A.4.8 Additional Information
3GPP51.010-2Mobile Station (MS) conformance specificationPart 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specificationTS
The supplier of the implementation shall state the support of the implementation for each of the questions concerning additional information given in the table below.
Table A.25: Additional Information
Item |
Additional Information |
Ref. |
Release |
Status |
Support |
Mnemonic |
1 |
at least one half rate service. |
3GPP TS 02.06 3.2.2 3GPP TS 22.101, 3.2.2 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_HalfRate |
2 |
Speech supported for Full rate version 1 (GSM FR). |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
C.2501 |
TSPC_AddInfo_Full_rate_version_1 |
3 |
Speech supported for Half rate version 1 (GSM HR). |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Half_rate_version_1 |
4 |
at least one data service. |
3GPP TS 07.01 annex D, 3GPP TS 09.07, 3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_DataSvc |
5 |
at least one full rate data service. |
3GPP TS 07.01 annex D, 3GPP TS 27.001, D 3GPP TS 09.07, 10 3GPP TS 29.007, 10 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_FullRateData |
6 |
at least one half rate data service. |
3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_HalfRateData |
7 |
at least one non transparent data service. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, D.2 3GPP TS 02.03 6 3GPP TS 22.001, D.2 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NonTransData |
8 |
at least one transparent data service. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3, 3GPP TS 02.03 6 3GPP TS 22.003, 6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_TransData |
9 |
only transparent data service |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 02.03 6 3GPP TS 22.003, 6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_TranspDataOnly |
10 |
at least one asynchronous data service. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_AsyncData |
11 |
at least one asynchronous non transparent data service. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_AsyncNonTransData |
12 |
2.4 k full rate data mode. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_24DataF |
13 |
2.4 k half rate data mode. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_24DataH |
14 |
4.8 k full rate data mode. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_48DataF |
15 |
4.8 k half rate data mode. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_48DataH |
16 |
9.6 k full rate data mode. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_96Data |
17 |
non transparent service with full rate channel at a user rate of 4.8 kbit/s. |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 annex B, 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_fullRate48 |
18 |
at least one bearer capability. |
3GPP TS 07.01 annex B 3GPP TS 27.001, annex B |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_BC |
19 |
at least one MT circuit switched basic service. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MTsvc |
20 |
at least one MO circuit switched basic service. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MOsvc |
21 |
only SDCCH. |
3GPP TS 02.06 3.2.2 3GPP TS 22.101, 3.2.2 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SDCCHOnly |
22 |
at least one service on traffic channel supported |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 02.03 annex A 3GPP TS 22.003, annex A |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SvcOnTCH |
23 |
dual rate ratio channel types (no relation to supported speech codecs). |
3GPP TS 02.06 3.2.2 3GPP TS 22.101, 3.2.2 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_DualRate |
24 |
only full rate radio channel type (no relation to supported speech codecs). |
3GPP TS 02.06 3.2.2 3GPP TS 22.101, 3.2.2 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_FullRateOnly |
25 |
at least one teleservice. |
3GPP TS 02.03 6 3GPP TS 22.003, 6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_TeleSvc |
26 |
CC protocol for at least one BC. |
3GPP TS 04.08 5 3GPP TS 24.008, 5 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_CCprotocol_oneBC |
27 |
only circuit switched basic service supported by the mobile is emergency call. |
3GPP TS 02.03 6, A.1.2 3GPP TS 22.003, 6, A.1.2 |
Phase 2 |
C.2505 |
TSPC_AddInfo_EmgOnly |
28 |
Fax Error Correction Mode. |
3GPP TS 03.45,4.2.2 3GPP TS 23.045, 4.2.2 3GPP TS 03.46,2.6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_FaxErrCorr |
29 |
at least one supplementary service. |
3GPP TS 02.04 4, 3GPP TS 22.004, 4 3GPP TS 02.07 B.2.1 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SS |
30 |
non call related supplementary service. |
3GPP TS 02.04 4 3GPP TS 22.004, 4 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NonCallSS |
31 |
at least one short message service. |
3GPP TS 02.03 B.1.7, A.1.3 3GPP TS 22.003, B.1.3, A.1.3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SMS |
32 |
(SMS) reply procedure. |
3GPP TS 03.40 3 3GPP TS 23.040, 3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ReplyProc |
33 |
replace SMS. |
3GPP TS 03.40 3 3GPP TS 23.040, 3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ReplaceSMS |
34 |
display of received SMS. |
3GPP TS 03.40 9, 3GPP TS 23.040, 9 3GPP TS 03.41 8 3GPP TS 23.041, 8 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_DispRcvSMS |
35 |
SMS status report capabilities. |
3GPP TS 03.40 3.2.9 3GPP TS 23.040, 3.2.9 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SMSStatusRepCap |
36 |
Storing of short messages in the SIM. |
3GPP TS 03.38 4 3GPP TS 23.038, 4 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_StoreRcvSMSSIM |
37 |
Storing of short messages in the ME. |
3GPP TS 03.38 4 3GPP TS 23.038, 4 3GPP TS 03.40, 10 3GPP TS 23.040, 10 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_StoreRcvSMSME |
38 |
detach on power down. |
3GPP TS 04.08 4.3.4 3GPP TS 24.008, 4.3.4 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_DetachOnPwrDn |
39 |
detach on SIM remove. |
3GPP TS 04.08 4.3.4 3GPP TS 24.008, 4.3.4 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_DetachOnSIMRmv |
40 |
SIM removable without power down. |
3GPP TS 02.17 5.7 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SIMRmv |
41 |
ID‑1 SIM. |
3GPP TS 02.17 4.1.1 |
Phase 2 |
O.2502 |
TSPC_AddInfo_ID1 |
42 |
Plug-In SIM. |
3GPP TS 02.17 4.1.2 |
Phase 2 |
O.2502 |
TSPC_AddInfo_PlugIn |
43 |
Disable PIN feature. |
3GPP TS 02.17 5.6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_DisablePin |
44 |
PIN2 feature. |
3GPP TS 02.17 5.6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Pin2 |
45 |
Feature requiring entry of PIN2. |
3GPP TS 02.17 5.6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Pin2Feature |
46 |
Chars 0‑9, *, # supported |
3GPP TS 02.30 2.3, 3GPP TS 22.030, 2.3 3GPP TS 02.07 B.1.5 |
Phase 2 |
O |
Phase 2 |
TSPC_AddInfo_BasCharSet |
47 |
A, B, C, D chars. supported |
3GPP TS 02.30 2.3 3GPP TS 22.030, 2.3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
Phase 2 |
TSPC_AddInfo_AddCharSet |
48 |
automatically enter automatic selection of PLMN mode. |
3GPP TS 02.11 3.2 3GPP TS 22.011, 3.2 |
Phase 2 |
O |
Phase 2 |
TSPC_AddInfo_AutoAutoMode |
49 |
alerting indication to the user. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
Phase 2 |
TSPC_AddInfo_AlertInd |
50 |
Application Layer is always running. |
3GPP TS 11.10‑1 18.1 3GPP TS 51.010-1, 18.1 |
R98 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ApplAlwaysRun |
51 |
Immediate connect supported for all circuit switched basic services. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ImmConn |
52 |
In-Call modification. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_InCallMod |
53 |
follow-on request procedure. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_followOnReq |
54 |
refusal of call. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_RefusalCall |
55 |
RF amplification. |
3GPP TS 04.08 3.4.10 3GPP TS 44.018, 3.4.10 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_RFAmp |
56 |
Number of B-party number for autocalling is greater than the number of entries in the blacklist. |
3GPP TS 02.07 annex A |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_AutocallBnoGreaterM |
57 |
Handset MS supporting speech. |
3GPP TS 03.50 3.1.1 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SpeechHandset |
58 |
MT2 Configuration. |
3GPP TS 04.02 3 3GPP TS 24.002, 3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MT2 |
59 |
MT2 Configuration or any other possibility to send data over Um interface. |
3GPP TS 04.02 3 3GPP TS 24.002, 3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MT2orOther |
60 |
Permanent Antenna Connector. |
3GPP TS 51.010‑1 12.1.1, 12.1.2 |
Release 4 |
O.2504 |
TSPC_AddInfo_PermAntenna |
61 |
Pseudo-synchronized handover supported. |
3GPP TS 05.10 2, annex A |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_PseudoSynch |
62 |
5V only SIM/ME interface. |
3GPP TS 11.11 |
R96 |
O.2503 |
TSPC_AddInfo_5V |
63 |
3V only SIM/ME interface. |
3GPP TS 11.12 |
R96 |
O.2503 |
TSPC_AddInfo_3V |
64 |
3V/5V SIM/ME interface. |
3GPP TS 11.12 |
R96 |
O.2503 |
TSPC_AddInfo_3V5V |
65 |
Speech supported for Full rate version 2 (GSM EFR). |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
Phase 2 |
C.2502 |
TSPC_AddInfo_Full_rate_version_2 |
66a |
RLP supports non default parameters |
3GPP TS 04.22 3GPP TS 24.022, 3 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NonDefaultRlpParam |
66b |
Support of listening to voice broadcast calls (VBS listening) |
3GPP TS 04.08, 0.7 3GPP TS 24.008, 1.7.1 |
R 96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_VBS_Listening |
67 |
Support of originating voice broadcast call (VBS originating) |
3GPP TS 04.08, 0.7 3GPP TS 24.008, 1.7.1 |
R 96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_VBS_Originating |
68 |
Support of listening to voice group calls (VGCS listening) |
3GPP TS 04.08, 0.7 3GPP TS 24.008, 1.7.1 |
R96 |
C.2503 |
TSPC_AddInfo_VGCS_Listening |
69 |
Support of talking in voice group calls (VGCS talking) |
3GPP TS 04.08, 0.7.1 3GPP TS 24.008, 1.7.1 |
R96 |
C.2504 |
TSPC_AddInfo_VGCS_Talking |
70 |
Support of originating voice group call (VGCS originating) |
3GPP TS 04.08, 0.7 3GPP TS 24.008, 0.7 |
R96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_VGCS_Originating |
71 |
Support reduced NCH monitoring |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 44.018, |
R96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NCH_ReducedMonitor |
72 |
14.4 k data mode |
3GPP TS 02.02 3, 3GPP TS 22.002, 3 3GPP TS 07.01 Annex B, 3GPP TS 27.001, Annex B |
R 96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_144Data |
73 |
Implementation of cause number 27 of busy autocalling in category 2 |
3GPP TS 02.07, Annex A |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Impl_CNr27_Cat2 |
74 |
Implementation of cause number 27 of busy autocalling in category 3 |
3GPP TS 02.07, Annex A |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Impl_CNr27_Cat3 |
75 |
void |
76 |
Artificial ear type 1 |
3GPP TS 03.50 |
Phase 2 up to and including release 4 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Ear_type1 |
77 |
Artificial ear type 3.2, Low leak option |
3GPP TS 03.50 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Ear_type32_LL |
78 |
Artificial ear type 3.4 |
3GPP TS 03.50 |
R96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Ear_type34 |
79 |
Speech supported for Full rate version 3 (FR AMR). |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R98 |
C.2502 |
TSPC_AddInfo_Full_rate_version_3 |
80 |
NCH monitoring in group receive mode |
3GPP TS 03.68 3GPP TS 43.068, |
R 96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NCH_Monit_Rev |
81 |
NCH monitoring in group transmit mode |
3GPP TS 03.68 3GPP TS 43.068, |
R 96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NCH_Monit_Tra |
82 |
NCH monitoring in dedicated mode |
3GPP TS 03.68 3GPP TS 43.068, |
R 96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NCH_Monit_Ded |
83 |
Support of one PDP context activation |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_1PDP_CA |
84 |
Support of more than one PDP context activation |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008 |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_mor1PDP_CA |
85 |
Support of more than one PDP context activation simultaneously on the same SAPI |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008 |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_mor1PDP_CA_SAPI |
86 |
Support of GPRS data compression |
3GPP TS 04.65, 6.6 3GPP TS 24.065, 6.6 |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_GPRS_Data_Compr |
87 |
Support of GPRS header compression |
3GPP TS 04.65 3GPP TS 24.065 |
R 98 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_GPRS_Header_Compr |
88 |
Support of Network requested PDP context activation |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_N_req_PDP_CA |
89 |
Support for user settings of minimum QoS |
3GPP TS 02.60 3GPP TS 22.060 |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_min_QoS |
90 |
Automatic GPRS attach procedure at switch-on/power-on |
3GPP TS 04.08, 4.7.3 3GPP TS 24.008, 4.7.3 |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_on_auto_GPRS_AP |
91 |
MMI controlled attach/detach procedures for non-GPRS services |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MMI_contr_A_DProc_Non_GPRS |
92 |
Automatic attach procedure when MS identity cannot derived by the network |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R 97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_auto_AP_no_MS_ID |
93 |
Automatic MM IMSI attach procedure at switch-on/power-on |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R98 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_auto_MM_IMSI_AP_on_off |
94 |
Support of SIM Application Toolkit |
3GPP TS 11.11, 11.6 |
R96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_SIM_Appl_Toolkit |
95 |
1,8V only SIM/ME interface. |
3GPP TS 11.18 |
R98 |
O.2503 |
TSPC_AddInfo_1_8V |
96 |
1,8V/3V SIM/ME interface. |
3GPP TS 11.18 |
R98 |
O.2503 |
TSPC_AddInfo_1_8V3V |
97 |
Multiple SM MO/PP on same RR link |
3GPP TS 03.40 3.7 3GPP TS 23.040, 3.7 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MultSMsameRR |
98 |
Support of stored list cell selection |
3GPP TS 05.08 3GPP TS 45.008 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_StoredListCellSel |
99 |
at least one service not support immediate connection |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NoimmConn |
100 |
Void |
101 |
Void |
102 |
EFR_EmgCallSetup message contains the bearer capability |
3GPP TS 06.51 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_EFR_EmgCallBcap |
103 |
Support of MonitorPCH_GroupTransmitMode |
3GPP TS 11.10-1 3GPP TS 51.010-1 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_MonitorPCH_GroupTransmitMode |
104 |
Integral_Antenna |
3GPP TS 51.010‑1 12 |
Release 4 |
O.2504 |
TSPC_AddInfo_IntegrAntenna |
105 |
User requested combined GPRS and non-GPRS detached without powering off |
3GPP TS 04.08, 4.7.4 3GPP TS 24.008, 4.7.4 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Comb_DP_no_pwr_off |
106 |
User requested non-GPRS detached |
3GPP TS 04.08, 4.7.4 3GPP TS 24.008, 4.7.4 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Usr_non_GPRS_DP |
107 |
Artificial ear type 3.2, High leak option |
3GPP TS 43.050 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Ear_type32_HL |
108 |
Artificial ear type 3.3 |
3GPP TS 43.050 |
R96 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Ear_type33 |
109 |
Support of storing more than 1000 SMSs |
3GPP TS 03.40 3.7 3GPP TS 23.040, 3.7 |
Phase2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Large_SMS_Storage |
110 |
Cell Reselection after T3184 Expiry |
3GPP TS 04.60 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_Cell_Resel |
111 |
GPRS attach attempted automatically due to outstanding request |
3GPP TS 04.08, 4.7.3 3GPP TS 24.008, 4.7.3 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_GPRS_Attach_Attempt_Outstanding |
112 |
Speech supported for Half rate version 3 (HR AMR) |
3GPP TS 04.08, 3GPP TS 24.008, |
R98 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Half_rate_version_3 |
113 |
AMR LoopBack Modes |
3GPP TS 44.014 |
R5 |
C.2506 |
TSPC_AMR_LoopBack |
114 |
TTY services |
3GPP TS 24.008 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_TTY |
115 |
Support of Secondary PDP Context Activation |
3GPP TS 24.008, 6.1.3 |
R99 |
O |
116 |
Support of MO SMS Concatenation |
3GPP TS 23.040 |
Phase2 |
O |
117 |
Support of MT SMS Concatenation |
3GPP TS 23.040 |
Phase2 |
O |
118 |
NITZ Supported |
3GPP TS 2.42 3GPP TS 22.042 |
R97 |
C.2507 |
119 |
Use of NITZ DST (Daylight Saving Time) |
3GPP TS 2.42 3GPP TS 22.042 |
R97 |
O |
120 |
Void |
121 |
Re-attach automatically when the network commands a detach with no cause value |
3GPP TS 04.08, 4.7.3 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_GPRS_Attach_on_NW_Detach_NoCause |
122 |
Support of GPRS header compression algorithm type RFC 1144 |
3GPP TS 04.65 3GPP TS 44.065 |
R98 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_GPRS_Header_Compr_Type_RFC1144 |
123 |
Support of GPRS header compression algorithm type RFC 2507 |
3GPP TS 04.65 3GPP TS 44.065 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_GPRS_Header_Compr_Type_RFC2507 |
124 |
Support of ROHC algorithm type RFC 3241 |
3GPP TS 44.065 |
Rel-6 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ROHC_Type_RFC3241 |
125 |
Support of ROHC algorithm type RFC 3242 |
3GPP TS 44.065 |
Rel-6 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ROHC_Type_RFC3242 |
126 |
Support of ROHC algorithm type RFC 3408 |
3GPP TS 44.065 |
Rel-6 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ROHC_Type_RFC3408 |
127 |
Support of ROHC algorithm type RFC 3095 |
3GPP TS 44.065 |
Rel-6 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_ROHC_Type_RFC3095 |
128 |
The way to trigger transferring of new user data in a different PDP context while an uplink transfer is in progress |
3GPP TS 04.08 3GPP TS 24.008 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_NewULDataInNewPDP_while_ULTransferInOldPDP |
129 |
Support of DARP phase 1 |
3GPP TS 05.15 3GPP TS 45.015 3GPP TS 24.008 3GPP TS 45.005 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_DARP_Phase1 |
130 |
Support of Card Application |
3GPP TS 22.100 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Card_Appl |
131 |
Support of GSM speech half rate version 6 (O-TCH/AHS) |
3GPP TS 24.008, |
Rel-5 |
O |
132 |
MS with improved receiver performance |
3GPP TS 05.09 3GPP TS 45.009 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Improv_RX_perform |
133 |
Support of GSM speech full rate version 4 (O-TCH/WFS) |
3GPP TS 24.008, |
Rel-5 |
O |
134 |
Verification for correct repetition of new password |
3GPP TS 02.30 3GPP TS 22.030, 4.5.1 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_Verification_correct_new_password |
135 |
MS using reduced interslot dynamic range in multislot configurations |
3GPP TS 45.005 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Red_IntSlotRange_Mult_Conf |
136 |
Support of GSM speech Half rate version 4 (O-TCH/WHS) |
3GPP TS 24.008, |
Rel-5 |
O |
137 |
Support of GSM Speech Full Rate version 5 (TCH/WFS) |
3GPP TS 45.005 |
Rel-5 |
O |
138 |
Support of overwriting the existing Class 2 SMS |
3GPP TS 03.40, subclause 10.3 (operation 14) |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_OverwriteRcvClass2SMSSIM |
139 |
Support of Repeated SACCH |
3GPP TS 24.008, Subcluase |
Rel-6 |
M |
TSPC_Repeated_SACCH |
140 |
Support for a method for resetting stored A-GPS assistance data |
3GPP TS 03.71, 7.6.1 |
R98 |
O |
TSPC_A-GPS_Data_Reset |
141 |
Support of DARP phase 2 |
3GPP TS 24.008 3GPP TS 45.005 |
Rel-7 |
O |
TSPC_DARP_Phase2 |
142 |
Support of Rel-4 acoustic implementation |
3GPP TS 26.131 3GPP TS 26.132 |
Rel-4 |
O |
TSPC_AddInfo_Rel4_Acoustic |
143 |
MS with no components having RF performance sensitive to vibration condition during testing |
3GPP TS45.005, D2.3 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_No_Vibration_Sensitive_Components |
144 |
Use of NITZ Full Name |
3GPP TS 2.42 3GPP TS 22.042 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_NITZ_Full_Name |
145 |
Use of NITZ Short Name |
3GPP TS 2.42 3GPP TS 22.042 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_NITZ_Short_Name |
146 |
Use of NITZ Universal Time |
3GPP TS 2.42 3GPP TS 22.042 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_NITZ_Universal_Time |
147 |
Use of NITZ Local Time Zone |
3GPP TS 2.42 3GPP TS 22.042 |
R97 |
O |
TSPC_NITZ_Time_Zone |
148 |
MS using a temporary antenna connector |
3GPP TS 51.010-1 |
R99 |
O.2504 |
TSPC_AddInfo_TempAntenna |
149 |
Support of Repeated FACCH |
3GPP TS 24.008, Subclause |
Rel-6 |
M |
TSPC_Repeated_FACCH |
150 |
Support of HATS |
3GPP TS 26.131 3GPP TS 26.132 |
Rel-7 |
O |
151 |
Controlled Early Classmark Sending |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Controlled_Early_Classmark_Sending |
152 |
SS Screening Indicator |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
(values) 00 01 10 11 |
TSPC_SS_Screening_Indictator_in_CM2 |
153 |
VBS notification reception |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_VBS_Notification_Reception |
154 |
VGCS notification reception |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_VCGS_Notification_Reception |
155 |
Classmark 3 options available |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_ClassMK3_Options_Available |
156 |
LCS VA Capability |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Location_Request_via_CS_Domain |
157 |
UCS2 treatment |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a, section |
R99 |
O |
(values) 0 1 |
TSPC_UCS2_treatment |
158 |
CM Service Prompt |
3GPP TS 24.008, table 10.5.6a |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_CM_Service_Prompt |
159 |
Extended Measurement Capability |
3GPP TS 24.008, section10.5.1.7 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Extended_Measurement_Capability |
160 |
SMS_VALUE (Switch-Measure-Switch) |
3GPP TS 24.008, section10.5.1.7 |
R99 |
O |
(values) 0000 … 1111 |
161 |
SM_VALUE (Switch-Measure) |
3GPP TS 24.008, section10.5.1.7 |
R99 |
O |
(values) 0000 … 1111 |
162 |
Priority Based Cell Reselection |
3GPP TS 24.008, section10.5.1.7 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Priority_Based_Cell_Reselection |
163 |
Offset required |
3GPP TS 24.008, section10.5.1.7 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_Offset_Required |
164 |
E-UTRA Measurement and Reporting support |
3GPP TS 24.008, section10.5.1.7 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_E-UTRA_Measurement_Reporting |
165 |
Support of public basic MMI strings to change/unblock PIN |
3GPP TS 02.30 section 4.6 3GPP TS 22.030 section 6.6 |
Phase 2 |
O |
TSPC_PIN_MMI_Strings |
166 |
UMTS AKA capable |
3GPP TS 31.900 section 4.3 |
R99 |
C.2508 |
Rel-5 |
M |
167 |
Support for a method for resetting stored A-GNSS assistance data |
3GPP TS 44.014, 12 |
Rel-9 |
O |
TSPC_A-GNSS_Data_Reset |
168 |
L2 fill bits randomisation in uplink |
3GPP TS 44.006 section 5.2 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_UL_L2_Fill_Bits_Randomisation |
Rel-6 |
M |
169 |
Support of test execution with No SIM |
3GPP 22.101, 10.1 |
R99 |
O |
TSPC_ No_SIM_Test Execution |
O.2502 |
At least one of the requirements shall be supported. |
O.2503 |
At least one of these items shall be supported. |
O.2504 |
At least one of these items shall be supported. |
C.2501 |
— TSPC_AddInfo_Half_rate_version_1 |
C.2502 |
— TSPC_AddInfo_Full_rate_version_1 |
C.2503 |
IF A.25/69 OR A.25/70 THEN M ELSE O |
— TSPC_AddInfo VGCS OR TSPC_AddInfo_VGCS_Talking |
C.2504 |
IF A.25/70 THEN M ELSE O |
— TSPC_AddInfo VGCS |
C.2505 |
— TSPC_Serv_TS12 |
C.2506 |
IF A.25/79 THEN M ELSE N/A |
— TSPC_AddInfo_Full_rate_version_3 |
C.2507 |
IF A.25/144 OR A.25/145 OR A.25/146 OR A.25/147 OR A.25/119 THEN M ELSE N/A |
C.2508 |
Comments: |
Table A.25.1: Additional Information (requiring values)
Item |
Additional information |
Reference |
Release |
Status |
Support |
Values |
Allowed |
Supported |
1 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AFS GSM 900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
2 |
Loop C delay Full rate (round trip delay, in number of TDMA frames) |
3GPP TS 04.14, 3GPP TS 44.014, |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
3 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AFS, Improved RX performance), GSM 900 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.3 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
4 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AHS, Improved RX performance), GSM 900 10 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.4 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
5 |
O-TCH/F C/I normalisation factor (GSM 900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
6 |
Loop C delay Half rate (round trip delay, in number of TDMA frames) |
3GPP TS 04.14, 3GPP TS 44.014, |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
7 |
Averaging time Tav |
3GPP TS 05.08, 6.1 & 6.2 |
R99 |
O |
0 … |
8 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalisation factor (GSM 900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
9 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalization factors (TCH/WFS, Improved RX performance, GSM900) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.9 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
10 |
MS LCS Notification timeout timer (units: seconds) |
3GPP TS 24.030 |
R98 |
O |
1 … |
11 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AFS GSM 850 ) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
12 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AFS GSM 700) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
13 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AFS GSM 450) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
14 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AFS DCS 1800) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
15 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AFS PCS 1900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
16 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AHS GSM 900 ) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
17 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AHS GSM 850 ) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
18 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AHS GSM 700) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
19 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AHS GSM 450) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
20 |
AMR C/I normalization factor ( AHS DCS 1800) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
21 |
AMR C/I normalization factor (AHS PCS 1900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R98 |
O |
0 … |
22 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AFS, Improved RX performance, GSM 850) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.3 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
23 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AFS, Improved RX performance, GSM 700) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.3 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
24 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AFS, Improved RX performance, GSM 450) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.3 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
25 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AFS, Improved RX performance, DCS 1800) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.3 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
26 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AFS, Improved RX performance, PCS 1900) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.3 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
27 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AHS, Improved RX performance, GSM 850) 10 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.4 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
28 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AHS, Improved RX performance, GSM 700) 10 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.4 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
29 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AHS, Improved RX performance, GSM 450) 10 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.4 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
30 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AHS, Improved RX performance, DCS 1800) 10 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.4 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
31 |
AMR C/I normalization factors (AHS, Improved RX performance, PCS 1900) 10 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.4 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 05.09, 3.3.1 3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
R99 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
32 |
O-TCH/F C/I normalisation factor (GSM 850) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
33 |
O-TCH/F C/I normalisation factor (GSM 700) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
34 |
O-TCH/F C/I normalisation factor (GSM 450) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
35 |
O-TCH/F C/I normalisation factor (DCS 1800) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
36 |
O-TCH/F C/I normalisation factor (PCS 1900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
37 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalisation factor (GSM 850) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
38 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalisation factor (GSM 700) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
39 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalisation factor (GSM 450) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
40 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalisation factor (DCS 1800) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
41 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalisation factor (PCS 1900) (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … |
42 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalization factors (TCH/WFS, Improved RX performance, GSM850) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.9 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
43 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalization factors (TCH/WFS, Improved RX performance, GSM700) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.9 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
44 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalization factors (TCH/WFS, Improved RX performance, GSM450) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.9 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
45 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalization factors (TCH/WFS, Improved RX performance, DCS1800) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.9 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
46 |
TCH/WFS C/I normalization factors (TCH/WFS, Improved RX performance, PCS1900) 12 values representing SS adjustment of variable normalisation factors for C/I values as stated in 14.10.9 (units: dB) |
3GPP TS 45.009, 3.3.1 |
Rel-5 |
O |
0 … , 0 … , .. .. 0 … |
Comments: |