one GSM cell then that GSM BCCH carrier shall be treated as a new GSM neighbour cell.

If the UE detects a BSIC, which is not indicated in the measurement control system information, the UE shall not consider that GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection. The UE also shall not consider the GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection, if the UE can not demodulate the BSIC of that GSM BCCH carrier.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-RAT GSM cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-RAT GSM cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. 7.68 Mcps option

The requirements in this subclause shall apply if the UE uses the cell ranking algorithm for inter-RAT cell reselection [18].

The UE shall measure the signal level of the GSM BCCH carrier of each GSM neighbour cell indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, according to the measurement rules defined in [18], at least every TmeasureGSM (see table 4.1B). The UE shall maintain a running average of 4 measurements for each cell. The measurement samples for each cell shall be as far as possible uniformly distributed over the averaging period.

If GSM measurements are required by the measurement rules in [18], The UE shall attempt to verify the BSIC at least every 30 seconds for each of the 4 strongest GSM BCCH carriers and rank the verified GSM BCCH cells according to the cell re-selection criteria in [18]. If a change of BSIC is detected for one GSM cell then that GSM BCCH carrier shall be treated as a new GSM neighbour cell.

If the UE detects a BSIC, which is not indicated in the measurement control system information, the UE shall not consider that GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection. The UE also shall not consider the GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection, if the UE can not demodulate the BSIC of that GSM BCCH carrier.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and the inter-RAT GSM cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this inter-RAT GSM cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. Cell reselection based on priority information

The requirements in this subclause shall apply if the UE uses the absolute priorities based algorithm for inter-RAT cell reselection [18].

If SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then

– the UE may not search for, or measure GSM cells if the priority of GSM is lower than the serving cell.

– the UE shall search for and measure GSM cells if the priority of GSM is higher than the serving cell. The minimum rate at which the UE is required to search for and measure such layers may be reduced in this scenario to maintain UE battery life

If SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch then the UE shall measure, according to the measurement rules defined in [18], at least every Tmeasure,GSM (see table 4.1, 4.1A and 4.1B):

– if a detailed neighbour cell list is provided, the signal level of the GSM BCCH carrier of each GSM neighbour cell indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell; or

– if only BCCH carriers are provided, the signal level of the GSM BCCH carriers indicated in the measurement control system information of the serving cell.

Note : If it is concluded that only blacklist, or only whitelist can be used for reselection to GSM then one of these bullets can be deleted.

If SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for GSM BCCH carrier at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2. When higher priority GSM BCCH carriers are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every Tmeasure,GSM, and the UE shall decode the BSIC of the GSM BCCH carrier. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection to continuously verify the BSIC of the GSM BCCH carrier every 30s. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell. If SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch, the rules defined below apply irrespective of the priority of the GSM layer.

The UE shall maintain a running average of 4 measurements for each GSM BCCH carrier. The measurement samples for each cell shall be as far as possible uniformly distributed over the averaging period.

If continuous GSM measurements are required by the measurement rules in [18], the UE shall attempt to verify the BSIC at least every 30 seconds for each of the 4 strongest GSM BCCH carriers. If a change of BSIC is detected for one GSM cell then that GSM BCCH carrier shall be treated as a new GSM neighbour cell. If the UE detects on a BCCH carrier a BSIC which is indicated as not allowed for that carrier in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, the UE is not required to perform BSIC re-confirmation for that cell.

The UE shall not consider the GSM BCCH carrier in cell reselection, if the UE cannot demodulate the BSIC of that GSM BCCH carrier. Additionally, the UE shall not consider a GSM neighbour cell in cell reselection, if it is indicated as not allowed in the measurement control system information of the serving cell. Measurements of inter-RAT E-UTRA cells

The UE shall be able to identify new E-UTRA cells and perform RSRP measurements of identified E-UTRA cells if carrier frequency information is provided by the serving cell, even if no explicit neighbour list with physical layer cell identities is provided.

If SrxlevServingCell > Sprioritysearch then the UE shall search for and measure E-UTRA layers of higher priority at least every Thigher_priority_search where Thigher_priority_search is described in section 4.2.2.. The minimum rate at which the UE is required to search for and measure such layers may be reduced in this scenario to maintain UE battery life.

If SrxlevServingCell <= Sprioritysearch , then the UE shall search for and measure E-UTRA frequency layers of higher or lower priority in preparation for possible reselection. In this scenario, the minimum rate at which the UE is required to search for and measure higher priority layers is not reduced and shall be the same as that defined below for a lower priority layers.

The UE shall be able to evaluate whether a new detectable lower priority inter-RAT E-UTRA cell meets the reselection criteria defined in [18] within Kcarrier * TdetectE-UTRA, where TdetectE-UTRA is given in Table 4.2 or 4.2A or 4.2B if at least E-UTRA carrier frequency information is provided in the inter-RAT measurement control system information when Treselection = 0 provided that the reselection criteria is met by a margin of at least 6dB. The parameter Kcarrier is the number of E-UTRA carrier frequencies indicated in the inter-RAT measurement control system information. An inter-RAT E-UTRAN cell is considered to be detectable if:

– RSRP|dBm and RSRP Ês/Iot, according to Annex B.1.1 for a corresponding Band

– SCH_RP and SCH Ês/Iot, according to Annex B.1.1 for a corresponding Band

The UE shall measure RSRP at least every Kcarrier * Tmeasure,EUTRA_as defined in table 4.2 or 4.2A or 4.2B for identified E-UTRA cells.

When higher priority cells are found by the higher priority search, they shall be measured at least every TmeasureE-UTRA. If, after detecting a cell in a higher priority search, it is determined that reselection has not occurred then the UE is not required to continuously measure the detected cell to evaluate the ongoing possibility of reselection. However, the minimum measurement filtering requirements specified later in this section shall still be met by the UE before it makes any determination that it may stop measuring the cell.

If the UE detects on a E-UTRA carrier a cell whose physical identity is indicated as not allowed for that carrier in the measurement control system information of the serving cell, the UE is not required to perform measurements on that cell.

The UE shall filter RSRP measurements of each measured E-UTRA cell using at least 2 measurements. Within the set of measurements used for the filtering, at least two measurements shall be spaced by at least (Kcarrier * Tmeasure,EUTRA)/2.

RSRP measurements of E-UTRA cells shall not be filtered over a longer period than that specified in Table 4.2 or 4.2A or 4.2B.

The UE shall not consider an E-UTRA neighbour cell in cell reselection, if it is indicated as not allowed in the measurement control system information of the serving cell.

For an inter-RAT E-UTRA cell that has been already detected, but that has not been reselected to, The filtering shall be such that the UE shall be capable of evaluating that the EUTRAN cell has met reselection criterion defined in [25] within Kcarrier *TevaluateEUTRA as specified in table 4.2 or 4.2A or 4.2B provided that the reselection criteria is met by a margin of at least 6dB when Treselection = 0.

If Treselection timer has a non zero value and an E-UTRA cell is better ranked than the serving cell, the UE shall evaluate this E-UTRA cell for the Treselection time. If this cell remains better ranked within this duration, then the UE shall reselect that cell. Evaluation of cell reselection criteria 3.84 Mcps option

The UE shall evaluate the cell re-selection criteria defined in [18] for the cells, which have new measurement results available, at least once every DRX cycle.

UE shall perform cell reselection immediately after the UE has found a better ranked suitable cell unless less than 1 second has elapsed from the moment the UE started camping on the current serving cell.

The ranking of the cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in TS25.304. 1.28 Mcps option

The UE shall evaluate the cell re-selection criteria defined in [18] for the cells, which have new measurement results available, at least every DRX cycle.

Cell reselection shall take place immediately after the UE has found a better ranked suitable cell unless the UE has made cell reselection within the last 1 second.

The ranking of the cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in TS25.304. 7.68 Mcps option

The UE shall evaluate the cell re-selection criteria defined in [18] for the cells, which have new measurement results available, at least once every DRX cycle.

UE shall perform cell reselection immediately after the UE has found a better ranked suitable cell unless less than 1 second has elapsed from the moment the UE started camping on the current serving cell.

The ranking of the cells shall be made according to the cell reselection criteria specified in TS25.304. Maximum interruption time in paging reception 3.84 Mcps option

UE shall perform the cell re-selection with minimum interruption in monitoring downlink channels for paging reception.

At intra-frequency cell re-selection, the UE shall monitor the downlink of current serving cell for paging reception until the UE is capable to start monitoring downlink channels of the target intra-frequency cell for paging reception. The interruption time shall not exceed 50 ms.

At inter-frequency and inter-RAT cell re-selection, the UE shall monitor the downlink of current serving cell for paging reception until the UE is capable to start monitoring downlink channels for paging reception of the target inter-frequency cell. For inter-frequency cell re-selection, the interruption time shall not exceed TSI + 50 ms. For inter-RAT cell re-selection the interruption time shall not exceed TBCCH + 50 ms for GSM or TSI EUTRA + [50ms] for E-UTRA.

TSI is the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in [16] for a UTRAN cell.

TBCCH is the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from a GSM cell as defined in [21].

TSI-EUTRA is the maximum time allowed to read system information from an E-UTRA cell [24].

These requirements assume sufficient radio conditions, so that decoding of system information can be made without errors errors and does not take into account cell re-selection failure.

Table 4.1: TmeasureTDD, TevaluateTDD, TmeasureNTDD, TevaluateNTDD, TmeasureFDD, TevaluateFDD and TmeasureGSM

DRX cycle length [s]

Nserv (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureNTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateNTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureFDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateFDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureGSM [s] (number of DRX cycles)



0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)



0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

2.56 (16)



1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

5.12 (16)



1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

5.12 (8)



1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

6.4 (5)



2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

7.68 (3)



5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

10.24 (2)

Table 4.2: TdetectE-UTRA, TmeasureE-UTRA and TevaluateEUTRA

DRX cycle length [s]

TdetectE-UTRA [s]

TmeasureE-UTRA [s]

(number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateEUTRA [s] (number of DRX cycles)



2.56 (32)

7.68 (96)


2.56 (16)

7.68 (48)


5.12 (16)

15.36 (48)


5.12 (8)

15.36 (24)


6.4 (5)

19.2 (15)



7.68 (3)

23.04 (9)


10.24 (2)

30.72 (6)

In idle mode, UE shall support DRX cycles lengths 0.64, 1.28, 2.56 and 5.12 s, according to [16]. 1.28 Mcps option

UE shall perform the cell re-selection with minimum interruption in monitoring downlink channels for paging reception.

At intra-frequency cell re-selection, the UE shall monitor the downlink of current serving cell for paging reception until the UE is capable to start monitoring downlink channels of the target intra-frequency cell for paging reception. The interruption time shall not exceed 50 ms.

At inter-frequency and inter-RAT cell re-selection, the UE shall monitor the downlink of current serving cell for paging reception until the UE is capable to start monitoring downlink channels for paging reception of the target inter-frequency cell. For inter-frequency cell re-selection he interruption time must not exceed TSI + 50 ms. For inter-Rat cell re-selection the interruption time must not exceed TBCCH+50 ms for GSM or TSI EUTRA + [50ms] for E-UTRA.

TSI is the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in [16] for a UTRAN cell.

TBCCH is the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from a GSM cell [21].

TSI-EUTRA is the maximum time allowed to read system information from an E-UTRA cell [24].

These requirements assume sufficient radio conditions, so that decoding of system information can be made without errors and does not take into account cell re-selection failure.

Table 4.1A: TmeasureNTDD, TevaluateNTDD, TmeasureTDD, TevaluateTDD, TmeasureFDD, TevaluateFDD and TmeasureGSM

DRX cycle length [s]

Nserv (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureNTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateNTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureFDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateFDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureGSM [s] (number of DRX cycles)



0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

0.64 (8

DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)



0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

2.56 (16)



1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

5.12 (16)



1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

5.12 (8)



1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

6.4 (5)



2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

7.68 (3)



5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

10.24 (2)

Table 4.2A: TdetectE-UTRA, TmeasureE-UTRA and TevaluateEUTRA

DRX cycle length [s]

TdetectE-UTRA [s]

TmeasureE-UTRA [s]

(number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateEUTRA [s] (number of DRX cycles)



2.56 (32)

7.68 (96)


2.56 (16)

7.68 (48)


5.12 (16)

15.36 (48)


5.12 (8)

15.36 (24)


6.4 (5)

19.2 (15)



7.68 (3)

23.04 (9)


10.24 (2)

30.72 (6)

In idle mode, UE shall support DRX cycles lengths 0.64, 1.28, 2.56 and 5.12 s. 7.68 Mcps option

UE shall perform the cell re-selection with minimum interruption in monitoring downlink channels for paging reception.

At intra-frequency cell re-selection, the UE shall monitor the downlink of current serving cell for paging reception until the UE is capable to start monitoring downlink channels of the target intra-frequency cell for paging reception. The interruption time shall not exceed 50 ms.

At inter-frequency and inter-RAT cell re-selection, the UE shall monitor the downlink of current serving cell for paging reception until the UE is capable to start monitoring downlink channels for paging reception of the target inter-frequency cell. For inter-frequency cell re-selection, the interruption time shall not exceed TSI + 50 ms. For inter-RAT cell re-selection the interruption time shall not exceed TBCCH + 50 ms for GSM or TSI EUTRA + [50ms] for E-UTRA.

TSI is the time required for receiving all the relevant system information data according to the reception procedure and the RRC procedure delay of system information blocks defined in [16] for a UTRAN cell.

TBCCH is the maximum time allowed to read BCCH data from a GSM cell as defined in [21].

TSI-EUTRA is the maximum time allowed to read system information from an E-UTRA cell [24].

These requirements assume sufficient radio conditions, so that decoding of system information can be made without errors and does not take into account cell re-selection failure.

Table 4.1B: TmeasureTDD, TevaluateTDD, TmeasureNTDD, TevaluateNTDD, TmeasureFDD, TevaluateFDD and TmeasureGSM

DRX cycle length [s]

Nserv (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureNTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateNTDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureFDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateFDD [s] (number of DRX cycles)

TmeasureGSM [s] (number of DRX cycles)



0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

0.64 (8 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)

2.56 (32 DRX cycles)



0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

0.64 (4)

2.56 (16)

2.56 (16)



1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

1.28 (4)

5.12 (16)

5.12 (16)



1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

1.28 (2)

5.12 (8)

5.12 (8)



1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

1.28 (1)

6.4 (5)

6.4 (5)



2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

2.56 (1)

7.68 (3)

7.68 (3)



5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

5.12 (1)

10.24 (2)

10.24 (2)

Table 4.2B: TmeasureE-UTRA and TevaluateEUTRA

DRX cycle length [s]

TdetectE-UTRA [s]

TmeasureE-UTRA [s]

(number of DRX cycles)

TevaluateEUTRA [s] (number of DRX cycles)



2.56 (32)

7.68 (96)


2.56 (16)

7.68 (48)


5.12 (16)

15.36 (48)


5.12 (8)

15.36 (24)


6.4 (5)

19.2 (15)



7.68 (3)

23.04 (9)


10.24 (2)

30.72 (6)

In idle mode, UE shall support DRX cycles lengths 0.64, 1.28, 2.56 and 5.12 s, according to [16]. Number of cells in cell lists 3.84 Mcps option

For idle mode cell re-selection purposes, the UE shall be capable of monitoring:

– 32 intra-frequency cells (including serving cell), and

– 32 inter-frequency cells, including

– TDD mode cells on maximum 2 additional TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, FDD mode cells, distributed on up to 3 FDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, 32 inter RAT GSM cells,

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA FDD carriers

as indicated in cell information lists sent in system information (BCCH).

For a UE supporting E-UTRA measurements in RRC_IDLE state, the UE shall be capable of monitoring a minimum total of at least 8 carrier frequency layers, including the intrafrequency serving layer and comprising of any allowed combination of E-UTRA FDD, E-UTRA TDD, UTRA FDD, UTRA TDD and GSM layers (one GSM layer corresponds to 32 cells). 1.28 Mcps option

For idle mode cell re-selection purposes, the UE shall be capable of monitoring:

– 32 intra-frequency cells (including serving cell), and

– 32 inter-frequency cells, including

– TDD mode cells on up to minimum 8 additional TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, FDD mode cells distributed on up to 3 FDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, 32 GSM cells distributed on up to 32 GSM carriers,

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA FDD carriers

as indicated in cell information lists sent in system information (BCCH).

For a UE supporting E-UTRA measurements in RRC_IDLE state, the UE shall be capable of monitoring a minimum total of at least [10] carrier frequency layers, including the intrafrequency serving layer and comprising of any allowed combination of E-UTRA FDD, E-UTRA TDD, UTRA FDD, UTRA TDD and GSM layers (one GSM layer corresponds to 32 cells). 7.68 Mcps option

For idle mode cell re-selection purposes, the UE shall be capable of monitoring:

– 32 intra-frequency cells (including serving cell), and

– 32 inter-frequency cells, including

– TDD mode cells on maximum 2 additional TDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, FDD mode cells, distributed on up to 3 FDD carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, 32 inter RAT GSM cells,

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA carriers, and

– Depending on UE capability, up to 4 E-UTRA FDD carriers

as indicated in cell information lists sent in system information (BCCH).

For a UE supporting E-UTRA measurements in RRC_IDLE state, the UE shall be capable of monitoring a minimum total of at least 8 carrier frequency layers, including the intrafrequency serving layer and comprising of any allowed combination of E-UTRA FDD, E-UTRA TDD, UTRA FDD, UTRA TDD and GSM layers (one GSM layer corresponds to 32 cells). Additional requirements for inter-frequency measurements when MBMS reception is active 3.84 Mcps option

For MBMS capable UE, when MBMS reception is active the following requirements shall apply:

If the UE is required to perform inter-frequency measurements as indicated by the cell reselection measurement rules in 25.304, the UE shall ensure that it switches back to its serving cell frequency in time to perform demodulation of MTCH signals. (void) 7.68 Mcps option

For MBMS capable UE, when MBMS reception is active the following requirements shall apply:

If the UE is required to perform inter-frequency measurements as indicated by the cell reselection measurement rules in 25.304, the UE shall ensure that it switches back to its serving cell frequency in time to perform demodulation of MTCH signals.

4.3 MBSFN cluster selection for carriers dedicated to MBSFN

4.3.1 Introduction

UEs supporting MBSFN services may search for and select an appropriate MBSFN cluster according to [18]. No test requirements are specified.

4.4 MBSFN cluster reselection for carriers dedicated to MBSFN

4.4.1 Introduction

UEs supporting MBSFN services employ MBSFN cluster reselection procedures in order to identify and select a more suitable MBSFN cluster on which to camp on (and to possibly receive service from) according to [18]. No test requirements are specified.

4.5 Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT)

4.5.1 1.28 Mcps option

UE supporting minimisation of drive tests shall be capable of [16]:

– logging measurements RRC_IDLE, CELL_PCH, and URA_PCH states, reporting the logged measurements and meeting requirements in Clause 4.5.

– logging of RRC connection establishment failure, reporting the logged failure and meeting requirements in Clause 4.5. Introduction

The logged MDT requirements consist of measurement requirements as specified in section and relative time stamp accuracy requirements as specified in section Both sets of requirements are applicable for intra-frequency, inter-frequency and inter-RAT cases in idle, CELL_PCH and URA_PCH states. The MDT procedures are described in [27].

For RRC connection establishment failure logging and reporting, the MDT requirements consist of requirements for measurements performed and logged in IDLE, CELL_PCH, and URA_PCH states specified in Section 4.5.2 and relative time stamp accuracy requirement for RRC connection establishment failure log reporting as specified in Section 4.5.4.

4.5.2 Measurements

The requirements specified in this clause apply for the measurements (both RSRP and RSRQ for EUTRA, both RSCP and Ec/No for UTRA, P-CCPCH RSCP for UTRA 1.28 TDD, and Rxlev for GERAN) performed and logged by the UE for MDT in IDLE, CELL_PCH and URA_PCH states. The requirements apply for the measurements included in logged MDT reports and RRC connection establishment failure reports. Requirements

The measurement values that are used to meet serving cell and reselection requirements as specified in sections,,, and shall also apply to the values logged for MDT measurements in idle state.

The measurement values that are used to meet serving cell and reselection requirements as specified in section 5.6 shall also apply to the values logged for MDT measurements in CELL_PCH state.

The measurement values that are used to meet serving cell and reselectionrequirements as specified in section 5.7 shall also apply for the values logged for MDT measurements in URA_PCH state.

4.5.3 Relative Time Stamp Accuracy

The relative time stamp for a logged measurement is defined as the time from the moment the MDT configuration was received at the UE until the measurement was logged, see [16]. Requirements

The accuracy of the relative time stamping is such that the drift of the time stamping shall be not more than ±2 seconds per hour.

4.5.4 Relative Time Stamp Accuracy for RRC Connection Establishment Failure Log Reporting

Relative time stamp for RRC connection establishment failure log reporting is defined as the time elapsed from the last RRC connection establishment failure to the time when the log is included in the report [16]. The UE shall report the RRC connection establishment failure log, while meeting the accuracy requirement specified in Section Requirements

The accuracy of the relative time stamping for RRC connection establishment failure log reporting is such that the drift of the time stamping shall not be larger than ±0.72seconds per hour and ±10 seconds over 48 hours. The relative time stamp accuracy requirements shall apply, provided that:

– no switch off or detach occurs after the RRC connection establishment failure had been detected and until the log is time-stamped.

NOTE: This requirement does not need to be tested.