A.2 User originating AOC service

24.6473GPPAdvice Of Charge (AOC) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemRelease 17TS

A.2.1 AOC-S

A.2.1.1 AOC-S with AOC information in reliable 1xx responses

Figure A.2.1.1: Charging info during session set-up (originating side)

Figure A.2.1.1 shows one ordering of the messages. Message 3 and message 9 can be sent at the same moment.


The AOC information is provided for every communication. This is provisioned in the AS. The AOC information is sent to UE-A in a 183 (Session Progress) response.

Call flows

1 to 5 and 1 to 2 The communication is initiated by UE-A by sending an INVITE request. The Request URI will include the URI of UE-B. After IFC evaluation in the S-CSCF the INVITE request is routed to the Originating AS. The INVITE request will indicate support for 100rel extension.

3 to 8 The Originating AS sends the AOC information to UE-A in a reliable 183 (Session Progress) response.

9 to 11 The INVITE request is sent to UE-B.

12 to 16 The UE-B answers the communication. The 200 (OK) response is generated by UE-B.

A.2.1.2 AOC-S with AOC information in a 200 (OK) response

Figure A.2.1.2: Charging info in 200 (OK) response during session set-up (originating side)

Figure A.2.1.2 shows one ordering of the messages.


The AOC information is provided for every call. This is provisioned in the AS. The AOC information is sent to UE-A in 200 (OK) response (to INVITE request) after receiving a 200 (OK) response (to the INVITE request) from UE-B.

Call flows

1-5 The call is initiated by UE-A by sending an INVITE request. The Request URI will include the URI of UE-B. The INVITE request is routed via the Originating AS to UE-B.

6-10 UE-B answers the call. The 200 (OK) response is generated by UE-B. The Originating AS sends the AOC information to UE-A in this 200 (OK) response.

11-15 UE-A sends an ACK request to UE-B and the session is established.

A.2.1.3 AOC-S with AOC information in INFO messages

Figure A.2.1.3: Charging info during the communication

This can be a continuation of figures A.2.1.1 or A.2.1.2.


The AOC information is provided to the UE in the content body of a mid-dialog request forwarded by the AS or an INFO request generated by the AS, if the charging rates change during the communication.

Call flow

1-4. When the charging rate changes, an INFO request is sent from the Originating AS to UE-A. The AOC information is included in the INFO request.

A.2.2 AOC-D

Figure A.2.2.1: Charging info during the communication

This can be a continuation of figures A.2.1.1 or A.2.1.2.


The AOC information is provided to the UE in the content body of a mid-dialog request or mid-dialog response forwarded by the originating AS, or an INFO message generated by the originating AS. The charging information indicates a cumulative charge incurred so far for the communication.

Call flow

1-4 In order to send an update on the cumulative charge incurred so far, an INFO request is sent from the Originating AS to UE-A. The AOC information is included in the INFO request.

A.2.3 AOC-E

Calling party clears

Figure A.2.3.1: Calling party clears

The AOC information is provided for every communication after the communication has finished. This is provisioned in the AS. The AOC information is sent to the terminal in a 200 (OK) response (to the BYE request), which is originated from UE-B.

Call Flow

The communication has been set up as a normal communication.

1-5 UE-A generates a BYE request to terminate the session, which is routed to UE-B.

6-10 UE-B sends a 200 (OK) response (to BYE request) towards UE-A. When the Originating AS receives the 200 (OK) response, it adds the AOC information to the 200 (OK) response (to the BYE request).

Called party clears

Figure A.2.3.2: Called party clears

The AOC information is provided for every communication after the communication has finished. This is provisioned in the AS. The charging info is sent to the terminal in a BYE request, which is originated from UE-B.

Call Flow

The communication has been set-up as a normal communication.

1-5 UE-B generates a BYE request to terminate the session, which is routed to the UE-A. When the Originating AS receives the BYE request, it adds the AOC information to the BYE request.

6-.10 UE-A sends a 200 (OK) response (to the BYE request) towards UE-B.