G.8 MCPTT imminent peril group call state

24.3793GPPMission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) call controlProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

Table G.8-1 provides the semantics of the MCPTT imminent peril group call (MIGC) state values. This internal state of the MCPTT client and is managed by the MCPTT client. These states aid in the managing of the information elements of MCPTT imminent peril group calls and their cancellations.

Table G.8-1: MCPTT imminent peril group call state

MCPTT imminent peril group call state values



MIGC 1: imminent peril-gc-capable

MCPTT client imminent peril-capable client is not currently in an MCPTT imminent peril group call that it has originated, nor is it in the process of initiating one.

In this state, the MCPTT imminent peril group state will be set to either "MIG 1: no-imminent-peril" or "MIG 2 in-progress" state.

MIGC 2: imminent peril-call-requested

MCPTT client has initiated an MCPTT imminent peril group call request.

In this state, the MCPTT imminent peril group state will be set to "MIG 4: confirm-pending" if not already in the "MIG 2 in-progress" state.

MIGC 3: imminent peril-call-granted

MCPTT client has received an MCPTT imminent peril group call grant.

In this state, the MCPTT imminent peril group state will be set to "MIG2 in-progress".