C.2 Functional Requirements of Network Entities
23.0663GPPRelease 17Stage 2Support of Mobile Number Portability (MNP)Technical realizationTS
C.2.1 Procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Call_Related
Figure C.2.2 shows the procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Call_Related. This procedure handles call-related signalling messages. It is called from the process MNP_SRF (see clause 4.3).
The check "message has been relayed" identifies all call related signalling messages which are relayed from the number range holder network towards the subscription network in the case of Indirect Routeing with reference to subscription network implementation. These messages only refer to numbers ported into the network.
The check "own number not ported out" identifies all mobile numbers from number ranges allocated to the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in and which are not ported to other networks. In this case the call related message is relayed to the HLR in the network.
The check "foreign number ported in" identifies all mobile numbers from the number ranges not allocated to the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in and which are served by the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in. In this case the call related message is relayed to the HLR in the network.
The check "foreign number not known to be ported" identifies all mobile numbers from the number ranges not allocated to the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in and which are also not served by the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in. In this case the call is sent to the SRF_MATF procedure for handling.
The check "foreign number ported to foreign network" identifies all mobile numbers from the number ranges not allocated to the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in and which are not served by the network the MNP-SRF is located in and not served by the network the number range is allocated to, i.e. the number is ported between two other networks. In this case the call related message is sent to the SRF_MATF procedure for handling.
The remaining cases "own number ported out" are mobile numbers allocated to the network the MNP-SRF/MATF is located in and which are served by other networks, i.e. the number is ported out to another network. In this case the call is relayed to the MATF in the subscription network if this option is the one used by the operator, or sent to the SRF_MATF procedure for handling if not.
C.2.2 Process SRI_NPLR
Figure C.2.2.2 shows the process SRI_NPLR.
The check "unknown subscriber" identifies a subscriber without any associated available information.
If the GMSC is in the database own network then a routeing number is provided to route to the number range holder network.
If the GMSC is not in the database own network then the enquiry has been routed from the number range holder network, so the call should fail.
The database query uses the MSISDN received at the application level in the SRI, rather then the CdPA of the SCCP level.
If an error must be set as a result of the check "terminate", the user error "unknown subscriber" shall be used. If version 3 or higher of the MAP protocol is in use, then the diagnostic "NPDB mismatch" may be used.
The check "HPLMN MSISDN Range" identifies if the MSISDN received in the SRI exists in a MSISDN Range owned by the HPLMN. This is a North American Network implementation option and allows a MAP Error "Unknown Subscriber" to be sent to the GMSC instead of the MSISDN.
The check "HPLMN RN Range" identifies if the Routeing Number assigned to the MSISDN within the SRI_NPLR is assigned to the HPLMN. This is a North American Network implementation option and allows a MAP Error "Unknown Subscriber" to be sent to the GMSC instead of the RN+MSISDN.
C.2.3 Procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Info_Request
Figure C.2.3.1 shows the procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Info_Request. This procedure handles an information request signalling message to provide MNP information for a subscriber. It is called from the process MNP_SRF (see clause 4.3).
C.2.4 Process ATI_NPLR
Figure C.2.3.2 shows the process ATI_NPLR.
The database query uses the MSISDN received at the application level in the ATI, rather than the CdPA of the SCCP level.
Figure C.2.2: Procedure MNP_SRF_MATF_Call_Related
Figure C.2.2.1: Procedure MATF
Figure C.2.2.2: Process SRI_NPLR
Figure C.2.3.1: Procedure MATF_Info_Request
Figure C.2.3.2: Process ATI_NPLR