5 Full rate speech transcoding (GSM 06.10)

3GPP46.001Full rate speechProcessing functionsRelease 17TS

As shown in figure 1, the speech encoder takes its input as a 13 bit uniform PCM signal either from the audio part of the mobile station or on the network side, from the PSTN via an 8 bit/A‑law or -law (PCS 1900) to 13 bit uniform PCM conversion. The encoded speech at the output of the speech encoder is delivered to the channel coding function defined in GSM 05.03 to produce an encoded block consisting of 456 bits leading to a gross bit rate of 22,8 kbit/s.

In the receive direction, the inverse operations take place. GSM 06.10 [3] describes the detailed mapping between input blocks of 160 speech samples in 13 bit uniform PCM format to encoded blocks of 260 bits and from encoded blocks of 260 bits to output blocks of 160 reconstructed speech samples. The sampling rate is 8 000 sample/s leading to an average bit rate for the encoded bit stream of 13 kbit/s. The coding scheme is the so‑called Regular Pulse Excitation ‑ Long Term prediction ‑ Linear Predictive Coder, here‑after referred to as RPE‑LTP.

The technical specification describes the codec down to the bit level, thus enabling the verification of compliance to the technical specification to a high degree of confidence by use of a set of digital test sequences. These test sequences are also described and are available on floppy disks.