Category: 10.1 Commands specific to MTs supporting the packet domain
- 10.1.61 LADN information +CLADN
- 10.1.55 S-NSSAI based back-off timer status reporting +CSBTSR
- 10.1.56 S-NSSAI based back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CSBTRDP
- 10.1.57 S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer status reporting +CSDBTSR
- 10.1.58 S-NSSAI and DNN based back-off timer read dynamic parameters +CSDBTRDP
- 10.1.51 Receive UE policy +CRUEPOLICY
- 10.1.52 Send UE policy +CSUEPOLICY
- 10.1.53 5GS access selection preference for MO SMS +C5GSMS
- 10.1.54 Mobile initiated connection only mode +CMICO
- 10.1.48 Bandwidth preference indication +CBPI