G.4 On-network emergency related states

24.2823GPPMission Critical Data (MCData) signalling controlProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

G.4.1 MCData emergency alert state

Table G.4.1-1 provides the semantics of the MCData emergency alert (MDEA) state values. This is an internal state of the MCData client and is managed by the MCData client. These state values aid in the managing of the information elements of MCData emergency alerts and their cancellations.

Table G.4.1-1: MCData emergency alert state

MCData emergency alert state values

State-entering events


MDEA 1: no-alert

initial state

emergency alert cancelled

emergency alert request denied

emergency alerts can be cancelled in several ways:

via emergency alert cancel requests with <alert-ind> set to "false" (by initiator or by authorised user); or

via emergency group communication cancel request with <alert-ind> set to "false"

MCData emergency state: may be set or clear, depending on MCData emergency communication status

MDEA 2: emergency-alert-confirm-pending

emergency alert request sent

emergency alerts can be requested in several ways: MCData emergency alert request with <alert-ind> set to "true"; or

MCData emergency group communication request with <alert-ind> set to "true"

MCData emergency state: is set

MDEA 3: emergency-alert -initiated

emergency alert response (success) received

MCData emergency state: is set

MDEA 4: emergency-alert-cancel-pending

emergency alert cancellation request sent by alert originator

MCData emergency state: is clear

G.4.2 MCData emergency state

The MCData emergency state is managed by the MCData client and MCData user. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G.4.2-1.

Table G.4.2-1: MCData emergency state

MCData emergency state

State-setting events

State-clearing events



"set": MCData user is in a life-threatening situation

"clear": MCData user is not in a life-threatening situation

Managed by:

MCData client and MCData user

MCData emergency alert initiated

MCData emergency group communication initiated

MCData emergency private communication initiated

MCData emergency alert cancelled (by initiator)

MCData emergency alert cancelled (by authorised-user)

MCData emergency communication cancelled by initiator (if there is no outstanding MCData emergency alert)

MCData user manually clears the state

While the MCData client is in the MCData emergency state, all group communications it makes will be MCData emergency group communications, providing the group is authorised for MCData emergency group communications.

While in an emergency group communication while in the MCData emergency state, the MCData user is an emergency participant and will have pre-emptive priority over non-emergency participants in the emergency group communication.

G.4.3 In-progress emergency group state

This state conforms with TS 23.282 [2]. It is managed by the controlling MCData function. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G.4.3-1.

Table G.4.3-1: in-progress emergency group state

In-progress emergency group state values

State-entering events



acceptance by the controlling MCData function of an MCData emergency group communication request.


initial state prior to any communication activity

acceptance by the controlling MCData function of an MCData emergency group cancel request.

G.4.4 MCData emergency group state

The MCData emergency group state is the MCData client’s perspective of the in-progress emergency group state which is managed by the controlling MCData function. The MCData emergency group (MDEG) state is managed by the MCData client to enable the requesting of MCData emergency-level priority as early as possible in the origination of an MCData emergency group communication. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G.4.4-1.

Table G.4.4-1: MCData emergency group state

MCData emergency group state values

State-entering events


MDEG 1: no-emergency

initial state prior to any communication activity

Emergency group communication cancel request received on behalf of another user from the MCData server

Emergency group communication cancel response (success) in response to initiator’s request

MDEG 2: in-progress

Emergency group communication response received (confirm) to initiator’s emergency group communication request

Emergency group communication request received (on behalf of another user)

In this state, all participants in communications on this group will receive emergency level priority whether or not they are in the MCData emergency state themselves.

MDEG 3: cancel-pending

Emergency group communication cancel request sent by initiator

The controlling MCData function may not grant the cancel request for various reasons, e.g., other users in an MCData emergency state remain in the communication.

MDEG 4: confirm-pending

Emergency group communication request sent by initiator

The controlling MCData function may not grant the request for various reasons, e.g., the MCData group is not configured as being emergency-capable so it can’t be assumed that the group will enter the in-progress state.

G.4.5 MCData emergency group communication state

Table G.4.5-1 provides the semantics of the MCData emergency group communication (MDEGC) state values. This is an internal state of the MCData client and is managed by the MCData client. This state variable aids in the managing of the information elements of MCData emergency group communications and MCData emergency alerts and their cancellations.

Table G.4.5-1: MCData emergency group communication state

MCData emergency group communication state values



MDEGC 1: emergency-gc-capable

MCData emergency-capable client is not currently in an MCData emergency group communication that it has originated, nor is it in the process of initiating one.

MCData emergency state:

may or may not be set in this state, depending upon the MCData client’s MDEA state

MDEGC 2: emergency-communication-requested

MCData client has initiated an MCData emergency group communication request.

MCData emergency state: is set

MDEGC 3: emergency-communication-granted

MCData client has received an MCData emergency group communication grant.

If the MCData user initiates a communication while the MCData emergency state is still set, that communication will be an MCData emergency group communication, assuming that the group is authorised for the client to initiate emergency group communications on.

MCData emergency state: is set

G.4.6 In-progress imminent peril group state

This state is managed by the controlling MCData function. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G.4.6-1.

Table G.4.6-1: in-progress imminent peril group state

In-progress imminent peril group state values

State-entering events



acceptance by the controlling MCData function of an MCData imminent peril group communication.


initial state prior to any communication activity

acceptance by the controlling MCData function of an MCData imminent peril group cancel request.

G.4.7 MCData imminent peril group state

The MCData imminent peril group state is the MCData client’s perspective of the in-progress imminent peril group state which is managed by the controlling MCData function. The MCData imminent peril group (MDIG) state is managed by the MCData client to enable the requesting of MCData imminent peril-level priority as early as possible in the origination of an MCData imminent peril group communication. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G.4.7‑1.

Table G.4.7-1: MCData imminent peril group state

MCData imminent peril group state values

State-entering events


MDIG 1: no-imminent-peril

initial state prior to any communication activity

Imminent peril group communication cancel request received on behalf of another user from the MCData server

Imminent peril group communication cancel response (success) in response to initiator’s request

MDIG 2: in-progress

Imminent peril group communication response received (confirm) to initiator’s imminent peril group communication request

Imminent peril group communication request received (on behalf of another user)

In this state, all participants in communications on this group will receive imminent peril level priority whether or not they initiated an MCData imminent peril group communication themselves.

MDIG 3: cancel-pending

Imminent peril group communication cancel request sent by initiator

The controlling MCData function may not grant the cancel request for various reasons, e.g., other users in an MCData imminent peril state remain in the communication.

MDIG 4: confirm-pending

Imminent peril group communication request sent by initiator

The controlling MCData function may not grant the communication request for various reasons, e.g., the MCData group is not configured as being imminent peril-capable so it can’t be assumed that the group will enter the in-progress state.

G.4.8 MCData imminent peril group communication state

Table G.4.8-1 provides the semantics of the MCData imminent peril group communication (MDIGC) state values. This internal state of the MCData client and is managed by the MCData client. These states aid in the managing of the information elements of MCData imminent peril group communications and their cancellations.

Table G.4.8-1: MCData imminent peril group communication state

MCData imminent peril group communication state values



MDIGC 1: imminent-peril-gc-capable

MCData client imminent peril-capable client is not currently in an MCData imminent peril group communication that it has originated, nor is it in the process of initiating one.

In this state, the MCData imminent peril group state will be set to either "MDIG 1: no-imminent-peril" or "MDIG 2: in-progress" state.

MDIGC 2: imminent-peril-communication-requested

MCData client has initiated an MCData imminent peril group communication request.

In this state, the MCData imminent peril group state will be set to "MDIG 4: confirm-pending" if not already in the "MDIG 2: in-progress" state.

MDIGC 3: imminent-peril-communication-granted

MCData client has received an MCData imminent peril group communication grant.

In this state, the MCData imminent peril group state will be set to "MDIG2: in-progress".

G.4.9 In-progress emergency private communication state

This state is managed by the controlling MCData function. All private communications originated between an initiator and the target MCData user when they are in an in-progress emergency private communication state are MCData emergency private communications until this state is cancelled, whether or not the originator of the private communication is in an MCData emergency state.

Table G.4.9-1: in-progress emergency private communication state

In-progress emergency private communication state values

State-entering events



acceptance by the controlling MCData function of an MCData emergency private communication request.

The in-progress emergency private communication state applies to the communication and the two MCData users in the communication.


initial state prior to any private communication activity

acceptance by the controlling MCData function of the cancellation of an MCData emergency private communication.

G.4.10 MCData emergency private priority state

The MCData emergency private priority state is the MCData client’s perspective of the in-progress emergency private communication state which is managed by the controlling MCData function. The MCData emergency private priority (MDEPP) state is managed by the MCData client to enable the requesting of MCData emergency-level priority as early as possible in the origination of an MCData emergency private communication. High-level characteristics of this state are captured in table G.4.10-1.

Table G.4.10-1: MCData emergency private priority state

MCData emergency private priority state values

State-entering events


MDEPP 1: no-emergency

initial state prior to any communication activity

Emergency private communication cancel request received on behalf of another user from the MCData server

Emergency private communication cancel response (success) in response to initiator’s request

MDEPP 2: in-progress

Emergency private communication response received (confirm) to initiator’s emergency private communication request

Emergency private communication request received (on behalf of another user)

In this state, both participants in communications to each other will request emergency level priority whether or not they are in the MCData emergency state themselves.

MDEPP 3: cancel-pending

Emergency private communication cancel request sent by initiator

The controlling MCData function may not grant the cancel request for various reasons, e.g., the other user in the communication is in an MCData emergency state.

MDEPP 4: confirm-pending

Emergency private communication request sent by initiator

The controlling MCData function may not grant the communication request for various reasons, e.g., the MCData user is not configured as being authorised to originate an emergency private communication so it can’t be assumed that the communication (originator and target users) will enter the in-progress state.

G.4.11 MCData emergency private communication state

Table G.4.11-1 provides the semantics of the MCData emergency private communication (MDEPC) state values. This is an internal state of the MCData client and is managed by the MCData client. This state aids in the managing of the information elements of MCData emergency private communications and MCData emergency alerts and their cancellations.

Table G.4.11-1: MCData emergency private communication state

MCData emergency private communication state values



MDEPC 1: emergency-pc-capable

MCData client emergency-capable client is not currently in an MCData emergency private communication that it has originated, nor is it in the process of initiating one.

MCData emergency state:

may or may not be set in this state, depending upon the MCData client’s MDPEA state and the emergency states related to MCData emergency group communications.

MDEPC 2: emergency-pc-requested

MCData client has initiated an MCData emergency private communication request.

MCData emergency state: is set

MDEPC 3: emergency-pc-granted

MCData client has received an MCData emergency private communication grant.

If the MCData user initiates a communication while the MCData emergency state is still set, that communication will be an MCData emergency private communication, assuming that the initiating MCData user is authorised to initiate an MCData emergency private communication to the targeted MCData user.

MCData emergency state: is set

G.4.12 MCData private emergency alert state

Table G.4.12-1 provides the semantics of the MCData private emergency alert (MDPEA) state values. This is an internal state of the MCData client and is managed by the MCData client. These states aid in the managing of the information elements of MCData emergency private communications and MCData emergency alerts and their cancellations. MCData private emergency alerts are targeted to an MCData user.

Table G.4.12-1: MCData private emergency alert state

MCData emergency alert state values

State-entering events


MDPEA 1: no-alert

initial state

emergency alert cancelled

emergency alert request denied

emergency alerts targeted to an MCData user can be cancelled in several ways:

MCData emergency private communication cancel request with <alert-ind> set to "false"

timeout of private communication inactivity timer

end of communication (if system policy)

MCData emergency state: may be set or clear, depending on MCData emergency communication status

MDPEA 2: emergency-alert-confirm-pending

emergency alert request sent

emergency alerts can be requested as an optional part of a MCData client’s request to initiate an MCData emergency private communication, in which case the request has an <alert-ind> element set to "true".

MCData emergency state: is set

MDPEA 3: emergency-alert-initiated

emergency alert response (success) received

MCData emergency state: is set

MDPEA 4: emergency-alert-cancel-pending

emergency alert cancellation request sent by alert originator

MCData emergency state: is clear

Annex H (informative):
INFO packages defined in the present document