3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

3GPP48.016Base Station System (BSS) - Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN) interfaceGeneral Packet Radio Service (GPRS)Network serviceRelease 17TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 22.060 and the following in apply:

BSSGP Virtual Connection (BVC): end-to-end virtual communication path between remote Network Service user entities

BSSGP Virtual Connection Identifier (BVCI): identifier of a BVC, having end-to-end significance across the Gb interface

IP endpoint: an endpoint defined by its IP address and UDP port. An IP endpoint can be a data endpoint and/or a signalling endpoint

Data IP endpoint: an IP endpoint used for Data traffic

Signalling IP endpoint: an IP endpoint used for Signalling traffic

Data traffic: data traffic for an IP Sub-Network is defined as NS SDUs for PTP and PTM functional entities (BVCI1)

Signalling traffic: signalling traffic for an IP Sub-Network is defined as NS SDUs for Signalling functional entities (BVCI=0) and all PDUs for IP Sub-Network Service Control

Full Mesh Connectivity: any IPv4 endpoint in an NSE is capable of communications with any IPv4 endpoint in its peer NSE. Also any IPv6 endpoint in an NSE is capable of communications with any IPv6 endpoint in its peer NSE

Network Service Entity Identifier (NSEI): identifier of an NS Entity having end-to-end significance across the Gb interface, i.e. the peer NSEs on the BSS side and the SGSN side are identified by the same NSEI value

Network Service Virtual Connection (NS-VC): end-to-end virtual communication path between Network Service peer entities

Network Service Virtual Connection Identifier (NS-VCI): identifier of an NS-VC having end-to-end significance across the Gb interface

Network Service Virtual Link (NS-VL): virtual communication path between the BSS or the SGSN and the intermediate network, or between the BSS and the SGSN in case of direct point-to-point configuration

Network Service Virtual Link Identifier (NS-VLI): identifier of an NS-VL, having local significance at the BSS or SGSN

Network Service Virtual Connection Group: groups all NS-VCs together which provide communication between the same peer NS entities. This grouping has local significance at the BSS or SGSN

Blocked / unblocked: when an NS-VC can not be used for NS user traffic, it is blocked. When an NS-VC can be used for NS user traffic, it is unblocked

Dead / alive: when an NS-VC is able to provide communication between remote NS entities, it is alive. When it is not able, it is dead. These states are supervised by means of a test procedure, as further described in the present document

Pool area: an area within which an MS may roam without need to change the serving SGSN. A pool area is served by one or more SGSNs in parallel. All the cells controlled by a BSC belong to the same one (or more) pool area(s).

3.2 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the symbols given in 3GPP TS 23.060 apply.

3.3 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TS 21.905 and the following apply:

BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification

BSSGP Base Station System GPRS Protocol

BVC BSSGP Virtual Connection

BVCI BSSGP Virtual Connection Identifier

CLLM Consolidated Link Layer Management

DE Discard Eligibility

FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification

FR Frame Relay

FRF Frame Relay Forum

IP Internet Protocol

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4

IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6

LLC Logical Link Control

LSP Link Selector Parameter

MAC Medium Access Control

NS Network Service

NSEI Network Service Entity Identifier

NS-SAP Network Service Service Access Point

NS-VC Network Service Virtual Connection

NS-VCI Network Service Virtual Connection Identifier

NS-VL Network Service Virtual Link

NS-VLI Network Service Virtual Link Identifier

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PTM Point-To-Multipoint

PTP Point-To-Point

PVC Permanent Virtual Connection

RLC Radio Link Control

SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node

SNS Sub-Network Service

UDP User Datagram Protocol

UNI User-to-Network Interface