6 Signalling Elements

3GPP48.031Location Services (LCS)Release 17Serving Mobile Location Centre - Serving Mobile Location Centre (SMLC - SMLC)SMLCPP specificationTS

In this Clause the messages are described.

The formal definitions of the SMLCPP messages are based on:

– Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) "Specification of Basic Notation" ITU-T Rec.X.680 (1997) | ISO/IEC 8824 – 1:1998

– ASN.1 encoding rules "Specification of Packet Encoding Rules (PER)" ITU-T Rec. X.691 (1997) | ISO/IEC 8825-2:1998

– is consistent with these ITU-T recommendations. Also further definitions in this document are based on the same X.680 and X.691. BASIC-PER, unaligned variant is used.

6.1 Messages

This clause describes the contents of the different messages.

There are three different types of messages:

– request;

– response;

– error

Operations use some or all of these message types, as described in Clause 4. The messages structures are as follows.

The following ASN.1 description gives the formal definition of the messages.


— { SMLCPP-Operations object identifier }



— Export all operations as default





rit-Query-Req, rit-Indication-Req,

decipheringKeysUpdate-Req, rit-QueryStop-Req




— Request, Response or errorPDU is encapsuled to SMLCPP-PDU.






— PDU definitions for Requests


code SMLCPP-OPERATION.&code ({SMLCPP-Operation-table}),

requestID INTEGER (0..255),

value SMLCPP-OPERATION.&Argument ({SMLCPP-Operation-table}{@code})


— PDU definitions for Responses


code SMLCPP-OPERATION.&code ({SMLCPP-Operation-table}),

requestID INTEGER (0..255),

value SMLCPP-OPERATION.&Result ({SMLCPP-Operation-table}{@code})


— PDU definition for ERROR messages


requestID INTEGER (0..255),

value ERROR.&code


SMLCPP-Operation-table SMLCPP-OPERATION ::= {

rit-Query-Req |

rit-Indication-Req |

decipheringKeysUpdate-Req |




6.1.1 Operation Code

Operation code identifies different operations. Possible operations are those described in clause 4:

– RIT Query;

– RIT Indication;

– RIT Query Stop;

– Deciphering Keys Update.

The following ASN.1 operation description is based on the operation definition in the Annex A, and gives the formal definition of operations.


— { SMLCPP-Operations object identifier }



— Export all operations as default


— SMLCPP-OPERATION and ERROR definitions from




— SMLCPP Datatypes

RIT-Query-Arg, RIT-QueryRsp-Arg, RIT-Indication-Arg, RIT-IndicationRsp-Arg,


DecipheringKeysRsp-Arg, RIT-StopQuery-Arg, RIT-StopQueryRsp-Arg



— SMLCPP Errors

missingMsgPart, repeatedMsgPart, unforeseenMsgPart, incorrectData,

repeatedOperation, unforeseenOperation, unknownRequestID,

dublicateErrorID, noRITInfo,

decipheringKeyError, internalError, noIndication




— SMLCPP Operations

— RIT Query Request Operation

rit-Query-Req SMLCPP-OPERATION ::= {



ERRORS { missingMsgPart |

repeatedMsgPart |

unforeseenMsgPart |

incorrectData |

repeatedOperation |

unknownRequestID |

dublicateErrorID |

noRITInfo |

internalError |





— RIT Indication Operation

rit-Indication-Req SMLCPP-OPERATION ::= {

ARGUMENT RIT-Indication-Arg

RESULT RIT-IndicationRsp-Arg

ERRORS { missingMsgPart |

repeatedMsgPart |

unforeseenMsgPart |

incorrectData |

repeatedOperation |

unforeseenOperation |

unknownRequestID |

dublicateErrorID |

internalError |





— CODE 3 is reserved (Perform TOA Measurement Operation)

— Deciphering Keys Update Operation

decipheringKeysUpdate-Req SMLCPP-OPERATION ::= {

ARGUMENT DecipheringKeys-Arg

RESULT DecipheringKeysRsp-Arg

ERRORS { missingMsgPart |

repeatedMsgPart |

unforeseenMsgPart |

incorrectData |

repeatedOperation |

unforeseenOperation |

dublicateErrorID |

decipheringKeyError |

internalError |





— RIT Query Stop Operation

rit-QueryStop-Req SMLCPP-OPERATION ::= {


RESULT RIT-StopQueryRsp-Arg

ERRORS { missingMsgPart |

repeatedMsgPart |

unforeseenMsgPart |

incorrectData |

repeatedOperation |

unforeseenOperation |

unknownRequestID |

dublicateErrorID |

internalError |






6.1.2 Request ID

Request ID is used to refer to different requests from the same SMLC, or to refer to autonomous sending in the case of RIT Indication operation.

Value ‘0’ may indicate autonomous sending in the case of the RIT Indication operation. This value is not used by any other operation.

Other values 1-255 indicate an ID from the requesting SMLC, that can select the value from those not already used between it and a certain recipient SMLC. No certain order of Request ID values is used (e.g. the value does not need to be sequential 1, 2, 3,…).

Within an operation possible Response and Error use the same Request ID that was in the Request.

In the case of open ended repetitive RIT Indications, the RIT Query operation contains a certain Request ID value, that the successive RIT Indication operations and the RIT Query Stop operation also use to refer to this reporting task. The value shall not be the one for autonomous sending.

6.1.3 Argument

Argument contains operation specific information in the Request message. See Annex B for the contents in each operation, and 6.2 for the formal ASN.1 definition.

6.1.4 Result

Result contains operation specific information in the Response message. See annex B for the contents in each operation, and subclause 6.2 for the formal ASN.1 definition.

6.1.5 Error Indication

Error Indication provides some precision on a detected error. The possible values of Error Indication are listed in table 1 in clause 5.

If an Error Indication is received encoding a value not in that table, the receiver shall behave as if the value was ‘No indication’.

The following ASN.1 error description is based on the error definition in the annex A, and gives the formal definition of errors.


— { SMLCPP-Errors object identifier }



— Export all errors as default


— Operation definitions





— Message contents errors

missingMsgPart ERROR ::= {CODE 1} — Missing message Part

repeatedMsgPart ERROR ::= {CODE 2} — Repeated message Part

unforeseenMsgPart ERROR ::= {CODE 3} — Unforeseen message Part

incorrectData ERROR ::= {CODE 4} — Incorrect Data

— Operation errors

repeatedOperation ERROR ::= {CODE 5} — Repeated Operation

unforeseenOperation ERROR ::= {CODE 6} — Unforeseen Operation

— Request ID errors

unknownRequestID ERROR ::= {CODE 7} — Unknown request ID

dublicateErrorID ERROR ::= {CODE 8} — Duplicate Request ID

— SMLCPP data errors

noRITInfo ERROR ::= {CODE 9} — No RIT information

— CODE 10 is reserved (noTOAMeasurements)

decipheringKeyError ERROR ::= {CODE 11} — Deciphering Key error

— Other errors

internalError ERROR ::= {CODE 12} — Internal Error

noIndication ERROR ::= {CODE 13} — No indication


6.2 ASN.1 Definition of Arguments, Results, and IEs

The following ASN.1 description gives the formal definition of Arguments, Results, and Information Elements.


— { object identifier }



— Export all operations as default


— Datatypes from 02.071, LLP

CI, LAC, TimeSlot, FrameNumber



— { LLP-DataTypes object identifier }


FROM MAP-ExtensionDataTypes {

ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)

gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ExtensionDataTypes (21) version7 (7)}



— RIT Indication Request (ARGUMENT)

RIT-Indication-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

referenceClock ReferenceClock,

rit-ATDRTDQualityRes INTEGER (0..3), — defines the resolution for ATDRTD values

rit-ATDRTDChangeQualityRes INTEGER (0..3), — defines the resolution for ATDRTD change values

rit-Data SeqOfRITData,

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— RIT Indication Response (RESULT)

RIT-IndicationRsp-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— RIT Query Request (ARGUMENT)

RIT-Query-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

requestType RequestType,

rit-RequestDellList SeqOfRequestedRITCell,

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— RIT Query Response (RESULT)

RIT-QueryRsp-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— RIT Stop Query (ARGUMENT)

RIT-StopQuery-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— RIT Stop Query Rsp (RESULT)

RIT-StopQueryRsp-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— Deciphering Keys (ARGUMENT)

DecipheringKeys-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

decipheringKeyType DecipheringKeyType,

decipheringKeySet DecipheringKeys,

lac LAC,

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,


— Deciphering Keys Rsp(RESULT)

DecipheringKeysRsp-Arg ::= SEQUENCE {

extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,




— RequestType

RequestType ::= CHOICE {

— Send only one RIT Indication

singleSending NULL,

— Send RIT Indications until stop is received

openEnded OpenEndedType


OpenEndedType ::= SEQUENCE {

— Reporting period

reportingPeriodInfo ReportingPeriodInfo,

— Tresholds for change of AT and deviation of AT

changeLimit INTEGER (0..250) OPTIONAL,

deviationLimitInfo INTEGER (0..250) OPTIONAL


— Units and value of Reporting Period

ReportingPeriodInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

periodFormat PeriodFormat,

periodValue INTEGER (0..120)


PeriodFormat ::= ENUMERATED {

tensOfSeconds (0),



— RequestedRITCell is actually a sequence of requested cells

SeqOfRequestedRITCell ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF RequestedRITCell

RequestedRITCell ::= SEQUENCE {

cellLAC LAC,

cellCI CI


— RIT-Indication-Arg DEFINITIONS

— Reference clock definition, including reference cell and time

ReferenceClock ::= SEQUENCE {

referenceLAC LAC,

referenceCI CI,

referenceFrameNumber FrameNumber,

— If absoluteTime is absent, AT value of reference

— cell is not known

absoluteTime AbsoluteTime OPTIONAL


ReferenceAT ::= SEQUENCE {

seconds INTEGER (0..59),

nsecods INTEGER (0..999999999)


— Absolute time definition for reference cell

AbsoluteTime ::= SEQUENCE {

universalClock UniversalClockType,

— AT and ATChange definitions

referenceAT ReferenceAT,

— This Quality information defines the quality of AT value

— Resolution defines the resolution of Quality field as follows,

— 0= 0.005 us, 1= 0.01 us, 2= 0.05 us

rit-RefATQuality SEQUENCE {

resolution INTEGER (0..3),

atQuality INTEGER (0..63) },

referenceATChange INTEGER (-1000..1000),

— This Quality information defines the quality of ATChange value

— Resolution defines the resolution of Quality field as follows,

— 0= 0.00005 ppm, 1= 0.0001 ppm, 2= 0.0005

rit-RefATChangeQuality SEQUENCE {

resolution INTEGER (0..3),

atChangeQuality INTEGER (0..63) }


UniversalClockType ::= ENUMERATED {

gpsClock (0),



glonassClock (2),

qzssClock (3),

bdsClock (4),








— RIT Data is actually a sequence of RIT data elements

SeqOfRITData ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF RIT-Data


lac LAC,

ci CI,

frameNumber FrameNumber,

— ATD/RTD value and ATD/RTD change with quality figures

atdRTD INTEGER (0..923199),

atdRTDQuality INTEGER (0..63),

atdRTDChange INTEGER (-2000..2000),

atdRTDChangeQuality INTEGER (0..63)



— Octets in DecipheringKeys are coded in the same way as the octets 3

— to 17 of Deciphering Key IE in 3GPP 49.031. I.e. these octets contain

— Current Deciphering Key, Next Deciphering Key and Ciphering Key Flag.

DecipheringKeys ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (15))

— Deciphering key type indicates the positioning method

— value 0 corresponds to E-OTD

— value 1 corresponds to GPS

DecipheringKeyType ::= INTEGER (0..1)


Annex A (normative):
Operation and Error Definition

The following ASN.1 operation and error definition is the basis for the ASN.1 description of operations and errors in this specification.


— {object identifier }






&Errors ERROR,

&code INTEGER (0..255)



ARGUMENT &Argument

[RESULT &Result]

ERRORS &Errors

CODE &code



&code INTEGER (0..255)



CODE &code



Annex B (informative):
Description of Arguments, Results and Information elements

B.1 Description of elements

B.1.1 Arguments and Results

The following subchapters describe the contents of Arguments and Results of different operations. The formal ASN.1 definitions of Arguments, Results, and the Information Elements in them is given in 6.2.

B.1.1.1 RIT Query Operation

B. Argument

Table B. RIT Query operation Argument

Information element



Request Type

Request Type B.1.2.1


Cell List

Cell List B.1.2.2


Request Type IE

This IE provides the parameters for the requested RIT Indication operations and their scheduling.

Cell List IE

This IE defines the cells whose RIT information is requested.

B. Result

The Result is empty in the case of RIT Query operation. The RIT Query Response message is interpreted as a positive acknowledgement.

B.1.1.2 RIT Indication

B. Argument

Table B. RIT Indication operation Argument

Information element



Reference Clock

Reference Clock B.1.2.3


RIT Data

RIT Data B.1.2.4


Reference Clock IE

The RTD and/or ATD values in this message are expressed relative to the reference clock indicated in this IE. In this version of the standard, the reference clock is the internal clock of some BTS or the GPS time reference. In the former case the BTS has to be measured by LMUs of both SMLCs.


This IE contains the RIT information from different cells reported relative to the reference clock defined in the previous IE.

B. Result

The RIT Indication operation has an empty Response message.

B.1.1.3 RIT Query Stop

B. Argument

The RIT Query Stop operation has an empty Argument.

B. Result

The RIT Query Stop operation has an empty Response message.

B.1.1.4 (void)

B.1.1.5 Send Deciphering Keys

B. Request

Table B. Send Deciphering Keys operation Argument

Information element



Deciphering Key Type

Deciphering Key Type 7


Deciphering Keys

Deciphering Keys 1.2.19


Location Area

Location Area 1.2.20


Deciphering Key Type IE

This IE defines the type of deciphering keys, i.e. whether the keys are applicable to E-OTD or GPS positioning method.

Deciphering Keys IE

This IE contains the Deciphering Keys information to be sent.

Location Area

This IE contains the LAC of the Location Area for which the deciphering keys are valid.

B. Result

The Send Deciphering Keys operation has an empty Result.

B.1.2 Information elements

This clause describes the information structure of information elements independently from the messages where they appear. The formal ASN.1 definition of information elements is given in subclause 6.2.

B.1.2.1 Request Type IE

This IE gives the description of the type of the RIT information request. It contains the following fields:

Reporting Type

This field indicates how long the SMLC should report RIT information. This field is mandatory. This field has the following values:

‘0’: ‘Single Indication’: Send only one RIT Indication;

‘1’: ‘Open ended repetitive RIT Indications’: Send RIT Indications, according to instructions in the following fields, until told otherwise with a RIT Query Stop operation.

Reporting Period Format

This field describes the units of the Reporting Period field. This field is conditional, and included, if the Reporting Type field is ‘1’, i.e. open ended repetitive RIT Indications are requested. If this field is included the minimal time period between the RIT Indication operations is as expressed in this and Reporting Period fields.

‘0’: Reporting Period is told in tens of seconds;

‘1’: Reporting Period is in tens of minutes.

Reporting Period

This field together with the Reporting Period Format field describes the maximum time period between the RIT Indication operations. This field is conditional and included only if the Reporting Type has the value ‘1’, i.e. open ended repetitive RIT Indications are requested.

The encoding shall provide for the range from 10 seconds to 20 hours, with a quantization of 10 minutes on the whole range, and no greater than 10 seconds in the range 10 seconds to 20 minutes. The Reporting Period Format field indicates the units for the value expressed in this field. Value ‘0’ means that the RIT Indication operations should be performed as often as possible.

Range: 0 – 120.

Change Limit

This field indicates a threshold for the change of AT or ATD /RTD values. If any requested AT or ATD/RTD value has changed more than the threshold since the last RIT Indication for the same request, a new RIT Indication operation is performed. In rigorous terms, noting RITi the last reported value, and RITc the current one, a RIT Indication operation is performed when RITc moves out of the interval [RITi-threshold, RITi+threshold].

This field is meaningless unless the Reporting Type is ‘1’, i.e. open ended repetitive RIT Indications are requested, in which case the field is optional. If this field is not included and the Reporting Type 1′, the threshold is infinite (in other words, the difference since the last RIT Indication for the same request is not a trigger for a new Indication).

The encoding shall provide for a time in a range of 0.02 microseconds to 5 microseconds, with a quantization of 0.02 microseconds.

Range: 1-250.

Deviation Limit

This field indicates the threshold for the deviation of the AT or ATD/RTD values. If any time the predicted AT or ATD/RTD value, as computed from the reported AT or ATD/RTD values and rates of change in the last RIT Indication operation, has deviated more than the threshold compared to the current measurement result, a new RIT Indication operation is performed.

This field is meaningless unless the Reporting Type is ‘1’, i.e. open ended repetitive RIT Indications have been requested, in which case the field is optional. If this field is not included and the Reporting Type is ‘1’, the threshold is infinite (in other words, the difference with the predicted value is not a trigger for a new Indication).

The encoding shall provide for the range 0.02 to 5 microseconds, with a quantization of 0.02 microseconds.

Range: 1-250.

B.1.2.2 Cell List IE

This IE contains a list of one or several cells whose RIT information is requested.

This IE contains the following fields.

Number of Cells

This field indicates the number of cells in this IE. This field is mandatory.

Range: 1 – 16.

The following fields are repeated the number of times included in the Number of Cells field.


This field indicates the Location Area Code of the cell whose RIT information is requested, within the PLMN. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.

NOTE: The protocol does not provide for data exchange between SMLCs of different PLMNs.


This field indicates the Cell Identity of the cell whose RIT information is requested, within the PLMN. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.

B.1.2.3 Reference Clock IE

This IE describes a reference clock. A clock includes a time reference, and a frequency reference. In this version of the document, the only supported method for indicating a time reference consists in indicating a particular frame in a particular reference cell. The frequency reference is then that of the cell. The time reference is then the beginning of this frame in the downlink direction, as perceived by a receiver as close as possible from transmitting antennae for the reference cell. In addition, and optionally, the time reference is indicated relative to a universal time reference, and an indication of the drift of the frequency reference relative to the universal time reference is provided.

This IE contains the following fields.


This field indicates the Location Area Code of the reference cell, within the PLMN. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.

NOTE: The protocol does not provide for data exchange between SMLCs of different PLMNs.


This field indicates the Cell Identity of the reference cell, within the PLMN. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.

Reference Frame Number

This field indicates the TDMA frame number FN, as numbered according to 3GPP TS 25.010, of the reference cell corresponding to the reported values in this message. This field is mandatory.

The encoding shall provide for a range of at least 2 hours before the instant the field is received.

Range: 0 – 2 715 647.

Absolute Time Present

This field indicates whether AT of the reference cell is reported or not. This field is mandatory.

‘0’: AT of reference cell is not reported;

‘1’: AT of reference cell is reported.

Universal Clock

This field indicates the type of the universal reference clock for absolute time (AT) indications. This field is optional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.

‘0’: GPS clock is used;

‘1’: Galileo clock is used;

‘2’: GLONASS clock is used;

‘3’: QZSS clock is used;

‘4’: BDS clock is used.

Reference AT

This field indicates the time of the reference instant (i.e., the starting moment of reference frame), relative to the universal reference clock indicated in the previous field.

It is counted in two parts: seconds after last minute change, and nanoseconds after last second change This field is conditional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.


seconds: 0 – 59

nanoseconds: 0 – 999 999 999

Reference AT Change

This field indicates the first time derivative of the AT value relative to the clock of the reference cell. A positive value indicates that the clock of the reference cell lags behind that of the universal reference clock. This field is conditional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.

The range is -0,05 … 0,05 ppm, with a quantization of 0,000 05 ppm.

Range: -1 000 … 1 000.

Reference AT Quality Resolution

Reference AT Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in Reference AT Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows

’00’ 0.005 micro seconds

’01’ 0.01 micro seconds

’10’ 0.05 micro seconds

’11’ Reserved.

This field is conditional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.

Reference AT Quality

Reference AT Quality field includes the quality of reported RIT measurement. This Reference AT Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of AT measurements in the SMLC. Reference AT quality is defined as

Reference AT Quality == Std of reported AT value,

where is the reported Reference AT value and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of Reference AT Quality is defined by Reference AT Quality resolution field.

This field is conditional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.

Reference AT Change Quality Resolution

Reference AT Change Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in Reference AT Change Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows

’00’ 0,000 05 ppm

’01’ 0,000 1 ppm

’10’ 0,000 5 ppm

’11’ Reserved.

This field is conditional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.

Reference AT Change Quality

Reference AT Change Quality field includes the quality of reported Reference AT Change. This Reference AT Change Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of RIT measurements in the SMLC. Reference AT Change Quality is defined as

Reference AT Change Quality == Std of reported AT Change value

where is the reported Reference AT Change and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of Reference AT Change Quality is defined by Reference AT Change Quality Resolution field.

This field is conditional, and included only if the Absolute Time Present field is ‘1’.

B.1.2.4 RIT Data IE

This IE contains the requested RIT information. It contains the following fields.

Number of Cells

This field indicates the number of cells in this IE. This field is mandatory.

Range: 1 – 16.

ATD/RTD Quality Resolution

ATD/RTD Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in ATD/RTD Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows

’00’ 0,005 micro seconds

’01’ 0,01 micro seconds

’10’ 0,05 micro seconds

’11’ Reserved.

This field is mandatory.

ATD/RTD Change Quality Resolution

ATD/RTD Change Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in ATD/RTD Change Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows

’00’ 0,000 05 ppm

’01’ 0,000 1 ppm

’10’ 0,000 5 ppm

’11’ Reserved.

This field is mandatory.

The following fields are repeated the number of times included in the Number of Cells field.


This field indicates the Location Area Code of the cell whose RIT information is given, within the PLMN. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.


This field indicates the Cell Identity of the cell whose RIT information is given, within the PLMN. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.

Cell Frame Number

This field indicates the TDMA frame number, as numbered according to 3GPP TS 25.010, of the first whole slot that has been (or would have been) sent by the cell at the time reference or immediately after. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 2 715 647.


This field indicates elapsed time between starting moment of the reference frame and starting moment of the next whole neighbor frame in the downlink directionas perceived by a receiver as close as possible from transmitting antennae for the cell. The result is thus always positive. This field is mandatory.

The encoding shall provide for a range of 0 to 1 250 bit periods, with a quantization of 0,005 microseconds (around 1,5 metres at light speed).

Range: 0 … 923 199

ATD/RTD Quality

ATD/RTD Quality field includes the quality of reported RIT measurement. This ATD/RTD Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of RIT measurements in the SMLC. ATD/RTD quality is defined as

ATD/RTD Quality = = Std of reported ATD/RTD value,

where is the reported ATD/RTD value and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of ATD/RTD Quality is defined by ATD/RTD Quality resolution field.

Range: 0 to 63

This field is mandatory.

ATD/RTD Change

This field indicates the first time derivative of the ATD/RTD value between the transmissions of signals from the reference cell and the measured cell. This field is mandatory.

The encoding shall provide for a range of -0,10 … 0,10 ppm , with a quantization of 0,000 05 ppm.

Range: -2 000 … 2 000.

ATD/RTD Change Quality

ATD/RTD Change Quality field includes the quality of reported ATD/RTD Change. This ATD/RTD Change Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of RIT measurements in the SMLC. ATD/RTD Change Quality is defined as

ATD/RTD Change Quality == Std of reported ATD/RTD Change value,

where is the reported ATD/RTD Change and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of ATD/RTD Change Quality is defined by ATD/RTD Change Quality resolution field.

Range: 0 to 63

This field is mandatory.

B.1.2.5 (void)

B.1.2.6 (void)

B.1.2.7 (void)

B.1.2.8 (void)

B.1.2.9 (void)

B.1.2.10 (void)

B.1.2.11 (void)

B.1.2.12 (void)

B.1.2.13 (void)

B.1.2.14 (void)

B.1.2.15 (void)

B.1.2.16 Deciphering Key Type IE

This IE defines the type of deciphering keys, i.e. whether the keys are applicable to E-OTD or GPS positioning method.

‘0’ E-OTD;

‘1’ GPS.

B.1.2.17 Deciphering Keys IE

The contents of this IE are as in 3GPP TS 49.031 in the corresponding IE excluding the BSSAP-LE Information Element Identifier, the length indicator, and the spare bits.

B.1.2.18 Location Area IE

This IE includes the LAC of the Location Area. This IE contains the following fields.


This field indicates the Location Area Code of the location area whose deciphering keys are included in this IE. This field is mandatory.

Range: 0 – 65 535.

B.1.2.19 (void)

Annex C (informative):
Change History





New Version

January 2016

Rel-13 version created based on v12.0.0


Change history








New version



Version for Release 14 (frozen at TSG-75)




Update to Rel-15 version (MCC)




Upgrade to Rel-16 version without technical change




Upgrade to Rel-17 version without technical change
