7 Receivers
3GPP51.021Base Station System (BSS) equipment specificationRadio aspectsRelease 17TS
All tests unless otherwise stated in this subclause shall be conducted on Base Station Systems fitted with a full complement of Transceivers for the configuration. The manufacturer shall provide appropriate logical or physical test access to perform all tests in this subclause. Measurements shall include any RX multicoupler.
The tests in this subclause assume that the receiver is not equipped with diversity. For receivers with diversity, the tests may be performed by applying the specified signals to one of the receiver inputs, and terminating or disabling the other(s). The tests and requirements are otherwise unchanged. This does not apply to cases which are specified for two antenna configuration only, i.e. EGPRS2-B with higher symbol rate and channels in VAMOS mode. In this case all receiver tests are performed in two antenna configuration except in Static propagation conditions. At two-antenna configuration the requirements are specified for no correlation or gain imbalance between the two receive branches.
The Rx performance requirements for modulation schemes using higher symbol rate are based on input signals using the wide pulse shaping filter unless otherwise stated. For definition of narrow and wide pulse-shaping filters, see 3GPP TS 45.004 [21]. The input signals used are defined by
Narrow pulse-shaping filter: Higher symbol rate using spectrally narrow pulse shaping filter.
Wide pulse-shaping filter: Higher symbol rate using spectrally wide pulse shaping filter.
For multicarrier BTS the test cases and requirements for normal BTS apply unless otherwise stated for multicarrier receiver. The test cases for multicarrier receiver apply also for multicarrier BTS with multicarrier receiver supporting non-contiguous frequency allocation. The BTS configuration conditions in subclause 4.10.10 apply.
Requirements do not apply to channels in VAMOS mode unless explicitly stated. When they apply, they shall apply to both VAMOS sub-channels. VAMOS sub-channel 1 shall use TSC-5 from TSC Set 1 and VAMOS sub-channel 2 shall use TSC-5 from TSC Set 2.
In all the relevant subclauses in this clause all Bit Error Ratio (BER), Residual BER (RBER), Block error Ratio (BLER) and Frame Erasure Ratio (FER) measurements shall be carried out according to the general rules for statistical testing in annex A.