2 References
24.5873GPPRelease 18Stage 3TSVehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services in 5G System (5GS)
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
– References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non‑specific.
– For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
– For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
[2] 3GPP TS 23.122: "Non-Access-Stratum (NAS) functions related to Mobile Station (MS) in idle mode".
[3] 3GPP TS 23.287: "Architecture enhancements for 5G System (5GS) to support Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services".
[4] 3GPP TS 23.502: "Procedures for the 5G System (5GS); Stage 2".
[5] 3GPP TS 24.386 "User Equipment (UE) to V2X control function; protocol aspects; Stage 3".
[6] 3GPP TS 24.501: "Access-Stratum (NAS) protocol for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3".
[7] 3GPP TS 24.588: "Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services in 5G System (5GS); User Equipment (UE) policies; Stage 3".
[8] 3GPP TS 38.300: "NR; NR and NG-RAN Overall Description; Stage 2".
[9] 3GPP TS 38.304: "User Equipment (UE) procedures in Idle mode and RRC Inactive state".
[10] 3GPP TS 38.323: "NR; Packet Data Convergence Protocol (PDCP) specification".
[11] 3GPP TS 38.331: "NR; Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification".
[12] ETSI EN 302 636-3 v1.2.1: "Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Vehicular Communications; GeoNetworking; Part 3: Network Architecture".
[13] IEEE 1609.3 2016: "IEEE Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) — Networking Services".
[14] IETF RFC 768: "User Datagram Protocol".
[15] IETF RFC 4291: "IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture".
[16] IETF RFC 4862: "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)".
[17] ISO 29281-1:2018: "Intelligent transport systems — Communication access for land mobiles (CALM) — Non-IP networking — Part 1: Fast networking & transport layer protocol (FNTP)".
[18] ISO TS 17419 ITS-AID AssignedNumbers: http://standards.iso.org/iso/ts/17419/TS17419%20Assigned%20Numbers/TS17419_ITS-AID_AssignedNumbers.pdf
[20] 3GPP TS 33.536: "Security aspects of 3GPP support for advanced Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services".
[21] 3GPP TS 33.501: "Security architecture and procedures for 5G system".
[22] 3GPP TS 24.526: "User Equipment (UE) policies for 5G System (5GS); Stage 3".
[23] ISO/IEC 10118-3:2018: "IT Security techniques – Hash-functions – Part 3: Dedicated hash-functions".
[24] CCSA YD/T 3707-2020: "Technical requirements of network layer of LTE-based vehicular communication".
[25] IETF RFC 793: "Transmission Control Protocol."
[26] 3GPP TS 24.007: "Mobile radio interface signalling layer 3; General aspects".
[27] 3GPP TS 24.554: "Proximity-services (ProSe) in 5G System (5GS) protocol aspects; Stage 3".