3GPP48.020Rate adaption on the Base Station System - Mobile-services Switching Centre (BSS - MSC) interfaceRelease 17TS
The RAA’ function shall be applied only when TCH/F14.4, TCH/F28.8, or TCH/F43.2 channels are used.
The RAA’ converts E-TRAU frame into A-TRAU frame and vice versa.
The format of the E-TRAU frame is specified in 3GPP TS 48.060.
11.1 Coding of A-TRAU frame
The format of the A-TRAU frame is given in Figure 5.
An A-TRAU frame carries eight 36 bit-data frames.
C Bits
Table 3
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
C4 |
Date Rate |
0 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
14,4 kbit/s |
0 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
14.4 kbit/s idle (IWF to BSS only) |
Table 4
C5 |
BSS to IWF |
IWF to BSS |
1 |
idle |
framing error |
0 |
data |
no framing error |
NOTE 1: Bit C5 corresponds to bit C6 of the E-TRAU frame as defined in 3GPP TS 48.060.
M Bits
Transparent data
M1 and M2 are as defined in 3GPP TS 44.021.
Non transparent data
See subclause 15.2 of the present document.
Z bits
Bits Zi are used for Framing Pattern Substitution.
See subclause 11.2.
11.2 Framing Pattern Substitution in A-TRAU frame
The Framing Pattern Substitution is used in each of the eight 36 bit data fields of the A-TRAU frame (see Figure 5) to avoid transmitting a sequence of eight zeroes (called Z sequence in the following).
The purposes of FPS is to avoid erroneous synchronisation to the A-TRAU due to sixteen zeroes occurring accidentally in the data bits and to avoid erroneous synchronisation to V.110. The synchronisation pattern of two consecutive V.110 frames cannot be found within a stream of A TRAU frames.
11.2.1 FPS encoding
A Zero Sequence Position (ZSP) field is used to account for the occurrence of eight zeroes in the 36 bit data field.
NOTE: A sequence of eight zeroes is considered as a block (e.g. a stream of eleven consecutive zeroes produces only one ZSP and not four ZSPs).
The ZSP field is defined as follows:
Table 5
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
1 |
C |
A0 |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
A4 |
1 |
The meaning of the different bits of the ZSP field is :
C : Continuation bit. ‘0’ means that there is another ZSP in the data field. ‘1’ means that there is no other ZSP.
A0-A4 :address of the next Z sequence (eight zeroes) to be inserted. The address ‘00001’ corresponds to the bit D1, the value ‘11101’ to the bit D29, (A0 is the msb, A4 is the lsb).
NOTE: a Z sequence substitution cannot occur at bit D30..D36 (as it is 8 bit long)
1 : locking bit prevent the false occurrence of a Z sequence.
The Framing Pattern Substitution is applied in each of the eight 36 bit data field (see Figure 5).
Bit Zi indicates whether FPS is used in the ith 36 bit data field (i=1 to 8). The coding of the Zi bit is the following:
Table 6
Zi (i=1..8) |
meaning |
1 |
no substitution |
0 |
at least one substitution |
If Zi bit indicates no substitution, the output data bits of FPS are equal to the input data bits.
If Zi indicates at least one substitution, the bits D1-D8 contain the first ZSP.
The following description indicates the general operating procedures for FPS. It is not meant to indicate a required implementation of the encoding procedure.
Figure 1
Step 1:
The input 36 bit sub frame is considered as a bit stream in which the bits are numbered from 1 to 36.
This bit stream contains 0, 1 or several Z sequences, (Zseq1 to Zseq3 on the figure)
The Z sequence is a sequence of 8 consecutive zeroes : ‘0000 0000’
Step 2:
Starting from this bit stream, two lists are built up :
2-a : the ‘a’ list which contains the address of the first bit of each Z sequences.
2-d : the ‘d’ list which contains all the data blocks which do not have the Z sequence.
Step 3:
The ‘a’ list is transformed so as to build the ZSP list. Each ZSP element is used to indicate:
at which address is the next Z sequence of the message
if yet another ZSP element is found at this address (link element)
Step 4:
The output 37 bit sub frame is built from:
the Zi field which indicates whether the original message has been transformed or not with this technique. In the example given in Figure 1, Zi shall be set to ‘0’ to indicate that at least one FPS has occurred.
the ZSP and D elements interleaved.
As the ZSP elements have exactly the same length as the Z sequence, the sub frame length is only increased by one (the Zi bit), whatever the number of frame pattern substitutions may be.
For special cases, refer to annex A.
11.3 A-TRAU Synchronisation Pattern
The frame synchronisation is obtained by means of the first two octets in each frame, with all bits coded binary "0" and the first bit in octet no 2 coded binary "1". The following 17 bit alignment pattern is used to achieve frame synchronisation:
00000000 |
00000000 |