Category: 10.1 Commands specific to MTs supporting the packet domain
- 10.1.77 Reject paging +CREJPAG
- 10.1.78 Paging restrictions +CPAGRES
- 10.1.79 Paging timing collision control +CPAGTCC
- 10.1.76 NAS connection release +CNASCREL
- 10.1.73 5G PDU Session Authentication Setting +C5GPDUAUTHS
- 10.1.74 5G PDU Session Authentication Response +C5GPDUAUTHR
- 10.1.75 5GS URSP query +C5GURSPQRY
- 10.1.70 5GS ATSSS Rules read dynamic parameters +C5GATSSSRRDP
- 10.1.71 5GS network steering functionalities information read dynamic parameters +C5GNSFIRDP
- 10.1.72 Context State Change Request +CCSTATEREQ