4 General

24.5823GPPMission Critical Data (MCData) media plane controlProtocol specificationRelease 17TS

4.1 Overview

4.1.1 Short data service

The media plane control procedures, both for one-to-one and group short data services, take place for on-network only, when standalone short data is sent using media plane or when the short data is sent after an SDS session is established. In both cases the media plane is established as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

The media plane uses the MSRP protocol as specified in RFC 4975 [11], RFC 4976 [14], RFC 6135 [12], and RFC 6714 [13].

In a standalone SDS using media plane, a single SDS message is sent by the originating MCData client as specified in this document. The procedure is terminated as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

When an SDS session is established any MCData client with appropriate permissions, which participates this SDS session, can initiate the transmission of and SDS message until the termination of the SDS session. The termination of an SDS session is specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

An SDS message sent using media plane is carried in the body of an MSRP SEND request. The media control parameters and the data of an SDS message are carried in separate bodies in the same MSRP SEND request.

The Conversation ID,the Message ID, the optional InReplyTo message ID, the optional SDS disposition request type and the optional Application identifier are communicated by the MCData client which sends the SDS message in the media control part of the body in the MSRP SEND request. The data is carried in a separate body of the MSRP SEND request.

For standalone SDS using media plane, the disposition notification is communicated as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

For SDS during an SDS session the disposition notification is communicated using the procuderes specified in the current document until the SDS session is terminated. After the termination of the SDS session the disposition notification, if any, is communicated as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

4.1.2 File distribution

The media plane control procedures, both for one-to-one and group file distribution using media plane, take place for on-network only. The media plane for FD is established as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

The media plane uses the MSRP protocol as specified in RFC 4975 [11], RFC 4976 [14], RFC 6135 [12], and RFC 6714 [13].

A file is sent using media plane by the originating MCData client as specified in this document. The procedure is terminated as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

The Conversation ID , the Message ID, the optional InReplyTo message ID, the optional FD disposition request type, the optional Application ID, the optional Mandatory download and the optional Metadata are communicated by the MCData client which sends the file using the procedures specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8] while establishing the media plane.

The file is carried in the body of the MSRP SEND request as specified in this document.

The disposition notification is communicated as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

4.1.3 Void

4.1.4 IP Connectivity

The media plane control procedures for one-to-one IP Connectivity service using media plane, take place for on-network only. The media plane for IP Connectivity is established and terminated as specified in 3GPP TS 24.282 [8].

The media plane uses the IP protocol as specified in RFC 791 [21] and RFC 8200 [22].

The IP Connectivity media plane is established by the originating MCData client as specified in this document.

IP Connectivity provides a media plane for exchange of any kind of IP data between IP applications. Once the media plane is established along with IP Connectivity the IP applications can exchange IP data.

NOTE IP Connectivity specified in the current document is not compatible with release 16.

4.2 Other considerations

When an SDS message is sent using media plane, the body included in the MSRP SEND request, which carries media control information or which carries notification information, is protected between each entity separately if protection is applied. On the other hand the body included in the MSRP SEND request which carries the data is end to end protected. The procedures for the protection of the media control information or notification or of the data are specified in this document.

When a file is is sent using media plane, the file or file portion, included in the body of the MSRP SEND request, is end to end protected. The procedure for the protection of the file is specified in this document.