G.1 MCPTT emergency state

24.3793GPPMission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) call controlProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

The MCPTT emergency state is managed by the MCPTT client and MCPTT user. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G-1.1.

Table G.1-1: MCPTT emergency state

MCPTT emergency state

State-setting events

State-clearing events



"set": MCPTT user is in a life-threatening situation

"clear": MCPTT user is not in a life-threatening situation

Managed by:

MCPTT client and MCPTT user

MCPTT emergency alert initiated

MCPTT emergency group call initiated

MCPTT emergency private call initiated

MCPTT emergency alert cancelled (by initiator)

MCPTT emergency alert cancelled (by authorised-user)

MCPTT emergency call cancelled by initiator (if there is no outstanding MCPTT emergency alert)

MCPTT user manually clears the state

While the MCPTT client is in the MCPTT emergency state, all group calls it makes will be MCPTT emergency group calls, providing the group is authorised for MCPTT emergency group calls.

While in an emergency group call while in the MCPTT emergency state, the MCPTT user is an "emergency talker" and will have pre-emptive priority over non-emergency talkers in the emergency group call.