9 Coding
3GPP52.021Network Management (NM) procedures and messages on the A-bis interfaceRelease 17TS
This clause defines the coding of each field in the messages defined in earlier clauses.
The following conventions are required:
– the least significant bit shall be transmitted first, followed by bits 2, 3, 4, etc;
– in an element where octets are identified by an octer number, Octet 1 shall be transmitted first, then octet 2, etc;
– when a field extends over more than one octet, the order of bit values shall progressively decrease as the octet number increases. The least significant bit of the field shall be represented by the lowest numbered bit of the highest numbered octet of the field;
– for unpredictable variable length elements, a length indication coding method defined in subclause 8.2 shall be used. Always the length information shall indicate the number of element units (which is octets) following the length indicator excluding the space for the length findicator itself;
– all defined values are indicated in the present document. Other values are reserved.
9.1 Message Type
The Message Type is coded with 1 octet as illustrated below.
Message Type |
1 |
The following message types are used (all other values reserved).
Message Type hexadecimal code
SW Download Management Messages:
Load Data Initiate 01
Load Data Initiate Ack 02
Load Data Initiate Nack 03
Load Data Segment 04
Load Data Segment Ack 05
Load Data Abort 06
Load Data End 07
Load Data End Ack 08
Load Data End Nack 09
SW Activate Request 0A
SW Activate Request Ack 0B
SW Activate Request Nack 0C
Activate SW 0D
Activate SW Ack 0E
Activate SW Nack 0F
SW Activated Report 10
A-bis Interface Management Messages:
Establish TEI 21
Establish TEI Ack 22
Establish TEI Nack 23
Connect Terrestrial Signalling 24
Connect Terrestrial Signalling Ack 25
Connect Terrestrial Signalling Nack 26
Disconnect Terrestrial Signalling 27
Disconnect Terrestrial Signalling Ack 28
Disconnect Terrestrial Signalling Nack 29
Connect Terrestrial Traffic 2A
Connect Terrestrial Traffic Ack 2B
Connect Terrestrial Traffic Nack 2C
Disconnect Terrestrial Traffic 2D
Disconnect Terrestrial Traffic Ack 2E
Disconnect Terrestrial Traffic Nack 2F
Transmission Management Messages:
Connect Multi-Drop Link 31
Connect Multi-Drop Link Ack 32
Connect Multi-Drop Link Nack 33
Disconnect Multi-Drop Link 34
Disconnect Multi-Drop Link Ack 35
Disconnect Multi-Drop Link Nack 36
Air Interface Management Messages:
Set BTS Attributes 41
Set BTS Attributes Ack 42
Set BTS Attributes Nack 43
Set Radio Carrier Attributes 44
Set Radio Carrier Attributes Ack 45
Set Radio Carrier Attributes Nack 46
Set Channel Attributes 47
Set Channel Attributes Ack 48
Set Channel Attributes Nack 49
Test Management Messages:
Perform Test 51
Perform Test Ack 52
Perform Test Nack 53
Test Report 54
Send Test Report 55
Send Test Report Ack 56
Send Test Report Nack 57
Stop Test 58
Stop Test Ack 59
Stop Test Nack 5A
State Management and Event Report Messages:
State Changed Event Report 61
Failure Event Report 62
Stop Sending Event Reports 63
Stop Sending Event Reports Ack 64
Stop Sending Event Reports Nack 65
Restart Sending Event Reports 66
Restart Sending Event Reports Ack 67
Restart Sending Event Reports Nack 68
Change Administrative State 69
Change Administrative State Ack 6A
Change Administrative State Nack 6B
Change Administrative State Request 6C
Change Administrative State Request Ack 6D
Change Administrative State Request Nack 6E
Report Outstanding Alarms 93
Report Outstanding Alarms Ack 94
Report Outstanding Alarms Nack 95
Equipment Management Messages:
Changeover 71
Changeover Ack 72
Changeover Nack 73
Opstart 74
Opstart Ack 75
Opstart Nack 76
Reinitialize 87
Reinitialize Ack 88
Reinitialize Nack 89
Set Site Outputs 77
Set Site Outputs Ack 78
Set Site Outputs Nack 79
Change HW Configuration 90
Change HW Configuration Ack 91
Change HW Configuration Nack 92
Measurement Management Messages:
Measurement Result Request 8A
Measurement Result Response 8B
Stop Measurement 8C
Start Measurement 8D
Other Messages:
Get Attributes 81
Get Attributes Response 82
Get Attributes Nack 83
Set Alarm Threshold 84
Set Alarm Threshold Ack 85
Set Alarm Threshold Nack 86
9.2 Object Class
An Object Class shall be coded with 1 octet. The values of the object class code are as defined below.
Object Class |
1 |
Object Class hexadecimal code
Site Manager 00
BTS 01
Radio Carrier 02
Baseband Transceiver 04
Channel 03
<reserved for future use> <05-FE>
9.3 Object Instance
The Object Instance shall be coded with 3 octets, addressing the specific object of the given object class as illustrated below.
BTS number |
1 |
Baseband Transceiver or Radio Carrier number |
2 |
Radio Timeslot number |
3 |
All 3 octets are mandatory in the header of every message.
The BTS number distinguishes BTSs which are unique for each cells at a site under the Site Manager.
The Baseband Transceiver or Radio Carrier number distinguishes either Baseband Transceivers or Radio Carriers under the BTS.
The Radio Timeslot number distinguishes channels under the Baseband Transceiver.
When the object class is Site Manager, all three octets shall be NULLs, because there is only one Site Manager, which doesn’t need an identifier.
When the object class is BTS, octet 1 shall be a binary presentation of the identifier of the addressed BTS. Octets 2 and 3 shall be coded NULLs. If the BTS number is NULL, it shall be understood as referring to all BTSs under the Site Manager.
When the object class is Baseband Transceiver or Radio Carrier, octet 2 shall be a binary presentation of the identifier of the addressed Baseband Transceiver or Radio Carrier object, and octet 1 is the identiferrof the BTS above it. Octet 3 is coded NULL. If the Baseband Transceiver or Radio Carrier number is NULL, it shall be understood as referring to all instances of the class under the BTS.
When the object class is Channel, octet 3 shall be a binary presentation of the identifier of the addressed radio timeslot, octet 2 shall be the identifier of the Baseband Transceiver, and octet 1 shall be the identifer of the BTS above the addressed Channel. If the radio timeslot number is NULL, it shall be understood as referring to all Channels under the Baseband Transceiver.
To avoid unnecessary complexity of BTS implementation, it shall not be allowed to assign a NULL value to any object above the addressed object class. For example, if the addressed object class is the Baseband Transceiver, it is not allowed to assign a NULL value to both BTS and Baseband Transceiver instances (without this constraint, this could be understood as referring to all the Baseband Transceivers of all the BTSs).
The value for NULL shall be <FF> in all the cases mentioned above in this subclause.
9.4 Attributes and Parameters
The Attribute Identifier is coded with 1 octet. The number of parameters within an attribute is at least one. The length of the parameters within an attribute will vary. The attributes used and the coding of their Attribute Identifier fields are listed below. The values are in hexadecimal. The attributes marked with an X in "Get" column are only getable by the BSC, and BSC is not permitted to alter their values.
Attribute Name Attribute Id. Get
Abis Channel 01 X
Additional Info 02
Additional Text 03
Administrative State 04 X
ARFCN List 05 X
Autonomously Report 06
Availability Status 07 X
BTS Air Timer 0A X
CCCH Load Indication Period 0B X
CCCH Load Threshold 0C X
Channel Combination 0D X
Connection Failure Criterion 0E X
Destination 0F
Event Type 11
File Data 47
File Id 12 X
File Version 13 X
GSM Time 14 X
Get Attribute Response Info 44
HSN 15 X
HW Configuration 16 X
HW Conf Change Info 45
HW Description 17 X
Intave Parameter 18 X
Interference Level Boundaries 19 X
List of Required Attributes 1A
Manufacturer Dependent State 1C X
Manufacturer Dependent Thresholds 1D X
Manufacturer Id 1E X
Max Timing Advance 1F X
Multi-drop BSC Link 20
Multi-drop next BTS Link 21
Nack Causes 22
Ny1 23 X
Operational State 24 X
Outstanding Alarm Sequence 46
Overload Period 25 X
Physical Config 26
Power Class 27 X
Power Output Thresholds 28 X
Probable Cause 29
RACH Busy Threshold 2A X
RACH Load Averaging Slots 2B X
Radio Sub Channel 2C
RF Max Power Reduction 2D X
Site Inputs 2E X
Site Outputs 2F X
Source 30
Specific Problems 31
Starting Time 32
T200 33 X
TEI 34 X
Test Duration 35
Test No 36
Test Report Info 37
VSWR Thresholds 38 X
Window Size 39
TSC 40 X
SW Configuration 41 X
SW Description 42 X
Perceived Severity 43
Measurement Result 48
Measurement Type 49
All other values are reserved for future use.
The data structures of the attributes and parameters are described in the remaining part of this subclause in tablular forms with no formal text description of the individual subclauses provided because of their self-explanatory nature.
Henceforth "Attribute Identifier" in this subclause means the identifier for an attribute or a parameter.
9.4.1 Abis Channel
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
BTS Port Number |
2 |
Timeslot Number |
3 |
Subslot Number |
4 |
BTS Port Number <0-FF>
Timeslot Number
Time slot in 2 Mbps link <0-1F>
Subslot Number
a (bits 1,2) 00
b (bits 3,4) 01
c (bits 5,6) 02
d (bits 7,8) 03
64 kbps signalling FF
9.4.2 Additional Info
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Additional Info <man.dep.> |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Additional Info is a manufacturer dependent field.
9.4.3 Additional Text
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Additional Text <man.dep.> |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Additional Text is a manufacturer dependent field and shall be used to include fault localization information.
9.4.4 Administrative State
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Administrative State |
2 |
Administrative State shall be coded as follows:
Locked 01
Unlocked 02
Shutting Down 03
NULL (Adm. state not supported) FF
9.4.5 ARFCN List
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
4 |
5 |
N-1 |
N |
ARFCN (see 3GPP TS 45.005) <0-3FF>
9.4.6 Autonomously Report
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Autonomously Report |
2 |
The toggle switch for autonomous report shall be coded as follows:
Autonomously Report 01;
Not Autonomously Report 00.
9.4.7 Availability Status
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Availability Status |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Availability Status may contain one or more octets. Each octet shall have a single status value, which shall be coded as follows:
In test 0
Failed 1
Power off 2
Off line 3
<not used> 4
Dependency 5
Degraded 6
Not installed 7
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
2 |
3 |
BCCH ARFCN (see 3GPP TS 45.005) <1-3FF>
9.4.9 BSIC
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
2 |
BSIC (see GSM 03.03) <0-3F>
(BS colour code: bit 0-2)
(PLMN colour code: bit 3-5)
9.4.10 BTS Air Timer
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
T3105 |
2 |
T3105 shall be coded as a binary presentation of 10 ms in the range of <0-FF>.
9.4.11 CCCH Load Indication Period
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
CCCH Load Indication Period |
2 |
CCCH Load Indication Period shall be coded as a binary presentation of seconds in the range of <0-FF>.
9.4.12 CCCH Load Threshold
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
CCCH Load Threshold |
2 |
CCCH Load Threshold shall be coded as a binary presentation of maximum (maximum is manufacturer dependent) percentage in the range of <0-64>.
9.4.13 Channel Combination
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Channel Combination |
2 |
Channel Combination shall be coded as follows:
tCHHalf TCH/H(0,1) + FACCH/H(0,1) + SACCH/TH(0,1) 01
tCHHalf2 TCH/H(0) + FACCH/H(0) + SACCH/TH(0) + TCH/H(1) 02
bCCHCombined FCCH + SCH + BCCH + CCCH + SDCCH/4 + SACCH/C4 05
bCCHwithCBCH combination of 05 with CBCH as 3GPP TS 45.002 07 1)
sDCCHwithCBCH combination of 03 with CBCH as 3GPP TS 45.002 08 1)
NOTE: These two channel combinations are created by replacing the SDCCH number 2 in channel combination 05 and channel combination 03 by the logical channel.
See 3GPP TS 45.002 for meaning and usage of channel combinations.
9.4.14 Connection Failure Criterion
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Connection Failure Criterion |
4 |
Criteria Value |
5 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Connection Failure Criterion shall be coded as follows:
Based upon uplink SACCH error rate (RADIO_LINK_TIMEOUT) 01
Based upon RXLEV/RXQUAL measurements 02
If connection failure criterion is based on SACCH error rate, the Criteria Value shall be one octet binary presentation of the number of SACCH multiframes used in the procedure.
If connection failure criterion is based on RXLEV/RXQUAL measurements, coding of the Criteria Value field will be operator/manufacturer dependent.
See 3GPP TS 45.008 subclauses 5.2 and 5.3 and 3GPP TS 24.008 subclause
9.4.15 Destination
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Destination |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Destination identifies a unit of equipment that shall be the destination to be "changed to" on a Change-over operation. How to identify a type of equipment and how to identify a specific unit of this type is manufacturer dependent.
9.4.16 Event Type
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Event Type |
2 |
Event Type shall be coded as follows:
communication failure 00
quality of service failure 01
processing failure 02
equipment failure 03
environment failure 04
<reserved for future use> <05-0F>
<man.dep.> <10-FF>
9.4.17 File Data
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
File Data <man.dep.> |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
File Data is manufacturer dependent, but must be consistent with the associated GSM 12.20 attribute.
9.4.18 File Id
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
File Id <man.dep.> |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
File Id is manufacturer dependent, but must be consistent with the associated GSM 12.20 attribute.
9.4.19 File Version
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
File Version <man.dep.> |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
File Version is manufacturer dependent, but must be consistent with the associated GSM 12.20 attribute.
9.4.20 GSM Time
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Current Frame No (MSB) |
2 |
Current Frame No (LSB) |
3 |
Current Frame No shall be a binary presentation of FN in Modulus 42432.
9.4.21 HSN
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
2 |
HSN (see 3GPP TS 45.002) <0-3F>
9.4.22 HW Configuration
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
HW Description 1 |
4 |
… |
HW Description n |
N |
HW Configuration shall consist of a list of HW Descriptions related to a managed object.
9.4.23 HW Description
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Equipment Id Length |
2-3 |
Equipment Id |
(cont.) |
Equipment Type Length |
Equipment Type |
(cont.) |
Equipment Version Length |
Equipment Version |
(cont.) |
Location Length |
Location |
(cont.) |
Man. Dep. Info Length |
Man. Dep. Info |
(cont.) |
N |
All fields are manufacturer dependent variable length character strings. They must be consistent with associated GSM 12.20 attributes.
Equipment Id distinguishes a piece of equipment out of others of same type.
Equipment Type codes the type of piece of equipment (e.g., Baseband Transceiver Unit).
Equipment Version codes the version of the piece of equipment.
Location codes the place where the piece of equipment is found (e.g., row -rack – shelf – slot).
Man. Dep. Info shall codes additional manufacturer dependent information.
9.4.24 Intave Parameter
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Intave Parameter |
2 |
Intave Parameter (see 3GPP TS 45.008) <1-1F>
9.4.25 Interference level Boundaries
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Interf Boundary 0 |
2 |
Interf Boundary 1 |
3 |
Interf Boundary 2 |
4 |
Interf Boundary 3 |
5 |
Interf Boundary 4 |
6 |
Interf Boundary 5 |
7 |
Interf Boundary 0 <0-FF>
Interf Boundary X1 <0-FF>
Interf Boundary X2 <0-FF>
Interf Boundary X3 <0-FF>
Interf Boundary X4 <0-FF>
Interf Boundary X5 <0-FF>
All boundaries shall be coded as a binary presentation of -x dBm (normal values are -115 to -85). For example, an interference boundary of -105 dBm will be represented as integer "105".
9.4.26 List of Required Attributes
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Attribute Id |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Each Attribute Id is one octet.
9.4.27 MAIO
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
2 |
MAIO (see 3GPP TS 45.002) <0-3F>
9.4.28 Manufacturer Dependent State
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Manufacturer Dependent State |
2 |
Manufacturer Dependent State <0-FF>
This is optional to be used in addition to Operational State in accordance with GSM 12.20.
9.4.29 Manufacturer Dependent Thresholds
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Manufacturer Dependent Thresholds |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
The content of Manufacturer Dependent Thresholds is manufacturer dependent.
9.4.30 Manufacturer Id
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Manufacturer Id |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
The content of Manufacturer Id is manufacturer dependent.
9.4.31 Max Timing Advance
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Max Timing Advance |
2 |
Max Timing Advance (see 3GPP TS 48.058) <0-7F>
9.4.32 Measurement Result
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length of measurement result (N) |
2-3 |
Result (MSB) |
4 |
(cont.) |
Result (LSB) |
N+3 |
9.4.33 Measurement Type
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Measurement Number |
2 |
Measurement Number shall be coded as follows:
<reserved> <00-3F>
<man.dep.> <40-FF>
9.4.34 Multi-drop BSC Link
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
BTS Port Number |
2 |
Timeslot Number |
3 |
BTS Port Number <0-FF>
Timeslot Number
Time slot in 2 Mbps link <0-1F>
9.4.35 Multi-drop next BTS Link
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
BTS Port Number |
2 |
Timeslot Number |
3 |
BTS Port Number <0-FF>
Timeslot Number
Time slot in 2 Mbps link <0-1F>
9.4.36 Nack Causes
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
NACK Cause |
2 |
Nack Causes shall be coded as follows:
General Nack Causes:
Incorrect message structure 01
Invalid message type value 02
<reserved> 03
<reserved> 04
Invalid Object class value 05
Object class not supported 06
BTS no. unknown 07
Baseband Transceiver no. unknown 08
Object Instance unknown 09
<reserved> <0A-0B>
Invalid attribute identifier value 0C
Attribute identifier not supported 0D
Parameter value outside permitted range 0E
Inconsistency in attribute list 0F 1)
Specified implementation not supported 10
Message cannot be performed 11 2)
<reserved> <12-18>
Specific Nack Causes:
Resource not implemented 19
Resource not available 1A
Frequency not available 1B
Test not supported 1C
Capacity restrictions 1D
Physical configuration cannot be performed 1E
Test not initiated 1F
Physical configuration cannot be restored 20
No such test 21
Test cannot be stopped 22
Message inconsistent with physical config. 23 3)
Complete file not received 25
File not available at destination 26
File cannot be activated 27
Request not granted 28
Wait 29
Nothing reportable existing 2A
Measurement not supported 2B
Measurement not started 2C
<reserved> <2D-7F>
<man.dep.> <80-FE>
NOTE 1: This Nack cause shall apply to conflicting or incomplete data in the attribute list which prevents the BTS from performing the message.
NOTE 2: This Nack cause shall apply when the message is valid and is supported by the BTS, but cannot be performed correctly for reasons not covered by other general or special Nack causes.
NOTE 3: This Nack cause shall apply to the case where the data in attribute list is valid, but is beyond the capabilities of the particular BTS implementation.
9.4.37 Ny1
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Ny1 |
2 |
Ny1 shall be a binary presentation of maximum number of repetitions of PHYSICAL INFORMATION (see 3GPP TS 24.008, subclause
9.4.38 Operational State
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Operational State |
2 |
Operational States are in accordance with GSM 12.20 and shall be coded as follows:
Disabled 01
Enabled 02
<reserved for future use> <03-FE>
NULL(Operat. state not supported) FF
9.4.39 Overload Period
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Overload Period |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
9.4.40 Physical Config
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Required Test Config <man.dep.> |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Required Test Config is manufacturer dependent.
9.4.41 Power Class
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Power Class |
2 |
Power Class is a binary presentation of transceiver power class as defined in 3GPP TS 45.005.
9.4.42 Power Output Thresholds
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Output Power Fault Threshold |
2 |
Reduced Output Power Threshold |
3 |
Excessive Output Power Threshold |
4 |
When the carrier output power of the transmitter, including power amplifier and transmitter combiner, is below or above a power level, a fault shall be generated. There are two thresholds below the output power to indicate two different levels of fault severity, and one for threshold above. The range of Output Power Fault Threshold and Reduced Output Power Threshold is from -10 to -1 dB . The values shall be coded in 1 dB steps such that -10 dB is expressed with 0 and -1 dB with 9.
Output Power Threshold <00-09>
Reduced Output Power Threshold <00-09>
The range of Excessive Output Power Threshold is from 2 dB to 5 dB. The value shall be coded in 1 dB steps such that 2 dB is expressed with binary value 0 and 5 dB with binary value 3.
Excessive Output Power Threshold <00-03>
9.4.43 Probable Cause
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Probable Cause Type |
2 |
Probable Cause Value |
3 |
Probable Cause Value (cont.) |
4 |
Probable Cause Type shall be coded as follows:
ISO/CCITT values (X.721) 01
GSM specific values 02
Manufacturer specific values 03
<reserved for future use> <04-FF>
For Probable Cause Value coding, the last numeric value of the object identifier value specified in ASN.1 syntax coding shall be used if Probable Cause Type is either 01 or 02.
9.4.44 RACH Busy Threshold
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
RACH Busy Threshold |
2 |
RACH Busy Threshold shall be a binary presentation of -x dBm in the range <0-FF>.
9.4.45 RACH Load Averaging Slots
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
RACH Load Averaging Slots (MSB) |
2 |
RACH Load Averaging Slots (LSB) |
3 |
RACH Load Averaging Slots shall be a binary presentation of number of RACH burst periods in the range <0-FFFF>.
9.4.46 Radio Sub Channel
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Radio Sub Channel |
2 |
Radio Sub Channel shall be coded as follows:
Half rate channel 0 00
Half rate channel 1 01
9.4.47 RF Max Power Reduction
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
RF Max Power Reduction |
2 |
RF Max Power Reduction shall be a binary presentation of the number of 2 dB power reduction steps as defined in 3GPP TS 45.005.
This represents "Pn" as used in 3GPP TS 48.058.
9.4.48 Site Inputs
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Site Input |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
If Site Inputs are requested from Site Manager with message Get Attributes, all inputs shall be listed. Each octet from 4 to N controls one Site input. Each of these octets contain the input number and the state of the input and they shall be coded as follows.
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
State |
Input number |
State shall be a binary presentation of the input state, 0 or 1. Input number shall be a binary presentation of input number. Note that maximally 128 binary inputs can be supported.
9.4.49 Site Outputs
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Site Output |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
If Site Outputs are sent to Site Manager with message Set Site Outputs, the site outputs shall be generated as indicated by the message. Coding of this information element shall be the same as for Site Inputs. Note that maximally 128 binary site outputs can be supported.
9.4.50 Source
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Source |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
Source identifies a unit of equipment that shall be "changed from" on a Change-over operation. How to identify a type of equipment and how to identify a specific unit of this type is manufacturer dependent.
9.4.51 Specific Problems
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Specific Problems |
2 |
Specific Problems
<reserved for future use> <00-0F>
<man.dep.> <10-FF>
9.4.52 Starting Time
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Current Frame No (MSB) |
2 |
Current Frame No (LSB) |
3 |
Current Frame No shall be a binary presentation FN Modulus 42432.
9.4.53 T200
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
SDCCH ( 5 ms) |
2 |
FACCH/Full rate ( 5 ms) |
3 |
FACCH/Half rate ( 5 ms) |
4 |
SACCH with TCH SAPI0 (10 ms) |
5 |
SACCH with SDCCH (10 ms) |
6 |
SDCCH SAPI3 ( 5 ms) |
7 |
SACCH with TCH SAPI3 (10 ms) |
8 |
Each field shall be a binary presentation of time units mentioned in brackets.
NULL (FF) means the value is not specified (see 3GPP TS 44.006).
9.4.54 TEI
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
2 |
TEI (see 3GPP TS 48.056):
Initial TEI <00-3F>
Additional TEI <40-7E>
<not used> <7F-FF>
9.4.55 Test Duration
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Test Duration |
2-3 |
Test Duration shall be a binary presentation of seconds in range <01-FFFF>indicating the time the test should last.
9.4.56 Test No
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Test Number |
2 |
Test Number shall be coded as follows:
Radio loop test via antenna 00
Radio loop test via transceiver 01
BTS functional object self test 02
<reserved> <03-3F>
<man.dep.> <40-FF>
9.4.57 Test Report Info
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Test Result Info |
4 |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
If the test was either radio loop test via antenna or radio loop test via transceiver, octets 3 and 4 are defined. Octet 3 shall include a binary presentation of RXLEV value in the range of 0-3F such that value 0 equals to -110 dBm or less and 3F equals to -48 dBm or more. Octet 4 shall express bit error rate (BER) of received bit stream in 0,1% steps in the range 0,0% – 12,8% such that 0 equals to 0,0% BER and 128(dec) equals to 12,8% BER or more.
If the test was BTS functional object self test, octet 3 shall indicate pass or fail for the test of the functional object on the BTS by value 1 or 0 where 0 is the code for fail.
In the defined test cases Test Result Info may also contain manufacturer dependent information in subsequent octets. In other tests, Test Result Info is manufacturer dependent.
9.4.58 VSWR Thresholds
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Faulty Antenna Threshold |
2 |
Antenna Not Adjusted Threshold |
3 |
VSWR Thresholds shall be used in association with the "faulty receiver (transmitter) antenna" or "receiver (transmitter) antenna not adjusted" Probable Cause. The VSWR range for both thresholds is 1,2 – 3,0. The value shall be coded in 0,1 steps such that 1,2 is expressed with 0 and 3,0 with 12(hex).
Faulty Antenna Threshold <00-12>
Antenna Not Adjusted Threshold <00-12>
9.4.59 Window Size
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Window Size |
2 |
Window Size shall be a binary presentation of the number of layer 3 Load Data Segment messages to be sent before a layer 3 acknowledgment needs to be issued. Value 0 is not used.
9.4.60 TSC
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Training Sequence Code |
2 |
For details of Traing Sequence Codes, see 3GPP TS 45.002.
TSC values <00-07>
<not used> <08-FE>
9.4.61 SW Configuration
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
SW Description 1 |
4 |
… |
SW Description n |
N |
SW Configuration shall contain a list of SW Descriptions related to the managed object.
9.4.62 SW Description
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
File Id |
2 |
File Version |
N |
9.4.63 Perceived Severity
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Severity Value |
2 |
Severity Value shall be coded as follows:
failure ceased 00
critical failure 01
major failure 02
minor failure 03
warning level failure 04
indeterminate failure 05
<reserved> <06-3F>
<man, dep.> <40-FF>
9.4.64 Get Attribute Response Info
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
Count of not-reported attributes |
4 |
(Each not-reported atttribute id) |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
…… |
(Each reported attribute id and its value) |
(cont.) |
(cont.) |
N |
The BTS shall make a best effort to report on all the attributes requested by the associated Get Attributes message. The Length indicates the length of the entire Get Attribute Response Info which may possibly go over a single segment message and should not be confused with the length of the data put in one single message frame (see subclause 8.1.1). The Count of not reported attributes entry shall indicate the binary integer coded value of the count of the attributes requested but the BTS could not report on because the attributes are either not supported or not yet defined. In case of a non-zero value of the above counter, the Each not- reported attribute id entry shall list the Id of each attrute not reported and shall continue as many as indicated by the above counter. The Each reported attribute id and its value entry shall list each reported attribute id and its value pair coded and formatted for every applicable attribute or parameter as specified in this subclause (subclause 9.4) and shall continue until all reported attributes are included in the response.
9.4.65 Outstanding Alarm Sequence
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Pending Reports |
2 |
The integer coded Pending Reports field indicates the number of pending Failure Event Report messages to follow the current message as a response to the associated Report Outstanding Alarms message. This value being 0 signals that it is the last message for the outstanding alarms.
9.4.66 HW Conf Change Info
Attribute Identifier |
1 |
Length |
2-3 |
HW Description Position Index 1 |
4 |
Operation Code 1 |
5 |
Modification Data 1 (only if needed) |
…… |
HW Description Position Index K |
Operation Code K |
Modification Data K (only if needed) |
N |
HW Description Position Index, Operation Code, and Modification Data constitute an associated tripplet for each HW Description change operation. The triplet may be repeated as many as needed. All the changes indicated in one Change HW Configuration message must be successfully conducted or the procedure must fail otherwise. The HW Description Position Index, an octet coded integer, indicates the HW Description’s position in the HW Configuration attribute to which the change operation indicated by the associated Operation Code must be applied. In case of multiple entries, all the position indices shall be interpreted against the initial HW Configuration sequence. There are three possible operations as listed below:
deletion 00
insertion 01
modification 02
By a deletion operation, the indexed HW Description is deleted from the HW Configuration attribute. A deletion operation requires no associated Modification Data. An insertion or modification operation requires an associated Modification Data which specifies the new data for the operation. By a modification operation, the indexed HW Description in the HW Configuration attribute is replaced with the provided Modification Data. Deletion and modification operations are mutually exclusive at one position. By an insertion operation, the provided Modification Data is inserted immediately after the indexed HW Description in the HW Configuration attribute. An insertion at a position indexed zero (0) is interpreted as prepending to the very beginning. More than one insertion operation at one identically indexed position shall produce a HW Configuration sequence in which the inserted Descriptions are ordered the way as they appear in the HW Conf Change Info field.
Annex A (informative):
Change history
Change history |
Date |
TSG Doc. |
CR |
Rev |
Subject/Comment |
Old |
New |
2002-04 |
9 |
GP‑020564 |
Provision of TS 12.21 release 97 version |
5.0.0 |
6.0.0 |
2002-04 |
9 |
GP‑020564 |
Provision of TS 12.21 release 98 version |
6.0.0 |
7.0.0 |
2002-04 |
9 |
GP‑020564 |
Provision of TS 12.21 release 99 version |
7.0.0 |
8.0.0 |
2002-04 |
9 |
GP‑020564 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 4 version |
8.0.0 |
4.0.0 |
2002-06 |
10 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 5 version |
4.0.0 |
5.0.0 |
2005-01 |
23 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 6 version |
5.0.0 |
6.0.0 |
2007-08 |
35 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 7 version |
6.0.0 |
7.0.0 |
2008-12 |
40 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 8 version |
7.0.0 |
8.0.0 |
2009-12 |
44 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 9 version |
8.0.0 |
9.0.0 |
2011-03 |
49 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 10 version |
9.0.0 |
10.0.0 |
2012-09 |
55 |
Provision of TS 52.021 release 11 version |
10.0.0 |
11.0.0 |
2014-09 |
63 |
Version for Release 12 (frozen at SP-65) |
11.0.0 |
12.0.0 |
2015-12 |
68 |
Version for Release 13 (frozen at SP-70) |
12.0.0 |
13.0.0 |
Change history |
Date |
Meeting |
TDoc |
CR |
Rev |
Cat |
Subject/Comment |
New version |
2017-03 |
RP-75 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Version for Release 14 (frozen at TSG-75) |
14.0.0 |
2018-06 |
RP-80 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Update to Rel-15 version (MCC) |
15.0.0 |
2020-07 |
RP-88e |
– |
– |
– |
Upgrade to Rel-16 version without technical change |
16.0.0 |
2022-03 |
RP-95e |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Upgrade to Rel-17 version without technical change |
17.0.0 |