B.2 Definition of media feature tag for Mission Critical Data (MCData) communications Short Data Service (SDS)

24.2823GPPMission Critical Data (MCData) signalling controlProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

Media feature tag name: g.3gpp.mcdata.sds

ASN.1 Identifier:

Summary of the media feature indicated by this media feature tag: This media feature tag when used in a SIP request or a SIP response indicates that the function sending the SIP message supports Mission Critical Data (MCData) communications Short Data Service (SDS).

Values appropriate for use with this media feature tag: Boolean

The media feature tag is intended primarily for use in the following applications, protocols, services, or negotiation mechanisms: This media feature tag is most useful in a communications application, for describing the capabilities of a device, such as a phone or PDA.

Examples of typical use: Indicating that a mobile phone supports the Mission Critical Data (MCData) communications Short Data Service (SDS).

Related standards or documents: 3GPP TS 24.282: "Mission Critical Data (MCData) signalling control Protocol specification"

Security Considerations: Security considerations for this media feature tag are discussed in clause 11.1 of IETF RFC 3840 [16].