5.9 IARP

24.3123GPPAccess Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) Management Object (MO)Release 17TS


The IARP node acts as a placeholder for policies for IARP.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.2 ANDSF/IARP/<X>

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more IARP rules.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

An IARP rule can contain one or more of the following node: ForInterAPNRouting or ForNonSeamlessOffload.

5.9.3 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting

The ForInterAPNRouting node represents flow distribution container indicating data distribution among APNs based on flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.4 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.5 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow

The IP Flow node indicates the flow description for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

If the flow distribution rule contains more than one instance of the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X> node (i.e. flow description), the UE shall consider the flow distribution rule if at least one of the flow descriptions as described in subclause 5.9.6 matches the traffic.

5.9.6 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more flow description.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

If the flow description is defined with more than one interior node or leaf (i.e. App-ID, AddressType, etc.) within a single instance of the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X> node, then UE shall consider the flow description matching the traffic only if all the present interior nodes and leaf values match the traffic.

5.9.7 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/App-ID

This interior node acts as a placeholder for an IPFlow identification based on an applicationID.

An IP flow is evaluated as matching if the IP flow matches at least one child node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

The absence of this node indicates that the application identifier is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

5.9.8 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more combinations of OSId and OSAppId values.

An IP flow is evaluated as matching if the IP flow is sent by an application:

– which uses services provided by an OS identified by the OS system identifier in the OSId leaf contained in this interior node; and

– associated with an OS specific application identifier in one of the OSAppId leaves contained in the OSApps interior node.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.9 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The OSId leaf indicates an operating system identifier.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <operating system identifier>

The format of the operating system identifier is a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) as specified in IETF RFC 4122 [22].

5.9.10 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for the list of OS specific application identifiers.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <N/A>

5.9.11 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for an OS specific application identifiers.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <N/A>

5.9.12 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The OSAppId leaf indicates an OS specific application identifier.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <OS specific application identifier>

Further definition of the format of the OS specific application identifier is beyond the scope of this specification.

5.9.13 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The AddressType leaf indicates the IP version of the addresses describing the IP flow.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: ‘IPv4’, ‘IPv6’

The absence of this leaf indicates that the IP flow described by the rule can have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This field is mandatory if StartSourceIPaddress leaf is present.

5.9.14 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The StartSourceIPaddress leaf indicates the first IP source address of the IP address range of the IP flow description. The source address refers to the IP address of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <an IPv4 address>, <an IPv6 address>.

The value of this leaf is an IPv4 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv4. The value of this leaf is an IPv6 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv6. If this leaf represents the first value of an IP source address range, the values of this leaf and the corresponding ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/EndSourceIPaddress leaf are set so that the IP address range can be represented in prefix notation.

EXAMPLE: IPv4 address range – is equal to in prefix notation, and IPv6 address range 2001:db8::/128 – 2001:db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128 equals 2001:db8::/32 in prefix notation.

The absence of this leaf indicates that source address field of the IP header is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a StartSourceIPaddress leaf without a correspondent AddressType leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

When applying the rule to uplink traffic, the UE matches the addresses contained in the range between StartSourceIPaddress and EndSourceIPaddress against destination IP address field of the uplink traffic packets.

5.9.15 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The EndSourceIPaddress leaf indicates the last IP source address of the IP source address range of the IP flow description. The source address refers to the IP address of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <an IPv4 address>, <an IPv6 address>.

This leaf can be present only if the leaf ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourceIPaddress is present. The absence of this leaf indicates that the IP source address range of the IP flow described by the rule is equal to the address contained in ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourceIPaddress. When representing the IP source address range with more than one IP address, the values of this leaf and the corresponding ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourceIPaddress leaf are set as defined in subclause 5.9.14.

The value of this leaf is an IPv4 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv4. The value of this leaf is an IPv6 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv6.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a EndSourceIPaddress leaf without a correspondent StartSourceIPaddress leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.16 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The ProtocolType leaf indicates the protocol type in a flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <Protocol type>

The value of ProtocolType leaf is a value among the internet protocol numbers as defined in IANA Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers [18]. In case of IPv4 flow description, the value contained in this leaf is compared with the value of the last protocol type field. In case of IPv6 flow description, the value contained in this leaf is compared with the value of the last next header field. The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a ProtocolType leaf indicating a protocol type not supported by the UE. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.17 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/ StartSourcePortNumber

The StartSourcePortNumber leaf indicates the first source port number of the source port numbers range of the IP flow description. The source port refers to the source port of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

The absence of this leaf indicates that source port field of the transport protocol header is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

When applying the rule to uplink traffic, the UE matches the port numbers contained in the range between StartSourcePortNumber and EndSourcePortNumber against destination port field of the uplink traffic packets.

5.9.18 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The EndSourcePortNumber leaf indicates the last source port number of the source port numbers range of the IP flow description. The source port refers to the source port of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

This leaf can be present only if the leaf ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourcePortNumber is present. The absence of this leaf indicates that the source port number range of the IP flow described by the rule is equal to the source port number contained in ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourcePortNumber.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a EndSourcePortNumber leaf without a correspondent StartSourcePortNumber leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.18A ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The StartDestPortNumber leaf indicates the first destination port number of the destination port numbers range of the IP flow description. The destination port refers to the destination port of the data packets sent by the corresponding node according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

The absence of this leaf indicates that destination port field of the transport protocol header is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

When applying the rule to uplink traffic, the UE matches the port numbers contained in the range between StartDestPortNumber and EndDestPortNumber against source port field of the uplink traffic packets.

5.9.18B ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The EndDestPortNumber leaf indicates the last destination port number of the destination port numbers range of the IP flow description. The destination port refers to the destination port of the data packets sent by the corresponding node according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

This leaf can be present only if the leaf ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartDestPortNumber is present. The absence of this leaf indicates that the destination port number range of the IP flow described by the rule is equal to the port number contained in ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartDestPortNumber.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a EndDestPortNumber leaf without a correspondent StartDestPortNumber leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.19 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/QoS

The QoS leaf indicates the DS or ToS values parameters in a flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: bin

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 0-63 expressed in a binary form

The DS and ToS values are defined in IETF RFC 3260 [10A].

5.9.20 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The DomainName leaf indicates the destination domain name of the IP Flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <FQDN>

The value of FQDN is Fully Qualified Domain Name (e.g. www.example.com) that was resolved into the destination IP address. The FQDN format is defined in IETF RFC 2181 [19], IETF RFC 1035 [20] and IETF RFC 1123 [21].

The absence of this leaf indicates that the domain name is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

5.9.21 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/APN

The APN leaf indicates the APN of the IP flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <APN>

The APN format is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [3].

If the traffic is for an APN matching the value of this leaf, then this leaf is evaluated as matching.

5.9.22 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria

The RoutingCriteria node acts as a placeholder for validity conditions for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

If at least one instance of ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node indicates matching validity condition, the UE shall consider the corresponding flow distribution rule as valid.

If the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node is present and empty (i.e. none of the nodes ValidityArea, ValidityAreaRef, TimeOfDay, TimeOfDayRef, RANValidityCondition or RANValidityConditionRef exist), the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node is not considered when evaluating the validity of the corresponding flow distribution rule.

5.9.23 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/

This internal node acts as a placeholder for one or more validity conditions for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

The UE shall consider the corresponding flow distribution rule as valid only if all the present interior nodes (ValidityArea, ValidityAreaRef, TimeOfDay, TimeOfDayRef, RANValidityCondition or RANValidityConditionRef) within a single instance of ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node indicate matching validity condition.

5.9.24 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/

The ValidityArea node acts as a placeholder for location conditions for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

This node and its descendants are the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/ValidityArea.

5.9.24A ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/

The ValidityAreaRef leaf contains a reference to a ValidityArea interior node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: < a reference to a ValidityArea interior node >

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/ValidityAreaRef.

5.9.25 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/

The TimeOfDay node acts as a placeholder for day condition for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

This node and its descendants are the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/TimeOfDay.

5.9.25A ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/

The TimeOfDayRef leaf contains a reference to a TimeOfDay interior node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: < a reference to a TimeOfDay interior node >

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/TimeOfDayRef.

5.9.25B1 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/

The RANValidityCondition node acts as a placeholder for RAN validity condition for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

This node and its descendants are the same as defined in ANDSF/ISRP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/RANValidityCondition. except when evaluating the RANValidityCondition node, the following applies:

– if the UE cannot simultaneously route IP traffic to both 3GPP access and WLAN and the UE is applying an IARP rule that contains the RANValidityCondition node, the UE shall consider this RANValidCondition node as matching;

– if the UE is roaming and the UE is applying IARP rules from HPLMN which contain the RANValidityCondition node, the UE shall consider this RANValidCondition node as matching;

– if both the OPI node and ThresholdCondition node are evaluated to be matching, the UE shall consider this RANValidCondition node as matching;

– otherwise the UE shall consider this RANValidCondition node as not matching.

5.9.25B2 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/

The RANValidityConditionRef leaf contains a reference to a RANValidityCondition interior node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: < a reference to a RANValidityCondition interior node >

The reference to a RANValidityCondition interior node is a full device URI as specified in OMA-TS-DM_Protocol-V1_2 [5A], identifying the RANValidityCondition interior node in the UE management tree.

RANValidityConditionRef leaf is considered a match when the referenced RANValidityCondition interior node is considered a match according to the rules described in subclause 5.9.25B1.

5.9.26 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingRule

The RoutingRule node indicates the preferred APN for a flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.27 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingRule/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more prioritized APNs.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.28 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/

The APN leaf indicates the APN for which a particular flow distribution rule is valid.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <APN>

The APN format is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [3].

5.9.29 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RoutingRule/<X>/

The APNPriority leaf represents an APN priority.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <APN priority>

In case more than one valid PrioritizedAPN are available and if the value of the priority belongs to the range 1-250, the UE shall consider the APN with the lowest APNPriority value as the APN having the highest priority, as defined in table The APNPriority value ‘Restricted APN’ (254) indicates an APN that should not be used by the UE. The APNPriority value ‘Forbidden’ (255) indicates an APN that shall not be used by the UE. The same APNPriority value may be used for more than one APN. If more than one APN with the same value of the APNPriority are avilable, the UE selects one of them in an implementation dependant way. If the UE is not able to find an APN according to ANDSF policies, it is implementation dependent how to proceed with APN selection.

Table Values of APNPriority leaf






Priority value




Restricted APN. This APN should be avoided if the current rule is active.


Forbidden. UE is not allowed to use this APN if the current rule is active.

NOTE: It is implementation dependent if or when a restricted access is selected if there are no other accesses available.

5.9.30 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForInterAPNRouting/<X>/RulePriority

The RulePriority leaf represents the priority given to one particular flow distribution rule and is represented as a numerical value.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <Rule priority>

RulePriority leaf is used to establish to which flow description rule a data traffic matching multiple flow distribution rules apply. The data traffic matching multiple flow distribution rules applies to the flow description rule with the highest priority. The UE shall treat the rule with the lowest RulePriority value as the rule having the highest priority. If the UE finds multiple rules with the same priority, the choice of the rule is UE implementation specific. If there are no matching APN according to the rule, other rules with the same priority may be considered. If there are no matching APN according to any rule with a certain priority, rules with lower priority may be considered.

5.9.31 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/

The ForNonSeamlessOffload node represents a flow distribution container indicating data permissible for non-seamless WLAN offload routing based on flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.32 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more flow distribution rules indicating data distribution among accesses based on flow description.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.33 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow

The IPFlow node indicates the flow description for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

An empty IPFlow node indicates the match-all flow description.

If the flow distribution rule contains more than one instance of the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X> node (i.e. flow description), the UE shall consider the flow distribution rule if at least one of the flow descriptions as described in subclause 5.9.37 matches the traffic.

5.9.34 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more flow description.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

If the flow description is defined with more than one interior node or leaf (i.e. App-ID, AddressType, etc.) within a single instance of the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X> node, then UE shall consider the flow description matching the traffic only if all the present interior nodes and leaf values match the traffic.

5.9.35 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for an IPFlow identification based on an applicationID.

An IP flow is evaluated as matching if the IP flow matches at least one child node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

The absence of this leaf indicates that the application identifier is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

5.9.36 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more combinations of OSId and OSAppId values.

An IP flow is evaluated as matching if the IP flow is sent by an application:

– which uses services provided by an OS identified by the OS system identifier in the OSId leaf contained in this interior node; and

– associated with an OS specific application identifier in one of the OSAppId leaves contained in the OSApps interior node.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.37 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The OSId leaf indicates an operating system identifier.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <operating system identifier>

The format of the operating system identifier is a Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) as specified in IETF RFC 4122 [22].

5.9.38 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for the list of OS specific application identifiers.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <N/A>

5.9.39 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for an OS specific application identifiers.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <N/A>

5.9.40 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The OSAppId leaf indicates an OS specific application identifier.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <OS specific application identifier>

Further definition of the format of the OS specific application identifier is beyond the scope of this specification.

5.9.41 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The AddressType leaf indicates the IP version of the addresses describing the IP flow.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: ‘IPv4’, ‘IPv6’

The absence of this leaf indicates that the IP flow described by the rule can have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. This field is mandatory if StartSourceIPaddress leaf is present.

5.9.42 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The StartSourceIPaddress leaf indicates the first IP source address of the IP address range of the IP flow description. The source address refers to the IP address of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <an IPv4 address>, <an IPv6 address>.

The value of this leaf is an IPv4 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv4. The value of this leaf is an IPv6 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv6. If this leaf represents the first value of an IP source address range, the values of this leaf and the corresponding ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload /<X>/IPFlow/<X>/EndSourceIPaddress leaf are set so that the IP address range can be represented in prefix notation.

EXAMPLE: IPv4 address range – is equal to in prefix notation, and IPv6 address range 2001:db8::/128 – 2001:db8:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff/128 equals 2001:db8::/32 in prefix notation.

The absence of this leaf indicates that source address field of the IP header is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a StartSourceIPaddress leaf without a correspondent AddressType leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

When applying the rule to uplink traffic, the UE matches the addresses contained in the range between StartSourceIPaddress and EndSourceIPaddress against destination IP address field of the uplink traffic packets.

5.9.43 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The EndSourceIPaddress leaf indicates the last IP source address of the IP source address range of the IP flow description. The source address refers to the IP address of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <an IPv4 address>, <an IPv6 address>.

This leaf can be present only if the leaf ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload /<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourceIPaddress is present. The absence of this leaf indicates that the IP source address range of the IP flow described by the rule is equal to the address contained in ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload /<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourceIPaddress. When representing the IP source address range with more than one IP address, the values of this leaf and the corresponding ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload /<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourceIPaddress leaf are set as defined in subclause 5.9.42.

The value of this leaf is an IPv4 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv4. The value of this leaf is an IPv6 address if the AddressType leaf value of the same rule is equal to IPv6.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a EndSourceIPaddress leaf without a correspondent StartSourceIPaddress leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.44 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The ProtocolType leaf indicates the protocol type in a flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <Protocol type>

The value of ProtocolType leaf is a value among the internet protocol numbers as defined in IANA Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers [18]. In case of IPv4 flow description, the value contained in this leaf is compared with the value of the last protocol type field. In case of IPv6 flow description, the value contained in this leaf is compared with the value of the last next header field. The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a ProtocolType leaf indicating a protocol type not supported by the UE. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.45 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The StartSourcePortNumber leaf indicates the first source port number of the source port numbers range of the IP flow description. The source port refers to the source port of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

The absence of this leaf indicates that source port field of the transport protocol header is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

When applying the rule to uplink traffic, the UE matches the port numbers contained in the range between StartSourcePortNumber and EndSourcePortNumber against destination port field of the uplink traffic packets.

5.9.46 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The EndSourcePortNumber leaf indicates the last source port number of the source port numbers range of the IP flow description. The source port refers to the source port of the data packets destined for the UE according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

This leaf can be present only if the leaf ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourcePortNumber is present. The absence of this leaf indicates that the source port number range of the IP flow described by the rule is equal to the source port number contained in ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartSourcePortNumber.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a EndSourcePortNumber leaf without a correspondent StartSourcePortNumber leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.46A ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The StartDestPortNumber leaf indicates the first destination port number of the destination port numbers range of the IP flow description. The destination port refers to the destination port of the data packets sent by the corresponding node according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

The absence of this leaf indicates that destination port field of the transport protocol header is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

When applying the rule to uplink traffic, the UE matches the port numbers contained in the range between StartDestPortNumber and EndDestPortNumber against source port field of the uplink traffic packets.

5.9.46B ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The EndDestPortNumber leaf indicates the last destination port number of the destination port numbers range of the IP flow description. The destination port refers to the destination port of the data packets sent by the corresponding node according to the terminology in the IETF RFC 6088 [24].

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range 1-65535.

This leaf can be present only if the leaf ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartDestPortNumber is present. The absence of this leaf indicates that the destination port number range of the IP flow described by the rule is equal to the port number contained in ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/StartDestPortNumber.

The UE ignores an IPFlow instance with a EndDestPortNumber leaf without a correspondent StartDestPortNumber leaf. If the IPFlow instance is the only one contained in the flow distribution rule, the UE ignores the flow distribution rule.

5.9.47 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The QoS leaf indicates the DS or ToS values parameters in a flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: bin

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: any value in the range from 0 up to and including 63 in a binary form.

The DS and ToS values are defined in IETF RFC 3260 [10A].

5.9.48 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/IPFlow/<X>/

The DomainName leaf indicates the destination domain name of the IP Flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <FQDN>

The value of FQDN is Fully Qualified Domain Name (e.g. www.example.com) that was resolved into the destination IP address. The FQDN format is defined in IETF RFC 2181 [19], IETF RFC 1035 [20] and IETF RFC 1123 [21].

The absence of this leaf indicates that the domain name is not examined when matching packets against the IP flow description of the rule.

5.9.49 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The APN leaf indicates the APN of the IP flow description.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <APN>

The APN format is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [3].

If the traffic is for an APN matching the value of this leaf, then this leaf is evaluated as matching.

NOTE: Incorrect configuration of this parameter can cause traffic that needs to go to a particular Packet Data Network (PDN) to be transported over a WLAN that does not have access to the PDN, which in turn will cause the traffic to no longer be correctly routable.

5.9.50 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The RoutingCriteria node acts as a placeholder for validity conditions for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

If at least one instance of ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node indicates matching validity condition, the UE shall consider the corresponding flow distribution rule as valid.

If the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node is present and empty (i.e. none of the nodes ValidityArea, ValidityAreaRef, TimeOfDay or TimeOfDayRef exist), the ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload /<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node is not considered when evaluating the validity of the corresponding flow distribution rule.

5.9.51 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

This internal node acts as a placeholder for one or more validity conditions for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

The UE shall consider the corresponding flow distribution rule as valid only if all the present interior nodes (ValidityArea, ValidityAreaRef, TimeOfDay or TimeOfDayRef) within a single instance of ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ ForNonSeamlessOffload /<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X> node indicate matching validity condition.

5.9.52 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The ValidityArea node acts as a placeholder for location conditions for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

This node and its descendants are the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/ValidityArea.

5.9.52A ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The ValidityAreaRef leaf contains a reference to a ValidityArea interior node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: < a reference to a ValidityArea interior node >

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/ValidityAreaRef.

5.9.53 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The TimeOfDay node acts as a placeholder for day condition for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

This node and its descendants are the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/TimeOfDay.

5.9.53A ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The TimeOfDayRef leaf contains a reference to a TimeOfDay interior node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: < a reference to a TimeOfDay interior node >

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/TimeOfDayRef.

5.9.53B1 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The RANValidityCondition node acts as a placeholder for RAN validity condition for a particular flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

This node and its descendants are the same as defined in ANDSF/ISRP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/RANValidityCondition.

5.9.53B2 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The RANValidityConditionRef leaf contains a reference to a RANValidityCondition interior node.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: < a reference to a RANValidityCondition interior node >

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/ISRP/<X>/ForFlowBased/<X>/RoutingCriteria/<X>/RANValidityConditionRef.

5.9.54 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The RoutingRule node indicates the preferred access for a flow distribution rule.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.55 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

This interior node acts as a placeholder for one or more prioritized accesses.

– Occurrence: OneOrMore

– Format: node

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: N/A

5.9.56 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The AccessId leaf represents an access network identifier.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <SSID>

The format of the SSID is defined by IEEE Std 802.11™-2012 [26].

The absence of this leaf indicates that the UE can consider any available WLAN access network for the network selection.

5.9.57 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The SecondaryAccessId leaf represents a secondary access network identifier.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <HESSID>

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/PrioritizedAccess/<X>/SecondaryAccessId.

5.9.58 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The AccessNetworkPriority leaf represents an access technology priority.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <Access network priority>

This node is the same as defined in ANDSF/Policy/<X>/PrioritizedAccess/<X>/AccessNetworkPriority.

5.9.59 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/ForNonSeamlessOffload/<X>/

The RulePriority leaf represents the priority given to one particular flow distribution rule and is represented as a numerical value.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: int

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <Rule priority>

RulePriority leaf is used to establish to which flow description rule a data traffic matching multiple flow distribution rules apply. The data traffic matching multiple flow distribution rules applies to the flow description rule with the highest priority. The UE shall treat the rule with the lowest RulePriority value as the rule having the highest priority. If the UE finds multiple rules with the same priority, the choice of the rule is UE implementation specific. If there are no matching access networks according to the rule, other rules with the same priority may be considered. If there are no matching access networks according to any rule with a certain priority, rules with lower priority may be considered.

5.9.60 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/Roaming

The Roaming leaf indicates the roaming condition for the IARP rule.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: bool

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: 0, 1

0 Indicates that the rule is only valid when the UE is not roaming.

1 Indicates that the rule is only valid when the UE is roaming.

The default value 0 applies if this leaf is not provisioned.The node is not used by the UE when the IARP rule is provided by the V-ANDSF.


The PLMN leaf indicates a PLMN code of the operator, which created this IARP rule.

– Occurrence: One

– Format: chr

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: <PLMN>

The format of the PLMN is defined in 3GPP TS 23.003 [3].

When evaluating the PLMN leaf the following applies:

– if the value contained in this leaf is equal to the HPLMN (or an equivalent HPLMN) of the UE, the value contained in the Roaming leaf of the IARP rule is set to 0 or the Roaming leaf is not provisioned and the UE is not roaming, the IARP rule is valid;

– if the value contained in this leaf is equal to the HPLMN (or an equivalent HPLMN) of the UE, the value contained in the Roaming leaf of the IARP rule is set to 1 and the UE is roaming, the IARP rule is valid;

– if the value contained in this leaf is neither HPLMN nor an equivalent HPLMN, or if there are multiple IARP rules with the same value in the PLMN leaf and the PLMN value is neither HPLMN nor an equivalent HPLMN, then the IARP rule is ignored; and

– if there are multiple IARP rules with the same value in the PLMN leaf and the PLMN value is the HPLMN or an equivalent HPLMN, then the choice of which one to follow is implementation dependent.

5.9.62 ANDSF/IARP/<X>/UpdatePolicy

The UpdatePolicy leaf indicates the update policy for the IARP.

– Occurrence: ZeroOrOne

– Format: bool

– Access Types: Get, Replace

– Values: 0, 1

0 Indicates that the UE is not required to request an update of the rules.

1 Indicates that the UE is required to request an update of the rules.

The UpdatePolicy value may be used by the UE to determine whether or not to request an update of its IARP when the rule is no longer considered to be valid by the UE.

The default value 0 applies if this leaf is not provisioned.