6 Transmitter
3GPP51.021Base Station System (BSS) equipment specificationRadio aspectsRelease 17TS
All tests in this Clause shall be conducted on Base Station Systems fitted with a full complement of Transceivers for the configuration unless otherwise stated. Measurements shall be made at the BTS Tx antenna connector, unless otherwise stated.
Power levels are expressed in dBm.
For measurements in VAMOS mode, VAMOS sub-channel 1 shall use TSC-5 from TSC Set 1 and VAMOS sub-channel 2 shall use TSC-5 from TSC Set 2. Independent pseudo random bit streams shall be assumed for the encrypted bits of VAMOS sub-channel 1 and VAMOS sub-channel 2. Measurements shall be performed for the smallest and largest supported absolute SCPIR_DL value (in dB) unless otherwise stated.