C.6 Charge Advice Information (CAI)

24.6473GPPAdvice Of Charge (AOC) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemRelease 17TS

C.6.1 General

The network may provide the necessary Charge Advice Information (CAI) at the charging point on a per call basis. The UE may support CAI and may use it to compute the AOC value for the relevant call.

The CAI shall contain the elements as defined in 3GPP TS 22.024 [11].

C.6.2 CAI items

C.6.2.1 General

CAI elements are mapped to the AOC information as described in 3GPP TS 32.280 [10].

C.6.2.2 Initial cost

It shall be expressed as:

– e4 – Unit increment defines the number of units to be incremented on receipt of the message containing the CAI elements and shall be mapped to the "Currency amount" element (see subclause C.5.5); and

– e7 – Initial secs/t interval defines the initial time interval for unitization and shall be expressed as "Length of time unit" element (see subclause C.5.6); and

– e3 – Scaling Factor defines the scaling factor to convert from LPLMN units to HPLMN units and shall be mapped to the "Scale" element (see subclause C.5.3).

C.6.2.3 Time related

It shall be expressed as:

– e1 – Units per interval defines the number of units incremented per interval and shall be mapped to the "Currency amount" element (see subclause C.5.5); and

– e2 – Seconds/time interval defines the time interval for unitization and shall be mapped to the "Length of time unit" element (see subclause C.5.6); and

– e3 – Scaling Factor defines the scaling factor to convert from LPLMN units to HPLMN units and shall be mapped to the "Scale" element (see subclause C.5.3).

C.6.2.4 Volume related

It shall be expressed as:

– e5 – Units per data interval is used for volume related AOC information and shall be mapped to the "Currency amount" element (see subclause C.5.5); and

– e6 – Segments/data interval is used for volume related AOC information and shall be mapped to the "Length of time unit" element (see subclause C.5.6); and

– e3 – Scaling Factor defines the scaling factor to convert from LPLMN units to HPLMN units and shall be mapped to the "Scale" element (see subclause C.5.3).

Annex D (normative):
AOC XML Schema, version 1.0: