B.1 Base Station System Test Equipment (BSSTE)

3GPP51.021Base Station System (BSS) equipment specificationRadio aspectsRelease 17TS

The BSSTE is a functional tool for the purpose of acceptance testing of GSM Base Station Systems. The BSSTE functionally carries out all tests described in this equipment specification.

B.1.1 Fading and multipath propagation simulator

A Multipath Fading Simulator (MFS) is needed to perform some of the tests on the receiver, to simulate realistic wideband multipath propagation over the mobile radio channel (i.e. the path between the base station and mobile station antennas). The following set of standard multipath propagation conditions, as specified by COST 207 and described in 3GPP TS 45.005, are required:

1) Typical Urban terrain (TU)

2) Rural terrain (RA)

3) Hilly terrain (HT)

In addition the MFS needs to a special multipath profile, designed to verify the equalization capabilities of the receiver:

4) Equalizer (EQU)

The multipath profiles are used for a range of nominal vehicle speeds

GSM 900: From 3 km/h to 250 km/h. The speeds 3, 50, 100 and 250 km/h are used in particular.

DCS 1800: From 1.5 km/h to 130 km/h. The speeds 1.5, 50, 100 and 130 km/h are used in particular.

The details of the multipath conditions and the corresponding requirements on the MFS itself are to be found in 3GPP TS 11.10 (Mobile Station Conformity Specification).

The MFS is functionally a part of the BSSTE as described in this annex, but may physically be a separate piece of equipment.